Ca:tfa - Tumblr Posts
I need to know if any research at all was done into Bucky using the term "punk" in 40s America because I don't think it meant, in the most common sense in the 40s, what they thought it meant/what it generally means now lmao
keep thinking about how Bucky affectionately calling Steve "punk" in CATFA is essentially the era equivalent of a gay guy saying "hey f@g" and how there's really people out there convinced he's straight
Just realized Peter and Bucky have both been taken out by a train before, so many missed opportunities for dark jokes

In The First Avenger the first thing Steve said to Bucky was the last thing Bucky said to Steve before falling off the train

You could have the power of the Gods.
You’ve Got Mail (1)
Summary: You find yourself falling for a stranger on an anonymous messenger app created for students at your college. What happens when you discover that they’re not a stranger after all?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader (College AU)
Word Count: 2500
Warnings: Some swearing and mentions of sex. Drinking (if that’s a warning)?
A/N: This is my entry for @spideywhiteys 1000 Followers Writing Celebration. I’m beyond excited to share it with you all! Check out Jem’s fabulous fics (along with the other entries), she’s beyond talented. This was originally going to be a one-shot, but I’m having so much fun with it so it’ll have a few parts. Please let me know what you think, I love love love talking to you guys!

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Captain America: The First Avenger | The Falcon and The Winter Soldier
steve rogers fucking LOVED the SHIT out of peggy carter and if you try and dismiss that then well you can just fuck right off because you are WRONG
you know, I LOVE this part so much because the fact that Steve loses his balance here is because he can’t control his body since it’s so much bigger.
and it makes my heart so soft. :’)
you know, I LOVE this part so much because the fact that Steve loses his balance here is because he can’t control his body since it’s so much bigger.
and it makes my heart so soft. :’)
Dooley: How do I even begin to explain Peggy Carter
Daniel: Peggy Carter is flawless.
Dottie: She has two guns and a Sweet Dreams lipstick.
Angie: I hear her nail polish is ensured for $10,000.
Colonel Phillips: I hear she works on USO shows in Italy.
Bucky: Her favorite colors are victory red and army green.
Howard: One time, she met Captain America at Camp Lehigh.
Steve: And she told me I was pretty.
Jack: One time, she punched me in the face.
Jack: It was awesome.
Im just a kid from Brooklyn

*freaking cries*
I thought of this line at 12 in the dang afternoon and scrambled onto disney+ and took a screenshot and took all day to draw it-
i also uploaded this on instagram??Which is pretty groovy of me ik and theres a wip on there too so y kn ow @ the_coolsquirrel cough
Oh and my kofi~
CATFA Stark Expo Date

Image Credit: Marvel
This post piggybacks a bit off my last post about Brooklyn’s queer history.
Ok, so I’ve always had a head-cannon that this scene did have a double date its just not the one that everyone in the crowd would assume. I think the couples are Stucky and the two ladies. There are a few reasons I think this makes sense in canon.
Let’s start with the Ladies. They’re holding each others hands through most of the scene and they pretty much always stand closer to each other than to their “dates.”
Moving on to Steve and Bucky. I think the second image says it all. After he sees the flying Stark Car Bucky doesn’t look to the lady he’s supposedly on a date with he looks to Steve. He wants to see Steve’s reaction; and honestly, tell me that face he’s making isn’t full of love, really.
Also later on he has no qualms about ditching his “date” to go find Steve when he disappears. In fact when he sees Steve’s gone he looks down right scared for a moment!
And honestly, the best part of this head-canon is that its not even that far fetched! It was incredibly common for gay men and lesbians to “date” and even get married to avoid arousing suspicion and putting themselves in danger.
Steve and Bucky may have been at least semi open about their relationship when they were in Brooklyn surrounded by people like them but as soon as they left their borough they would have to hide again.
StevexBucky in Cannon
You could keep everything the same within the Captain America trilogy but make either Steve or Bucky a woman and they would have been a canon couple faster than you could say Marvel. The only reason they are not canon is because they are both men. No, I will not stop being mad about this.
Steve Roger’s Age

Image Credit: Marvel
So I always wondered how old Steve actually was when he enlisted. From this screenshot we can see he was born in 1918 and in the bottom left hand corner we can see that “todays” date is in 1943. That means Steve would have enlisted when he was 25 but his birthday is in July and the date in the corner is June so he enlisted when he was 24.
But the Battle of the Valkyrie took place in February of 1945 (MCU Wiki) so he went into ice when he was 26. Not only that but he’d been fighting for roughly two years already.
Here is a list of how old every original Avenger (with known birthdates on a human timescale) were during the Battle of New York in age order.
Bruce Banner - 42
Tony Stark - 41
Natasha Romanoff - 27
Steve Rogers - 26
This means that not counting his years in ice Steve was one of the youngest, if not the youngest Avenger!
Bucky Barnes got drafted into WWII. He spends all day at the conscription office trying to argue his way out. At the end of the day he goes home to Steve and tells him he enlisted. How do you tell your best guy who just wants to join the war that you wouldn't be going if you didn't have to?
Or, the beginning of Captain America: The First Avenger from Bucky's pov.

I’m just a kid from Brooklyn.
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) dir. Joe Johnston

Do you want to kill nazis? – Is this a test? – Yes.