Artist Tag - Tumblr Posts
what is your favorite comic of all time?
Them ole Popeye comics from the 30's are incredibly funny and awesome. My favorite comic strip growing up was Calvin and Hobbes. Of course I can't forget to mention R Crumb.
Keep nem questions comin'.

Bruh this took so long
Why does affection and intimacy have to be seen as romantic. I crave platonic intimacy. I want to hug my friends, grab them and kiss them right on the cheek, Use their thighs as a pillow whilst I sleep, hold hands and rub my finger across their knuckles, braid their hair or do their makeup in stupid ways. Life’s too short to spend your life waiting for romantic love when you have platonic love right in front of you. I spent so much time messing around in relationships. I spent a year and 4 months dating someone who I thought I needed. Turns out that’s all stupid and I just wanted affection. I’m simply touch starved and I’m not gonna let societies views on love and affection dictate my life. Tell your friends you love them man. I’m only 16 I don’t need to find a life partner, I just want a group of tight knit friends that I can trust. I think I’ve found that and I’m done letting things fuck up my friendships.
Edit: I’m 18 now and I think this ideology has really helped me. I ended up dating a guy for a little over a year and a half but we broke up around 2 months ago and are now just best friends. I think I’m finally able to relax and focus more on my career and college and friends. The friends I mentioned are still all my friends. <3
God I fucking hate slut shaming. Why is this a thing. I have a bunch of guys and people going around calling me easy and tryna get with me, girls that I’ve done nothing to talking shit about me and calling me a whore, etc. I’m so tired of this. Freshman year I dated around a lot but I’m a Junior now and I’m just trying to mind my own business. My ex-boyfriend shared a bunch of stuff after he dumped me and moved schools so now I’m stuck with people talking about that anytime I try getting with someone else. I’ve been so insecure I’ve been wearing baggy clothes and trying to hide my body. Why is this happening to me. Why is everyone calling me a whore. I just want it to all go away. I’ve only ever slept with one guy and that was my ex. I trusted him and he fucked me over. My current partner and I have been talking about maybe taking things farther but that doesn’t make me a slut we’re dating. I gave him a fucking hickey and now some girl is going around calling me a whore for it? I hate this. My friends always talk to me about everything I’m like the therapist of people I’m not even close with yet I’m too terrified to tell anyone how I am feeling. Now I’m stuck ranting about stuff on tumblr cuz Im too embarrassed to let people know that this whole thing is getting to me. I should be strong. I’ve always been the type of person to wear a skirt and try to look hot whilst telling everyone to fuck off and have no shame. Meanwhile inside I’m just a weak little cry baby that’s scared about every little thing. I love dressing for myself but now I’m too afraid to wear crop tops, I’ve been stuck wearing hoodies and pants cuz I don’t wanna show my body anymore. I wanna be able to live my life and be myself again.

Decided to draw Krampus but ✨ seggsy ✨
(Edit: whys her forehead so big fuck why was I such a shit artist lmao)