Battle Of New York - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

A sad fanfic

Tony Stark x Fem reader

Timeline : after the battle of New York, somewhere before Iron Man 3

I was about to sleep beside him, he had had a nice dinner and was actually intent on going to sleep.

I was happy, seeing Tony so relaxed calmed my nerves. He was so stressed nowadays, and sometimes he'd break down and cry, it broke my heart. The battle of New York had not taken a good toll on him, and I was going increasingly worried about his health.

Whenever I asked him why he was overworking himself, he would simply say, "I'm only trying to make sure you're safe and protected, honey."

And by overwork, I meant overwork. Even for him, who was used to working extra. Pepper, who was the CEO, was also concerned about him. But she had told me, that if anyone could save him, it was me.

But I didn't know how.

I fell asleep beside a snoozing Tony but was woken in the middle of the night by his scream.

I woke up with a shock, not sure whether the scream was in my dream or reality. But after I saw a shaking Tony beside me, I knew that it was real. I took a deep breath and hugged him.

He was tossing and shaking, not fully awake, nor fully asleep. I hated when he had to go through that. He couldn't fall back asleep nor could he be released from his nightmare.

"Tony," I whispered softly, shaking him softly. "Tony, it's okay."

He groaned in his sleep, and his face constricted. Beads of sweat gathered on his forehead.

"Tony it's not real!" I said desperately, the only thing which could help him.

He screamed again.

"Tony!" I shouted loudly. He opened his eyes and was breathing loudly. "Oh Tony," I tried my best not to cry and hugged him.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He whispered, tears pooling down his eyes. He never cried in front of anyone, only me. Humour was his way of hiding his weaknesses, and he was vulnerable only in front of me. It was something which made me wanna comfort him even more.

"Don't apologise, love." I whispered softly. "It's okay, I am here. I am here for you."

He sat up straight and I handed him a glass of water. As he was drinking, I said nothing, just waited patiently. Sometimes it's not words which is important, the silence also matters. A lot.

"I should've been better. I should've done better. If I was better, then many more lives would've been saved." He sighed.

"Tony, you did your best. There's nothing more you could've done. Even the rest of the Avengers agree." I said softly, holding his hand.

"I know, but I should've-" he rubbed his hand over his face. "That wormhole. It felt like....I'll never forget what it felt like."

I squeezed his hand.

"I felt like I was drowning in a pool of darkness, a pool I'd never get out of. It was scary." He said and closed his eyes.

"Tony," I said, "It's okay. It's over. You're safe. And I am here with you."

"I often think about how I would feel if that darkness swallowed you." He admitted, tears forming in his eyes but he blinked them away. "It would kill me. It would kill me if anything happens to you."

"Nothing is gonna happen to me." I said, stroking his hair, "I am here with you. There's no safer place for me. I know that you are worried, but don't push yourself over the limit. I need you healthy and alive, Tony. Only then I can truly be happy."

A Sad Fanfic

"Come here." He said and I lay down on his chest. He took a deep breath. "I was gonna say thanks but you would kill me if I do that, so I'm gonna stick to an 'I love you."

I laughed.

"I love you, sweetheart." He kissed my head, and I replied, "I love you too, metal man."

"Iron man is cooler." He insisted.

"That's why I don't call you that." I laughed and so did he.

A Sad Fanfic

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3 years ago

Steve Roger’s Age


Image Credit: Marvel

So I always wondered how old Steve actually was when he enlisted. From this screenshot we can see he was born in 1918 and in the bottom left hand corner we can see that “todays” date is in 1943. That means Steve would have enlisted when he was 25 but his birthday is in July and the date in the corner is June so he enlisted when he was 24. 

But the Battle of the Valkyrie took place in February of 1945 (MCU Wiki) so he went into ice when he was 26. Not only that but he’d been fighting for roughly two years already. 

Here is a list of how old every original Avenger (with known birthdates on a human timescale) were during the Battle of New York in age order. 

Bruce Banner - 42

Tony Stark - 41

Natasha Romanoff - 27

Steve Rogers - 26 

This means that not counting his years in ice Steve was one of the youngest, if not the youngest Avenger! 


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