Asari - Tumblr Posts

Something that always kind of bothered me in ME is that every Asari has the same head crest (I know it’s just the base model). I always kind of HC’d that the crests can grow is many different shapes and sizes and that they actually look like they are from the ocean.. not some ‘sexy woman coming out of the water’.
Kind of based them off of starfish I guess. Seemed like the closest thing in relation. I dunno just did these real quick so sorry they are kinda scrappy.

Assuming Control of your screen. I’m making my brother a painting for xmas. Enjoy!!

My bros Xmas present final. This painting was so much fun.It still could use a lot of work I may take it back so I can touch it up more.Enjoy!!

I'm a big fan of BioWare's creations, and I fond of Mass Effect! And, shh, I like Mass Effect endings :З

I’m playing me2 again and I did samaras loyalty mission and it got me thinking how terrifying liara would be as an Ardat-Yakshi…anyway here are some sloppy sketches of Liara✨👍🏾

Gay shit and Shiara