Assassin's Creed Revelations - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Altair: *pulls out hidden blade*

Abbas: oh, he finally lose his shit

Altair: *opens a box with a blade*

Abbas: thank god-

Achilles: *pulls gun out of the box*

Abbas: what sorcery is this?

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My history with Assassin's Creed Games

My first game was Assassin's Creed Bloodline, but I never finished it cause I couldn't get pass a certain level. I also no longer have a PSP, really want to get one though because I still have a lot of PSP games.

I recently wanted to play other games so I bought The Ezio collection and I loved AC 2, but hated Brotherhood on account of how much effort I spent getting Altair's armor only to lose it like 5 minutes into Brotherhood's cutscene I held a grudge and Revelation's was okay but very short.

I had bought Assassin's Creed 3 and instead got Rogue. I wrote a review since the people who sold it to me. (It said Ubisoft on Amazon, but Amazon is notorious for letting people fake identities and selling fake shit) refuse to answer and they blocked my review and said I was " Violating Guidelines" which I was pissed cause all I told them was it wasn't what I had ordered. So I kept Rogue and to me it's pretty good.

I also got Black Flag cheap on the Xbox store since they had a sale, but AC3 wasn't. I have to wait to get a Wi-Fi box since my phone is out of hotspot.

My history with other games is on my header but, I love zombie game. Have played both RDR games and the zombie DLC. Dead Island, L4Dead, GTA VC,VCS, IV, Liberty City Stories, and a lot of older war games. I lost a lot of the other PSP games cause my brothers can't take care of anything. Btw some of these I haven't played, I had a case with other games, but yet again my brother broke and lost my case and SD card. The case had two extra slots for game disks and SD cards. The one below is the one I still have.

My History With Assassin's Creed Games
My History With Assassin's Creed Games
My History With Assassin's Creed Games
My History With Assassin's Creed Games

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3 years ago

“I am a thankless minstrel,

I sing off key for coins.

If you spot me in the street,

Please kick me in the loins.”

Revelations is worth it for getting to beat up the minstrels.

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2 years ago

A minstrel’s song I heard them say

Brings maidens by the score

But luck deserts me when I play

They hasten to the door.

- Ezio Auditore

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13 years ago

(Source: alamut)

Dammit, Ezio! Just when I thought I was over you after the deliciousness of Brotherhood! STOP MAKING ME DROOL. YOU SHOULD NOT BE THAT SEXY WHEN YOU'RE MY DAD'S AGE.

How my fiance puts up with me, I'll never know...

felinaofl2 - Entranced by Clio
felinaofl2 - Entranced by Clio
felinaofl2 - Entranced by Clio
felinaofl2 - Entranced by Clio

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4 years ago
100 Images MemeEzio Auditore Da Firenze 9/100
100 Images MemeEzio Auditore Da Firenze 9/100

100 images meme Ezio Auditore da Firenze ♦ 9/100

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4 years ago
I Have Been In Acre A Week Now, Safe And In High Spirits, But Prepared For The Worst. The Men And Women
I Have Been In Acre A Week Now, Safe And In High Spirits, But Prepared For The Worst. The Men And Women
I Have Been In Acre A Week Now, Safe And In High Spirits, But Prepared For The Worst. The Men And Women
I Have Been In Acre A Week Now, Safe And In High Spirits, But Prepared For The Worst. The Men And Women
I Have Been In Acre A Week Now, Safe And In High Spirits, But Prepared For The Worst. The Men And Women

“I have been in Acre a week now, safe and in high spirits, but prepared for the worst. The men and women who have fed me and sheltered me here, also give me warning that the road to Masyaf is overrun by mercenaries and bandits not native of this land. What this could mean, I dread to guess. When I first set out from Roma ten months ago, I did so with a single purpose: to discover what our father did not. In a letter written the year before my birth, he makes mention of a library hidden beneath the stones of Masyaf casle. A sanctum full of invaluable wisdom. So what will I find when I arrive there? Who will greet me? A host of eager Templars, as I fear most strongly? Or nothing but the whistling of a cold and lonely wind? Masyaf has not been home to the Assassins for almost 300 year now. Can we still claim it for our own? Are we welcome there? I am weary of his fight. Not because I am tired, but because our struggle seems to move in one direction only… towards Caos. Today I have more questions than answers. This is why I have to come so far: to find clarity… to find the wisdom left behind by the great Altaïr, so that I may better understand the purpose of our fighting, and my place in it.”

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3 years ago
Video Game Meme | [1/5] Quotes Ezio Auditore, Assassins Creed: Revelations
Video Game Meme | [1/5] Quotes Ezio Auditore, Assassins Creed: Revelations
Video Game Meme | [1/5] Quotes Ezio Auditore, Assassins Creed: Revelations
Video Game Meme | [1/5] Quotes Ezio Auditore, Assassins Creed: Revelations

video game meme | [1/5] quotes  → Ezio Auditore, Assassin’s Creed: Revelations

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2 years ago

Fuck AC Revelations for never including Malik in Altaïr's memory sequences

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Played This Game Four Times And Im JUST Now Doodling Him, Smdgh

played this game four times and im JUST now doodling him, smdgh 

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3 years ago

You are not responsible for actions of others.

-Sofia Sartor

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10 years ago

"The struggle itself is asymptotic. Always approaching a resolution, but never reaching it. The best we can hope for is to smooth the line a bit. Bring about stability and peace, however temporary. And understand, Reader, it will always and forever be only temporary. For as long as we continue to reproduce, we will give rise to doubters and challengers. Men who will rise up against the status quo for no other reason, sometimes, than that they have nothing better to do. It is Man's nature to disagree. War is but one of many ways in which we do so. I think many have yet to understand our Creed. But such is the process. To be mystified. To be frustrated. To be educated. To be enlightened. And then at last, to understand. To be at peace. "~ Altaïr (pg. 419 Assassins' Creed Revelations)

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8 years ago

Similarly ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

I Very Very Very Love Assassins Creed So Much Edits Made By Me :)
I Very Very Very Love Assassins Creed So Much Edits Made By Me :)
I Very Very Very Love Assassins Creed So Much Edits Made By Me :)
I Very Very Very Love Assassins Creed So Much Edits Made By Me :)
I Very Very Very Love Assassins Creed So Much Edits Made By Me :)

I very very very love Assassins Creed so much 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 Edits made by me :)

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7 years ago

CASS?!! Have you finished AC Syndicate? Do you have other AC'S games? Have you read books or comics?


Yep! I finished Assassin’s Creed Syndicate… I don’t have everything done in 100% but I am still in a process of getting 100% in every additional action in the game

Yeees! I have other AC games :3


I’m reading my first AC book now… but I plan I finish this one and then buy other books.


And I think I read two whole comics:

Assassin’s Creed: Reflections 


Assassin’s Creed: Locus


Thank you for this Questiooon! ♥♥♥♥♥


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