Bad Batch Twins - Tumblr Posts
Lyni to Phee when going to bail their boyfriends out of prison, "We're in love with two halves of a whole idiot."
Phee, "My half is hotter."
Crosshair: Do you think I’m going too far?
Tech: No no you went too far seven hours ago. Now you’re going to prison.
He wouldn't let this prank slide.
Crosshair: Could I have a moment alone with him?
Rest of the batch: *nods and leaves*
Crosshair, turning towards the casket: Listen you little shit, I know you’re not dead.
Tech: Obviously.
I feel like Tech and Crosshair would have that kind of dynamic where Crosshair would just be talking shit and Tech would be like “please do not involve me in this drama” but Crosshair ignores him and keeps going, and then Tech says something SO out of pocket (but true) about the person Crosshair is talking shit about that even Crosshair is like “okay you might not be wrong but that wasn’t very nice…”
Crosshair: I made us some friendship bracelets.
Tech: Oh that was very ni-
Crosshair: *handcuffs himself to Tech*

A quick drawing of out favourite ✨️twins✨️ as cadets