Floods - Tumblr Posts
If y'all had to pick a natural disaster to live with, which would it be?

From my sketchbook. Drew this today in honor of the lives lost, missing, destroyed and rescued in America’s Appalachian mountains.
America has never seen anything quite like this. Reverence Life.
~ ~ Christy
Floods hit Bosnia and Herzegovina yesterday dozens are dead and still missing the houses are all under water and the infrastructure is completely damaged
If you're able to donate I will leave some resources below 🇧🇦💙

Foreigners can donate via PayPal info in first photo, in the second photo there's bank information for other countries

Absolutely devastating.
appalachia is devastated. towns i loved, towns i visited all the time, are gone. not damaged, GONE. they are leveled to the ground. there is nothing left but rubble and ruin. people are dead. appalachia is poor to begin with and relies on tourism for a lot of its income, and multiple of those tourist locations are just...gone.
my town is okay, but it's flooded and wrecked. trees are blocking all but one way out of our neighborhood. power lines are hanging limp in the roads. we've been without power for over 24 hours and will continue to be without power for likely another 24+. disabled people and poor people are GOING to die from this. gods save appalachia.
Tlaloc and Chalchuihtlicue: NO ONE UNEMPLOYS US.
Water/sea/storm/river deities say: fuck climate change and lets help the people in Rio Grande do Sul

The Day After Tomorrow: The Superstorm that Will Set Off a New Ice Age
Just like the 2004 science fiction disaster film “The Day After Tomorrow,” the Bible also predicts the coming of a superstorm at the end of days that will set off catastrophic natural disasters throughout the world and lead to a new ice age!
By Author Eli Kittim
Sea Levels Rise: Floods & Tsunamis
Psalm 93.3-4 (NRSV):
The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods
have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up
their roaring. More majestic than the
thunders of mighty waters, more majestic
than the waves of the sea.
Great Noise: Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Whirlwinds, Storms, & Raging Fires
Isaiah 29.6:
you will be visited by the Lord of hosts with
thunder and earthquake and great noise,
with whirlwind and tempest, and the flame
of a devouring fire.
Winds, Storms & Tempests
Isaiah 32.2:
Each will be like a hiding place from the
wind, a covert from the tempest, like
streams of water in a dry place, like the
shade of a great rock in a weary land.
Storms, Hurricanes & Whirling Tempests
Jeremiah 23.19:
Look, the storm of the Lord! Wrath has gone
forth, a whirling tempest; it will burst upon
the head of the wicked.
Thunder, Lightning & Whirlwinds
Zechariah 9.14:
Then the Lord will appear over them, and
his arrow go forth like lightning; the Lord
God will sound the trumpet and march forth
in the whirlwinds of the south.
Great Fear: Lunar & Solar Eclipses, Tsunamis, Sea Levels Rise
Luke 21.25-26:
There will be signs in the sun, the moon,
and the stars, and on the earth distress
among nations confused by the roaring of
the sea and the waves. People will faint
from fear and foreboding of what is coming
upon the world, for the powers of the
heavens will be shaken.
One Third of the Earth Burned Up, Impact Events, Megatsunamis, Mountains Falling Into the Sea, One Third of the Sea Life Dead, Poisoned Waters & Nuclear Winter
Revelation 8.7-12:
The first angel blew his trumpet, and there
came hail and fire, mixed with blood, and
they were hurled to the earth; and a third of
the earth was burned up, and a third of the
trees were burned up, and all green grass
was burned up. The second angel blew his
trumpet, and something like a great
mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into
the sea. A third of the sea became blood, a
third of the living creatures in the sea died,
and a third of the ships were destroyed. The
third angel blew his trumpet, and a great
star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch,
and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the
springs of water. The name of the star is
Wormwood. A third of the waters became
wormwood, and many died from the water,
because it was made bitter. The fourth
angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the
sun was struck, and a third of the moon,
and a third of the stars, so that a third of
their light was darkened; a third of the day
was kept from shining, and likewise the
Impact Events: Meteors, Asteroids & Comets Hitting the Earth
Revelation 9.1:
And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I
saw a star that had fallen from heaven
to earth, and he was given the key
to the shaft of the bottomless pit.
One Third of Mankind Killed By War & Air pollution
Revelation 9.18:
By these three plagues a third of humankind
was killed, by the fire and smoke and sulfur
coming out of their mouths.
Thunder & Lightning, Huge Earthquakes, Disappearing Islands & Mountains due to Sea Levels Rising & Catastrophic Storms
Revelation 16.18-20:
And there came flashes of lightning,
rumblings, peals of thunder, and a violent
earthquake, such as had not occurred since
people were upon the earth, so violent was
that earthquake. The great city was split
into three parts, and the cities of the
nations fell. God remembered great Babylon
and gave her the wine-cup of the fury of his
wrath. And every island fled away, and no
mountains were to be found.
Severe Weather: Monsoons, Thunderstorms, Tornadoes & Hailstorms
Revelation 16.21:
and huge hailstones, each weighing about a
hundred pounds, dropped from heaven on
people, until they cursed God for the plague
of the hail, so fearful was that plague.
Matthew 24.21:
For then there will be a great tribulation, such
as has not occurred since the beginning of the
world until now, nor ever will again.
For more details on the prophetic markers concerning the end of days, see my essay “Are We Living in the Last Days?”: https://eli-kittim.tumblr.com/post/650991528017281025/are-we-living-in-the-last-days

From my sketchbook. Drew this today in honor of the lives lost, missing, destroyed and rescued in America’s Appalachian mountains.
America has never seen anything quite like this. Reverence Life.
~ ~ Christy

this headline makes me laugh because it sounds like God is trying to scrub this earth clean but we are all stubborn and persistent sinners that won’t wash out

We had floods in my country, this is one day after the raining and storm in my town. Other cities were far worse, a lot of people have their homes flooded. 🩵
Hope everyone will be ok!! The only good thing is i might not have shool tomorrow because of it but its still tragic!
Some of you might already know about huge number of floods in Central Europe. I'm safe but some members of my family and a lot of my friends live in cities with high risk of flooding (or in the cities that already are underwater)
Polish fandom community started the charity to help people that lost their belongings. If you want to help, here's the link. No pressure with donating, I'll be glad for sharing that information as well 🙏
It's a polish site and most of the charity descriptions are in polish as well but the rest of the options should automatically translate into English
Southern Poland is under massive flooding, towns and villages are failing to keep the water away, some are already under water.
Here is a fundraiser to help the victims of the flood

please rb or donate if you can