Bakubowl - Tumblr Posts
Masaru: Katsuki, my boy. What did you do today?
Kid Bakugo: Colors.
Masaru: Huh?
Kid Bakugo: Colors! You know, coloring. Like with a crayon!
Masaru: Oh, and uh…What did you color?
Kid Bakugo, mad: Some big f***ing dinosaur!
Kid Bakugo, mad and mocking: ‘WhAt DiD yOu ColOR??’ F*** YOU!
Masaru, turning and smiling: Mitsuki, darling, what’s wrong with our son?

Could’ve added more but for now...
📂 i love you and your hc! ❤️❤️❤️❤️;U deserve the world
THANK YOU SM!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ (this hc is actually from my fic that im currently writing!!!)
a sleepy katsuki is impossible to understand. he stumbles around, eyes heavy and teary with a blanket draped around him, mumbling incoherently. nobody can understand him. but class 1a finds this so goddamn cute.
izuku has known katsuki his entire life, so he’s used to morning katsuki but class 1a on the other hand??? they are so shocked.
morning katsuki is cuddly as hell. he walks up to eijirou (best friend privileges) or izuku (childhood friend privileges) and drapes himself over them, mumbling into their shoulder.
the first time this happens, eijirou, along with everybody else in the common room, freezes up. katsuki has a blanket wrapped around his entire body, stumbling around until he finds ei and just. plops his head onto his friends shoulder. “uhhh... you okay there buddy?”
he’s met with incoherent mumbling. “i cant understand you bro.” he awkwardly laughs. izuku sighs and walks over, scooping him up into his arms, katsuki’s legs around his waist and arms around his neck while izuku is using one arm on katsuki’s waist to keep him steady and just. carries on getting himself some cereal.
ochako approaches them and is like “what??? is going on??’ and izuku explains that katsuki is just like this in the mornings. he only is cuddly with those who he trusts though. hearing that eijirou starts to tear up. “did you hear that?? he trusts me!!”
so the next morning when katsuki comes stumbling down into the common room, draping himself onto eijirou, he’s met with a blinding smile on his friends face. “hiya bub!! goodmorning!!’ he says as he scoops him up in his arms, similar to how izuku did the day before. katsuki yawns and mumbles into eijirous shoulder, kinda sounding like a “g’mornin..”
class 1a watches the whole interaction, a little bewildered. “as weird as it sounds,” kaminari said to the rest of the onlookers, “im feeling a little jealous right now.” everyone just nods in agreement, eyes not leaving the redhead carrying katsuki.
the third person to get “chosen” by katsuki is mina. one morning, he couldn’t find izuku or eijirou. he saw a tuft of pink hair and walked up to her from behind, plopping his head down on her shoulder. she jumps, a little startled but out of the corner of her eye she sees fluffy blonde hair and immediately gets a big smile on her face. “well, hi there! good morning bakugou!” she leaned her face over and kissed the top of his head. he just gave a hum in response and wrapped his blanket covered arms around her waist, hugging her loosely.
slowly, he starts to do this to the rest of the bakusquad. hanta likes to carry him around, giving him a piggyback ride while he goes through his morning routine, katsuki lays on kyoukas lap as she reads in the morning, denki has him sit in his lap facing him, head on his shoulder and arms/legs wrapped around him. hitoshi also carries him around, going through his morning routine. he’s just as tired as katsuki, maybe even more, but he still carries him around because 1: he’s like a cat and cats provide him comfort 2: he weighs like a couple of grapes and doesn’t hinder him when he goes through his morning routine 3: they can drink coffee together and 4: he can soak up his warmth.
ochako, on the occasion shes “chosen”, floats him around with her quirk. it’s a good workout/stamina practice for her and also she finds it adorable how he floats around the common room with a blanket wrapped around him, following her like a lost puppy.
when he finally “chose” shouto one morning, the dorm almost burnt down. other than that one incident, katsuki clings to shouto’s fire side like a koala, soaking up his warmth. this doesn’t seem to bother shouto as he gets ready for the day.
it takes the rest of their first year but he finally warms up to all of class 1a, plopping on whoever he can find first in the morning. the class likes to take this as a competition jokingly, some taking it more seriously than others....
they just love katsuki.... especially sleepy katsuki.... he’s so cute....