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got my mom to read darkstalker legends, this is what she has to say so far

also this, I didn’t realize it at first and then I was like OH MY GOD WAIT IS THAT A REFERENCE

part of an animation I'm working on
I got the inspo from this and it reminded me of clearsight and darkstalker
Clearsight: Let me show you a picture from last night that really upset me Darkstalker: Okay, but in my defense, Indigo bet me 50 cents I couldn’t drink all that shampoo. Clearsight: That’s not what I wanted to- you drank SHAMPOO?!
Clearsight: Darkstalker, an all-powerful dragon who strikes fear into the hearts of many, just whispered, "oh, this is gonna be so efficient," before spraying febreze into the ceiling and proceeding to cough his guts out when it blew back in his face.
Darkstalker: Okay, so mistakes were made.
Moon/Clearsight: by you.
Darkstalker: and people got hurt.
Moon/Clearsight: by you!
Darkstalker: Look I get that you’re only using me for my money but don’t worry, I don’t mind being your sugar daddy 😉
Clearsight: ...
Clearsight: Last week your card got declined trying to buy chicken strips and I had to pay because you started crying and security threatened to call the police
Clearsight: I want to hear those three little words.
Darkstalker: I love you.
Clearsight: that's sweet, but try again.
Darkstalker: *sigh* I will behave.
There are many fans who wonder why the Silkwings don't have Nightwings parts since Clearsight was involved with several Beetlewings (which hasn't been explained yet but that's okay)
After seeing many theories and headcanons and also reading a lot about the Silkwings I came to a conclusion
Silkwings are Beetlewings in the present
why? because if you look closely, the Hivewings are a generation of hybrid children of Clearsight, which means that the Beetle gene was reduced over time and the only parts that remained were the horns on the forehead, wings and perhaps the tail, now the Silkwings have much more of Beetlewings than the Hivewings themselves
let's remember the past, Clearsight went to Pantala and met the Beetlewings and Leafwings, she stayed with the Beetlewings and started having partners and children, ok now what if we think about the following that a part of the Beetlewings must have stayed not long happy with that since Clearsight was from Pyrrhia the place they were expelled from besides she can see the future so they must have been a little scared of her powers and so they went to a rainforest to live away from Clearsight and the Her children and they over time began to evolve into a more "simple" appearance and became the Silkwings while Clearsight's children became the Hivewings
Maybe some Silkwings were involved with Clearsight's children, yes, but I don't think it was a big part and that's why the Silkwings must be the only ones who still have pure Beetlewing blood because they are from the present while the Hivewings are a result of hybrids
remembering that what I said is not canonical since the guide doesn't say anything about that, it only cites old stories so I'm not entirely sure
One thing I find strange is the Hivewings' abilities, how do they have venom? like maybe the Beetlewings didn't have venom since they don't mention them using it in combat with the animals of Pantala so where did this poison come from since we know that the Nightwings don't have venom, I believe it's a part of the Rainwings since they went to Pantala too, a small group, perhaps they were involved with Clearsight's children and have very few Rainwing genes but these genes must be precisely the venom of the Hives
🌒 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔞𝔩𝔰𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔢 𝔊𝔬𝔡 🌘

really liked my clearsight design
so another drawing of her!

my clearsight doodles, hope the goat aspect shines thru!

my fathom doodles, I got really lazy with his legs they should look more aquatic lol
tbh the sketching process just feels more structured than the lineart stage, but that doesnt mean i dont like doing lineart.
How Clearsight once flew to Pantala :) ✨

some cursed memes. Do you remember how 5-year-old Clearsight flew across the ocean, and when the first adult male dragon was just kind to her, she was like “.....I can already see how we will have thousands of eggs :)”?

Darkstalker & Sunny’s family line

Spent waay too much time on this after the last one.
More d&d designs!
Beltstalker and Fathom are both Sorcerers having been born with animus magic. Clearsight is a Divination Wizard and Indigo is probs a Champion Fighter. Also she gave her helmet to Fathom because he definitely needs it more.
🌃 oracleofpossibility Follow
I've been reading NightWings myths again and it's wild how there's no ending to the Darkstalker legend. Like they all talk about how evil and terrifying it was and how it was some great monster, but they all go in different directions when it comes to how it was defeated. Like nobody could even figure out how to beat something like that.
☃️ penguinfeather Follow
what if instead of being defeated by some hero or being tricked into destroying himself darkstalker just went underground and lives in the mountains
🔮 prophet-bot Follow
Date of post: 5,002 AS
This blog was enchanted to find accidental prophecies in posts. I sometimes make mistakes