Anti Vaxxers - Tumblr Posts

I really like what this physicist, Lamar Glover, has to say in Behind the Curve.
+ this part from Spiros Michalakis:

Trump picks anti-vaxxer to lead commission on vaccine safety
Trump on Tuesday asked a prominent anti-vaxxer to lead a commission on vaccine safety.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of Bobby Kennedy, said he agreed to lead the commission, which will seek to ensure there is “scientific integrity in the vaccine process for efficacy and safety effects,” Kennedy said.
Kennedy believes vaccines have led to a rise in autism, a claim that’s been debunked by doctors and scientists.
Kennedy told reporters Tuesday that Trump “has some doubts about the current vaccine policies.” Read more
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I have asthma, and for those who don't know, COVID can cause respiratory issues. Therefore, if I got COVID without the vaccine, it would have probably killed me. Although the vaccine doesn't stop transmission, it does lessen the toll that COVID takes on your body, so please get vaccinated. I genuinely cant believe anti-vaxxers still exist.
Maybe a hot take but isn’t Coronavirus just what will happen if antivaxxers win? Like it’s just a flu with no herd immunity
following a few 'vaccines cause autism' posts
I'm autistic, and vaccinated.
I was autistic before I was vaccinated. I was autistic before I got my MMR vaccination.
I am autistic.
I am vaccinated.
They're two very different things.
I get vaccinated for my health, and for other's health.
I'm autistic because I was born with it.
For the last time, autism is not caused by a vaccination; if you're autistic, you're born with it.
And the academic paper that was published that cites that vaccines cause autism has been proven time and time again to be false - and the person who published it (Andrew Wakefield) has been discredited and deregistered
I was curious if this person was a real doctor or just played one on the internet so I did a Google.
To the surprise of no one ever, Dr. Loupis is a right-wing extremist whose entire MO is to lie on twitter to make other people despise the same folks she does. (Sadly, she is a real doctor in Copenhagen.)
Searching her name reveals that prior to the war begun by Hamas on October 7, Loupis was busy being a vile transphobe and being the kind of anti-vaxxer who references The Epoch Times unironically.
Mother Jones had an article back on 25 October, 2023, which included Loupis alongside various extremists (like Hinkle and the other Tate) who support Palestine as a way of differentiating themselves from more "mainstream" right-wingers. Because this is all just vice signalling and games to them, not a real conflict that harms real people.
I note that this article quotes a JVP communications director, who refers to Loupis and her ilk as "white nationalists with a racist agenda trying to curry favor by peddling vile forms of antisemitic trash". And like. For real. Do you know how antisemitic you have to be in order to get JVP to call you an antisemite????

This is the kind of shit “antizionists” live to smear online.
Jews don’t believe in a devil or in a “permanent” hell. Jesus was Jewish, but we don’t believe in him as a prophet.