The Witcher 3 - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Y’know, it’s not that I’m tired of soft Eskel headcanons, I just equally want Eskel headcanons where he gets upset, down in the dumps, angry, etc.

Imagining Eskel walking into town and getting a contract, talking to the contractor and finding out the the Witcher before that tried to take this beast down didn’t make it? I know they say Witcher’s don’t have emotion, but thinking of the overwhelming feeling he’d get is enough to keep his jaw tense through the entire thing, his wrists and fingers sore from clenching and unclenching. He mourns pretty hard for them, since no one else is gonna do it for these Witcher’s.

Or seeing Eskel fuss over Lambert in Kaer Morhens kitchen, they’re suppose to be making dinner when Lambert uses the wrong ingredients, and he’s not upset over that, but the facts that Lambert kept putting the wrong things in it on purposes after made him set things down roughly and inhale sharply through his nose, before walking out with a long and heavy sigh. He walked the walls a couple of times that night to cool off.

Possibly the saddest of the bunch is maybe he’s having a good day, didn’t get as injured on a hunt and got paid full price and while he’s walking back to Scorpion, a babe let’s put a startled cry from the look of him, causing the mother to startle at him too. This caused a chain reaction, more eyes and more disgusted and terrified looks sent his way and he only just realized he left his hood down. It completely shatters his mood.

I love making headcanons for happy Eskel, but adding a mix of both happy and sad headcanons makes my cake. I like to think that he also has support there for him of course, after ever shower is sunshine.

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4 years ago

Thinkin’ soft moments like times Jaskier gets Geralt to laugh, like a deep belly laugh, or its surprised out of him.

Something like maybe.... Jaskier wakes up in the middle of the night, with travel time sometimes his sleeping schedule gets off centre, so he sits up and rubs his eyes and accepts that was all he’s gonna get for the night. After sitting for a moment, he realizes that Geralt is awake too, tending to the fire to keep light. It was smaller than when it was first made, so the light from it was dim, perfect for seeing both sleep deprived men but keeping everything beyond that in the shadows.

He’s spent more nights than he could count like this with Geralt, mainly on the path but sometimes in the villiages they stay in, too. Though, normally Jaskier tries to find something(someone) who will give him a good enough time to knock out after. That being said, during these times it’s normal for them to be, well quiet. No, Jaskier is no quiet man, but just being able to sit there with Geralt and just have that small peace— it was kind of nice.

So when Geralt mumbles something to him, well he wasn’t awake enough to hear.

“Hm? What was that, darling?” Jaskier asks, turning his head to the side, tired eyes watching Geralt. Geralt moves with him, slumping back against the small tree behind him and crossing his (sexy) arms over his broad triangle frame, and says “look up.”

So that’s what they do. After Jaskier looks up, Geralt convinces him to stand and takes him to a place he found while trying to hunt for their dinner. It was a small field filled with normal field things, probably a bit smaller than the courtyard of Kaer Morhen. The sky was over all clear with a few clouds here and there, and the moon was at a perfect place to cast its lovely shine on the overgrowth.

Jaskier shoots Geralt a small questioning look, but is lightly shoved in response, and follows Geralt into the field. The patches of tall gross come up to about Jaskier’s lower thigh, so when he wasn’t watching his step he was watching it wave in the howling wind. Doesn’t take Geralt long either to stop them and flop onto the dusty ground. Jaskier isn’t so tough like that so he crumbles to the ground with more grace and lays on his back with Geralt, and they begin to talk.

Waking up in the middle of the night for Jaskier was weird enough, but waking up and going to a secret place and star gazing while you talk about random things to someone you have grown to love, one could say Jaskier was having a good night. Time has passed and the topic Jaskier and Geralt are now on going something like...... hmm... “it starts when you’re young, you follow people’s reactions, or listen to them. An example is like being told dogs are a good thing to play and love on, so you make that apart of the ‘good’ or ‘safe’ for yourself—“

“mhm, mhm.”

“—but you’re also told that, something like ants are bad, either taught so or you’ve learned on your own. If my songs could change some people’s opinions, imagine the days where parents tell their kids that’s a Witcher’s coming to save them and instead of that taught fear now, it’s joy and happiness.” Jaskier finishes, hands connecting over his stomach as he retraces a constellation with his eyes.

“Mm. Some places are like that now, have I told you about the little girl who came up to me?” Geralt continues, tilting his head a little towards Jaskier, who tilts back towards him. “What? What happened?” Jaskier watches as Geralt moves back with a small smile, slowly blinking up at the stars. “She thanked me.”

Jaskier smiles to himself, rolling into his own space again and laying in silence once again. He knew Geralt was happy for the change, thankful for it. He deserved all of it, really, and Jaskier was happy to give him that. After a moment, Geralt licks his lips, “say, if you were to tell a kid about Witcher’s for the first time, what would you tell them?”

Curiosity always got the best of everything, and it’s also easily contagious. “Well, what wouldn’t I say? Hmmm, how they help with keeping their homes safe? How strong and powerful witchers are? I...” he paused, his hand coming up to tap at his chin in thought before turning to Geralt. “I’d probably tell them You smell.”

And that’s what gets him. Geralt’s head leans back and his face breaks into a wide grin, a booming laugh comes out and it’s a good laugh. Jaskier is so taken back, smiling and absolutely enraptured by the sound, the sight and Geralt. The laugh was short, but forever shall it reply and reply in Jaskier’s head as one of his favourite sounds, he also gets a small shove after Geralt’s reducers to chuckles.

This kinda turned out longer than I though, but I hope you guys like it. It was a cute idea to write down.

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4 years ago

Jaskier: damn boy you make my heart skip a bleat😔

Eskel: :( that’s not good for your health

Jaskier: do you like cuddling? Me too, we should do it together sometime on my bed.😉

Eskel: aww Jask, I wish I could but I can’t today

Jaskier: why 😭😭 what could possibly be more important than cuddling with the best bard?

Eskel: it’s Lil Bleater’s birthday

At one point Jaskier would probably start sexting the witchers... but for cuddles. Like

Jaskier: Hey handsome ❤️

Lambert: wtf

Jaskier: Wachu doing tonight? 🥺

Lambert: are you drunk??

Jaskier: *sends picture of his bed*

Lambert: jaskier wtf im married!?

Jaskier: 🤭😜 Bring Aiden with you

Jaskier: We could...

Jaskier: cuddle 😉

Lambert: ...

Jaskier: PLEASE!! 🥺🥺 Geralt is on a hunt and I'm lonely!!

And all witchers agree that it's freaking weird, but they still come over anyways.

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4 years ago

Y’know, I would love to hear some of your headcanons you have on Eskel(+everyone else), I also want to hear nicknames people may have for them too, because nicknames are awesome.

Gimme your thoughts >:)

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4 years ago

What I See in Eskel Based on His Physicality in TW3

I’ve recently been encouraged to share my thoughts regarding Eskel’s physicality in The Witcher 3 and what I’ve managed to intuit about his character. This is as much an exercise for me in verbalizing a very non-verbal thing as it is a fun little character study. Enjoy! 

Fighting stance

His feet are rooted into the ground, and his hips are wide and open. This not only lowers his centre of gravity, but also gives him remarkable access to what I will refer to as his Lower—the area of the body from the hips-down that we often lose track of due to our thoughts residing loudly in the Upper (specifically, our heads). Most martial arts and mindfulness practices include conscious activation of the Lower as a means to provide stability, both physical and physiological. 

Not only is this stance grounding his senses, it’s grounding his breath in the process, allowing for his intuitive responses to integrate with his intellectual responses to external stimuli. This allows him to maintain focus and a sense of calm-within-the-storm for a more extended period of time, granting him precision, and equal access to all his senses, not just sight—a sense which tends to dominate when our intuition and intellect are not integrated and working in tandem. 

Enhanced access to the Lower also means greater energetic control. Practices like Tai Chi and more combative forms of Kung Fu work not only with the physical, but also with the flow and mastery of Qi—the life force that connects us to everything around us. Those who can harness and control the flow of the life force in their bodies can then channel it to enhance the power of their attacks, but also to sync up with fellow combatants. For Eskel, this explains how he’s able to control his powerful magic and use it with such precision. 


There are areas of the spine I will refer to as Gates, which are found all the way from the sacrum and lumbar vertebrae (at the base), to the beginning of the thoracic vertebrae (middle back), the beginning of the cervical vertebrae (between the shoulder blades), to the occipital joint at the base of the skull. These Gates are places where residual mental/emotional tension are often stored as our body’s attempt to protect us from distress. When these gates are open, or relaxed, we have an easier time processing and moving on from heightened moments or experiences, and our intuition will again become more integrated with our intellect. 


Let’s have a look at Eskel’s posture…

The roundness of his back indicates that his gates are open, but more importantly his back ribs, and therefore his Lats which are huge areas of residual tension that, if and when released, hold a great deal of emotional and physical power. 

These open gates, combined with the softness of his trapezius muscles (tops of the shoulders) tell me that Eskel is a man who channels—emotions, energy, power—and feels intensely. With this openness also comes easier access to his animal intuition. When we allow ourselves to release the occipital join at the back of the head, our rear and peripheral awareness increases, and we have easier access to the responses of our amygdala—our lizard brain. Not only is it involved in survival instinct, but also in flocking and our capacity to sense one another in space and be sensitive to the physiological changes of others. I will therefore put forth that Eskel has high emotional intelligence as well as high sensitivity to changes in atmosphere.

The broadness of his chest indicates to me that he isn’t trying to close off to his vulnerability by guarding in the front instead. He remains tall and open in the chest, showing a softness and vulnerability to him that, without the sturdy grounding of his Lower, could become overwhelming, and probably does at times. 

Body Centre

The notion of body centre is one that I take from my training as an actor (along with the rest of this essay-ette). It’s based on the idea that we have areas of our bodies that “lead us” forward when we walk—we might go into the world chest-, shoulders-, head-, or pelvis-, first depending on our “disposition.” This is not by any means a suggestion that we boil people down to Overthinkers if they lead with their heads or Lascivious if they lead with their pelvis. 

Due to his inclusion of his Lower space and the openness in his hips, Eskel has a tendency to lead with his pelvis. However, we also see that he occasionally will lead with his head. Looking at character archetype, one might (and I do) discern that he is confident (tending towards cocky at times) and stable (both emotionally and physically). 

All of this, combined with the softness at the back of his neck makes for a character who is confident, capable, grounded, extremely powerful, highly-intuitive, and vulnerable. 


All of this is coming from the perspective of a trained stage actor and my shared experiences with fellow performers of embodying these same principles. This is not to say that any of this is universally true for those with or without specific characteristics mentioned. However, when it comes to discussion of the Upper, Lower, and the Gates, these are more universally impactful on the central nervous system. I’m looking at Eskel as a character represented by a computer-generated actor of sorts. If anyone has any questions or is curious to learn more about how I came to these conclusions, and how the heck I know all of this, please feel free to reach out! I love to talk about what I do :) 

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4 years ago

more girls need horns. demon horns, satyr horns, lil antlers, whatever. this post is self-explanatory

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4 years ago
Welcome To A Modern Witcher Fest!

Welcome to A Modern Witcher fest!

This is a multi-ship event about modern AU’s for The Witcher (books, games & tv show). We encourage you to write, create art, make playlists, gifs, etc.

Posting will be from March 15th until March 21st 2021.

Rules | Optional prompts | AO3 collection

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4 years ago

I’m currently without power in this Texas snow storm, and very bored. So let’s make ideas together!!

Either anything you can think of for whoever character, or here’s a prompt we can go off of! Let’s have it be a road trip au with Geralt, Lambert, Jaskier and Eskel. Let’s figure out what they do for jobs and where they go, road stories to tell and laugh at, moments in storms, times were one won’t talk to another and the other two awkwardly have to fill the silence. I’m down to hear anything!

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3 years ago
Ko-fi Request For @thevalesofanduin. They Asked For Eskel Or Jaskier And I Picked Eskel. Ive Been Really

ko-fi request for @thevalesofanduin. they asked for eskel or jaskier and i picked eskel. i’ve been really into drawing him lately and this one was a lot of fun to draw for all that it’s not a complicated pose or anything like that. maybe it’s because i kept picturing different scenarios for what was happening off-screen for him to be making that face.

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3 years ago
Just Did A Fast Sketch Of Vlodimir Von Everec.

Just did a fast sketch of Vlodimir von Everec.

One of my favorite characters from The Witcher.

Just... Oh, my...

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1 year ago

Oh, I'm sorry, but could you draw more Iorweth? You just did a great job! ><


my work schedule prevents me from playing Assassins of Kings and I was out of ideas, sorry!

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1 year ago

Awww, my favourite smith - and dumplings master! What a lovely combination and even lovelier drawing! ♡

Éibhear Hattori 🥟🗡

Ibhear Hattori

"Now I make dumplings, I have to live on something. But...I feel sad without bellows and anvil..."

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11 months ago

Just a dream, a dreamful wish. Nicely done mod!

geekygamergp - Dreams long gone

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11 months ago

So well drawn ;)

A tiny voice requesting chibi Hattori when you feel up to it? When he's hiding inside his shop after Geralt negotiates with Tinboy... My heart! Poor Eibhear just wants to make swords, not fight for his life. I want to snuggle him and tell him Geralt will make everything better! Awwwww buddy

I feel so bad for selling the sword he crafted for me the very next second he gave it to Geralt


it’s nice that you can still buy dumplings from him

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10 months ago

I love them all - they all have their unique character.

Of course, Iorveth is described more nuanced because he has more screentime. But i'd love to see more of Cedric, Ciaran, Eibhear and Elihal. Ele'yas was well done but an annoying Person, sorry ;)

That is the proof - you don't have to love someone, you can hate him / her as well. As long as there are emotions in you, the char is good written.

Aen Seidhe In TW2 Versus TW3. No One Matches Thefabulousness Thats Is Iorveth Though. I Must Say I Prefer
Aen Seidhe In TW2 Versus TW3. No One Matches Thefabulousness Thats Is Iorveth Though. I Must Say I Prefer
Aen Seidhe In TW2 Versus TW3. No One Matches Thefabulousness Thats Is Iorveth Though. I Must Say I Prefer
Aen Seidhe In TW2 Versus TW3. No One Matches Thefabulousness Thats Is Iorveth Though. I Must Say I Prefer
Aen Seidhe In TW2 Versus TW3. No One Matches Thefabulousness Thats Is Iorveth Though. I Must Say I Prefer
Aen Seidhe In TW2 Versus TW3. No One Matches Thefabulousness Thats Is Iorveth Though. I Must Say I Prefer
Aen Seidhe In TW2 Versus TW3. No One Matches Thefabulousness Thats Is Iorveth Though. I Must Say I Prefer

Aen Seidhe in TW2 versus TW3. No one matches the fabulousness thats is Iorveth though. I must say I prefer TW2 elves. (no idea why the images are so dark!)

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9 months ago

Aaaawww, sooo beautiful ♡

ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᴛʜᴇ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜᴇʀ 2 | ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs

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A new page with small portraits: the commander of the Blue Stripes and his right hand⚜ Ves came out on the art very much…sensual and so alive

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I attach art with her separately so that you can take a closer look✨

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