Artist Life - Tumblr Posts
it’s so hard to keep a constant posting stream when you have assignments and don’t sleep enough, on top of mostly just doing sketches... being an artist is hard

Haha ! ^^
Am so weak ! <: D
Also, it’s my first artist life here, but you can see the others i made before in my DA account !
And if you want to see “that” comic it’s here:

Artist Life #2 or 3 i don’t remember xD
It’s been a while since i’ve upload sumthing. And now you know why..

I love my life.
So many times. So many goddamn times.
When you spend hours working on something and finally take a step back to admire it and realize that you hate it.

Yyyyeahhhhh this is why I gave up on being an animator ;_;
studying animation more like

ok, looks easy enough

okay, i get this… this is fine…


This is exactly what I went through in my later high school years ... This definitely hits hard. I wish I hadn't given up.

Remember, it’s not a competition

So I logged on this morning and saw that I had a shit-ton of notifications ... I kind of panicked. But it turns out that it was because people actually liked my post!! 150 notes so far in two days, that's nuts!! Not bad for a newbie, eh?
I hear on just about every other website on the internet that Tumblr is some sort of cesspool of political correctness gone mad. And .... on some blogs that's true, I guess. But so far, all of the people I've encountered on here have been incredibly kind and personable. I was really nervous about making this blog active, but I'm glad I did. :) Thank you guys. Keep on tumblin'!
So I'm pretty sure I sprained my hand from drawing so much in the past few days. Um. Yeah. So ... no new art for a little while.
Holy shit, I saw this on my dash and lost it xD I feel ya. (No seriously, I do. I'm in the same boat as you at the moment. Renrink's blessing is a mighty force indeed.)

God almighty @renrink ಠ_ಠ Somebody please send help

You just go for it! Take it at your own pace and try your best to not be impatient with yourself! Your level and speed of growth might be faster/slower than someone else’s, so focus on your own path and let the journey take you to amazing places and opportunities! There’s obvs going to be obstacles in the way of what you want to do, but the greater the accomplishment requires even greater challenges, though the real question is if you’re willing to take the plunge and try anyways?
Trying to draw buildings

my house is the tortured artists department (i am writing and my brother is drawing and we're both having creative crisis)