glitchedguy - Glitched_Guy

Just call me Glitch please. I'm just some guy that likes playing games and having fun. I also stream over on Twitch and everything gets uploaded to Youtube as an archive, i am also active a bit more over on my Twitter

52 posts

Glitchedguy - Glitched_Guy - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

this is bad and you should feel bad!

glitchedguy - Glitched_Guy

I need a new friend... i go to show my housemate something stupid... AND THIS BITCH IS EATING FUCKING PIZZA SHAPES WITH WATERED DOWN BBQ SAUCE.... everyone... please go to

@thestitchpanda and shame them for this... abomination (i did a taste test... its wrong and bad)

6 months ago
glitchedguy - Glitched_Guy

I need a new friend... i go to show my housemate something stupid... AND THIS BITCH IS EATING FUCKING PIZZA SHAPES WITH WATERED DOWN BBQ SAUCE.... everyone... please go to

@thestitchpanda and shame them for this... abomination (i did a taste test... its wrong and bad)

Tags :
6 months ago
E L D E N R I N G : Online Animation Group Steins Alter Productions Has Released The First Teaser Trailer
E L D E N R I N G : Online Animation Group Steins Alter Productions Has Released The First Teaser Trailer
E L D E N R I N G : Online Animation Group Steins Alter Productions Has Released The First Teaser Trailer
E L D E N R I N G : Online Animation Group Steins Alter Productions Has Released The First Teaser Trailer
E L D E N R I N G : Online Animation Group Steins Alter Productions Has Released The First Teaser Trailer
E L D E N R I N G : Online Animation Group Steins Alter Productions Has Released The First Teaser Trailer
E L D E N R I N G : Online Animation Group Steins Alter Productions Has Released The First Teaser Trailer

E L D E N R I N G : Online animation group Steins Alter Productions has released the first teaser trailer for its upcoming Elden Ring anime short, featuring iconic bosses such as Malenia, Radahn, Maliketh and Mohg.

6 months ago

My thoughts and Opinions on Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League

its been about 24 hours play time and i have finished the main story, I'll slowly go over into the other seasons to see what they do with the extra characters and those and stuff. but for my thoughts on the main game... I'll say this, i got this while it was on sale for about $30 AUD and i feel like that was a fair ish price for it. my thoughts on the game can be summed up in that its not bad but its not good either, its just fine. nothing really stands out about it. now I'll go a bit more in depth in that its and open world shooter with lots of movement. the story is nothing to write home about, Brainiac is here, turns the justice league evil, you are the suicide squad, kill'em and then brainiac. each character has a mostly different way of being played. Boomerang just basically throws his boomerang and basically teleports to it (he does, he runs fast to it but it may aswell be a teleport), King Shark just has powers to jump far or high, Harley gets a drone she can swing from a grapple to points. and the best one being Deadshot with a jetpack just that just goes from point A to point B in a mostly straight line. each character can use 2 of 3 different guns but i only really play Deadshoot with an AR and sometimes a Sniper. there boss fights in this game and i only really liked one of them, being the flash where you get an area that's kinda small and have to be on high alert to find Flash and shoot him while he just throws a tornado at you. then there's superman who just picks shit up, throws it at you, uses cold breath, and brings in a super laser from space that's really easy to dodge. Green Lanturns was just boring as you shoot his shit and then him. Batmans was by far the worst fight in the entire game as its just one big health sponge and occasional jumping. and then Brainiac was a reskin of Flash... I'm not sure if its different each time but it felt really lazy, cause that fight against reskinned flash was boring. Hopefully you can see what i mean by its just fine. not good, not bad, just fine.

6 months ago
Everyone Else Had Colorful Hair, I Got Jealous

Everyone else had colorful hair, I got jealous 😘

6 months ago

My thoughts and Opinions on Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League

its been about 24 hours play time and i have finished the main story, I'll slowly go over into the other seasons to see what they do with the extra characters and those and stuff. but for my thoughts on the main game... I'll say this, i got this while it was on sale for about $30 AUD and i feel like that was a fair ish price for it. my thoughts on the game can be summed up in that its not bad but its not good either, its just fine. nothing really stands out about it. now I'll go a bit more in depth in that its and open world shooter with lots of movement. the story is nothing to write home about, Brainiac is here, turns the justice league evil, you are the suicide squad, kill'em and then brainiac. each character has a mostly different way of being played. Boomerang just basically throws his boomerang and basically teleports to it (he does, he runs fast to it but it may aswell be a teleport), King Shark just has powers to jump far or high, Harley gets a drone she can swing from a grapple to points. and the best one being Deadshot with a jetpack just that just goes from point A to point B in a mostly straight line. each character can use 2 of 3 different guns but i only really play Deadshoot with an AR and sometimes a Sniper. there boss fights in this game and i only really liked one of them, being the flash where you get an area that's kinda small and have to be on high alert to find Flash and shoot him while he just throws a tornado at you. then there's superman who just picks shit up, throws it at you, uses cold breath, and brings in a super laser from space that's really easy to dodge. Green Lanturns was just boring as you shoot his shit and then him. Batmans was by far the worst fight in the entire game as its just one big health sponge and occasional jumping. and then Brainiac was a reskin of Flash... I'm not sure if its different each time but it felt really lazy, cause that fight against reskinned flash was boring. Hopefully you can see what i mean by its just fine. not good, not bad, just fine.

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6 months ago

The Human Brain Is Stupid!

The human brain is fuckin stupid! 10 minutes after i get snuggled into bed. I have this conversation Brain: hey Glitch Me: yes brain? B: what if theres a snake under your bed? Me: there isn't B: but what if there is Me: trust me, there isn't B: ….buuuuuuuut!

This went on for another 20 fucking minutes where i moved my damn bed out the way to show there was, in fact, no snake…. fucking brains dude…

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6 months ago
My Stream Ended Slightly Earlier Then I Would Have Preferred. The Culprits: My Cute Annoying Cats. The

My stream ended slightly earlier then i would have preferred. The Culprits: my cute annoying cats. The Crime: interrupting my stream. The Reason: they got the hecking zoomies in my room.

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6 months ago
E L D E N R I N G : Online Animation Group Steins Alter Productions Has Released The First Teaser Trailer
E L D E N R I N G : Online Animation Group Steins Alter Productions Has Released The First Teaser Trailer
E L D E N R I N G : Online Animation Group Steins Alter Productions Has Released The First Teaser Trailer
E L D E N R I N G : Online Animation Group Steins Alter Productions Has Released The First Teaser Trailer
E L D E N R I N G : Online Animation Group Steins Alter Productions Has Released The First Teaser Trailer
E L D E N R I N G : Online Animation Group Steins Alter Productions Has Released The First Teaser Trailer
E L D E N R I N G : Online Animation Group Steins Alter Productions Has Released The First Teaser Trailer

E L D E N R I N G : Online animation group Steins Alter Productions has released the first teaser trailer for its upcoming Elden Ring anime short, featuring iconic bosses such as Malenia, Radahn, Maliketh and Mohg.

7 months ago

🦆😳Enjoy the passing SCENERY.

Enjoy The Passing SCENERY.

by baiyameng on X/Twitter!

7 months ago
Another Option:

another option:

Another Option:

turning it into a windows 95 logo is also acceptable.

Another Option:
7 months ago
Gaming Buddy

Gaming Buddy

Felt like drawing Nori with baby Uzi XD


Gaming Buddy
7 months ago

I found a new game thats quite fun and lets me kinda live my spaceship piloting fantasy.

I found a new space ship game called Star Conflict (also its free on steam) and it controls just like i think a ship should be controlled. the I got are up, down, left, right, rotate right, rotate left, strafe right, strafe left, strafe up, strafe down and most importantly gun and if anything, it just helps my scratch that itch for being a spaceship pilot. But i have a question, does anyone else have this kinda itch what kinda games do you play to scratch it? i'm open to any suggestions. i want the main focus to be on the ship rather then the player, preferably an offline game but i can deal with it being online, and hopefully a wider range of options instead of jsut combat but i won't complain if that is one of the main focuses of the game, hope to get some fun suggestions. i'd be happy with Star Conflict except for the fact thats its kinda dying as it can take about 1-3 minutes to have a match, sure i'm just dealing with PVE since PvP is locked, but people are still high leveled so they can snipe the Enemies before i get much of a chance. i only think the game is dying, if its not, please tell me how wrong i am another game that scratches that itch would be Star wars battlefront 2 from 2005, the space battles as very nice.

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7 months ago

I had a stupid acid trip of a dream last night.

I was batman partnered up Beast-boy from Teen Titans and 2B from Nier. Instead of fighting big major crimes, we got house calls. Got a call for some guy saying someone had broken in. We drove over in the bat shopping cart and got to work on the bottom floor of a 6 story house. Turns out, the guy who broke in was Robin but then Robin melted into scrambled eggs. Turns out, that was a guys super power. He could shapeshift but would become scrambled eggs to shapechange. He was very rude. We trapped him in the elevator and i woke up as the police arrived to arrest him.

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7 months ago
Figuring Out Colors

figuring out colors

7 months ago
Arcade Android

Arcade Android

She'll show you how to score! ♥

7 months ago

a random question/rant

do you ever find unconventional armor really annoying? cause for me, be it in sci-fi, fantasy, or literally any other setting. if there's a focus on movement or high intense action like a freerunner or a shooter. anytime i see a character wearing heels… it just ruins it for me and actually makes me a bit angry. i don't care if the appeal was sex, i constantly find it annoying. like in this image of bunny, it works because she's a speedy character and the heels not that bad.

A Random Question/rant
A Random Question/rant

but when you have like 6 heels with the thinnest fucking stick ever, it looks fucking dumb and ruins the character for me. (its also annoying when its every woman has heels in a game... its just gross... give men heels too.. I'll still bitch about it but still) Just look at the side view of the female characters from The First Descendent... they look so dumb!

A Random Question/rant
A Random Question/rant
A Random Question/rant
A Random Question/rant
A Random Question/rant

and just to show i'm not being sexist that woman are the only one that wear heels and look bad. i'll show the only male character i know that has heels. i still think its dumb tho.

A Random Question/rant

I love metal gear rising, its fucking over the top dumbness, and while the heel isn't that bad, it's still dumb I don't know if its just a me thing, or if its a universal thing, i hate heels in media where its high octane action and combat focused. I don't p[lay games for the sex appeal, I play them cause they look fun. what do you people think? Am i wrong and it just works? does it enhance the character? or what?

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8 months ago

It has taken me 110 hours and 40 minutes of playtime, but i have finally fucking beaten balders gate 3

for my thoughts on the game… its hard to say if it was godlike to me… i am not a dnd nerd. before balders gate i really only made characters and only had 3 sessions under my belt, the first 2 were bad due to playing in a group of 6 people and 1 of them was just an absolute wank stain that just shouted over everyone and another was a min-maxer that kinda just told me what to do through encounters. my 3rd session was a quick oneshot my mate hosted to try and better ease me in, and i fucked myself hard from that. so i didn't really have much of a good time with dnd at first.

Balders gate 3 was no exception… i tried to enjoy it for a while… and i just struggled to have fun. becasue for my first 3 hours (i am not kidding) i failed… EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SKILL CHECK… (it also didn't help when i bitched about it and people went "its a skill issue" when its literally fucking not, i was at the start of the game, i had no skills to improve my chances) it was a fucking slog for me to just beat act 1. when i got to act 2. i got all the way to shar's temple and lost interest. then my friends inspired me to play it again. so i did… now with better knowledge of how dnd works… i had a bit of a better time… it wasn't until act 3 where i actually started to have fun with the game. its was there where i actually learned, mistakes are fine, i can do these things in another playthrough, dnd is about fucking up and laughing and making another option possible.

would i recommend this?… kinda. if you're not a dnd fan, i would recommend you have a friend with you to help guide you when you are stuck. overall tho, its a great game, Astarion's a twwink and we love him.

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8 months ago
So I'm Currently Replaying Ratchet And Clank Rift Apart In Mirror Mode (its Not Gonna Be That Hard Becasue
So I'm Currently Replaying Ratchet And Clank Rift Apart In Mirror Mode (its Not Gonna Be That Hard Becasue

so i'm currently replaying ratchet and clank rift apart in mirror mode (its not gonna be that hard becasue i'm having to relearn the maps anyway after not playing it for year. tho reading the map is a pain.) but it also mirrors the menus and stuff to, which i didn't know. haha i know i'm very late to this becasue its kinda cool to discover this myself. hehe

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9 months ago
glitchedguy - Glitched_Guy
glitchedguy - Glitched_Guy
glitchedguy - Glitched_Guy
9 months ago

My thoughts and Opinions on Mass effect 3 first playthrough. (No spoilers please, but this will contain spoilers as it is my experiance) pt2

Okay. so. i got 2 new mods at this time, one to make the normandy fly much faster when going around in space which is good and bad. its good becasue traveling is much faster, and dodging reapers is easier. but this leads into the bad as it makes reapers too easy to dodge to the point where its just kinda trivial but removing the mod is out the question as its glacially slow to move around. anyway, onto the game. after being given full freedom, i wwent to eden prime as it was a dlc mission and it was reccomended to do very early and i'm glad i did as i got a cool dlc companion. following that, i went to Pavalen to help the Turians and met up with the man, the myth, the legend, Garrus. i was so happy to see him once again and kicking ass like he always does. we also saved the leader of the turians who requested a meeting with the Krogen. my assistant found fake transmissions and i got to meet up with Jack again which was great (for those that don't know, i romanced Jack in ME2) and it was great to see what she became. From there, i went back to the Citadel for a bunch of side content but got 3 big mercenary groups on my side of the war. from there, i went to go pick up the Krogen leader and saw it was none other then my main man fucking Wrex. in exchange for helping the Turians, Wrex wanted the genophage to end. i was all for it, got the Salarian to shut up and accept the terms and conditions. then had to save the only surviving Krogen female that was immune to the genophage from Cerberus. from there, Wrex asked me to go check in with one of his squads where upon we saw the second best Krogen ever, Grunt, who rose to the ranks of having his own platoon. I was asked to help him deal with Rachni. in the first game, i chose to help the Rachni instead of killing them. by the end of the mission, we saw the the Rachni had been over taken by the Reapers and i was given a choice. sacrifice the krogan for the queen or leave the queen to die but save the krogan. this was a difficult choice for me. but a choice had to be made. i saved the krogan. that was a hard choice but felt like the right one.

My Thoughts And Opinions On Mass Effect 3 First Playthrough. (No Spoilers Please, But This Will Contain

ALSO, i wanna point out that grunt sent me an email... and while he isn't good at spelling... HE USED THE CORRECT YOUR... grunt is smarter then alot of humans that still use the wrong fucking your and you're.

My thoughts and Opinions on Mass effect 3 first playthrough. (No spoilers please, but this will contain spoilers as it is my experiance)

So. first of all, i know its been a while. but I've been busy with life guff annoyingly. i did start this game after finishing ME2, however... i was influenced a bit to not like this game by nerdcubed as i heard he didn't like this game. which is fair. that's his opinion. so that didn't help. When I played it, i quickly understood why he didn't like it and how all the joy of it was sucked away (and also all the combat was completely trivial) so i took a long ass break from the game. tried it again. this time, i saw that there were difficulty options. Which I'm going to blame the game for never prompting this. i know there are games that don't prompt you at all about difficulty but 95% of games i play do prompt this. so i didn't look for it in the first place. after finally being granted full freedom, i quickly got a mod to just have unlimited fuel because I like that. i do love the new feature of you can only scan a few times before the reapers come for ya. its not hard to outrun them, but its given me a few clench moments of running away. Something the game added which i like and dislike is the weapon weight system. now how it works is that you can only carry a certain weight of items with you through missions. the more weight you have means the less you can use your powers and for a Vanguard, that sucks. but i get why this was done as it adds more strategic thinking and planning involved. but i don't like the weight of some weapons. like, personally, i like running with only 3 weapons. A pistol, and AR, and a Sniper. but snipers are far too heavy to be worth it. so i kinda breeze through at close to mid range. i would be much happier with full choice. i would be fine countering this with what i stated before. but the problem there is that its never clear what kinda environment or enemies I'm facing so i can't properly plan ahead. and i can always rely on my AI teammates either. a small feature i do very much like is that while walking around on the citadel. you can find some people arguing about how best to help the war effort or who is more in the wrong but listening in on the conversation and choosing to interject. for example, you can find this couple arguing about how to best help the war. 1 is saying that they should join the military and take up arms, talking about their friends getting out their weapons that were mainly jsut for show. the other is unsure about the idea. I chose to support the unsure one and Shepard suggested that they could volunteer at medical areas to help there. and they were both down for that. it rewards the player with a small boost in numbers too. its a little thing but i very much like that. also, after trying to dodge DLC spoilers and trying to work out what order I'm supposed to do everything in. i now have all but the citadel dlc spoiled for me (except the ending) so if you're looking to do them and play this game. just do it any order as the dlc was built to be played mid campaign it seems. but the DLC missions are Eden Prime, Dr. Bryson's lab on the citadel, and some other place i haven't unlocked but i know its at the citadel. too.

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9 months ago

My thoughts and Opinions on Mass effect 3 first playthrough. (No spoilers please, but this will contain spoilers as it is my experiance)

So. first of all, i know its been a while. but I've been busy with life guff annoyingly. i did start this game after finishing ME2, however... i was influenced a bit to not like this game by nerdcubed as i heard he didn't like this game. which is fair. that's his opinion. so that didn't help. When I played it, i quickly understood why he didn't like it and how all the joy of it was sucked away (and also all the combat was completely trivial) so i took a long ass break from the game. tried it again. this time, i saw that there were difficulty options. Which I'm going to blame the game for never prompting this. i know there are games that don't prompt you at all about difficulty but 95% of games i play do prompt this. so i didn't look for it in the first place. after finally being granted full freedom, i quickly got a mod to just have unlimited fuel because I like that. i do love the new feature of you can only scan a few times before the reapers come for ya. its not hard to outrun them, but its given me a few clench moments of running away. Something the game added which i like and dislike is the weapon weight system. now how it works is that you can only carry a certain weight of items with you through missions. the more weight you have means the less you can use your powers and for a Vanguard, that sucks. but i get why this was done as it adds more strategic thinking and planning involved. but i don't like the weight of some weapons. like, personally, i like running with only 3 weapons. A pistol, and AR, and a Sniper. but snipers are far too heavy to be worth it. so i kinda breeze through at close to mid range. i would be much happier with full choice. i would be fine countering this with what i stated before. but the problem there is that its never clear what kinda environment or enemies I'm facing so i can't properly plan ahead. and i can always rely on my AI teammates either. a small feature i do very much like is that while walking around on the citadel. you can find some people arguing about how best to help the war effort or who is more in the wrong but listening in on the conversation and choosing to interject. for example, you can find this couple arguing about how to best help the war. 1 is saying that they should join the military and take up arms, talking about their friends getting out their weapons that were mainly jsut for show. the other is unsure about the idea. I chose to support the unsure one and Shepard suggested that they could volunteer at medical areas to help there. and they were both down for that. it rewards the player with a small boost in numbers too. its a little thing but i very much like that. also, after trying to dodge DLC spoilers and trying to work out what order I'm supposed to do everything in. i now have all but the citadel dlc spoiled for me (except the ending) so if you're looking to do them and play this game. just do it any order as the dlc was built to be played mid campaign it seems. but the DLC missions are Eden Prime, Dr. Bryson's lab on the citadel, and some other place i haven't unlocked but i know its at the citadel. too.

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10 months ago

My thoughts about Mass Effect 2 with a first time playthrough. (no spoilers tho this thread will contain spoilers as it is about stuff i'm doing in my playthrough and the big important missions) Final

So... this one ahs taken a bit due to me not really having much else to comment on or have thoughts about. i have beaten the game at this time so I'll kinda jsut talk about things that happened with me in my playthough. unfortunetly, i had some stuff spoiled for me while i was looking for points of no return. so yes, i had the secret final companion spoiled for me due to trying to locate them. which was sad... but i also really wish i had them at the start of the game! they are so fucking cool! like they are a sniper and AR user. and while love Garrus... i liked the secret one just a bit more and hope to see them in ME3. for those wondering how my final mission went, it was pretty good, no losses, tho the "puzzle" about which people go where was really dumb... like... just dumb honestly Jacob: what we need here is someone to be very sneaky and hack through the doors here so groups 1 and 2 can get through... Kasumi: *the literal definition of stealthy hacker standing right next to him* Jacob: I volunteer the fuck you do thank fuck you can chose the teams. for my team, i had it be Me, Jack (the romance was successful), and Legion because he's got an anti tank rifle. Kasumi being the hacker. and Garrus leading group 2. for the second half of the mission. it was pretty much all the same but i had Samara be my escort though it. after fighting the way through the big reaper ship thing and getting to the core... I opted to preserve it... I don't know if this is an unpopular option... but my brain was saying it was the better choice. we know the reapers are coming, if we can study them, we know how to hit them. and if the Illusive man tries to turn it into a weapon to enslave people. my shepard will hunt him down. (i don't know if any of this happens or what. but my brain likes doing this kinda thing cause its fun) and so ends my playthrough of Mass effect 2. I really liked this one. i think it was a massive improvement over the first game with the gameplay, stakes, graphics, and choices. and with a much more colorful cast of characters. And now. with help of mods. i will move into Mass effect 3. (now have pretty pics i took)

My Thoughts About Mass Effect 2 With A First Time Playthrough. (no Spoilers Tho This Thread Will Contain
My Thoughts About Mass Effect 2 With A First Time Playthrough. (no Spoilers Tho This Thread Will Contain
My Thoughts About Mass Effect 2 With A First Time Playthrough. (no Spoilers Tho This Thread Will Contain
My Thoughts About Mass Effect 2 With A First Time Playthrough. (no Spoilers Tho This Thread Will Contain
My Thoughts About Mass Effect 2 With A First Time Playthrough. (no Spoilers Tho This Thread Will Contain
My Thoughts About Mass Effect 2 With A First Time Playthrough. (no Spoilers Tho This Thread Will Contain
My Thoughts About Mass Effect 2 With A First Time Playthrough. (no Spoilers Tho This Thread Will Contain
My Thoughts About Mass Effect 2 With A First Time Playthrough. (no Spoilers Tho This Thread Will Contain
My Thoughts About Mass Effect 2 With A First Time Playthrough. (no Spoilers Tho This Thread Will Contain

My thoughts about Mass Effect 2 with a first time playthrough. (no spoilers tho this thread will contain spoilers as it is about stuff i'm doing in my playthrough and the big important missions)

So this one is already off to a rocky start. as i'm using mods to better enhance my experiance, just trying to get a unofficial bug patch fix was already a challenge, I'm downloading everything from Nexus athe Unofficial community patch is 4 gbs big, it was a very slow download. every time i tried to download with the mod manager, it just crashed and broke at 2 gb's. too bad i couldn't just download 1 half and then the other half. thats not how mods work. following that, just getting used to how the game handles was also strange, i will admit i'm using an omni-key seperator mod which makes it so that instead of the space bar doing multiple actions, i can set each action its own key. onto the actual game, the story set up is nicely and we get a look into how things are different. (MAJOR SPOILERS COMING UP NOW) you die... and then you are brought back to life over 2 years of surgery by Cerberus. an organization from he first game that showed up for one mission and then fucked off. (END OF MAJOR SPOILER HERE) the game has 2 new hacking mini games which is a breath of fresh air as 1 is a memory game(i think this becomes easier the more you fail at it so there's no punishment for failing, which is alright) and the other is a match the image kinda game (however, the way its explained is extremely bad) there are also now some quicktime events to do depending on if you're a paragon (goodie) or a Renagade (baddie) and.... its never clear what they are going to do so probably best to get a quicksave before talking to anyone just in case. combat feels a bit more sluggish then the first game and kinda hard to see things. This game is alot more action heavy then the first one. i'm not exactly complaining about that but i did really like the first games handling of the RPG elements it had. i am still at the start of the game so i'll try and let ya know how that all goes tho.

Also i am using 8 mods at this time, the community patch (becasue it fixes alot of bugs and restores things, and corrects lighting in certain scenes), infinite sprint (because walking is too slow), screen shake remover (not as bad as ME1 but still bad enough), easy resource gathering (because i don't wanna have to grind all the shit), and weapon and armor stats (becasue thats easier then trying to work out things with words (or maybe they were actually there and i just missed it)) and a few others just to make my time a bit better. all in all, I'm very excited for this game, if only my wisdom teeth pain was gone so i could actually fucking enjoy the game now.

10 months ago

My thoughts about Mass Effect 2 with a first time playthrough. (no spoilers tho this thread will contain spoilers as it is about stuff i'm doing in my playthrough and the big important missions) pt 3

So at this point. i have learned how to play my class effectively... and its both fun and boring. as a Vanguard, i have access to the charge ability. which allows me to target one enemy, teleport to them, punch them, and then i can pull out my shotgun. this is both amazing and bad as its great for speedrunning through a place (which can softlock you) and its bad because its lead to my death many times. however, its now at max level so now when i use it, i get a bit of slow-mo so i can do things better... and now it just feels busted. i would limit it myself but its literally so effective that not using heavily cripples my character. that being said. i do try to target someone thats on their own or low health targets but there are many people being a a corner alot of the time. haha. I also have now romanced Jack... i think... i had to look up a guide how how to do it cause i didn't understand if i had done anything wrong or what the trigger was. and i believe i got it all right. but for those not understanding what I'm talking about here's what happens, you need to do her loyalty mission, reject casual sex, not be mean to her, and then when she is confused about how a relationship would work with sheperd, you need to wait till you do a specific late game mission so you can have a time of romance with her. but none of that shit is clear at all. i have noticed something that greatly nnoys me now... there are times where i will go to ask a character a question, go for the next question, and its changed position with the other... its very tiny thing but its fucking annoying.

My thoughts about Mass Effect 2 with a first time playthrough. (no spoilers tho this thread will contain spoilers as it is about stuff i'm doing in my playthrough and the big important missions)

So this one is already off to a rocky start. as i'm using mods to better enhance my experiance, just trying to get a unofficial bug patch fix was already a challenge, I'm downloading everything from Nexus athe Unofficial community patch is 4 gbs big, it was a very slow download. every time i tried to download with the mod manager, it just crashed and broke at 2 gb's. too bad i couldn't just download 1 half and then the other half. thats not how mods work. following that, just getting used to how the game handles was also strange, i will admit i'm using an omni-key seperator mod which makes it so that instead of the space bar doing multiple actions, i can set each action its own key. onto the actual game, the story set up is nicely and we get a look into how things are different. (MAJOR SPOILERS COMING UP NOW) you die... and then you are brought back to life over 2 years of surgery by Cerberus. an organization from he first game that showed up for one mission and then fucked off. (END OF MAJOR SPOILER HERE) the game has 2 new hacking mini games which is a breath of fresh air as 1 is a memory game(i think this becomes easier the more you fail at it so there's no punishment for failing, which is alright) and the other is a match the image kinda game (however, the way its explained is extremely bad) there are also now some quicktime events to do depending on if you're a paragon (goodie) or a Renagade (baddie) and.... its never clear what they are going to do so probably best to get a quicksave before talking to anyone just in case. combat feels a bit more sluggish then the first game and kinda hard to see things. This game is alot more action heavy then the first one. i'm not exactly complaining about that but i did really like the first games handling of the RPG elements it had. i am still at the start of the game so i'll try and let ya know how that all goes tho.

Also i am using 8 mods at this time, the community patch (becasue it fixes alot of bugs and restores things, and corrects lighting in certain scenes), infinite sprint (because walking is too slow), screen shake remover (not as bad as ME1 but still bad enough), easy resource gathering (because i don't wanna have to grind all the shit), and weapon and armor stats (becasue thats easier then trying to work out things with words (or maybe they were actually there and i just missed it)) and a few others just to make my time a bit better. all in all, I'm very excited for this game, if only my wisdom teeth pain was gone so i could actually fucking enjoy the game now.