Anti Lily Evans - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

My whole 2000-word post regarding this has been deleted. I am honestly disappointed. But I'll try to rephrase it simply while putting it in detail because I'll go cry off a cliff after this.


I compared them as how they were friends, therefore Severus was a better friend than her. Sure he did idiotic stuff with messed up ideologies but he wouldn't laugh at an upside down Lily in her underwear.


This is funny about the portrait because it's more likely that his prejudices dissolved after SWM, and at twenty-one, his prejudices against muggle-borns and muggles would've largely subsided, if not disappeared entirely.

Sure, maybe that portrait reminded him of Lily, but then again, he could've brushed it off with the "Well it's the know-it-all Granger."

Tell me, when he explicitly or was it implied that he hated muggles after he was twenty-one, his ideology was gone, he really changed. You tell me you're a Severus fan but you fail to acknowledge the fact that he already changed after SWM? That's pretty pathetic if you ask me.

Yes, he joined the DE, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he hates muggles and muggle-borns doesn't he? He joined it for power and respect, FYI.


Okay, at the time, he was prejudiced about muggle-borns, but you're telling me that Lily did not criticize him until she was the one being called a Mudblood?

Lily does confront Severus, but she doesn't talk to him about his messed up doctrines or the ideology of his friends. She is bothered because he is hanging out with people who are cruel to a girl.

She only dropped Severus when he called her a mudblood, that's pretty selfish, isn't it?

He used that word to demean them, but didn't Lily know? So why did she call him out about the Marauders about getting saved by Potter (I'm implying that Lily is not terrified of the idea of criticizing Severus) but never call him out on his prejudices?

I'm not going to comment anything on your third paragraph.

Sorry if I'm rude, I'm just pissed that a long ass work got me out of Tumblr and everything refreshed :/

Having Lily as the "Best Thing That Happened" in your life is honestly just sad and fucked up.

Having Lily As The "Best Thing That Happened" In Your Life Is Honestly Just Sad And Fucked Up.

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5 months ago

I put Lily Evans critical and didn't put the normal Lily Evans tag, I don't know why this went on your fyp.

Anyways, it's not about how bad Severus or Lily is overall, it's about Lily being a terrible friend.

Broski dated her ex-best friend's tormentor, Severus called her a mudblood but that's jst crazy

Feel free to block me. (I'll do the honours for you)

Nah, you’re right poster. Ignore the dickheads sending you horrible messages for an opinion. Lily didn’t do anything bad. But I don’t think based on the book that she even liked him that much even as a friend, and so it is sad and fucked up that Severus was so loved-starved that she was the best that he ever experienced when she just…wasn’t that fussed about him.

Idk who you are, but I love you sm.

I have a little theory with a few people that Lily has been waiting for anything Severus would do wrong to get rid of them, and before anyone else beats me up for this, it kinda makes sense.

Lily is perfect headgirl who's quite beautiful in probably almost everyone's eyes, and her having 'Snivellus' would make her have this imperfection.

It would also make sense for her friends to be like "Oh Severus is a Slytherin and likes the Dark Arts!" Since she'd obviously have Gryffindor friends.

And he's also like that weird student in school that no one would want to be friends with.

It honestly sucks that Severus has her as the best person that happened to him, it's so fucked up because Lily's just a red flag friend (KEYWORD: friend) and everyone just bullies him.

I mean, who would laugh at their friends while they get publicly humiliated? James knew what he was doing, literally no one in the Wizarding World wore trousers. Severus would've cursed anyone who would even try that on Lily.

I just want to give Severus a hug man, he never got his happy ending (And he's so depressed in Hogwarts Legacy too) he has Lily as the best thing that happened to him, had bullies who SA'd him and attempted to murder him, and his father and mother canonically neglected him (Since Harry is abused, he'd view this as neglect since Harry's life is also fucked up, so it's also heavily implied that Severus was abused as well.)

I don't know why people hate me for an opinion, if you see Lily as a great person, then sure, but Lily is just a red flag for me, because she's not a great friend. Sure, she has flaws and imperfections, but I—an imperfect and person with flaws—would never deflect any stuff a bully did to my best friend nor would laugh at them while they get SA'd.

Severus did terrible stuff, sure, but he never failed his duty as a friend like Lily did :/

Nah, Youre Right Poster. Ignore The Dickheads Sending You Horrible Messages For An Opinion. Lily Didnt

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5 months ago

It isn't even confirmed if Severus actually loved her romantically... 😭

People who say Snape became bitter because Lily wouldn't date him are so dumb. Like, did we read the same books/watch the same movies?????

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5 months ago

Lily's choices of liking James even when James was actively bullying Severus and hunting him down with the Marauders map is very... Erm... Questionable.

JKR continues to confuse me with the choices she made for these characters.

Quote from an old interview when she was asked about how Lily’s feelings changed for James…

JKR Continues To Confuse Me With The Choices She Made For These Characters.

Seems she’s implying that Lily was attracted to James even when he was actively bullying her best friend.

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9 months ago

This is so fitting, I don't even like Nightcore and it's still going on repeat. Lily was such a bad friend.

Lily Evans is just a little girl

I was re-listening to this song (I love the nightcore version) and it made me think! This is perfect for the Snape and Lily friendship break up!!! Or it would be if Snape realized how bad a friend 'saint' Lily was.

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2 years ago

Holy shit I love this post 😂

What a great day to remember that

Wolfstar isnt cannon

Jegulus isnt cannon

And Jily is only cannon cause Lily would reather fuck her bffs abuser that be a decadent friend

What a great day to remember that All the Young Dudes is not, and will never be canon 😊

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5 months ago

you hate lily but ship jeverus???? just what's wrong with you???? that guy threatened to take his underwear off, that's straight up assault. you want that for severus????? that guy????

Let's see, let's see, let's see

I won't color it because it makes me angry that people think one thing directly without thinking that there is something more with arguments

I don't ship that, technically I hate Lily and James

James was a shitty person and when he did that he should have gone to jail, I don't doubt that there was even that and more to Snape and that's why Snape hates Harry so much, Since I might remember the trauma that James gave him, in the Latin dubbing of the movie, they called James a pig, so, it's accurate.

I know about that, it really gives you an incredible hatred for the person who does that shit to you, and more so when you don't get justice and nobody believes you or believe you because you are a outcast (I worked in hospitals, in health centers and also because of personal experiences with sexual abuse)

This is a collaboration and I'm not afraid to give my opinion that Lily and James Potter were shitty people.

Everyone idealizes Lily, they fell into the same thing as Snape, that she is supposedly an angel

She LET her "friend" SUFFER FOR IT

She couldn't even tell anyone?, but above all



Obviously Snape screwed up really hard, he is a victim and an aggressor at the same time.

A victimizer

In particular, I hate Snape shipping with the Marauders, or Lily or Lucius or anyone who isn't in their right mind or doesn't treat Snape with descent.

I don't make ships, I rarely make ships, I only draw characters, and if this is a collaboration of this character with James, it's because I like the person with whom I do the collaboration.

My thinking is based on that, not the ship, so kindly I ask you to not assume nonsense that no one told you, thank you sweetie, have a nice day <3

You Hate Lily But Ship Jeverus???? Just What's Wrong With You???? That Guy Threatened To Take His Underwear

You Hate Lily But Ship Jeverus???? Just What's Wrong With You???? That Guy Threatened To Take His Underwear

I also don't doubt that just because of a ship people are not good people, it's stupid to assume that, unless they make ships with minors, that is, maps, or make incestuous ships...

You Hate Lily But Ship Jeverus???? Just What's Wrong With You???? That Guy Threatened To Take His Underwear

And yes, I'm pro Snape, But at the same time we have to remember that we shouldn't fight over a stupid thing like this, even so, it makes me nervous that they believe nonsense about me when they don't even know me

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5 months ago
Dying Looking Into The Eyes Of The Person I Love The Most, And After He Died, He Was Able To Achieve

Dying looking into the eyes of the person I love the most, and after he died, he was able to achieve something, but, they are only empty words, he is dead, they cannot change the past

He died without love, he was born without love, and yet he is the bad one for not learning about a good life? All he knew was pain and hate, no one taught him to love.

Dying Looking Into The Eyes Of The Person I Love The Most, And After He Died, He Was Able To Achieve
Dying Looking Into The Eyes Of The Person I Love The Most, And After He Died, He Was Able To Achieve

But we love him so much

Dying Looking Into The Eyes Of The Person I Love The Most, And After He Died, He Was Able To Achieve

Something about Snape, 31-38, with pure black hair, not a single sign of white, despite that being the age most people start going grey

Something about how he had the full dark hair of youth and died like that

Something about how he never truly grew up like he should have

Something about how he was always stuck there in the past, stuck as that Snape boy from Spinner's End, stuck as Snivellus the boy who the Marauders hated for just existing

Something about how he died there in the same place he nearly died as a boy

Something about how he died in that place, bloodied and wounded, raven black hair, no difference between him and his boyhood self

Something about how that black hair was perhaps a sign that he was still living in the past, that a piece of him was eternally frozen at 21, at 16, at 15, he died a man yet he wasn't one, he wasn't a boy but not quite a man

Something about how his portrait among all the other heads of Hogwarts is the only one whose hair is fully dark, whose face isn't lined with age.

Next to them, he is a boy. Perhaps he always was.

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4 months ago

The sad thing is that we don’t even get to see any uncomplicatedly happy memories of his innocent childhood friendship with Lily. There’s this pervasive sense from the start of that chapter that JKR thinks that even 9 year old Lily was too good for him (the horrid judgemental use of the word ‘greedy’ and that quote she once gave where she said Snape’s tragedy was that he was drawn to but couldn’t emulate Lily’s innate goodness makes me hurl - what was so innately different about them aged 9 other than her good looks and middle class parents?) and so every single scene is her chastising him for something or other. Like she couldn’t allow saintly Lily to be seen as genuinely choosing and enjoying the company of someone as prickly and offputting as Snape, so she time skips 5 years and just tells us instead of showing us that they’re best friends. Unfortunately by failing to show any gentle, unspoiled moments the whole thing comes off like Lily sees him as a charity case she condescends to hang out with on occasion, while Severus fails to get the picture that clinging hard to someone who doesn’t want that is always going to end in a toxic place for both parties. Sorry for the super long post! It’s just rare to find someone who doesn’t buy into JKR’s intended reading of the Potter parents.

This is quite an interesting topic because even years ago, when I re-read the series at 19 or 20 and was quite involved in political groups and unions at university, I got the impression that Rowling creates a world where classism is constantly justified unless you are on the side of the bad guys. That is to say, Draco being a classist is wrong because he’s Draco, and he’s bad, and he’s Slytherin. But then you have quite a few characters who have clear classist attitudes and nothing happens because they are part of the heroes of the story, and so we’re going to completely overlook it. For example, Sirius is a classist; he always has been and even has nothing against slavery and treats his house-elf like rubbish. He doesn’t even consider him a conscious and independent living being; he’s just a bug to him. The Weasleys have a clear class resentment; they are humble and are sold to us as open-minded and tolerant people, but the reality is that if someone doesn’t fit into their narrow standards of “goodness,” they shut down and are just as petty and prejudiced as any blood supremacist. The best example of this is how the Weasley women treat Fleur simply because, instead of being a humble pick-me girl, she’s posh. But the fact is that Fleur has done absolutely nothing wrong for Ginny and Molly to treat her that way; her only sin is being beautiful and feminine, end of story. It’s supposed to be a story to learn that prejudices are wrong, but Hermione spends her life labelling other girls like the Patils or Lavender (before Lavender gets involved with Ron) as frivolous because they like doing things that are traditionally classified as feminine, which reveals that Rowling has quite a few prejudices against certain groups of women and their attitudes, stemming from a clear internalised misogyny that is present throughout the novel. You only have to look at how she glorifies motherhood as the pinnacle of female fulfilment and the real way to become a moral and brave example within the saga (Lily and Molly, Narcissa being redeemed ONLY because she loves her son) compared to the female characters who either haven’t seen motherhood as a dream come true (Merope Gaunt) or who have no children (Bellatrix), who are portrayed as little less than the worst of the worst in the story.

What I mean by this is that Rowling has quite a significant cognitive dissonance when it comes to establishing the moral values of the story. Because this is not A Song of Ice and Fire; it’s not a multi-voiced story with various perspectives from which you can develop your own complex criteria. It’s a story told from a single point of view where the dichotomy between good and evil is a central point of conflict, but is often blurred by quite a few contradictions that have no explanation, not even theoretically. I mean, the social themes in this story are terribly mismanaged and portrayed in a very superficial way. In the end, the conclusion you draw is that Gryffindor’s mission, the Order, or Harry’s is basically to defeat Voldemort to continue preserving the same status quo in which the magical world has always been immersed, with no intention of going to the root of the problems and taking action for real change. But well, we’re talking about a story written by a woman who turns her protagonist into the magical equivalent of a cop. I mean, LOL. I mean, ACAB, what can I say.

I say all this because when we talk about James and Lily, all of this applies in the same way. James and Lily make no sense. James and Lily are an example of what should NOT be done when writing a script, for instance. In screenwriting, the premise is always show, don't tell. But Lily and James are purely the tell. Lily and James are known for what other characters tell us about them, totally subjective characters, especially those who were friends with the couple. They are presented as great heroes when the reality in canon is that they did nothing. They joined the Order, were in it for a year, and then spent a year and a half holed up at home with their child, then they died, and that’s it. They can be treated as something tragic, but heroic? I wouldn’t say so.

They are also shown as paradigms of "the good ones," of the "correct morality," especially Lily, who is basically the Virgin Mary of this story and seems to have no flaws at all. But the reality is that if we go to canon, everything Lily does is a constant failure. Lily is condescending to Severus from the very beginning, probably because he is poorer than she is. Then she treats him as a charity case, which is already annoying her because he’s too geeky, odd, and marginal, causing her problems in her social circles. Then she half-smiles at his abuser while he is mistreating and humiliating him in front of the entire school. And then she marries that abuser. You can tell me whatever you want about Lily Potter, but what you’re showing me is rubbish, and if you show me rubbish but tell me wonderful things, there’s something that doesn’t add up, and for me, that’s the greatest failure of all.

If I have to be honest, I go back to what I mentioned before: for me, Lily had a huge inferiority complex. She felt inferior in the Muggle world because perhaps she wasn’t poor, but her family didn’t live in a good area either; they were probably lower middle class, without status or a promising future. At Hogwarts, she felt inferior for being the daughter of Muggles, so throughout her life, she secretly wanted to be part of the elite, to stand out, to be popular, to be seen as something important. That a boy like James Potter—handsome, wealthy, popular, with pure-blood status—would take an interest in her never displeased her. Deep down, she liked it; it was what she wanted. In the end, she gave in and married him, and she was probably very happy with her decision because that way, she ended up at the pinnacle of the social ladder. Of course, she liked James deep down for a long time; as Rowling once said. She liked what James represented, what he could mean for her. She would no longer just be the good student, pretty, nice, and popular; she would also have one of the most popular boys in school as a partner, who was also rich and of pure blood. I think that deep down, she and Petunia are quite similar in that regard, both seeking social ascent, each in their own way. After all, they were sisters.

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7 months ago

“but they matured!”

Of course they did.

I don’t think people understand that when it comes to the dynamic of an abuser and their victim, the abuser can always move on and change at any time.

All because of one simple reason; they weren’t the ones that had to be on the receiving end of the trauma.

The abusers can move on and live their happy lives without ever having to think twice about their pasts, chalk it up to ‘them being kids and not knowing any better’ while the victim has to live with the burnt of that trauma for the rest of their life.

It’s why the argument that the marauders ‘grew up and matured’ always falls flat to my ears because it always feels as if it’s used as an excuse to blame the victim for not being able to let go of their trauma and ‘get over it’, especially because severus was never shown to have ever had a good support system for him ‘getting over it’ to have ever been a possibility.

Even more-so when it’s shown that the marauders hadn’t changed or matured at all.

Did they ever apologize?

Did they ever try to atone for their actions?

No, they never did. They simply chose to forget about it and move on with their lives. Because it did not affect them.

They grew up, they got married, they enjoyed life, and when they died their sins were wiped clean and they were martyred and worshipped by the entire wizarding world.

It’s no wonder that Severus carried as much bitterness as he did.

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