Aztec Gods - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Aztec Gods Incorrect Quotes 14

Tezcatlipoca: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying

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10 months ago

Aztec Gods Incorrect Quotes 15

Quetzalcoatl: I have a problem. 

Tezcatlipoca: Kill it. 

Quetzalcoatl: Can you chill for like, two seconds?

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10 months ago

Aztec Gods Incorrect Quotes 16

Tezcatlipoca: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.

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10 months ago

Hello idk if someone asked you this before but what singers/bands do you think the 4 tezcatlipoca listen too? (As well any other Aztec gods you want to list as well)

I thought about Tezcatlipoca liking aurelio voltaire but it could be because I see him maybe liking the gothic aesthetic since he’s associated with the night and things dark ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (also I think there was a myth saying him and quetz inventing music for the world so there’s that too)

Okay so I love love love this ask because JKDDFVVKJZDDHG RAMBLING TIME

So Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl did invent music. That’s why I sometimes hc that they’ll go to Broadway musicals or shows together, and sometimes they surprisingly both listen to classical music (specifically piano) because it tends to remind them about the quote unquote “earlier” forms of music (without lyrics). Now, I do think Tezcatlipoca occasionally listens to popular artists at the moment, but generally yea he listens to gothic aesthetic music (and electronic, because I can see him listening to it a lot somehow).

Huitzilopochtli also likes electronic music. It fits his fast paced vibe and the energy of...yk being the sun. He also tends to listen to songs without lyrics, but in that group he primarily listens to electronic or some other type of fast-paced music. He also gets dragged to Broadway musicals by his brothers, and while he doesn’t admit it he thinks it’s kind of cool.

Xipe Totec’s playlist would be more mellow, with more classical artists and occasionally just vibe music, yk? But his music tastes are the hardest to pin down for me because while he’s portrayed as benevolent and I like to think of him as this patient, quiet guy, he can also be ruthless, angry, and all the generally negative things that embody his being. So maybe he listens to more hardcore music. The sudden change from gentle music to rock or whatever the hell that guy likes will be pretty jarring but you get used to it (read: Tez has now withdrawn from stealing his AirPods because he has no fucking idea what song’s going to be playing in there).

Anyway I’m sorry this was kind of long and I didn’t name too many actual bands or singers/artists, but I kind of read this as their general music tastes if that’s ok lol 😅 plus idk that many artists in their range of music taste sooo

But seriously, whoever you are thank you so much for this ask, it made my day! 😄😄

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10 months ago

Coyolxauhqui be extra pissed today I see

Today there is a solar eclipse set to cover the sun with 100% totality for a duration of 4 minutes, 28 seconds. However as time passes, the eclipse continues for 5 minutes, then 7, then 10. Half an hour passes but the moon has not moved and Earth remains in darkness

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10 months ago

I absolutely LOVE how all the other spring deities are peaceful and tranquil and then Xipe totec looks disbelieving as fuck because “I need to SKIN myself every spring and you fuckers just need to make flowers appear or something??”

Mythologies: Spring Deities
Mythologies: Spring Deities
Mythologies: Spring Deities
Mythologies: Spring Deities
Mythologies: Spring Deities
Mythologies: Spring Deities
Mythologies: Spring Deities
Mythologies: Spring Deities
Mythologies: Spring Deities
Mythologies: Spring Deities

mythologies: spring deities

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10 months ago


Watching Castlevania: Nocturne and as of episode 6 I can’t tell if Olrox is meant to be straight up literally Quetzalcoatl but he definitely has some connection to him and I just want to SCREAM at the SUN


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9 months ago


sorry it takes one Aztec mythology name and you automatically summon me

Aodhvssvcjsnacridisfbwkfhevxmqoegbe i love your blogggg hiiiiiii wbbbbb im sure ur thesis is doing great but still good luck on thattt

And as a bonus heres a random myth dump bc i said so:

There was this girl called Naiá, most of the village's men found her attractive. However she refused all of their advances because she was in love with the moon, every night she would look up at the moon and hope to become a star, since stars were the people that Jaci(the moon godess) brought to stay with her in the sky. One night as Naia went to look at the moon once again she saw its reflection on the lakes water, and believing the godess had come to bathe in the lake she tried reaching out to the reflection, she fell in but couldnt hoist herself back up, drowning. When Jaci was notified by this, she was touched and so transformed Naia into the water lilly (vitória régia), the star of the waters. So yeah, vitoria regia origin myth ftw!!!

Yeah idk i just thunk the myth is neat

-a soup of mythos


i love that story so much that is sooo cute… i love how some personifications of the Moon like Selene and Jaci are just so sweet and gentle and then you have the aztec Coyolxauhqui and she’s a rage machine.. soo good! the moon has RANGE 🌝

Aodhvssvcjsnacridisfbwkfhevxmqoegbe I Love Your Blogggg Hiiiiiii Wbbbbb Im Sure Ur Thesis Is Doing Great

((this is brazilian mythology btw for the intrigued))

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9 months ago

Tezcatlipoca, Coyolxauhqui, Xipe Totec, and Mixcoatl: Why tell someone to kill themselves when you can do it for them

out of the aztec gods who would say kys and like actually mean it and who would not be serious

Out Of The Aztec Gods Who Would Say Kys And Like Actually Mean It And Who Would Not Be Serious

with the Aztecs, i feel like most of them can be scary and serious so many of them are serious lol... with Coyolxauhqui and her dad Mixcoatl,, i've always imagined them to be more serious and stern so i think they wouldn't bother saying "kys"-- they'd just get down to it.

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9 months ago

Tlaloc and Chalchuihtlicue: NO ONE UNEMPLOYS US.

Water/sea/storm/river deities say: fuck climate change and lets help the people in Rio Grande do Sul

Water/sea/storm/river Deities Say: Fuck Climate Change And Lets Help The People In Rio Grande Do Sul

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9 months ago

I also head canon Xipe Totec as the true wild card of the four tezcatlipocas, because yes Tezcatlipoca is a ball of chaos but his brand of troublemaking is like...chaos within order. He brings strife for change. Meanwhile Xipe Totec embodies spring and like most seasons spring has the capability to be very diverse and unpredictable, so some of that carries onto him. Like, you cannot TELL what this man is going to do next. He's mostly nice but at the same time this guy skins himself every year, so you can't expect him to be that gentle (and he's probably in a bad mood around spring because yeah skinning yourself goes hard).

Also yes. Tezcatlipoca rage quits. Every time he loses at anything Quetz needs to physically hold him back from destroying humanity again.

heyyyy its been a while but I have some more aztec mythology head canons regarding the four tezcatlipocas

Ooo okie letsa see

(Yes ik theres more than four but thats bc of the like depends who you ask thing)

Tezcatlipoca: the kind of guy that gets upset if you dont pick up the phone or show up like 2 seconds late for something while never answering the telephone and always showing up late, is thinking miku miku ooeeoo, waluigi on mario kart, rage quit playing knots and crosses with a computer;

Mictlantecuhtli: listens to classical music like its heavy metal and calmly listens to metal like ots classical music, idk why but i think he watches novelas, cinnamon roll, "cant rn, having a tea party with gertrude, shes telling me about her grandkids and how excited she is to see them in dia de los muertos", yoshi in mariokart, the embodiment of that "literally name one thing better than a dog" post if yk what im talking abt;

Quetzacoatl: if he got the golden ticket he would have robbed all of the chocolate in the factory and helped the oompa loompas to make a workers union, toad in mariokart, likes to laugh at conspiracy theories;

Xipe-totec: same vein as mictlantecuhtli with music stuff, great at cooking, baby peach in mariokart, victim of deez nutz jokes;

Huitzilopochtli: do not allow him on the kitchen my man cannot cook for the life of him, "be the reason why the music stops in a videogame", luigi in mariokart, is in the sun deities groupchat and only ever replies with "k." when someone tells him its his turn to be the sun;

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9 months ago

We got

Quetzalcoatl x Shesh

Tezcatlipoca x Vishnu /plat

Now I suggest you...

Xipe Totec x Vasant /plat


(their dynamic would be very interesting)

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9 months ago

Also it's funny how Tez got along with Vishnu when if we're going sibling-wise he should've gotten along with Vasuki instead ☠️

shhhhhh no one else gets it but them

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9 months ago

Four tezcatlipocas likes blood ketchup

Anddd Quetzalcoatl likes chocolate

His brother are fighting

Blood ketchup like mixing blood with tomatoes? Actually, yeah, kinda. I hc that the four gods (except for quetzalcoatl) need blood offerings to survive (kinda like vampires, but also a little different because they specifically need blood that was made as an offering), but they're pretty grossed out at the concept of just straight up drinking blood over the years. Hence why they try to make it into something that's actually edible.

Also yeah, Quetzalcoatl is very against human sacrifice, the snake boi just wants his chocolate

They fight about it sometimes

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9 months ago

Hello I just wanted to know if you have any head canons of what shows the 4 Tezcatlipocas would watch :3

Hi, thanks for the ask! I think they would watch:

Animated movies so they can point out historical inaccuracies. They already do this with a couple of friends, but with their family, I think they actually like to watch the movies for the plot and action (not that they would tell anyone haha)

Murder mystery shows! They have a little game where they see who can figure out the murderer the fastest, and then the next person would try to beat that time (all of them are aiming to figure out the murderer's identity before the protagonist does)

Reality TV shows. Tezcatlipoca drags them to watch these.

Anyways, that's all I have for now because it's early morning for me, but I will be back with more (let me know if you would like to be tagged in the other hcs I will post eventually!)

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9 months ago

I feel like Tecciztecatl and Xochipilli would be theater kids. IDC, it makes sense in my head.

Yes. Just yes.

Both are dramatic fuckers who are great at acting. YES.

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9 months ago

Vasant x Xipe Totec hcs?? :DD

so sorry for not answering this earlier BUT

Very different dynamics, so they compliment each other well. Vasant is the flower boi we all know and love, and Xipe Totec is a witty and brutal force of nature (he DOES rip his skin off every spring...)

Vasant would be horrified when Xipe Totec tells him the needs to flay himself to bring about spring but Xipe Totec is like, "Well, you know, what works works."

They would both kill for each other.

They both have very similar tastes in music and movies!!

Once again, our favorite buddies Tezcatlipoca and Vishnu helped them meet each other.

How the conversation went: Tez: "So, my brother's a lil down recently ever since skinning himself---" Vishnu: "what?" Tez: "Well, he's a spring god, and he---" Vishnu, eyes shining: "Spring god, you say?"

They both love chocolate.

Xipe Totec has made a necklace of vines and gold for Vasant, Vasant has made him a wreath of spring flowers before!!! They're constantly making gifts for each other, and it's become a bit of a competition now.

That's all I have for now! You didn't specify whether it's romantic or platonic so I went with a set of hcs that encompassed both!

I love how Vishnu and Tezcatlipoca have an entire damn business revolving around intertwining the Aztec and Hindu pantheons evermore

Btw sorry for the long wait, this has been sitting in my ask box for like a week 😭

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7 months ago

Hey hey jeu hey heu heu hey

Mictlantecuhtli headcanons pretty please

Miso i mean me so i mean leto i mean mythos soup

Alright more hcs for my fav death god

Has a podcast about how things are in Mictlan. Sometimes he talks about current events that result in a high death toll, sometimes he gives virtual tours of the nine layers of Mictlan, sometimes he invites the other gods to make a cameo and hangs out with them!

One of the chillest gods out there. As long as you don't pull any of the "cheating death" shit or flat out insult/try to hurt him or his loved ones, you're fine.

However, if you do end up committing the transgressions above, he will End You™ (especially if you threaten his loved ones and friends)

He loves making puns, like Quetzalcoatl! Unlike Quetzalcoatl, he's actually good at making them (sorry Quetz, that's just how things are around here)

Before each soul passes on, Mictlantecuhtli has a quick chat with them (think alongside the lines of "hey pal, how'd you die? Cool, cool, alright I'm going to let you have a good afterlife now but you have to stay out of trouble with the gods alright? Fantastic, you're good to go, see you on the other side!")

It's kind of weird for most souls but Mictlantecuhtli is genuinely just a nice guy.

Kind of stuns everyone how much he breaks the death god stereotypes, and he loves it. He has a t-shirt that says "I single handedly saved my fellow employees' reputation and all I got was this lousy T-shirt".

Good artist. He's got time to kill sometimes, and he likes to sketch.

That's it for now, but I'll come up with more later!

(Also @si-chan1 I know you asked to be tagged in hcs, so sorry I didn't do it for older hc posts I didn't see your request 😭 anyway here)

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6 months ago

Hi!, this is anon who asked you what type of music the 4 tezcatlipocas would listen to. This will be a long question so take your time reading it you don’t need to answer it right away :)

Am here, to ask about how you and your buddies sort y’all’s information about not only Aztec but other pantheons, as well the country/culture that pantheon is from.

Am creating a story about characters getting chosen or trained to be a god's “champion” like they’re here to represent the god and help people by fighting monsters. Some champions aren’t gonna be the same as their god (for example Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl don’t usually get along with one another, but their champions do. Huitzilopochtli is more stoic and quiet while his champion is more outgoing and fun)

You can send this question to other blogs that tackle mythology too or could send ideas about some character designs they wish people added into a mythology series

You can call me pen anon for now thank you :)


Heya pen anon! Side note before I start rambling I really enjoyed your last ask :D

I just want to start by saying that your idea seems awesome, it's a great and creative concept (is it going to be posted anywhere? I'd definitely want to check it out when it's done if thats possible haha)! I also want to say that I'm still learning about Aztec mythology and the countless myths and I'm still learning about a lot of them (same goes for other mythologies!)

As for getting information, all you need to do is a quick google search for different gods and myths. Some sources are more official and go into more depth about different aspects of the mythology, whilst others just give a brief recap. For Aztec mythology, I recommend you to go to and click on "aztec religion".

Another source of information is Youtube. Specifically, I like the channel "overly sarcastic productions" because they organize different myths into 15-20 min videos and also make it humorous, fun, and enjoyable to watch.

As for organizing information, I'm not very good at it lol I kind of just remember random stuff. But there are going to be myths that are more famous and spoken about such as the Aztec five suns myth or greek heroes like achilles and Hercules, etc etc. And then there are going to be myths that are more obscure myths, like those that entail the creation of a certain plant or animal or such. If you're going to write a story, I recommend making a google docs or just memorizing which of the bigger myths you want to have play a bigger impact on the gods' personalities + their relationships with one another, and which ones will just be cool "oh yeah I did that once" memories for them.

Again im kind of unorganized lol, so this is the best advice I have, sorry. Thanks for the ask!

Tagging my mythology buddies to see if they want to share their methods:




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6 months ago

Tezcatlipoca: "I lost a bet." 

Tezcatlipoca: The second-most ominous phrase in existence. 

Quetzalcoatl: What's the first? 

Tezcatlipoca: "Let's make a bet."

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