Rw Gourmand - Tumblr Posts
5 / 10 designs sketched! No, I'm likely not rendering them until after I finish something else!

Survivor is wonky as all hell but I'll fix that when I get there
Enot had a pretty big redesign, and Gourmand has had a few changes made
Masterpost of Blu's RW Designs
+Includes all refs, height chart, and relationship chart (in a reblog)
Due to Tumblr limits, I had to merge individual slugcat refs so all scug refs were on one post. To compensate, a link will be included to the original post

Rivulet, Gourmand

Survivor, Monk
Saint, Artificer

Spearmaster, Nightcat

Enot / Inv

Hunter (Original includes rot ver.)

And the height chart

I will be adding the relationship chart in a reblog shortly

My rw designs and headcanons!! It seems to me that it would be nice to post the designs of the slugcats first. I will also be making designs and iterators, and a little later I’ll post sketches of slugcats made this week, I hope you like it!!
slugcat designs!!!

Individual refs under cut [+design notes]:

Monk: no scars, strong, tail naturally curls. Survivor: don't worry about scar placement [nose scar always], hair doesn't have to cover eye and can face either side. Hunter: like a maned lioness, bioluminescent green marks, rot and scar placement doesn't matter.

Gourmand: loaf of bread, tail curls like cinnamon roll. Artificer: scar placement doesn't matter [except for eye of course], sharp. Rivulet: "throat sac" expands when holding breath, opacity doesn't matter, bioluminescent [?pending].

Spearmaster: thin, long limbs, some bioluminescent spots. Saint: holds tail like squirrel, oriental dragon like, fur colour can change with season [? pending].

Here’s a drawing I made of the Survivor carrying Gourmand.

This is from my au in which Saint and Inv attempt to join Gourmand’s colony, but first they steal some drip the Ancients left behind to try and hide their more unusual traits having learned from experience that most Slugcats find their appearances unnerving.
Saint very much regrets letting Inv “social skills” Enot do the talking.
What mushroom Is gourmand??
My brain went straight to King Bolete (Boletus edulis), no questions asked. The King Bolete is edible, widely considered choice edible and is used in various gourmet recipes. (Like Gourmand and his crafting!) It’s also HUGE, the caps can be up to 40cm in diameter!
Gourmand being a colony leader, the “king” fits pretty well in my opinion!

Gourmand is the King Bolete mushroom!!!

This is sort of how it went when Hunter first woke up in the colony, with no idea where he was or who these people were.

I wanted to try an even more cartoony style then usual, it’s my favourite lol
(For context Hunter is looking at Arti, he thinks she’s a hallucination)

Hunter is technically an adult but he’s only around 21ish which in Gourmand’s eyes is like… a baby.

Group therapy is going great

Hunter is technically an adult but he’s only around 21ish which in Gourmand’s eyes is like… a baby.
hello can I have gourmand from ur au based off my cat
scug plushie can be a baby scugpup

I took a few artistic liberties, but I tried to keep the poses roughly the same! I turned it into new parent Gourmand with baby Survivor :3

Low effort meme time
Can I get a gourmand getting a piece of cheese slapped on his face? I’ll make you a tasty drink that won’t let you sleep for 3 days


Gourmand With 4 Lovely Babies
(this post )
Underneath is one with surv and monk’s other siblings because I couldn’t decide

How to kill an iterator- summon the spooky white eye guy from the funny block game and watch your world burn i guess