Beetlewing - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

hypothetical wof evolution chart!! ignoring that darkstalker's book didn't take place only 2000 years after the scorching cause that makes no sesne

Hypothetical Wof Evolution Chart!! Ignoring That Darkstalker's Book Didn't Take Place Only 2000 Years
Hypothetical Wof Evolution Chart!! Ignoring That Darkstalker's Book Didn't Take Place Only 2000 Years

(previously known tribes found on the wiki, new ones made by me)

descriptions of new tribes/how the evolved under cut

The Early Era:

The first breeds of dragons. Existed before and during the scorching.


Status: Extinct

The first ever dragon tribe, is the common ancestor to every modern tribe

Began to die out sometime after the scorching after the tribes began to split up and form

Can range in a wide variety of colors depending on where they live

Body shape most similar to a skywing

Live mostly everywhere


Fire breathing

Radiates heat


Status: Extinct

The second ever dragon tribe

Evolved from Soarwings after they moved into forests and jungles

Went extinct as the tribe began to split away into Insectwings, Leafwings, and Rainwings

Went extinct a little while after the Soarwings did

Can come in any colors that are found in nature

What Lizard/Freedom from The Flames of Hope would be classified as


Weak fire breathing

Leafspeak (rare)

Weak poison administered through bite, not deadly


Status: Extinct

The third formed dragon tribe

Evolved from Soarwings as they began to leave to live near water, mostly the sea

Went extinct as their tribe split into Seawings and Icewings

Went extinct a little before Earthwings, but after Soarwings

Range in colors found in the water, from the blues of the waves to the pinks of coral


Ability to hold breath for a long time

Webbed talons

Powerful swimmers

Strong tails

Night vision

The Dividing Era:

The period that followed the Scorching, when the tribes began to split up and organize into proper tribes and cultures.


Status: Extinct

Evolved from Earthwings who lived in exclusively jungles; happened a little while after the scorching

Went extinct a while later after their tribe mostly became Beetlewings while the rest became Sandwings

Colors can range between yellows, greens, and browns

Began to develop another set of wings, though they are currently useless


Deadly poison that can be injected via bite or tail

Leafspeak (extremely rare)


Status: Healthy

Began to split from Soarwings a little after the scorching to live exclusively in mountains

Oldest modern tribe

Colors can range from shades of reds or orange


Large and powerful wings

Strong fire

Radiates heat


Status: Endangered

What remained of the Earthwings who continued to live in the forest while the Insectwings moved to the jungles

Colors range in shades of greens and with hints of colors found in nature


Leafspeak (uncommon)

Can absorb energy from sunlight


Status: Healthy

Split from Aquawings to live exclusively in the icy tundra

Range in shades of white with blue-tinted accents

Where the first animus was found


Freezing ice breath

Serrated claws

Withstanding cold temperatures

Night vision


Status: Healthy

Result of continuous breeding between Insectwings and Skywings

Moved to the desert because of space; no one else wanted to live there

Lost the second set of wings completely from Insectwings

Colors range in shades of tan and brown



Deadly venom (only in tail)

Can survive in hot environments for long amounts of time

Can survive with little water and food for long amounts of time

Radiates heat


Status: Extinct

Evolved from Insectwings who didn’t breed with Earthwings

Formed 2 sets of wings that are fully functional

Can come in any color, usually bright colors


Deadly venom that can be administered through tail

Antennae that can sense things around

The Growing Era:

An era where there is a lot more mixing of tribes and the start of a more civilized way of life


Status: Healthy

Formed out of what was left of the Aquawings who didn’t move to the arctic, began to become more and more aquatic

Colors can range in shades of blues, greens, and accents of different colors found in the sea


Ability to breathe underwater

Webbed talons

Powerful swimmers

Strong tails

Strong night vision

Bioluminescent scales


Status: Healthy

Formed from the breeding between Insectwings and Naturewings

Lost the second set of wings from Insectwings

Lived in the rainforest exclusively

Colors can range from anything


Color-changing scales

Prehensile tails

Deadly venom in teeth


Status: Endangered

Formed from Skywings who left to become nocturnal and pursue knowledge and sciences

Mind reading and future sight was a gift from an animus

Toxic bite did not develop until after living on the volcanic island

Colors can range in shades of dark gray and black



Mind Reading and/or future sight (rare)

Night vision

The Modern Era:

The newest dragon tribes that just recently came to be


Status: Healthy

Formed from continuous breeding between Seawings and Skywings

Often treated as less by the Phyrrian dragons because of how recently the tribe was formed

Colors can range in shades of browns and greens


Can hold breath for long periods of time

Can be healed by mud

Can breathe fire if warm enough


Status: Healthy

Evolved mostly from Beetlewings, only with Clearsight’s small genetics mixed in

Was created because of the impact Clearsight left, every dragon wanted to be like her, so any dragon with black scales was deemed a descendant of Clearsight; every dragon with black scales began breeding more than usual, eventually creating Hivewings

Colors range in shades of yellows and blacks

Kept the four sets of wings from Beetlewings


Venom and/or stingers in teeth or tails (uncommon)


Status: Healthy

Formed of what was left of the Beetlewings that didn’t have black on their scales

Have been seen as inferior to Hivewings for a while since they didn’t have any black scales

Flamesilks were originally a rare mutation that grew as the Hivewings began selectively breeding them

Colors range from any color under the sun except black



Can produce silk from their wrists

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7 months ago
An Addition To A Post I Made Here
An Addition To A Post I Made Here
An Addition To A Post I Made Here
An Addition To A Post I Made Here

an addition to a post I made here

I wanna try to draw little fact sheets for all the tribes (+ ones I made) to help explain my chart more :)

for more info on each check the original post

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7 months ago
Up First Are The BeetleWings!

Up first are the BeetleWings!

Some additional info below:

BeetleWings (as well as LeafWings) are native to Pantala; they did not come from Pyrrhia.

^ BeetleWings also naturally evolved into HiveWings and SilkWings on their own. There were already proto versions of them when Clearsight arrived.

Their extra set of legs gives them better dexterity and balance, especially for spinning silk.

There are two distinct types of BeetleWings, juggernauts and skimmers.

^ Juggernauts are the staple BeetleWing. They were known for their muscular build and powerful elytra.

^ Skimmers are more lithe BeetleWings that eventually evolved into HiveWings and SilkWings. They were better fliers, but much weaker.

Juggernaut BeetleWings have the strongest scales of any dragon, especially the elytra.

^ While seen as a morbid practice by some, elytra were very important family heirlooms in some communities. They were extracted by the healer of the family from the body and used as shields. It was a way for deceased dragons to continue protecting their family even in death.

BeetleWings go through metamorphosis, which was passed down to SilkWings but lost in the HiveWings.

In addition to flamesilk, BeetleWings had other fire-related abilities such as flamespit and mild fire resistance.

There are still BeetleWings in the modern day. They retreated to the northwestern mountains of Pantala, which have largely been untouched due to its instability (earthquakes, sinkholes, even volcanic activity). They strongly resemble juggernauts.

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9 months ago
Made A Reference For The Hollow Knight Inspired Beetlewing My Partner Made For Me :>

Made a reference for the Hollow knight inspired Beetlewing my partner made for me :>

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1 year ago

There are many fans who wonder why the Silkwings don't have Nightwings parts since Clearsight was involved with several Beetlewings (which hasn't been explained yet but that's okay)

After seeing many theories and headcanons and also reading a lot about the Silkwings I came to a conclusion

Silkwings are Beetlewings in the present

why? because if you look closely, the Hivewings are a generation of hybrid children of Clearsight, which means that the Beetle gene was reduced over time and the only parts that remained were the horns on the forehead, wings and perhaps the tail, now the Silkwings have much more of Beetlewings than the Hivewings themselves

let's remember the past, Clearsight went to Pantala and met the Beetlewings and Leafwings, she stayed with the Beetlewings and started having partners and children, ok now what if we think about the following that a part of the Beetlewings must have stayed not long happy with that since Clearsight was from Pyrrhia the place they were expelled from besides she can see the future so they must have been a little scared of her powers and so they went to a rainforest to live away from Clearsight and the Her children and they over time began to evolve into a more "simple" appearance and became the Silkwings while Clearsight's children became the Hivewings

Maybe some Silkwings were involved with Clearsight's children, yes, but I don't think it was a big part and that's why the Silkwings must be the only ones who still have pure Beetlewing blood because they are from the present while the Hivewings are a result of hybrids

remembering that what I said is not canonical since the guide doesn't say anything about that, it only cites old stories so I'm not entirely sure

One thing I find strange is the Hivewings' abilities, how do they have venom? like maybe the Beetlewings didn't have venom since they don't mention them using it in combat with the animals of Pantala so where did this poison come from since we know that the Nightwings don't have venom, I believe it's a part of the Rainwings since they went to Pantala too, a small group, perhaps they were involved with Clearsight's children and have very few Rainwing genes but these genes must be precisely the venom of the Hives

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