Autism Headcanon - Tumblr Posts

I think Mordecai would have gone through that autistic child phase of making piercing eye contact with anyone who talks to you because your parents told you to look people in the eye and you haven’t yet figured out how much is too much.
anyway, I’ve only had Lackadaisy for a few days, but I’m already one of the leading experts of notable 1920s cat gangsters

Happy autism acceptance month! One of my favorite autistic characters is Neddy Bubblegum from Adventure Time! He is Princess Bubblegum’s twin brother. He is a really good goopy guy and I wish we could have seen more of him in the series!

I’m gonna make more autism acceptance month posts because I have a lot of autistic characters that I love. Happy autism acceptance month! This is Link from the Legend of Zelda video game franchise. He is a very dedicated knight who has lived lots of lives protecting his kingdom. Here are some of his many incarnations! When I die, you will find my Link Is Autistic headcanon in my cold dead hands. Happy autism month with Link!

Another day, another autistic icon! Happy autism acceptance month with SpongeBob SquarePants! Did you know that sponges are animals? They belong to their own animal phylum called Porifera. They have no tissues or organs, only cells, and they have no digestive system either— their bodies are naturally shaped to funnel in microorganisms to eat. Real life sponges are sessile, which means that they don’t move around, so SpongeBob is definitely unique in that regard. But I guess he’s unique in many other regards too, he is definitely a one-of-a-kind sponge : )

Here are some more autistic pals! This is Pinkie and Maud Pie, two sisters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! As you can see, they are as different as night and day, but they love each other dearly and they are each other’s biggest cheerleaders. Autism is a genetic condition, so it runs in families. Lots of autistic people also have a sibling with autism! But that doesn’t mean that their traits and symptoms will be the same— two autistic siblings may be on totally different areas of the autism spectrum, and like any other siblings, may have completely different personalities too!

May I present Mordecai Heller, the coolest cat in St. Louis! Most of the time. Whenever anyone looks past his frigid, ruthless reputation as St. Louis’s deadliest gunman, Mordecai does not know what to do with himself. Listen, he’s a master at being intimidating, and he is extremely professional and dedicated to the job. But he’s not good with people in any casual environment, and he is very particular about anything on his body and everything around him, and he will leave the room if someone is eating because he can hear them chewing and he can hear their teeth scraping against their fork and he can hear them swallowing and he is now going to claw his own face off. So… in that case… happy autism acceptance month. With Mordecai. Uh, good day.

I’ve been having a bit of a rough day with my OCD, I tried something new with my medication and it was definitely not helpful, so I switched back, but I’ve still been having some problems these past couple weeks. Well folks, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Take your meds.
I know autism acceptance month is over, but it still makes me feel better to turn my attention to autistic characters! Let’s celebrate and say mahalo to a very cool autistic character, Lilo Pelekai! One thing I really appreciate about the movie Lilo and Stitch is Lilo and Nani’s relationship. She’s not in an easy position to do it, but Nani is a wonderful caregiver for Lilo and always gives her her best. She does whatever it takes to take care of her. I also love (what I understand to be) Lilo’s special interest in Elvis Presley. The whole “leave me alone to die” thing was an exact snapshot of me at 14 years old. Going home at the end of a rough school day and just getting lost in the special interest sauce. And I love how Elvis forms a reference point for things that have nothing to do with music or dance (“Elvis was a model citizen”) because lots of special interests come in handy like that, where you’re approaching an unfamiliar situation but can go at it from the angle of your special interest. I don’t think that Elvis was a model citizen, but I’m not the expert.

He’ll always be autistic in my heart. The sheer, unbreakable ways that he thinks and the control that he has to have over EVERYTHING? And the way it makes it very difficult for him to make friends? Yeah… it’s just too familiar… 🐈⬛❤️💚👑
We would be here all day if I listed all the characters I have given this honor
Reblog with a character you'd like to bestow this honor.

I know autism acceptance month is over but I still have more characters to appreciate. Remember the movie Rio from 2011? Oh yeah, our man TYLER BLU GUNDERSON is totally autistic. Listen, I remember watching this movie when I was six years old and just seeing myself reflected back in this guy. He felt so distant from his peers and he desperately wanted to go home while he was lost in one of the most beautiful places on the planet. All of his dialogue stuck with me. At the end of the movie, it might seem like he “changed for the better”, but really, you can see in the second movie that he just learned to adapt to a new life that he wanted. He’s still the same bird and his (wife? birds don’t get married… “partner”, I guess 👍) partner loved him for exactly who he was. And even though it was a huge change for him, he was able to make a home in the rainforest and find a balance between his comfort zone and wild jungle out there.

Tamaki Yotsuba from Idolish7 has blue hair and pronouns! (And is also autistic)

Requested by: @teslathelame
[ID: Tamaki Yotsuba edited onto the blue hair and pronouns flag. /end ID]

🎵rudolph the red nosed raindeer, diagnosed with asd
and if you ever saw him, I bet he would say yippee🎵

Kiyotaka Ishimaru from Danganronpa is autistic, submitted by anon!
Shoto insisting that Katsuki is his friend while katsuki yells about how they aren’t friends is peak autism behaviour on Shoto’s part. Like part of autism for a lot of us is us not realising that someone isn’t our friend and doesn’t like us because we don’t pick up on the fact they’re internationally being mean.

hlp kc cooper autism headcanon bc she’s so autistic

she can be super super blunt especially with her family and closest friends
she can take things pretty literally sometimes
she really doesn’t like physical affection unless it’s from marisa or if she initiates it
she’s often very stubborn and has a really hard time changing her view of things/people, she has a one-track mind
she’s very “book smart” and gets straight a’s in school but isn’t very good socially (she has a really hard time with making new friends and taking hints from people)
she talks with her hands a lot
she frequently plays with her hair and parts of her clothing
she has a strong sense of morality/justice and strict rules for herself to follow especially when something goes wrong in her life or during missions (when she insisted her mom punish her when she got overwhelmed and accidentally sent her into enemy fire, when she felt obligated not to let zoe save her and her friends because she saw it as her fault they were on the run in the first place)
she absolutely hates eating meat and will pretty much avoid it no matter what (she’s a vegetarian but i’m choosing to believe she’s a vegetarian because of how much she hates eating meat)
she tends to go hyperverbal when she’s under pressure, either that or she completely breaks down (like in season one episode six when her mistake caused her to become completely unable to make simple decisions)
she is very into her job as a spy, so much so, to the point where it often interferes with her normal, everyday life; her identity is almost entirely reliant on her proximity to her job
it is frequently shown (and later commented on by zendaya) that outside of the two forms of dance she knows, tango and ballroom dancing, kc is “really awkward and stiff”
she has a hard time focusing on things that don’t have to do with spywork or herself and her interests
what she finds to be humourous often doesn’t land for everyone else around her
okay i’m done thank you for listening X3c
i know this completely disregards what the movie was about but i don’t care 🤣🤣🤣 dr. randall mindy is autistic sorry it’s true he literally gets called “a little slow” in the movie
also i think dr. mindy and chidi anagonye would be friends (both autistic [headcanon.]…both professors…connect the dots.)
the good place is an autism show tbh all the main characters are on the autism spectrum i could elaborate if u want me to.

another autistic lesbian to add to the list
zuri from fortnite? autistic.
every main character in project mc2 besides bry? autistic.
kc cooper? autistic.
every main character in the good place? autistic.
marina from splatoon? autistic.
most of the characters in the owl house? autistic.
i am begging you to yap about autistic gretchen because she’s literally me and we need all the gretchen content we can get
sigh shes also literally me !!!
a lot of people talk about cady being autistic and ykw she definitely is. but also. gretchen is right there
she resonates with me as an autistic person so deeply . to me she represents being a “high functioning” autistic person so perfectly
now let me explain . she is popular . she’s one of the plastics man she’s one of the most popular, highly desired people in the entire school and yet she still feels so out of place no matter what she does . why???? because she’s autistic.
she constantly wonders what’s wrong with her and what she’s doing wrong . not to mention she feels that way While also being part of the plastics .
i relate to her so hard in the sense that she constantly feels so alien despite the fact that she is in the top three most popular girls in all of north shore. she is, by all means, “normal” but she still feels constantly out of place
so that’s why i think she’s most definitely autistic (among other reasons)