Balders Gate 3 - Tumblr Posts
Boby pillow is ready !!

You can order from Octavia on X ✨✨✨ You don't want to miss this .
Order from here. It closes on Aug 9th and no further plan after it. At least for the time being.

I can't get drawing astarion out of my head, the idea is he finds ur sketchbook full of drawings of the places you've visited, various people and things but he doesn't recognise a man u have drawn, covering multiple pages.
He has an inkling that he's met the man on the paper before but can't place where, he becomes jealous and pouty because why are u drawing this random man whats so important about this person, is this why you've never shown him your sketch book.
Only later for you to confront him about why he is ignoring you and why he is upset. He ends up learning it's him that you'd been drawing. Makes a quip about how only he could make himself jealous. End up sitting there in silence with you taking in the sketches of himself.
Haven't played BG3,
Should I be worried about this Astarion guy ruining my life?
Gale of Waterdeep looks like white Jesus
No, i haven't played the game
You know I find it kinda funny (for me at least lol) that I made my guardian for my Shadowheart romance run look kinda similar to Karlach

(This is my PC I made)

So I've seen on here pics of Karlach with a blue flame engine. Is it a mod or did I do something wrong with her quest?

Badlers Gate 3 Gifs
It has taken me 110 hours and 40 minutes of playtime, but i have finally fucking beaten balders gate 3
for my thoughts on the game… its hard to say if it was godlike to me… i am not a dnd nerd. before balders gate i really only made characters and only had 3 sessions under my belt, the first 2 were bad due to playing in a group of 6 people and 1 of them was just an absolute wank stain that just shouted over everyone and another was a min-maxer that kinda just told me what to do through encounters. my 3rd session was a quick oneshot my mate hosted to try and better ease me in, and i fucked myself hard from that. so i didn't really have much of a good time with dnd at first.
Balders gate 3 was no exception… i tried to enjoy it for a while… and i just struggled to have fun. becasue for my first 3 hours (i am not kidding) i failed… EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SKILL CHECK… (it also didn't help when i bitched about it and people went "its a skill issue" when its literally fucking not, i was at the start of the game, i had no skills to improve my chances) it was a fucking slog for me to just beat act 1. when i got to act 2. i got all the way to shar's temple and lost interest. then my friends inspired me to play it again. so i did… now with better knowledge of how dnd works… i had a bit of a better time… it wasn't until act 3 where i actually started to have fun with the game. its was there where i actually learned, mistakes are fine, i can do these things in another playthrough, dnd is about fucking up and laughing and making another option possible.
would i recommend this?… kinda. if you're not a dnd fan, i would recommend you have a friend with you to help guide you when you are stuck. overall tho, its a great game, Astarion's a twwink and we love him.
“This damsel may be middle-aged, but let’s get him out of distress.”

Every Lifetime - Part 2
Astarion x Y/N - drabble - 1.1K WC
Warnings: emo Astarion, guilt, mostly fluff tbh
When Withers told Astarion he could bring anyone back. His mind flit to you immediately. The thought of you coming back. He felt a sliver of hope, something he hadn’t felt in ages.
“She died… 130 years ago…” Astarion mumbled, afraid the animated skeleton would turn him down.
“Thou must have the proper payment…” Withers spoke.
Astarion fumbled, shoving coins into the boney hand. “I strike thy name from the archives… rise…” Withers spoke, moving his arms while saying the incantation.
A shimmery blue outline of a body appeared, you slowly came into focus. There you were. You felt confused. Like you had just woken up from a deep sleep. Your eyes slowly adjusted, focusing on the pale elf in front of you. Astarion? Arms encircled you in a crushing grasp, crumbling to the ground. You noticed strangers watching you, all looking at you two with faces of confusion. You slowly brought your arms around his waist. This felt so unreal. Astarion kissed your neck and face before landing on your lips. You kissed him slow and deep. You never wanted him to slip away from you, not even for a moment. Leaning your foreheads together you both sat there a moment. Fresh tears coating each of you faces.
“How?” You asked with a stuttered breath.
“In every lifetime. Always.” He kissed your cheeks, you smiled loosely.
“Do you want to try standing up?” Astarion whispered, holding the undersides of your arms, ready to pull you up with him. You nodded. You were wobbly, every part of you cracked and stretched deliciously. You gave a tiny wave to those around you who were still watching. Astarion ignored them, finding time later to explain what just happened sounded like a better idea than trying to do it now. Astarion gently led you over to his tent, sitting you gently on his bedroll, he sat in front of you. You admired one another in a comfortable silence. You let your hand reach out for him, your fingers caressing his cheek. He leaned into your touch, closing his eyes and kissing your palm at the action.
“What do we do now?” You asked, a hint of apprehension in your voice. You’d been in the ground a long time, the fear of re-entering society seemed daunting.
“I suppose we… carry on?” Astarion laughed slightly at the end, it sounded so simple but he knew the challenges ahead.
You held his hands, smoothing your fingers over the backs of them. “Can’t believe you brought me back.” You smiled up at him briefly.
Astarion’s smile faltered, “Why’s that?”
“I just thought… maybe you’d... Forgotten about me? Found a new love, a new life. I wouldn’t blame you if you had, you know that right?” You didn’t want to be dreary but the thoughts weighed you down slightly. Astarion’s happiness is all that mattered to you, even if you weren’t a part of it anymore.
Astarion shook his head roughly, “You’re my only love, my only life. My position is by your side no matter what. No matter where.”
You kissed him again, skidding the shoulders of your shirt down so your chest was revealed. You had waited so long to have him again, and judging by his reaction, he was just as eager. He pulled you close, grabbing at your exposed flesh. He worshiped every part of you that night. As you did him. Centuries had passed and he still knew your body like it was his own. You found pleasure and love in one another endlessly that night.
When you awoke, you found Astarion gazing at you, running his fingers deftly over your face. “Hello little love.” he whispered, kissing you.
“Ya know… I never thought we’d get to do that again.” you blushed a bit pulling the blanket closer to your chest.
“Alas, I never gave up hope of getting to enjoy all of this again.” he said in a flirtatious tone.
Astarions smile faded when he ran his thumb over your neck. Moving your hair he saw the scar of two puncture wounds. Even in resurrecting you, it could not destroy the evidence of your cause of death. Astarion felt sick about it. He remembered the taste of you. He could taste your fear, and worst of all, he liked it. It drove him to the brink of insanity, it wracked him with guilt.
You took his hand in yours, kissing his fingertips. “It wasn’t your fault.” you whispered.
“Doesn’t make it haunt me any less.” he pulled you into his chest, trying to radiate his apology somehow. You could see how horrible he felt and it broke your heart. You kissed him softly, pecking his lips over and over again before he relented and kissed you back. He threw your leg over his hip, pulling you closer.
“It was never, and will never, be your fault. The past is gone. When you open your eyes, the world will be a better place.” You whispered to him while you thumbed over his cheek bones, kissing the tip of his nose before he opened his eyes.
You’d always know how to talk to him, ever since you were children. Nobody had a way with him quite like you did. He smiled at you softly, how was everything always so easy with you? You’d been gone for so long and yet, it felt like you had never left. You picked up right where you left off. He adored that about you; he adored everything about you.
He kissed your shoulder, “Come.” He said as he got up, finding his clothes. You did as instructed, trying to think of where he’d take you. He led you through the city until you reached where the mountains met the beach. You followed him inside a cave and found a cottage. No sun shone here, you could see rays of light peeking in from the cave mouth but that was it. The sun was never out of reach here. “Our house, unfortunately, is long gone… so…. Maybe this can be our new home? Close to the water for you, in the shadows for me. A pleasant compromise I think.”
“How did you even find this?” You asked, walking around the outside of the cottage. Sea shells adorned it in random locations, almost as if it had been submerged once upon a time.
“Cazador had very deep pockets that I’m now privy to. Nothing is out of our reach darling.” He winked at you slyly.
You rolled your eyes, chuckling at him. He pulled you inside gently. It was quaint and simple, everything you could want or need. Not too extravagant which surprised you. Astarion always did have expensive tastes. But for you he settled with things you would both like. You wrapped your arms around his waist, leaning against the kitchen counter, “How did I get so lucky?”
Astarion didn’t reply, he simply smiled before pulling you into a deep kiss. “Stay with me?” He whispered on your lips.
“In every lifetime…” you promised.
“Always.” He kissed you as the word floated out of him, elated to have everything he’d ever wanted.
Naboo's Note:
Hello darlings! Here is part two as promised, I hope you all enjoy. I go back to work this week and am still recovering from surgery so it might be a little dry during the week but I am hoping to post one more fic today to keep everyone tied over. Thank you for all the likes, comments, reblogs, and requests! Ilysm xoxoxoxo!!!

Astarion x plus size! Y/N - drabble - 1.3K WC NSFW 18+
Warnings: insecurities, yelling, self deprecation, fluff on fluff on fluff, Astarion being a big sap, loveeeeee
Part 2
You and Astarion had been together for 8 bliss filled months. You knew you were in love with him the day he asked you to be his. Yet you never said it. He hadn’t said it either. Honestly, you were still amazed he was with you. You knew your size wasn’t perceived as conventionally attractive or desirable. It used to bother you, but you were quite comfortable in yourself now. Until it came to Astarion. It was like you were trying to hide any and all fat on your body when he was around. He had never made any negative remarks, quite the opposite actually. You just knew one day he would wake up and see through the honeyed fog of lust and find somebody who matched him. Somebody perfect, just like him.
You watched as Karlach played in the stream, she had such a child-like wonder about her. It made you happy to just be in her presence. Shadowheart sat on the shore with you, meditating. Everyone else was back at camp.
“Come on Y/N! Come play!” Karlach yelled, splashing a bit of water at you.
You got up wading into the water up to your knees. Thankfully you wore shorts and a massively oversized top. You felt comfortable enough around everyone to be seen like this. You and Karlach flicked water at each other, finding rocks and shells to take back to camp. You talked about nothing and everything. Gale and Wyll made their way down, even Lae’zel. The weather was just too good to not enjoy your little beach. You didn’t see Astarion make his way down the hill. He walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You lurched forwards, not used to touching as you were still nervous about it - especially when he touches your waist/stomach. Your foot slipped on the soft mud beneath you, you fell forwards. You caught yourself, avoiding any injury but you were soaked. Your clothes clung to you, your body on full display. You scrambled up, crossing your arms over your torso. You pushed past Astarion as he held a hand out to you. You rushed up the hill and to your tent, stripping your clothes off.
“Darling? May I come in?” Astarion said from the front of your tent.
“Not right now Star.” You tried hard to hide the waiver in your voice, or the subtle sniffles you were letting out. You layered on clothes, wanting to hide within yourself somehow.
“Love…” he said, barely peeking inside.
“I said not now! Please just go away…” you yelled, sounding harsher than you intended. You laid on your bedroll, curling into yourself. You cried until you fell asleep, the moment earlier exhausting and overwhelming you.
Astarion backed away from your tent. He had never heard you yell before, much less at him. He racked his brain, not exactly sure what he did wrong. It clicked after a moment, he touched you. You two had never established boundaries verbally but you knew he was ok with touching. You, however, were only ok with light touches that didn’t really invade your person. Holding hands, a kiss, caressing your face - all things he had done before that you seemed to be happy with. But today, perhaps he had overstepped. When he saw you and your radiant smile, so full of joy to just exist in the moment looking for shells and splashing about with Karlach. He acted on instinct, without even properly thinking it through. He felt positively wretched. Out of everyone he understood most how awful it is to have physical boundaries crossed, and he crossed yours. He walked to his tent glumly. He would seek you out later, right now he wanted to give you the space you deserved.
You woke up later. The crickets outside chirped and you could hear the campfire crackling. You rubbed your eyes. A blanket had been thrown over you, a note was folded up on your table. You got up and snatched it. “Find me when you wake - A” You sighed, closing your eyes. The way you yelled at him echoed in your mind. You were flustered, you hadn’t meant for it to sound so mean. You peeled off your coat, feeling hot and constricted in all the layers you had piled on. You left your tent in a sweater and pants. You felt less anxious than you had earlier, knowing your campmates didn’t care what you looked like. All you cared about was that Astarion had touched your stomach, the spot you were most insecure about. You couldn’t act like it wasn’t there anymore, you had to face him. You willed back your misty eyes, preparing for the worst. You softly called his name outside of his tent, waiting for him to call you in. He did, and he looked just as nervous as you felt. Your stomach dropped but you tried not to show it.
You sat rather far from him, wanting to have space between you both. “I’m sorry I yelled at you.” you spoke first.
“I’m not worried about that darling… I am worried about the fact that I hurt you.” he spoke softly but you could hear the guilt in his tone.
You looked at him, confusion dripping from your face. “I wasn’t thinking… and I know that isn’t an excuse, but I’m sorry I crossed your boundary. It won't happen again… that being said, we need to have a talk.”
Your blood ran cold, a cold sweat covering your back. This was it. You nodded stoically, convincing yourself not to cry.
“I would like to know where you are comfortable with me touching you. I, personally, am comfortable with you touching me wherever, whenever.” he smiled at you gently, a simple twitch up the corners of his mouth.
Well… this is not where you thought the conversation was going. “I…” you tried to collect your thoughts, “I do like your touch. I want you to know that. I love it, in fact. What happened earlier wasn’t anything to do with you, I just…” you paused, unsure if you should even tell him.
He looked at you with his big pleading eyes, you had to tell him or this wall would intrude upon your relationship.
“I am insecure about my… size… my weight. I know you have had many diviner conquests, and you yourself are a vision… I just… I don’t know… I don’t want to disappoint y-” you were cut off by his lips melding into yours. They were soft but you could feel a fire behind them.
“Respectfully, darling, shut up.” he kissed you again, deeply. As if trying to convey a multitude of feelings at once. “You are perfect. And you are not a conquest, you are the one I…” he paused, his eyes flicking between yours before he spoke again. “You are the one I love. And I love all of you.”
You were shocked, you were sure you felt everything about your relationship deeper than he did. And yet, here he was saying he loves you. “I love you… I’m so sorry about this whole thing.” you scooted closer to him, reaching for his hand.
“Don’t be sorry. I understand insecurities, nasty little thoughts that cannibalize you from within.” he cupped your cheek, “You have nothing to worry about. You are perfect, I love everything about you.”
He sounded so sincere you couldn’t help but tear up. “Can we… work on expanding my boundaries? I want to touch you, and have you touch me… I just need some time to get comfortable. Get out of my head, ya know?” you asked, picking at your nails. You hadn’t talked about intimacy with anyone else before, not like this.
“Of course little love… we’ll go at your pace. Honestly, I’m excited to do this with you.” he smiled, his fangs making an appearance. “I love you, endlessly.” he said as he kissed your cheeks before landing on your lips. The kiss was sweet, almost like it was sealing a promise.
“I love you, endlessly.” you spoke on his lips before connecting your mouths once again.
Naboo's Note:
Hello! I hope everyone enjoys, I haven't seen too many plus size reader inserts with Astarion so here is my shot at it. As a plus size person I think this kind of representation is important and very validating. Post again soon, love you guys!! Thanks for all the likes, comments, reblogs, and requests!! XOXOXOXO

May I?
Astarion x Y/N - drabble - 1.4K WC
Warnings: fluff, illusion to trauma, Cazador mention, soft Astarion, suggested smut, so sweet you will literally get a cavity
“I don’t know how else to be with someone… no matter how much I’d like to be.”
You had never heard someone sound so sad, conflicted, and scared. But all you could do was smile gently at him. “May I hold your hand?” you asked him.
His eyes widened ever so slightly, nobody had ever asked before they touched him. He nodded at you.
“I like you Astarion, I don’t have to have sex with you to know that. I also know what it is to be afraid of touch, to be violated. We never have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with.” you squeezed his hand gently to emphasize your point as you looked into his eyes.
He pondered for a moment, “I… I’d like that. You’re full of surprises aren’t you?”
You laughed slightly before pulling him towards the campfire to join your friends.
Astarion splashed water at you while you attempted to chase him. Both of you standing in the lake up to your hips. You laughed and giggled like you were having the best time of your life. The sky was orange with pink clouds, making the blue water look tinged with gold. You had never seen Astarion smile so much. The two of you continued splashing around for what felt like hours before you stilled. You held your arm up as the sun slipped behind the horizon.
You watched as the light and warmth slipped away from your fingers. “Goodbye friend, see you tomorrow.” you whispered.
Astarion looked at you quizzically, not understanding your strange little ritual.
Your eyes met his and your face instantly felt hot, embarrassed he had seen such a private moment. “I was a rather lonely child. But the sun, my constant companion, came back every day just to greet me.” you explained to him as you ghosted your fingers over the lake's surface making ripples dance across its glassy surface.
Astarion smiled, “Quite the opposite for me. All those years, the moon was my only companion. I took comfort in her ethereal glow.” Astarion copied your movements, your ripples colliding with his. “Do you think you could ever be without the sun?” he asked, his rounding with a hint of worry.
“The sun will always rise again for me no matter how long I am away. What about you? Think you could survive without the moon?” you answered.
“She hasn’t failed me yet.” he said cheekily. He leaned forward a bit, his hand twitching towards yours.
You opened your hand to him but kept it distant, giving him the choice to come to you or not. He gently slid his cold fingers between yours. You smiled at each other, listening to the rustle of the leaves and the water lapping against you. You watched the moon for a bit, talking about the stars and whatever else interested you both.
And before you knew it, your old friend was making its way back into the sky.
You stood over the fire, waiting for the small pot of water to boil so you could make yourself some tea before turning in for the night. You yawned; everyone else was asleep but the sweet dream world eluded you. You heard steps behind you, instantly knowing it was Astarion by how light they were.
“Can’t sleep?” he asked quietly.
You hummed in response as you turned to him. “May I hug you?” you asked him.
He smiled, “Of course darling.” he opened his arms to you.
You instantly slipped into his embrace, sighing with happiness. His broad chest was cold but inviting. You nuzzled into him feeling sleepy already. You heard the water boiling and pulled away from his embrace. You made a cup of tea for both you and him; two sugars and a little milk, just the way he liked.
Astarion gently pulled you back into his chest as you both sipped your tea. You drank it quickly, the warmth from the tea lulling you to sleep. You dozed off, turning on your side and shuffling closer to Astarion.
You were curled up against him, like a cat, he thought to himself. He smiled down at you, watching your chest rise and fall with shallow breaths. He gently pushed your hair out of the way, “Gods I love you.” he mumbled. He stayed like that the whole night, reveling in your soft touch.
Astarion pulled you into his favorite jewelry shop in all of Baldur’s Gate, The Glitter Gala. He excitedly looked at all the pieces in the cases. His eyes focused on a ruby pendant with an onyx chain. He quickly moved on, you noticed he never bought anything for himself despite having quite a bit of gold between the two of you. You cursed Cazador in moments like these, knowing that Astarion didn’t buy anything because he knew he wouldn’t be allowed to keep it when he was a slave. You broke away from him momentarily and quickly bought the pendant so he wouldn’t see. You excitedly clenched your pocket every now and then, just wanting to know you had the pendant.
Later, when you sat in his tent listening to him read you laid your head on his lap. He absent mindedly played with your locks, both of you finding it comforting.
“Close your eyes and give me your hand.” you said.
He eyed you suspiciously, cautiously holding his hand out and covering his eyes with the other.
“No peeking!” you giggled when you saw him look between his fingers.
He closed his eyes for good, feeling something cold and smooth in his palm.
“Ok, open your eyes!” you said excitedly, sitting up.
Astarion gazed at the very same pendant he looked at earlier but denied himself. He rubbed his thumb over the smooth ruby before he looked at you. His eyes were misty and you could see he was holding back tears.
“I don’t remember the last time somebody got me a gift,” he whispered.
Your eyes softened and you shuffled closer to him. He pulled you into a hug and as you leaned back, he tilted your chin up and kissed you softly. You pulled back, smiling as you clasped the pendant around his neck.
You ran your thumb over the ruby, “I enchanted it… your armor is twice as strong as long as you wear this.”
Astarion quickly wiped the tears from his eyes before he cradled your face, “Thank you little love, this is… absolutely wonderful.”
“May I kiss you again?” you asked politely.
“Please…” he said under his breath.
You hooked your finger under the onyx chain, gently pulling him towards you before your lips met again in a sweet kiss.
Astarion laid on the ground after Orin kicked him in the chest, he saw her raise her sword and prepared to feel the sting of the blade. When nothing came down, he opened his eyes. He saw you rush her, tackling her to the ground. He stayed on the ground, watching in awe as you pinned her beneath you.
“Nobody touches him.” you growled in her face before swiftly slitting her throat.
Astarion scrambled over to you, helping you up. Blood dripped off your face, you kept your eyes on Orin, rage still seething within you.
“You’re alright darling, I’ve got you.” Astarion said, “Are we done here?” he asked the others. They nodded to him, Karlach beginning to search Orin’s corpse for anything useful. Astarion nodded before opening the sigil, taking you both back to camp.
You took a bath, Astarion waited for you outside. You noticed him smiling at you as you brushed your hair. “What?” you said, turning to look at him.
“When you killed Orin, I’ve never seen you look so…” he started.
“Deranged?” you asked, a tinge of fear in your voice. Today was easily your most savage moment, something took over you when she dared to touch Astarion.
“Attractive,” he said with a smirk, “Honestly my sweet, I would have taken you then and there if I could have.”
Your mouth parted slightly, you felt a familiar heat pool between your legs.
His hands gently parted your legs as he kneeled before you while you sat at your vanity. “May I?” he said as he looked between your eyes and your crotch with what you could only describe as animalistic hunger.
You nodded, throwing your head back as he dove in like a man starved.
Naboo's Note:
Hello!!! Hope everyone likes this, I am working overnight for the next few days so I will try to pump out a new fic or two because what the fuck else do I have to do during this time lol. I hope ya'll are doing well. As always, thank you for the likes, comments, reblogs, and requests. XOXOXOXOXOXO!!!

Aeterna Amantes
Astarion x Y/N - Chapter 4 - 1K WC NSFW 18+
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4 NSFW 18+ (you are here!)
chapter 5
Warnings: mention of thinking of sex, implied blood drinking, Astarion and reader masturbating, this is a completely sexual chapter because I am on one rn lol
No matter how hard you tried, the book you read days prior wouldn’t leave your mind. The words, the pictures… and Astarion. The way your body reacted to him in such an intimate moment. You were sure he didn’t see it that way, he needed blood, that was that. But you couldn’t help but crave that heat that bloomed between your legs when his breath fanned over your neck, when he kissed your pulse point before sinking his fangs into you. You sheepishly asked Gale for another book, specifically focused on pleasure. He gave it to you gladly, you missed the smirk that graced his face. Retreating back to your tent for the day like normal, you began reading. Everything in the book shocked and intrigued you, specifically one part - self pleasure. You read over the pages incessantly before a thought popped into your head. You looked at the open pages before laying down slowly. You remained in Astarion’s shirt which was a tad oversized on you, your underwear is all that remained on your lower half. You looked at the book once more before slipping your hand into your underwear. You felt around a bit, trying to find the spot the book described. Getting slightly irritated you considered giving up on such a foolish idea. Perhaps you weren’t created with said spot.
Your eyes jolted open as an intense wave of pleasure hit you for the briefest of moments. Your fingers brushed past it again. Your eyes fluttered closed this time around as you started figuring out a rhythm that made the sparks of pleasure spread. The spreading heat between your legs was positively heavenly, you never wanted it to stop. You worked yourself over; sweat covered you in a thin sheen while your breaths grew ragged. You felt tense, yet relaxed as if you were melting. You groped at your chest, your nipples hard and aching for contact. You couldn’t stay still, back arching whenever you got a particularly intense shock of pleasure. What surprised you the most was when the thought of Astarion popped into your head the pleasure you felt increased ten fold. You imagined his cold hands running over your flushed body. You imagined his lips trailing down you. You imagined his head nestled between your thighs. You weren’t exactly sure how the mechanics of full on sex worked but you knew it would be mind blowing if it were with that pale elf.
The more you thought of him, the faster your movements became. You felt something forming in the pit of your lower stomach. Something kin to lava about to boil over and lay waste to everything in its path.
As Astarion returned to camp he cracked his neck, his aching joints making it evident to him that he needed to shed his armor and rest. He did exactly that before his ears perked up, your heartbeat in your tent was racing. Ever so worried about you he sped over to the tent. He heard soft whimpers and little pants coming from you. Right before he barged in to check on you he heard something that stopped him in his tracks.
“Mmmhm… Astarion, please…” you whimpered, begging for a release.
He saw the open book next to you from the small opening he was peering through at the mouth of your tent. The crude drawings appeared to show how self stimulation worked. He watched you, shamelessly. He wanted to watch you crave him. The very thought excited him, his body reacting obviously by the growing erection in his pants.
“So good for me…” he said barely above a whisper.
He gawked at you as you sped up your movements, your back arching before your legs started shaking. Your body convulsing slightly as you let out a strangled moan. Astarion had to hold back his own moan as he looked down momentarily to see the small wet patch forming on his pants. He watched as you came down from your high; you hummed with content, before sitting up slightly. You yawned as you reached for the cloth laying on the edge of your bathtub. You cleaned yourself up, sucking in a sharp breath as you glided the rag over a particularly sensitive spot still thrumming from the pleasure you gave yourself. You adjusted your underwear and shirt, looking as if nothing had happened. But he saw it, he saw the haze of lust filled satisfaction in your eyes.
Your body felt tired, all of you felt sleepy as if you had done something strenuous. Whatever the feeling was, you knew you wanted to do it again, and again, and again. It felt indescribable. Like an eruption that devoured your body and soul. It felt like… a little death.
You stood up, your legs wobbling ever so slightly. Once you managed to get you barings you made your way to Astarion’s tent. As you neared his tent you heard his heavy breaths. Wondering what was wrong you hurried over, pulling the front of the tent open slightly before you froze. His cock was in his hand, hard and dripping with pre. You watched with awe as he pumped himself furiously. His head was thrown back, eyes closed, mouth agape.
“Please darling… Y/N…” he hissed out as he ran his thumb over the slick slit of the head of his cock. You saw his hips give a jolt when he did so and for some reason you wished he was bucking up into you. You watched intently before his breathing stuttered and streams of white spurted down his hand. He pumped himself lazily until it became too much.
You watched him clean himself up before you composed yourself, softly calling out to him as if you had just arrived. You looked at him with the most innocent expression you could muster despite witnessing his little display of desire.
“I thought you might want to feed?” You said to him as he stood in the doorway of his tent.
“Oh beastie, you always know how to make me happy.” he chided as he opened the tent wider for you to enter.
Both of your minds swam with ideas of what you longed to do to each other. But for now he settled for soft kisses on your neck, as you settled for carding your fingers through the soft white curls at the base of his neck.
Naboo's Note:
Hello! Sorry for the mini hiatus, life has been hella stressful and my motivation to write is on the fucking floor but I hope this is good for ya'll. I will be working on the requests I have gotten next as I have the next few days off and I plan on doing absolutely nothing but vegging out. Love ya'll - thanks for all the likes, comments, reblogs, and requests - they keep me motivated! XOXOXOXOXOXO!!!!
・❥・in the morning picking flowers (in my head I was giving them to you)
: ̗̀➛ astarion x gn!reader
: ̗̀➛ wc: 600+

Though his piercing ruby gaze and sinful smirk that promises so much more may fool passerbyers and drunken tavern patrons, you see through him for what he truly is. A scared man trying desperately to prove his worth in any way possible. You see his lips quiver in fear every time he catches someone’s eye before quickly slipping into his persona. Your heart pangs to see a man like him degrade himself, so when he’s looming over your neck starving you don’t hesitate to offer yourself up.
He thinks you’re an idiot. That your mother must have dropped you on your head as a child. No person in their right mind would let a vampire feed on them if they didn’t have a thing for it. He’s sure this isn’t sexual for you so what do you have to gain from offering yourself up like a lamb to the slaughter. The thought gnaws at his mind until he feels his fangs break through the thin skin on your neck and that sweet delectable blood hit his tongue. All thoughts of doubt go flying out the window. The first sentient creature’s blood he’s drinken since his turning and he thinks he can’t ever go back to feeding on boars and squirrels anymore. It is the finest wine he has ever sipped, it is a royal banquet filled with the most lavish foods of Faerun, it is the first breath he takes in a cool crisp morning. Utterly refreshing and desperately needed.
He laps at your wound like a feral dog would when presented with a well grilled steak. He feels your blood traverse through his dead veins igniting every single cell in his body. Your blood rushes to his heart and he thinks he might faint. It starts to contract horribly and then suddenly expands and he only realizes after a few moments that his heart is beating. How could he have forgotten what it felt like to have a beating heart. Chasing the illusion of being mortal once more, he eagerly slurps up your life's essence.
You watch as the warmth leaves your body and flush his paper skin with a soft coral shade leaving you feeling like ice against him as if you are the vampire in this situation. And though your vision is starting to blur and your limbs are as heavy as lead, you let him take his fill. It would be crueler still to rip away from him when all he has had is a taste. But sweet suckles turn into ravenous gulps and it takes all your strength to whisper in Astarion’s ear to stop.
Through his drunken stupor he hears your plea break through his ecstasy and he now notices how limp you’ve become. He licks at your wound savoring the last beads of crimson that seep out of the twin marks. You look up through hazy eyes at his impending form over your heaving one. Blushing cheeks, eyes even a brighter shade of vermillion, and for a few seconds, a beating heart.
“This is a gift you know. I won’t forget it.” And you believe him. He turns to mist in your mind as sweet sleep takes over your drained body. You dream of your life before the Nautiloid, of prancing around in your mother’s garden as a child. How the grass tickled your toes and the sun kissed your cheeks. You imagine gathering daisy’s and weaving them into a crown as carefully as your toddler hands could let you and gifting it to Astarion. His cheeks turn the same shade as your blood and you spend the rest of the day basking in the sun’s embrace and making flower crowns.
Hello, friends! Here is a snippet of Chapter 9 of my bg3 isekai fanfic, Indelible Imprints! You can read the whole chapter on Ao3! I'll be posting the chapter to Tumblr tomorrow!

Astarion warmup
Indelible Imprints
Chapter 11
Word Count: 6k
-Erin has nightmares -Astarion stumbles across Erin doing yoga with Gale -He gets jelly but ends up joining -Erin is busy -Mutual Pining
Previous Chapters: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
Hey friends!
I had planned on getting this chapter out much sooner, but I was moving into a new place and celebrating my birthday (You could reblog or leave me a lil comment as a bday present, if you wanna 😜) a couple of weeks ago, so I got kinda busy. Now that I’m mostly settled after the move, I’m hoping to update more regularly again. (Sorry, I feel like I’m always saying that and then taking a month to update again 😬)
This chapter is a bit slower, but I hope you’ll still enjoy it! They needed some time to rest in camp and be confused about their feelings. 😅
Tag list: @roguishcat @thisisew
Please let me know if you would like to be added to the taglist!
Erin could see the sun seeping through the fabric of her tent as she stared at the ceiling from her bedroll. Her dreams had not been restful the previous night, and she’d given up on trying to fall back asleep around an hour or so ago. She couldn’t tell how much time had actually passed. Without her phone working, or a watch or an alarm clock, all she had to give her an idea of the time was the sun. Most mornings she just woke to the sounds of the early risers in camp and the smell of Gale’s breakfast.
She was tired. And sore. So sore. Even before last night’s fitful sleep interrupted with nightmares, she’d been having trouble sleeping most nights. Initially, the exhaustion of simply existing in Faerûn was enough to have her completely wiped by the end of the day. Unfortunately, her body had gotten used to it and couldn’t easily fall into a sound sleep anymore. There was a general sense of anxiety that she felt every night, so aware of the threat of danger all around her. Her sleep was always light, as though she’d need to be able to jump out of bed at a moment’s notice.
Then there was the lying on the ground every night that she just couldn’t get used to. She missed her bed and the nights she washed her sheets, falling asleep on warm, crisp linens, the smell of her lavender laundry detergent filling her nose. Sleeping on a thin bedroll every night over the threadbare floor of her tent made her feel like the princess and the pea, always feeling something uncomfortable underneath her as she slept.
None of those things were what kept her up last night though. Now that the sun was coming out and she could see a little better, she reached her arms out in front of her to inspect. She scanned them, twisting this way and that. Observing the unblemished milky skin of her inner arms and wrists, she ran her fingers over the places the hag had cut her yesterday. Or, made her cut herself. Shadowheart’s healing left no evidence of the wounds, but Erin could still feel the ghost of something there. Like a scar over nerves, not painful, but tugging at the skin. It was probably just in her head, but the nightmares didn’t help.
I can tell you want her.
She shut her eyes.
Don’t you want to know what she tastes like, first?
She shook her head, pushing her palms into her eye sockets.
STOP, she commanded herself, trying to force the memories out of her head.
Rolling to her side, she brushed her fingers lightly across the wall of her tent. Attempting to ground herself, she focused on the way the texture of the fabric felt underneath her fingertips.
When the hag had possessed her, Erin had been so disoriented that she could hardly register the things Ethel made her say or do. The only thing she could really focus on was the pain. But things had come back to her as she slept. First, she’d woken to the sound of Shadowheart’s scream, and the feeling of her bones breaking beneath her foot. In the next nightmare, she’d been choking on hot, thick blood, running down her throat from the deep cut in her tongue as she laughed and it gurgled in her mouth. She could still taste the metallic tang of it in her mouth, and she couldn’t understand the appeal it had to Astarion.
God, the dreams of him were the worst. She still couldn’t fully wrap her head around everything that had happened with him yesterday. Why had he come after all? What had changed his mind?
He probably just didn't want to lose his daily meals, she thought. Who could blame him when he'd starved for so long?
He'd been so angry when she insisted on finding Mayrina. She remembered the way he snarled at her.
That hag will rip you to pieces.
It stung when he didn’t come with them. She worried about him being left alone, but she couldn't force him follow her. Even if she could have, she wouldn't have made him walk straight into danger with her. She wished she’d listened to him so he didn’t have to. It would have spared her each horrible flash of memory of what she did to him - what the hag made her do. The taste of his lips lingered on her tongue and she felt disgusted with herself. She couldn’t believe he’d agreed to hug her after all that.
She could still feel the weight of him on top of her when she first broke from the hag's possession, growing heavier once the mask fell off and he relaxed his body over hers, pressing their foreheads together.
His body above hers was so comforting, and she was so grateful, so she asked if she could hug him. After his reaction to her first hug that morning, she was prepared for him to say no. She hadn’t planned to hug him again since he'd seemed so uncomfortable. On their way to Ethel’s she’d been trying to think of something else she could do with him, like fist-bumping with Lae'zel. Something unique to him, like a secret handshake, if he'd entertain it. But she hadn't had enough time to come up with anything before that moment, and he was right there, and she really needed a hug. So she asked.
He’d said it so quickly.
She was so relieved. He shocked her when he returned the hug, still on top of her, lying there for so long she nearly forgot where they were. Her chest ached when Shadowheart came back to them and she had to let go. Probably just sore from him lying there too long.
Things seemed normal again so quickly, but then she’d had her fit with Mayrina and her spat with Astarion about the monster hunter. She cringed thinking about the emotional little speech she’d given him after it all. Sincerity like that felt so… embarrassing. But he seemed to accept it and her apology without judgement. Well… as little judgement as can be expected from Astarion. Rubbing circles on the pads of her thumbs with her forefingers, she thought of the feel of his silky hair in her fingers yesterday. Closing her eyes, she thought of the way he’d closed his own, letting her fix his curls for him, and she felt her cheeks grow hot at the memory.
Why did I do that?
Sitting up, she tried to shrug off her embarrassment. Maybe if she didn’t acknowledge it or act differently around him, he’d forget. If neither of them brought it up, she could pretend it didn't happen.
She sighed, falling back against her bedroll. Staring blankly ahead, she wondered how long she could get away with staying in her tent this morning.
A soft, "ahem," outside answered the question for her.
Pulling her blanket over her head as though it might make her disappear, she groaned. "Isn't getting possessed and fighting a hag a good enough excuse to sleep in a little?" Not that she was sleeping. But she didn’t feel ready to get up and talk to people yet.
She heard Gale chuckle through the fabric of her tent. "It most certainly is, and the others have already decided to spend the morning resting before continuing on our journey. I only had something to ask of you, if you'd care to indulge me. May I come in?"
Erin looked around her, grabbing the dirty clothes scattered haphazardly around the space and tucking them into a corner.
"You can come in. I'm a bit of a mess, but I'm decent." It was true. Astarion had been right when he said she smelled gross last night, so she grabbed her toiletries and rushed to the lake to bathe as soon as they got back to camp. Too tired to braid her hair or wait for it to dry, she went to sleep with it wet. It was probably flat from wherever she’d laid her head and bumpy in all the wrong places. At least she was fully dressed, having changed into her university t-shirt and purple sweatpants before going to sleep.
Gale's head popped through the flap in her tent as he let himself in.
"My friend, if this is your idea of yourself as a mess, I'm quite curious to know how you dress up." he smiled warmly.
"Ha!" she let out a genuine laugh. "You might change your mind if you smelled my morning breath."
He chuckled, "I'll be sure not to sit downwind of it, then."
Once Gale sat down, Erin crawled over to her duffel bag and started picking things from it. Satisfied she had everything she was looking for, she reached out to hand it all to Gale.
"What's this?" he questioned, looking a little confused.
“Some of the magical things we've picked up so far. I pulled them from the camp chest before going to bed last night so I could give them to you. I could have sworn there were more, but I was pretty tired and probably missed some things. That's why you're here, right? I hope it's enough."
She'd handed him several rings and necklaces, pressing them into his palms, encouraging him to take them. Looking down at them, Gale's smile softened and he thanked her.
"Your kindness is very much appreciated. But I must admit that my condition is currently stable and I didn't come to you for this." He started to hand the items over to return, but she only took his hands and pressed his fingers closed, patting them amicably.
"Keep them anyway,” she insisted. “That way you can have them on hand when you do need them."
"I'll endeavor to make the loss up to you,” he responded.
She shook her head. "You don't owe me anything, Gale. We all found these things together. You’re entitled to them just as much as any of us."
He nodded, “You’re too kind. Truly.”
She waved the comment away, “Don’t worry about it. So what did you come to ask me, if not that?”
“Oh, right! I’d nearly forgotten,” he brightened. "I was hoping you'd let me borrow your little device from your homeworld."
Erin’s brows raised for a moment in surprise. "Oh, well... I don't know if you remember me mentioning this before, but it's not working anymore. It's out of power." She frowned, a bit sad at the reminder.
"I do remember! I also recall you saying that it ran on electricity!” He leaned toward her conspiratorially, dropping his voice to a mock-whisper, “I don't know if you've noticed, but I have a bit of electricity at my disposal."
Uncomfortable with what he seemed to be suggesting, she hesitated. "I don't think shooting lighting at it is a good idea, Gale. I know it's not working, but I'd still like to keep it in one piece."
"You misunderstand me,” he reassured her. “I wouldn't dream of doing something so destructive. I'd like to study it a bit, and see if perhaps a small concentration of electricity would help to fix it. No bolts of lightning or anything so dramatic required."
Erin considered his request for a moment. After her phone died, she hadn't expected she'd be able to charge it again in Faerûn. Still, it was sentimental, and she hated the idea of it getting irreparably damaged. She studied Gale’s face. He seemed considerate, and she trusted he'd be careful. Making her decision, she dug into her duffel again.
"Here," she handed the phone to him, then the portable charger. "If you wouldn't mind practicing on that before you try anything with the phone, I'd appreciate it. They're different, but they both run on electricity and I'd miss the smaller one a little less if it got ruined. There's a small bulb here," she pointed at the charging indicator, "it'll light blue if it's got a charge - if it's working, I mean."
He accepted the items with careful hands. "Of course. I'll take great care with your treasures, my friend. Thank you for indulging me." He stood up to leave. "I'll let you get back to resting now."
"Wait,” she stopped him, realizing she didn’t want to be left alone. Not with her nightmares still so fresh in her head. “Are you up for a bit of stretching? I promised to do some morning yoga with you yesterday."
"Are you sure? I thought you wanted to sleep in?"
She shrugged. "I'm already up. Give me a minute and I'll meet you by the campfire. Should be plenty of space around there."
"Well then,” he smiled. “I'll see you in a moment."
Erin was in her hideous purple sweatpants again. It was the first thing he noticed when he stepped outside of his tent that morning.
The second thing he noticed, was that she was lying on her back, legs spread wide open as she gripped her feet and pulled her knees to her chest.
The third thing he noticed, was the wizard, sitting on his knees in front of her, watching her intently.
That uncomfortable feeling he’d been getting lately whenever he saw her being friendly with the wizard roiled inside him. He couldn’t explain the twisting he felt in his gut whenever she smiled at Gale, or hugged one of their companions. Didn’t understand why it bothered him so much.
As he glared at the wizard, Astarion noticed him move forward to press Erin’s legs further up. Nostrils flaring, Astarion appeared in front of them before he knew what he was doing. It was too late to rethink and turn back though, as they’d already noticed him and looked up from their strange position. He attempted to feign nonchalance.
"In the middle of camp, for everyone to see? Bold of you." His tone came off a bit clipped, and he hoped Erin didn’t notice.
She looked up at him quizzically, as though he were the one behaving strangely in this scenario. "Astarion, you're the only other person out here."
Was his presence alone not enough to discourage… whatever this was?
"So you thought you'd give me a private show?" He asked, attempting to mask his incredulity with a tone he hoped was casual.
Erin and Gale exchanged awkward glances before she looked back to him and asked, "...What do you think we're doing?"
He couldn’t stand this. "What in the bloody hells am I supposed to think you're doing?!" he demanded, out of patience.
Erin stood up. "Would you like to join us so we can show you?" she offered.
"Would I- excuse me?"
It wasn’t as though it was a completely foreign proposition to him. The offer was very familiar. He'd just never expected Erin to suggest such a thing to him. And he certainly didn’t want to participate in any joining that involved Gale. He was clearly misunderstanding something, and he ran through their conversation in his head, searching for an explanation.
He must have taken too long, because Erin reached out and put her hand on his shoulder, as though to calm him. Looking down to where she touched him, his face relaxed a little and she apparently took it as a sign to explain further.
"Remember when Gale said he liked to stretch yesterday?” she asked, “and I said we'd do yoga?"
He did remember. He just had no idea what 'yoga' was or what doing it entailed.
His voice came out colder than he’d intended when he answered. "I suppose I didn't imagine you were offering something so salacious."
Her mouth dropped slightly, and her voice raised a little, clearly offended. "Excuse me? There is nothing salacious going on here, and I don’t appreciate the suggestion that there is.”
She was angry with him. Again.
Still, he couldn’t bring himself to backtrack, and pressed her further instead. "Then what?"
Her eyes were wide with disbelief, and he couldn’t understand how he’d become the villain in this scenario. Irritation becoming more and more evident in her voice, she continued to explain as though she were educating a toddler. "Stretching,” she said. “That's literally it. I was just showing Gale different stretches that are popular where I’m from. We were just doing a pose to help get rid of tightness in the hips. It was all perfectly innocent. The pose is even called, 'happy baby,' it doesn't get much more pure than that."
Happy, indeed.
His eyes shifted toward the wizard and narrowed. "And that's why Gale was studying your crotch so intently?"
"I was not!” Gale blustered. “I was studying the pose so that I might replicate it. I'm merely a pupil observing his teacher.”
Astarion snorted. "Yes, such an observant little student. And a rather hands-on approach you have to learning."
Gale blushed and stammered, embarrassed, but Erin cut in.
"I asked him to do that,” she defended the wizard. Astarion’s face pinched in disgust, not wanting to hear what she asked Gale to do to her. She ignored his expression and continued, “I was showing him how another person can help you get a deeper stretch. I've been sore as hell with all the walking and fighting we've been doing and this is helping me just as much as it's helping him."
Astarion looked at her skeptically.
Meeting his gaze, she shrugged, apparently tired of trying to convince him.
"You should join us,” she suggested. “You're the one who was telling me I needed to loosen up yesterday.” She paused, then gave him a cheeky little smirk. “Let's see how loose you can get."
Wait… Is she… flirting?
He was stunned for a moment.
Where did this come from?
She’d never reciprocated his own flirtations, let alone initiate any of her own.
No. She was probably only teasing, unaware of how it sounded.
Still, the challenge stirred something inside him. If she was going to get loose, he wanted to watch. And he wanted to join her.
"Show me," was all he said.
Astarion had to admit, if only to himself, that he felt much better after following Erin’s instruction. Some of the positions she’d guided them in felt a bit ridiculous, but every time he looked up, prepared to refuse to continue, he saw her smiling widely at Gale for following her movements exactly.
Teacher’s pet.
The thought of being shown up by the wizard, whose knees cracked louder than the lightning he shot from his fingertips, was not something Astarion wanted to entertain. So, he followed Erin’s movements precisely and was quick to assist when she wanted to demonstrate a partnered modification to a stretch. He felt a smug sort of delight in preventing Gale from touching her again and forcing the wizard to watch as he touched her instead. Her reactions to his assistance were a reward all on their own.
Ah, yep, that’s perfect. If you wouldn’t mind holding that for about 30 seconds for me? Ahhh, thank you, that’s great.
The nearly breathless way she’d praised him, so full of relief, send a thrill straight to his core. When she’d let out that first little sigh, he had to fight against the shudder it sent through him. He hadn’t quite expected it, and it threw him off for a moment. That’s when he decided he wasn’t going to let Gale have another turn to assist her under any circumstances.
Despite what her little noises did to him, there was something oddly respectful about it all. Trusting, even. Touching someone in that way felt strangely intimate and chaste all at the same time. She instructed him on where to touch her and when he followed, nothing else happened. She didn’t wriggle suggestively underneath him, and his hands never wandered or groped. Gale was watching the entire time, of course, but something about it made Astarion think it wouldn’t have mattered if he wasn’t there at all. In those moments, he didn’t feel like anyone else existed around them.
There were even a couple of instances where he’d allowed Erin to assist him in achieving a deeper stretch. She asked permission before touching him each time, and respected it the few times when he managed a polite, ‘no, thank you.’ When he did allow it, he understood her sighs of relief. It truly did feel nice. He was nearly overwhelmed by it. Being able to touch someone and be touched in return - to make their bodies feel good without it leading to sex was… a revelation. And to not feel utterly disgusted and filled with self-loathing afterward? A miracle.
It had been a lot to process, and he excused himself to his tent shortly afterward, muttering some excuse he couldn’t even remember now. He could hear Gale sighing his own thanks and relief to Erin from where he sat, suggesting they make it a daily practice. While he found himself mildly annoyed at the wizard’s participation, Astarion felt a flutter of excitement in his chest at the idea of doing this with Erin again. Alone in his tent, he allowed himself to smile at the thought.
He wondered at his initial reaction to seeing Erin and Gale together that morning. Originally, he had been leaving his tent to go and talk with Erin. His trances were rarely restful, but he didn’t even try to trance that night, too consumed with everything that had happened yesterday. He hadn't been prepared to find her so close to someone else.
He felt sick for it, but he couldn’t stop replaying the moments when she’d pressed her thumb into his mouth and licked across his lips over and over again in his mind. They weren’t her actions, he knew; They were the hag’s. But that fact couldn’t keep him from imagining what it might have been like if it had been her, under different circumstances, of course - no hags involved. He wondered if she was even aware of what the hag had made her do. Could she be imagining what it would be like, to do it all on purpose, too?
Is this what a friend would be thinking about? he wondered.
And we’re still friends? she’d asked him yesterday.
In truth, he didn’t know. The thought of having a friend was appealing, if a little novel. But something about labeling Erin as a friend was dissatisfying, and thinking of her applying the label to him was even worse. For whatever reason, he couldn’t quite warm up to the idea - despite feeling pulled to her, wanting a connection.
He didn't even know if he wanted to pursue the seduction anymore. She'd shut down his flirting so early on, he didn’t know how to move forward, and everything was moving so slowly.
Playing the rake was all he knew. He'd never spent so much time with one of his victims before. Never had to think past the initial charm.
No. She is not a victim. Thinking of her in that way, even just for a moment, made his chest tighten. He forced himself to take deep breaths, attempting to settle himself by focusing on the unnecessary action.
She was his friend. Perhaps companion was a better word? She was something to him. Someone. He can't remember ever having someone. It made him want to protect it, whatever it was. There was also another part of him that wanted it - wanted her - only for himself. It was the part that made his stomach sink when he saw her with anyone else. She was his friend. His.
But she seemed to want to be friends with everyone, so he was no more special to her than the rest of the group.
If he could get her to care for him, fall for him, maybe he would be.
To what end, though? She was already giving him her blood. Looking out for his safety. Everything his original plan of seducing her was supposed to ensure. She was just giving it to him.
There was no guarantee she'd continue to give, though. She didn't know the things he’d done, what a monster he was. There were things about his past he needed to tell her, and soon, just for the sake of practicality while they traveled. Encountering the Gur had made it clear to him that he was being hunted by his master, and they'd need to be prepared. He was dreading the inevitable change in the way she looked at him once her told her, though.
He was surprised she hadn't pushed him for more information about his past already.
Perhaps she simply doesn't care.
He knew the thought wasn’t true. More likely, she was respecting his privacy because he'd been snappish and cagey about sharing details about himself with her before. She never pushed the cleric, either. Everyone was allowed to keep their secrets with her. Still, he found it easier to think of if he imagined she didn’t care. Even if he wanted her to.
The group had chosen to take the day to rest after yesterday's fights, and Astarion decided he would use that to his advantage. He planned to whisk Erin away under the pretense of additional archery lessons so he could talk to her about everything that's happened. Not to mention she’d improved much faster than he’d anticipated, and it made him nervous that she might decide she didn’t need him anymore.
Why on earth had he told her that the bow he'd given her was enchanted? It didn’t have a trace of magic in it as far as he could tell. She’d just been so reluctant to accept the damned thing. He knew she’d been insecure about her abilities, so he thought telling her it was magical would entice her to just take it already. But now her aim had improved and she thought it was because she had an enchanted bow. He’d have to make sure she practiced relentlessly or risk the stupid lie falling apart.
It was her fault, really. All she had to do was take his little gifts so he wouldn’t feel so indebted to her, take them and think of him fondly, like a dog receiving treats. But she never just simply accepted, she was always asking him why or where he got it. As if any of that mattered. He sighed and left his tent again, already planning on having her shoot at targets until she couldn’t hold her arms up anymore. Maybe longer.
It seemed he would have to wait, however. Out in the middle of camp again in her stupid purple pants, apparently staying in camp to rest meant not getting dressed for the day, Erin was doing lunges with the other ladies of the group. Karlach counted aloud, timing the duration of their movements for the others with ease, while Lae’zel went through the motions effortlessly and Shadowheart determinedly followed suit, a slight sheen of sweat starting to form on her brow. Erin was breathing heavily and he could hear her heartbeat from where he stood.
Well, she would clearly tire out soon enough. It wouldn’t be long before she was unoccupied again, so he decided to take the opportunity to go to the lake and wash a few of his things, maybe mend a few tears he’d noticed in his clothes.
After about an hour, his clothes were impeccable and he was convinced she would be free once he made his way back. Instead, he didn’t see her out in camp at all. He walked toward her tent, assuming she’d gone to rest after the exercise, but as he passed by Shadowheart’s tent on his way he’d heard a set of giggles from within. He stopped for a moment, unsure of what to do. Perhaps he’d just call for her, tell her she wouldn’t get out of practicing archery so easily.
More giggles.
Whatever they were doing in there, they were certainly having fun. His stomach twinged and he decided that it was because he was hungry.
He walked back toward his tent and spotted three fresh bottles of blood. Erin must have filled them and brought them to his tent while he was at the lake, since he’d already drank everything she’d given him before.
Stupid girl.
After all the blood she’d lost from the hag cutting her up yesterday, what was she thinking?
The unpleasant memory of her lying dead and drained beneath him only a few nights ago came unbidden as he stared at the bottles. Guilt soured his stomach and he looked away, walking toward the forest instead. Perhaps a hunt would be a good distraction. He never wanted to see her like that again.
It was dark when he returned to camp, and he had clearly missed quite the guest, as the entire camp now smelled of sulfur. It seemed everyone had already retired to their tents for the night, but he could hear the light, intermittent pluck of strings coming from Erin’s tent. He cleared his throat as he approached and it was silent for a moment before he heard the soft plunk of the lute being set down and watched her stick her head out of the flap of her tent. His chest clenched at the sight of her swollen eyes and blotchy, wet cheeks. She’d been crying.
“Oh, Astarion. It’s just you. I feel like I haven’t seen you all day,” she said as though she didn't look the way she did.
She held the flap open and he crawled inside her tent and looked at her. Whatever this was about, he could at least allow her to tell him with a bit of privacy.
“What happened?” he asked, brow furrowed in concern. "You were giggling when I left camp."
She deflated, and it looked like she might burst into tears all over again. He moved closer and brushed the wetness from her cheek with his thumb, hoping to keep further tears at bay. He wasn't used to comforting someone, and hoped he was doing it right.
“Tell me,” he said softly, then added, “it’s alright.”
That was it. The dam had burst and she was crying again, breath stuttering as she tried to tell him what happened. Caught up in her emotions, she wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his chest as she sobbed. His eyes widened and his mouth gaped, at a loss for what to say. Clenching and un-clenching his fists, he hesitantly wrapped his arms around her in return, trying to will the stiffness out of his limbs.
“It’s all my fault,” she sobbed.
He seriously doubted that.
There were a couple of dirty shirts lying nearby, so he took one and reached it out to her. Her nose had started running as tears streamed down her face.
“Go ahead and wipe your face with that. I’ll wash it for you later.”
She took it and wiped her tears, blowing her nose into it roughly when she was done.
“Thanks,” she said, setting the ruined shirt down beside her. “I’m sorry. I feel so dumb for that. I thought I was done crying when I started trying to play that to distract myself.” she nodded toward the lute he’d gifted her.
“Why don’t you tell me why you were crying and I could tell you whether it was dumb to do so or not?” he asked with a teasing tone he hoped would lighten her mood.
“Um, well, I still don’t fully understand everything that happened, but I guess Wyll is a warlock?”
Astarion had suspected as much when he noticed the Blade of Frontiers had more than just a blade at his disposal. The eldritch blast was a good indicator that he had a patron. That certainly explained the sulfuric smell left in camp from what was apparently a visit from the devil he’d made a pact with. Just like a righteous do-gooder to be completely full of shit. Hadn’t the hypocrite gone on and on about the dangers in trusting devils when he was trying to convince the group to help him kill Karlach? Typical.
He simply made a small tsk of disapproval and Erin sniffed, nose still slightly runny.
“So his boss, sorry, patron. His patron came to camp and uh, punished him for not killing Karlach. It was awful, I could feel some of it through the tadpole, and I don’t know how he’s still alive after what she did.”
Astarion nodded. “From what I hear, devils aren’t known to be forgiving. If he’s still living, and not turned into some disgusting creature, it sounds like he got lucky.”
He’d clearly said the wrong thing, because tears started spilling past her cheeks again. She covered her eyes as if to hide her crying from him, but Astarion just moved closer and reached for her dirty shirt to wipe her tears with a corner that hadn’t been soiled yet. She leaned into the touch, and before he could think of what to do next, she leaned further into him, hugging him tightly and pressing her head into his chest again.
“I don’t think he’s disgusting, but she did something to change him. He’s got horns now, and it’s my fault.”
Astarion rolled his eyes. “How on earth could it be your fault?”
“I didn’t do anything to stop her from doing that to him, I could’ve-
“No,” he cut her off. “You couldn’t have done a thing. I know the way things work here are unfamiliar to you, but a warlock pact isn’t some trifle. If Wyll went against something in the terms of his agreement with his patron, there is nothing you could have done. No one could have done anything.”
She sniffled into his shoulder. “That’s what everybody said. Even after Wyll wanted to be alone, Gale told me that. But-”
“But nothing. Much as I’m loathe to say it, Gale was right. Eugh.”
She gave a soft laugh and smiled up at him. “You could be nicer to Gale. He’s your friend too, you know. He kept talking about how great it was to have friends to stretch with this morning.”
“Ugh,” Astarion groaned. “I think he just meant you, darling.”
“No, he said friends. Plural. You were included.” She teased.
He was relieved to hear the slight shift in her mood and unthinkingly slid his arms around her waist to hold her where she leaned against him. “Well who needs more friends when I’ve got you right here?”
“Oh, no, it’s too sad to only have me for a friend. I’m not nearly enough to satisfy anyone’s social needs.” She laughed into his chest.
“I don’t know,” he teased, smirking down at her. “You’re quite the handful.”
She chuckled softly before going quiet again.
“I hope he’s okay.” She whispered.
“He’s a grown man, dear. He’ll be fine.”
“Pain doesn’t become any easier to deal with just because you’re grown. Some things hurt worse.”
Astarion didn’t know what to say to that. He knew it was true, so he didn’t say anything at all. He just remained there, holding her in the quiet of her tent.
After a few moments, he noticed her heartbeat slow into a steady rhythm and her breaths come deeper. She’d fallen asleep.
So much for talking about yesterday.
He started to adjust, getting ready to move her to her bedroll so he could leave. She stirred and gripped him tighter.
“Stay,” she whispered, still mostly asleep. “Couldn’t sleep last night… please stay.”
Ah. So she didn’t sleep last night either.
It drove his thoughts back to yesterday and last night. He wondered if it was for the same reasons he couldn’t trance. He could feel her tongue on his lips all over again and then her hands in his hair as she told him he was perfect.
Stop thinking about that while she's in your arms, you fool.
She’d already fallen back asleep and he sighed, reaching over to grab the blanket from her bedroll.
Gently lying her down and adjusting himself to lie beside her, he draped it over them both. He tucked her pillow beneath her head before lying his own on it and wrapping his arms around her.
What am I doing?
She’d asked him to stay. He was simply helping a friend. That was all this was.
Snippet Sunday Tuesday?
Thank you for the tags, @roguishcat and @kalmiaphlox! I loved your WIPs!
I’m never on time, so here’s a little bit of Chapter 12 of Indelible Imprints now instead of Sunday lol.

Chapters 1-11 on AO3 and the pinned post on my blog!
WIP Wednesday!
Thank you @xxnashiraxx for tagging me (your WIP was so good - I'm so excited!) and everyone who has tagged me over the past Snippet Sunday and WIP Wednesday! I love getting to see all of your WIPs and I'm always excited to actually have something to share on the actual day lol.
Here is part of a WIP for chapter 13 of my bg3 isekai, Indelible Imprints! 💖

You can read chapters 1-12 on Ao3 or through the pinned post on my blog!
Tagging 💖: @justabiteofspite @elinorbard @ladyduellist @bhaalsdeepbat @verbenaa @inkymoonbunny @sashitf @roguishcat @kalmiaphlox @chaoticbardlady99 @celaenamyers if you all have something to share! 💖
Indelible Imprints
Chapter 13
Word Count: 7.4k
-Astarion is jealous and a lil angsty for half a second
-Astarion, Gale, and Erin do some stuff in the Blighted Village
-Erin agrees to let Astarion try feeding from her directly again
-Erin is confused (so is Astarion tbh)
-SPOILER: A tiny bit of smut. As a treat.
As always, comments & reblogs are very appreciated! If you like this chapter, PLEASE for the love of GOD tell me because I AM SO NERVOUS about it. Have pity on my poor soul. 😭 (It’s my first time posting smut).
Previous Chapters: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
Tag list: @roguishcat @thisisew @chaoticbardlady99
Please let me know if you would like to be added to the taglist!
Astarion stared at the ceiling of his tent. After watching Erin and Shadowheart lying together for however long he’d stood in their doorway, there hadn’t been much else for him to do but go back to his own tent and brood. He couldn’t stand to look at them any longer anyway.
This was stupid. What even was there to brood about? He’d been foolish to let himself get swept up in some fantasy simply because he’d spent one night in her tent with her. She’d been upset, in need of comfort, and he was just a warm body. Well. A body, at least. It could have been anyone. There was no reason to think that night had been anything more than that. Nothing had even happened.
Maybe this was for the better. He had been so uncertain about his plans to seduce her, and with her freely giving him her blood and protection, there was really no need. The cleric was even the one who had been helping her draw blood for her little donations. He glanced at the bottles of blood Erin had left for him the other day, unopened in the corner of his tent. Shadowheart would probably agree to help her protect him, if she asked. Probably.
Still, he couldn’t ignore the pang of disappointment. Now he’d never get to replace the memories of when she’d put her mouth on his against her will with a moment where she was herself, and willing.
Not just willing. Wanting. He realized with a sting in his chest that he wanted her to want him. To want to kiss him. To touch and hold him like she had last night, when she’d been too emotional to care about being embarrassed. He didn’t know why, but he did. He wanted her to seek comfort in him, just like she had in that moment.
Now that she was with the cleric, she probably never would again.
Sitting up, he looked back at the blood jars. He should drink at least one of them. The animals he’d been feeding on the past few nights hadn’t filled him much, and he could feel an emptiness gnawing at his stomach. Still, something within him twisted even more than his hunger at the thought of taking any more of her blood from those bottles. They only reminded him of why she wouldn’t let him drink directly from her in the first place, and he didn’t want to think about that.
But then what was the point of all this, if she was giving him exactly what he wanted and he couldn’t bring himself to take it?
This is what you wanted. Why can’t you just drink it??
Lying back down against his bedroll, he tried to ignore his hunger. He’d just save the jars for an emergency. He didn’t want them yet. If he focused on that thought long enough, maybe he’d believe it.
Once everyone had finished breakfast the next morning, it was decided that some of the group would go on ahead to scout the goblin camp before they all went in together. The rest would stay behind to thoroughly loot the village for anything useful in the fight ahead. Wyll, Karlach, Lae’zel, and Shadowheart would go ahead, while Erin, Gale, and Astarion stayed behind.
Astarion was relieved to see Erin agree readily to the split, with no attempts to keep the cleric close. It did make sense for Shadowheart to leave with the scouting group. She was the healer, after all, and they’d need her there more than they would at camp if the group ran into any trouble. Still, he watched them closely to see if they were disappointed to be separated. They didn’t seem affected at all. Had the night before not gone as well for them as he’d thought? They certainly weren’t acting like lovers who had just consummated their relationship. What had he seen last night, then?
He couldn’t help himself. Just as the scouting group had gotten out of earshot, he leaned toward Erin and spoke low in her ear.
“What? No goodbye kiss for your new lover?”
She jumped, clearly startled by his sudden appearance behind her. She was far too easy to sneak up on.
“Shit!” When she caught him smirking, she smacked his chest, but there was no real effort in it. “You can’t just sneak up on me like that. I’ll have a heart attack.”
He chuckled at her overreaction. “We can’t have that, can we?”
Settling from the shock, she asked, “Sorry, what were you saying before I jumped out of my skin just now?”
“I was asking about your new lover. I thought the two of you might have been more inclined to stay together after your tryst last night.”
She looked confused. Her brows shot up, creasing her forehead when she asked, “My… what?”
His expression dropped. Was she purposely being obtuse? “Really, darling. It’s not as though the entire camp didn’t see you leaving the same place this morning for breakfast.”
Realization finally set in her eyes, but instead of blushing she made an annoyed snorting sound.“Oh my god. You’re just as bad as she is.”
What was that supposed to mean?
“About?” he prompted her, attempting to mask his frustration.
“Making assumptions about my sex life, apparently. Nothing like that happened last night.”
His heart lightened. “Oh? Did you want something to happen?” he asked, hoping she’d say no.
She rolled her eyes. “Again, you’re just as bad as she is. No. She’s my friend and I don’t see her that way. You guys act like we don’t have anything else to worry about,” she added, sounding a bit incredulous. “Sex has kind of been the last thing on my mind with these worms in our brains, and all.”
“You poor thing,” he teased, grinning wide. “So repressed you can’t even distract yourself with the simplest of pleasures?”
A small offended noise escaped her mouth and he couldn’t help but laugh.
“I’m not repressed,” she protested, “I’ve had plenty of se-“ she stopped herself and glared at him. “You know what? I’m not talking about this with you.”
He grinned even harder, and he couldn’t remember the last time he had smiled so much. “Oh no, do go on!”
She crossed her arms and turned, walking away from him. “I’m leaving. Bye.”
He chuckled to himself as he watched her go. The thought of her being with others wasn’t exactly his favorite, but he was in too good a mood to dwell on it. Besides, he liked seeing her flustered. The blush that spread to her face was adorable, and reminded him of the blood coursing underneath.
She and Shadowheart didn’t have sex. He was more relieved than he should have been.
Erin was watching Gale stir ingredients into a pot, trying very hard to listen to him as he narrated the steps he took to brew the healing potion he was making. It turned out that one of the houses in the village had belonged to an apothecary, and most of their stores seemed untouched. Gale had been delighted, immediately noting they had enough to make potions to last them a while. Erin had asked him if a person needed magic to make potions, and when he said it wasn’t necessary, she asked him to teach her. Since she was the least capable of the group in a fight, she figured the least she could do was learn to make a few potions so she could help keep them stocked. Besides, she was more prone to injury than the others and it wouldn’t hurt to have an extra healing potion or two on hand so they wouldn’t have to worry about her.
She also needed a distraction. After her chat with Shadowheart last night, she couldn’t stop thinking about Astarion. She’d dreamt of him again, and she tried to convince herself it was only because Shadowheart had kept teasing her about her attachment to him. All the talk about sleeping with him just put it in her head. It wasn’t her fault that he ended up in her dreams. Again.
But she couldn’t stop thinking about the things Shadowheart had said. Did he really look at her so differently than the others? Was it so obvious?
Of course he does, you let him drink your blood. Shadowheart even said it, he looks at you like he wants to devour you. You’re just a meal.
She blushed, embarrassed for letting Shadowheart get to her head. He was her friend. Just because he teased a bit didn’t mean there was anything else there. He’d even spent the night in her tent without anything happening. Surely someone as flirty as him would have actually made a move then, if he’d been interested.
No, he was just being a good friend, comforting her while she was sad. Guilt tugged at her chest, convinced that she’d made him feel trapped into doing so, unintentional as that was. Being close to people didn’t seem like something he was actually comfortable with, but there she was, constantly forcing proximity. He didn’t seem to begrudge her for it though.
It wasn’t fair, that stupid hag had put all of this into her head. She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him in ways she shouldn’t since that day in her den. They felt like nightmares at first, flashes of her licking his lips in her dreams in the aftermath. But, that night he held her in her arms, her dreams were softer, sweeter. Their hands were in each other’s hair as they sighed into each other’s mouths. Those dreams played out more like fantasies, and the way he touched her in them made her chest feel warm. It felt good. She tried to ignore it.
But then Shadowheart had to insist on talking about them like they were a couple last night, stoking the fires of Erin’s dreams no matter how much she denied them while awake. She’d had a genuinely nice time with Shadowheart that night, comforted to be close to a friend, but as she drifted into sleep, the arms holding her became his again and she didn’t mind it at all.
When Shadowheart woke her this morning, she panicked for a second, as though she would somehow know what she’d been dreaming about and judge her harshly for the unbidden fantasies that came to her while she slept.
Everybody has sex dreams. They don’t mean anything. Shadowheart was talking about sex last night so of course that’s what you dreamed about.
Astarion wasn’t helping. The way he’d lowered his voice when he spoke into her ear this morning had shocked her, and sent a spark of heat into her belly. And all to suggest she was sleeping with Shadowheart? If this was the way he teased her over things that didn’t even happen she was grateful he couldn’t see the things she dreamed about. She’d probably die.
“Erin, are you listening?”
“Hmm?” She looked up to see Gale watching her, waiting for an answer. “Oh, I’m sorry Gale. What was the question?”
“What ingredients do you need for this potion?”
“Oh, that’s easy, she answered. “Rogue’s morsel, which is the weird phallic-looking mushroom, and salt.”
Gale blushed. “Ah, close, but no. Firstly, it’s salt of Rogue’s morsel, and second, you need to add it to a suspension.” He paused, turning a slightly deeper shade of red. “Um, and the mushroom you were describing was actually Bonecap. Rogue’s morsel has a cap that looks more like a pointed hat. It’s not as, ahem, phallic… as the Bonecap.”
“Ha!” Her eyes lit up. “Not subtle with naming your plants here, huh? BONE-cap?” she cackled.
Gale rolled his eyes at her immaturity and gave her a lighthearted shove. “All right, that’s quite enough. At least until I have better knowledge of your own world to tease you with.”
“Ask me anything,” she gave him a mischievous grin. “We have mushrooms shaped like dicks over there, too.”
“Duly noted,” he chuckled.
“By the way,” she started. “Have you figured anything out with my phone yet?” She didn’t want to seem impatient, but she was hopeful that he might get it to work again soon.
“Ah, not quite yet,” he gave her a sympathetic smile. “Given that I’ve only got a couple of chances, I’m taking my time with finding a solution. As you said, I don’t want to just ‘shoot’ lightning at it.”
“Oh,” she couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. Still, she was grateful he was being careful. “No worries, Gale. Take your time.”
Astarion burst out of the apothecary’s house, excitedly hurrying to where they stood over their potion at the campfire.
“I found a secret cellar. Someone come with me so we can raid it for good wine and dirty secrets.” He said, downright giddy.
“What makes you think there are dirty secrets to find?” Erin asked him.
“Please. A hidden cellar is hidden for a reason. It’s probably positively depraved.”
“Let Erin go with you, then,” Gale said, winking at her. “After our little discussion, she’d probably love it.”
“Don’t be a Bonecap, Gale.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Astarion looked back and forth between the two of them. “What did I miss?”
“Nothing. Let’s go.”
“You never tell me anything,” he scrunched his nose at her. “You’re no fun.”
The cellar turned out to not be particularly depraved, but it did seem to contain a few secrets. While Astarion raided the stores of wine and dug through various notes, Erin looked through the shelf of books and desk nearby. She found a key in a drawer and slipped it into her pocket, in case they found a locked door later. There was suddenly a ‘click’ and the sound of stone dragging. She looked up to see the wall ahead of her sliding open and called out to Astarion.
“Astarion? Was that you?”
He appeared out of the corner he’d been digging in. “Yes, I found a lever behind those crates, and what do you know? A secret cellar within the secret cellar.” he laughed that high-pitched, airy laugh that Erin was growing fond of.
“It’s cute, the way your fangs peek out like that when you laugh,” she blurted out before she could think better of it.
He stopped laughing, eyes widening just a little as he looked at her. He didn’t look unhappy, but she was a little sad to see his smile gone so quickly.
“Anyway…” Pivoting from the awkwardness she’d just created, she nodded to the room the hidden door had just revealed. “Shall we?”
He cleared his throat before answering, and his expression looked normal again as he gestured ahead of them. “After you, darling.”
Erin immediately noticed a small grate that looked like an old prison door and walked up to see what was inside. It was a small room, with nothing but a book sitting on a dusty stone table. She looked down at the padlock on the door and pulled out the key she’d found earlier, ready to unlock it.
“Before you do that, mind if I check for traps?” Astarion asked from behind her. “Something about it being the only locked door in this house makes me think we should err on the side of caution.”
“Oh,” Erin felt a little stupid. “Yeah, that makes sense. Go ahead.”
He knelt down before her, inspecting the door and the floor below it. “Aha. Go ahead and step back a moment, darling. Just to be safe.”
She did as he said as he pulled his tools out of his back pocket. She tried not to watch his hands too closely as he worked.
“There we go,” he said after a moment, standing. “You can go ahead and use that key now.”
She slipped the key in the lock and opened the door. She looked down at the book. It was disgusting. The cover looked like it had been bound in the skin of someone’s face and she really hoped it was just a really gross, albeit detailed, leatherwork design. She tugged her sleeve down to cover her hand so she wouldn’t have to touch too much of it and pulled the book from the table. Sitting on the floor, she set it down and looked at it, wondering why it had been locked away and guarded with a trap.
Astarion leaned in close, looking at the book over her shoulder.
“That looks terribly heavy. Why don’t you let me carry it for you?”
She smirked at how obvious he made it that he wanted the book. “Here,” she handed it to him. “It’s yours. A gift for finding that trap and saving my life… again.”
“Of course,” he took the book from her and slipped it in his bag. “I’m happy to save your life if it means I keep getting books and favors.”
“And not my company? I’m hurt.”
“Well that goes without saying.”
“Does it?” She looked at him, surprised.
He met her gaze and then looked away.
“Well I suppose it does now.”
His expression almost seemed shy, despite that being one of the last adjectives she’d use to describe him.
After they’d cleared out what they could from the basement, Erin and Astarion walked back to put it all in the center of camp for organizing. After spending a bit of time going through it all, they decided to take a short break so Erin could eat and take care of the rest later. Gale had been taking inventory of everything, scribbling what they had and how much of it there was in a small book. He told Erin he’d write some recipes for a few basic potions that she could follow later in it as well as they ate. Astarion had gone to his tent, and she remembered she had found something she wanted to give him yesterday.
She excused herself from lunch with Gale and went back to where she and Shadowheart had slept last night. After finding her duffel bag, she reached in and dug around for the headband she’d found on one of the ogres they’d fought when they got to the village yesterday. Pulling it out, she gave it a quick look for any blemishes she could wipe clean. It looked alright. More than alright, it was extremely pretty. It was made of silver, with small branches sticking out and surrounding a cracked blue stone. The crack didn’t take away from its beauty, and after she’d cleaned it yesterday, she couldn’t help but think how nice it would look on Astarion. She hoped he would like it.
Approaching his tent with the headband in hand, she called his name.
“Hey, Astarion? Can I come in for a second?”
There was a pause, and then he answered. “Sure, darling.”
She ducked under the flap and crawled inside his tent. He was sitting with a small chest in front of him. He picked the chest up and set it aside. She looked around, a little shocked at the mess inside. He had empty bottles everywhere, and rags stained with blood scattered around the floor. Instead of a bedroll, there was a wooden plank in the corner of the tent with a single dirty blanket that didn’t look big enough to even cover him comfortably. Her heart suddenly ached to think he was living like this. Why did he keep all of his nice things outside of his tent? Surely he could have brought a few of the pillows in here and at least thrown out some of the trash to make it a little cozier in here.
“Did you need something, dear?” he asked, sounding slightly anxious as she stared at the plank of wood on the floor.
“Oh, no,” she said, looking back to him. “I just wanted to give you this.” She handed him the headband she’d been holding.
He took it, then squinted at her. “Why?”
She sighed. “Aren’t you the one who told me I should just take the gifts you’ve given me? I just thought you might like it.”
“You don’t want it?”
“To be honest, I think it would look much nicer on you.”
He smirked, “Yes, well most things do.”
She rolled her eyes, ready to tease him for being so full of himself, but her eyes landed on the bottles of blood she’d given him, still full.
“Hey, isn’t that the blood I gave you? That was a few days ago, why didn’t you drink them? Is everything okay?”
“Oh, no, everything’s fine.”
“But, you said animal blood wasn’t enough? Is there something wrong with what I gave you?”
“No, nothing! I just… It’s a bit odd to drink it this way, honestly.”
“From a bottle?”
“Yes… I suppose it just feels a bit unnatural. I’ll drink it when I need to.”
“Aren’t you hungry?” She paused. “Do you want to try drinking from me again?”
“From me. Like you did the first time. Well, hopefully not exactly like the first time.”
“You trust me enough to try it that way again?”
“Astarion, you’ve saved my life enough now that I can’t imagine not trusting you. I mean, you were starving the first time. I can understand how you ended up going overboard. But you’re not starving anymore. We can try again.”
“Yes. Just… eat something beforehand. Probably best for you not to try this again on an empty stomach.”
“Of course, darling. I can go hunt now if you wont mind trying once I get back.”
“Sure. Just meet me in my tent when you’re back.”
He stood outside her tent, almost unable to believe she’d invited him there. That she was allowing him to drink from her again. After what he’d done the first time, he was sure he’d never get to do it again. Now that he was about to, his fangs ached at the thought of sinking into her skin. As soon as she’d left his tent, he downed the bottles she’d given him as quickly as he could, wiping the drips that had spilled past his lips with a stray rag before he left to drain the first animal he could find.
Now he was here, outside her tent, waiting for her to meet him. She’d gone off to grab a snack when he’d come back and met her by the campfire. When she came back, she had a banana in her hand and a book under her arm. She held the tent flap open for him and followed him inside.
“Good book?” he asked.
“It’s pretty fun, actually. Gale loaned it to me. ‘The True and Impossible Adventures of Tenebrux Morrow.’ She’s had some very interesting adventures so far.”
“Oh, yes, that’s a good one. She applies the word ‘true’ to her tales a bit liberally, though.”
“Don’t ruin the illusion for me. She was on her way to being my new hero.”
Astarion laughed and she smiled.
“Alright, so how do you want to do this?” she asked, setting the book and the banana down for later.
He hesitated. “I… I want to try something, if you’ll let me. I think it might prepare the flow of your blood better and make the initial sting less painful for you.”
“I mean, if you’re worried about blood flow, I could always take a quick jog? Or do some jumping jacks.”
“Oh no, I believe this will be quicker, and a little less inconvenient for you.”
“If you say so. So what is it you want to try?”
“Would you allow me?”
“Um, sure. Should I move?”
“No, no. You’re perfect right where you are.”
He crawled to sit behind her, crossing his legs rather than spreading them around her and pulling her into his lap like he’d like to do. He placed his hands on her shoulders and gently pulled her closer, so he could access her neck. She was awkward and tense, clearly trying to avoid leaning against his chest or touching him in any way.
Gods, but he wanted her to. He ignored the thought and carefully pulled her hair away from her neck as she tilted her head to the side for him, caressing her skin with the tips of his fingers under the guise of brushing the hairs away. As he watched the trail of goosebumps follow in the wake of his touch and heard her heart skip a beat, he couldn’t help but think how much he wanted to caress her skin with no pretense at all. He didn’t want to need a reason to touch her. He wanted to be able to do it simply for the fact that he wanted to.
“So what now?” She asked, interrupting his thoughts.
“Hm,” he started, unsure of how he’d explain it to her. “Well, it may be easier for me to just show you. You can stop me at any time, of course.”
She tilted her head further in assent, so he leaned forward and pulled her a little closer. His lips hovered above her neck, and he longed to drag his tongue up and down the length of her throat, just to hear the way it might make her gasp. Instead, he gently placed his mouth over the juncture between her neck and shoulder and gently started to suck the skin without biting, keeping his tongue respectfully still.
Her heart skipped another beat, and at the sound of her breath hitching, he sucked a little harder, willing his tongue to stay still against her skin.
Suddenly, she pushed herself forward, breaking the contact. She whipped her head around to look at him and he tried to hide his disappointment when he asked, “Something wrong, darling?”
“That was your idea? Giving me a hickey?” She reached up to rub her fingers over where his mouth had just been and he noted the way they lingered over the small bruise instead of wiping away the moistness he’d left there.
“Well,” he fidgeted with his hands a bit. “I thought it would be a quick way to warm the area up a bit and increase the blood flow…”
“You could have at least told me you planned on leaving a mark. I’d have had you do it to the side of my neck you’ve already bitten. How am I supposed to explain a random hickey if someone asked?”
“Why do you care?” he asked.
“People might get the wrong idea.”
“And what idea is that?”
“That we’re… you know what it would look like.”
“So what? What’s so bad about that?”
“Besides the fact that it isn’t true??”
“Would it be so horrible if it was?”
He leaned closer. “Would it embarrass you so much? To have been with me?” He whispered, nose nearly touching hers.
“No, I,” she swallowed hard, and he could hear the way her heart was thundering in her chest now. She turned to look away from him and her eyes landed on something behind him and she squinted at it.
“Wait,” she said, and he watched her crawl toward the stack of clothes he’d left in her tent last night. She pulled the shirt lying on top into her hands and looked at him questioningly. “What’s this?”
“That would be a shirt. Blouse, if you prefer. A more general term might be garment.”
“No, I know what it is…” she tenderly brushed her fingers over the embroidery that had been added.
“Did you do this?” she asked him.
“Yes, well. I told you I’d wash it for you the other night.”
“And this?” she pointed to the embroidery.
“It’s nothing, really. You had holes that needed patching up. Really, darling, you’re terrible about picking at fabric. Don’t you dare pull on that embroidery.”
“Oh, I guess I am… I’ll take care of it… Thank you.”
“See that you do.”
There was a pause, and while she stared at his embroidery, he cleared his throat to break the silence.
She looked up from the shirt and met his gaze. “Oh, right,” she set the shirt down and moved to sit in front of him again. “Where were we?”
“You were chastising me for leaving an extra mark on your skin. Would you like me to try over the bite mark instead?”
“Yes, that would be better,” she breathed.
He held her gaze as she nodded, then dipped his head to the other side of her neck, pressing his tongue against his old bite mark and taking her skin in his mouth again. He sucked harder than before, and when a small gasp escaped her lips, he swirled his tongue around the tender flesh of her neck as he sucked, throwing aside the restraint from before. He groaned in spite of himself and leaned further into her, pushing her lower and caging her beneath him with his arms on either side of her. Hoping to hide behind his hunger, he pulled back to bare his teeth, preparing to bite, but she stopped him.
“Wait, Astarion.” she said.
He was disappointed, but not surprised. Of course this was too much, something she didn’t want. Slowly, he lifted his head from her neck to meet her gaze, but she didn’t say anything. She reached out to touch his cheek and guided him closer, his face hovered above hers. She brought her other hand up to cup his cheek, thumbs brushing against his cheekbones, and looked at him in a way that made him shiver, despite the warmth of her hands.
Everything went quiet, and all he could hear was her slow breaths as she looked into his eyes, her brows canted slightly upward, a cute little crease forming between them. She’d never looked at him like that before. He didn’t know what to say, didn’t want this closeness to stop. So he lowered his face toward hers, searching for a sign that she didn’t want it to stop either as he brought his lips just above her own. Their noses brushed ever so slightly and they were so close that when her heart skipped a beat, it felt like his did too.
Suddenly, she brought her hands to the nape of his neck and pulled him down to her, closing the gap. Her lips were soft and warm against his as they pressed together slowly.
She was kissing him and he was kissing her back and it felt so good. What had started soft and slow grew quickly heated and urgent, as she threaded her hands in his curls, pulling him impossibly closer and gently scraping his scalp and he nearly moaned at the sensation. He grabbed her waist, needing to touch her, and let his hands roam up and down her sides.
He swept his tongue against her lower lip before pulling it into his mouth and gently nipping at it, careful not to cut her on his fangs. She let out a soft little “mm” and he gave her lip one last suck before slipping his tongue into her mouth. She let him in and circled her tongue over his in a way that made him want so much more. She was running her hands down his sides and as they settled on his lower back he brought his own up to cup her cheek.
He started leaving a wet trail of kisses from her mouth down her neck, and she gasped, but before he could go any further she pushed against his chest, stopping him. Her heart was racing and she was out of breath. He looked at her mouth, pink and shiny from their kissing, and wanted desperately to keep kissing her.
Why did she stop?
Confused, he looked down at her and saw only shock in her expression.
“Darling?” he asked, “Is everything alright?”
She pushed herself up but turned away from his face, as though she were suddenly unable to look at him.
“Yes, I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
“What?” He didn’t understand what could have changed in such a short moment. Couldn’t figure out what he’d done wrong.
“We should not have…” she paused, still looking anywhere but at him. “I shouldn’t have done that. We shouldn’t do this,” she said again, then voice trembling, “I’m sorry.”
He was too stunned to say anything as she got up to leave, so he watched her go and sat in her tent alone.
What the fuck were you thinking?? That was so stupid. You’re so stupid.
She ran back to the room she and Shadowheart had shared the night before, hoping Astarion would eventually leave her tent on his own. She couldn’t think of what possessed her to kiss him like that. What was wrong with her?
And he kissed her back. Somehow that made it worse.
What she’d said to Shadowheart the night before had been true. She couldn’t do this. Eventually, she was going to get home, and she couldn’t start something that she knew would only end. And she definitely didn’t want anything casual. With someone as beautiful as Astarion, that would only end up with her getting hurt.
She liked Astarion. He was rude, but he was also funny and just fun to be around. He was the only one in their group of companions that she truly felt she could talk to. Besides maybe Shadowheart, but he’d shared far more about himself with her than she had so far. She could fight with him, because he’d fight back. He challenged her, and because of that she felt like she could be honest with him. He’d saved her life multiple times and she hasn’t known another person she’d been more grateful to have in her life. He never held what had happened with the hag against her, even though it would have been so easy.
He was her friend. She didn’t want to fuck that up.
She brought her fingers up to her lips, and she could still feel his kisses there. She dragged her fingertips down where he’d left a trail of kissed along her neck and shivered.
He had kissed her back.
Astarion had left her tent at some point while she was gone, and she was grateful she didn’t have to face him when she came back for dinner. She had a nice chat with Gale about the book he’d given her and he quizzed her on some of the more basic potion recipes he’d given her earlier that day. It was fairly quiet without the others back yet. After dinner, she said goodnight to Gale and went back to her tent to sleep. With only three of them in camp, it didn’t feel safe for her to spend her night too far away, so the bed was out of the question.
Unfortunately, being in the tent where she’d kissed Astarion only hours ago made it very difficult for her to stop thinking about that kiss. The way he’d been so careful with her, even when he nipped at her lips, sent a shiver through her body. And then the way he pushed his mouth harder into hers, as though he were hungry to kiss her, more than he was for her blood, grabbing her waist so firmly it made her ache inside.
She was becoming flustered all over again.
It’s just because it’s been a while. You’re stressed and pent up.
Closing her eyes, she reassured herself that that’s all this was. She just needed to do something to relieve the stress a bit. She told herself that maybe this would help her sleep. She pushed all thoughts about him out of her mind and repeated these things to herself over and over again as she slowly slid her hand beneath the waistband of her pants.
“It doesn’t mean anything,” she whispered to herself as she lightly scraped her nails against her underwear.
She tried eliciting something, a tingle, a shiver, anything. But her ministrations along with her repeated mantra was too clinical. She couldn’t do it like this.
Maybe she could drop the mantra to allow space in her head for something a little sexier…
White curls and pale skin came to mind.
No! Think of a celebrity or a character from a movie like a normal person!
She continued her touching while she tried to summon an adequate fantasy.
Why couldn’t she think of anything? It was like every man and woman she had ever found attractive had been wiped from her mind. Fine. She’d focus on the actions, the feelings, instead of the face.
She dragged the hand that wasn’t in her pants up, skimming past her stomach and up to her breast, pushing her shirt up and out of the way. Without a blanket covering her exposed skin she felt a chill, and suddenly imagined cool hands spreading across her body.
She dipped a finger into her folds and the coldness of it was a relief, finally sending a thrill through her as the nipple under her hand pebbled at the sensation. She sighed and slid the finger up and down to spread the slick that was growing with her arousal, undulating her hips slightly into the rhythm. she rocked into her hand until she ached so much she couldn’t stand it and dipped her finger deep inside.
It was at that moment she’d realized who the cold hands she’d been imagining belonged to, as an image of Astarion above her, his hands touching her bare skin, came rushing into her head.
“Ughn,” she whined into her shoulder.
No! Not right now!
She closed her eyes, but that only made the image clearer. She felt the pressure rising inside her core and didn’t want to stop and lose that feeling.
Keeping her pace, she searched for something to replace him in her mind. Nothing would come. Frustrated, she whined, and when she did, an image of him smiling down at her, amused by her pathetic sounds came to mind.
Fuck it.
She stopped fighting the fantasy.
He’d heard her whine from inside her tent.
It was the middle of the night and he could hear Gale snoring from his tent. She was alone tonight.
Worried, he came closer. When he was just outside of her tent, he heard her again. Not a whine. A moan. A muffled moan.
He stood there dumbly as he realized what she was doing. Now that he was closer, it was obvious. He could hear her heart starting to race and the slick sounds of her fingers working.
Oh gods.
He heard her sigh and he felt an ache deep in his core.
He should not be here. He should go. Leave her to her own business. He could ignore the growing tightness in his pants, or take care of it in his tent, but he should go.
But then he heard it. The slightest whisper released into a sigh, barely perceptible, but he heard it.
He didn’t ignore the throb in his cock this time. He palmed himself and inhaled quietly, thankful that his lack of need for air gave him incredible breath control for involuntary responses like this. He crept behind her tent, fully out of view of the camp and softly lowered himself into the grass beside it.
“Ahhh,” she whined.
She sounded muffled and he imagined her moaning into her shoulder, bared and naked, as he loosened the ties of his trousers. He thought of her undressing, slipping out of her pants and pulling off her shirt before she touched herself.
While she thought of him. He had to fight the moan that threatened to escape him at the idea that she was thinking of him while she fucked herself.
Oh gods, he wanted to lick every inch of her skin. He wondered what her blood would taste like mixed with her sweat and slick as he freed himself from his pants. Taking himself in his hand and pumping slowly, he listened to the rhythm she set for herself and tried to match it. Closing his eyes, he leaned onto the ground and let his head roll back as he thrusted into his hand.
Why was she doing this to him? If she wanted him like this, why did she stop their kiss? He could have done so much more to her than she could achieve with those little fingers.
The thought of her hands slippery and wet from touching herself, wrapped around his cock as she kissed him soft and slow like she did earlier in her tent sent his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
He imagined skimming his fingers down her sides, making her shiver while she sat on his cock and he rolled her hips into her.
She was working herself faster now and he could her her heartbeat speeding up in response. In the fantasy playing out in his head, she was riding him fast and hard, chasing her release as he felt every part of her he could touch and lick and kiss.
Quickening his own pace to match hers, imagining it was him thrusting into her instead of her fingers, he felt himself getting closer. Then, she gasped, her breath stopping for a moment even while her fingers kept going. Just imagining the feeling of her walls clenching around him was enough to push him into his own climax. He forced himself to stay quiet, riding it out while he listened to her shuddering exhales in the aftermath of her own release.
He wiped his hands on the grass beside him and lied there beside her tent, listening to her breathing. After a while, he heard the tell-tale sounds of her slow breath and steady heartbeat, letting him know she'd fallen asleep. Lying there a little while longer, he wondered if she looked flushed and pink in the aftermath while she slept, and wished she sleeping in his arms again.
Why isn't she? he wondered, as he put himself together and got up to start walking, not quite ready to go back to his tent.
She could have been sleeping in his arms now. She could have kept kissing him earlier today in her tent, and he would have let her, kissing her back until both their lips were raw. He couldn't think of a time when kissing someone had felt so good. He didn't want it to stop.
But then it did. She did. He was sure he'd fucked things up somehow, replaying it all in his head, looking for where he went wrong. For a moment, sitting there in her tent, he'd wondered if he'd forced her into it, caging her beneath him and getting close like that.
It was her that closed the gap, though. She kissed him.
So why did she stop?
In that moment, he'd have kissed every inch of her skin if she'd have let him. Let him. He nearly laughed at the thought.
He'd spent so many years wishing for a day he'd never have to touch or be touched by another person again. Done so many things to bring others pleasure while he wallowed in disgust and self-loathing. And here he was, wanting to do so many of those things to her. She'd just brought him pleasure he didn't think he was capable of experiencing anymore and she didn't even know it. She hadn't even touched him to get him there.
What in the hells was wrong with him?
His aimless wandering brought him standing in the room where he'd found her lying with Shadowheart the night before. Although he knew now that they weren't romantically involved, his insides still twisted into knots as he thought about the closeness they'd shared. He wondered if she'd let him get that close to her again.
Sitting on the bed, he realized it still smelled like her. He crawled to the side where her scent was the strongest and laid down, pressing his face into the mattress. Staying like that, inhaling her, he let himself drift into sleep, hoping he'd dream of her.
Behold! The art I commissioned from the incredible @bby-bel of Astarion and Erin after their first kiss!! Behold it!!