Assassins Creed II - Tumblr Posts
My history with Assassin's Creed Games
My first game was Assassin's Creed Bloodline, but I never finished it cause I couldn't get pass a certain level. I also no longer have a PSP, really want to get one though because I still have a lot of PSP games.
I recently wanted to play other games so I bought The Ezio collection and I loved AC 2, but hated Brotherhood on account of how much effort I spent getting Altair's armor only to lose it like 5 minutes into Brotherhood's cutscene I held a grudge and Revelation's was okay but very short.
I had bought Assassin's Creed 3 and instead got Rogue. I wrote a review since the people who sold it to me. (It said Ubisoft on Amazon, but Amazon is notorious for letting people fake identities and selling fake shit) refuse to answer and they blocked my review and said I was " Violating Guidelines" which I was pissed cause all I told them was it wasn't what I had ordered. So I kept Rogue and to me it's pretty good.
I also got Black Flag cheap on the Xbox store since they had a sale, but AC3 wasn't. I have to wait to get a Wi-Fi box since my phone is out of hotspot.
My history with other games is on my header but, I love zombie game. Have played both RDR games and the zombie DLC. Dead Island, L4Dead, GTA VC,VCS, IV, Liberty City Stories, and a lot of older war games. I lost a lot of the other PSP games cause my brothers can't take care of anything. Btw some of these I haven't played, I had a case with other games, but yet again my brother broke and lost my case and SD card. The case had two extra slots for game disks and SD cards. The one below is the one I still have.

I have only played this Assassin’s Creed game (although I have already bought Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood) and, to my shame, I haven’t finished the game yet (one part was too difficult for me and since then, I haven’t the motivation to continue)

Boredom can make us do the craziest things
(I'm in a 10 hour trip)

Ezio Auditore was my childhood crush and still is

Sometimes I lack painting inspiration, so I went to find some photos of kissing with statues to try new creations. In my opinion, this is very suitable for both of them

database entry: FLORENCE

My smol man.
Leonardo DaVinci- Assassin's Creed 2
Assassin's creed unity
Is giving me lots of Assassin's Creed II vibes.
I love it, so I'll tolerate the French... Which I hate.

Assassin's Creed ask game!
I want to know my followers a little better so reblog this and I will ask you some questions (usually I send asks so let me know in the reblogs if you're uncomfortable with them!). Don't be afraid to use this as a regular Ask game as well!
1) Favourite game?
2) Favourite playable character?
3) Favourite Templar?
4) Favourite Assassin?
5) Favourite character who's not in the Order nor in the Brotherhood?
6) Least favourite main character?
7) OTP?
8) Favourite Templar Grand Master?
9) Favourite character in the modern era?
10) Favourite Isu Character?
11) Favourite Piece of Eden and Isu Location (Observatory etc)?
12) Favourite DLC?
13) Favourite Frye twin (+ Henry)?
14) Templars or Assassins?
15) The Aquila, the Jackdaw or the Morrigan?
16) Davenport Homestead or Monteriggiori Villa?
17) Lucy Stillman or Élise de la Serre?
18) Haytham Kenway or Shay Patrick Cormac?
19) Connor Kenway or Edward Kenway?
20) Arno Dorian or Jacob Frye?
21) Alexios main or Kassandra main? (If you haven't played Odyssey yet who would you pick?)
22) Saddest moment in the franchise?
23) What would you do if you had access to the Observatory from ACIV?
24) Assassin's Creed I: skipped it or played it?
25) Have you played any spin-off (Chronicles, Liberation etc)?
26) Sequences in the modern era: do you like them or hate them?
27) A game that deserves a(nother) sequel?
28) What got you into Assassin's Creed?
29) One thing that you hate about the game/ an issue you'd like to see fixed/ something you don't like.
30) What do you like the most about the games?
31) If you were given the chance, whose memories would you explore in the Animus?