Be Grateful - Tumblr Posts

Why do all companions complain about sole collecting trash? I've built your home out of that shit, ffs.

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10 months ago

There's this perception on here among neurodivergent people that neurotypical social behaviour is all fake and arbitrary. That it's a cruel, baseless game played to "weed out" ND people or to cause pain and complicate things on purpose.

This is wrong. All of those social rules and nuances ARE communication. Sorry if this is rude but it's not the NTs' fault if things don't gel- the gap goes both ways. Just because communication doesn't make sense to you, doesn't mean it's random or purposeless. Remember this post?

There's This Perception On Here Among Neurodivergent People That Neurotypical Social Behaviour Is All

Every interaction in an NT conversation has purpose, and communicates something, and I don't understand why nobody ever explains this to ND people. There's information on basic stuff like facial expressions, but never what any of it actually means.

Small talk about the weather isn't about the weather. It's about how nice it is to be around the people you're talking to, or feeling out their understanding of the world, or just saying that you're both present and people and you're being people together. It's not literal. The words are, but the broad scope isn't.

A conversation is not just an exchange of words, it's an exchange of acknowledgement, attention, and emotional understanding. Of course it confuses people when their part in that exchange is met with flat affect or unembelished words. It's like looking in a mirror and not seeing your reflection.

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11 months ago

Fanfic tiktok is wild... I see so many people saying shit like "I could never read anything below 60k!!", or "What story can you even tell in under 5k words?" or "A oneshot below 10k isn't even a story!" or "I always filter completed fics by 100k< only!"

And I'm like...

A) which fandoms are you reading fics for where you have this kind of offerings on the regular?

B) have you heard of short stories? If you truly think every story NEEDS to be longform to connect with people, I sincerely feel sorry for you.

C) Average novel length is between 50k to 100k. I'm sorry, but CONSISTENTLY demanding fic writers to push out fics of that length is insane. Just think about it: YOU DEMAND AUTHORS TO PUT OUT FICS THAT COMPARE TO COMMERCIAL NOVELS IN LENGTH (AND QUALITY) AS A BASELINE.

Yall are wilding.

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9 years ago

Drawn by my dear and loving sister

Happy Birthday Jimin! Im Am Quite Late. -^-

Happy Birthday Jimin! I’m am quite late. -^-

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7 months ago

All of my basic necessities are met. Thank you God. I am so grateful ❀

All Of My Basic Necessities Are Met. Thank You God. I Am So Grateful

I have:

Food to eat

Clean water

Peaceful, safe environment

A roof over my head

A comfy bed

Clean clothes to wear

Free Oxygen to breathe

Free Sunlight for health

Be grateful for what you already have to attract more things to be grateful for ❀

More Daily Gratitude Affirmations ❀

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9 months ago
Never Go Back To What Allah Has Taken You Out From.

Never go back to what Allah has taken you out from.

~ mashriqiyyah

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6 years ago

i killed a plant once because i gave it too much water. lord, i worry that love is violence.

— José Olivarez, from “Getting Ready to Say I Love You to My Dad, It Rains,” Citizen Illegal

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8 months ago
Bombing You Guys With My Special Brain Rot.

Bombing you guys with my special brain rot.

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