golden-sandwing - GoldSand

41 posts

Golden-sandwing - GoldSand - Tumblr Blog

9 months ago


Trigger: *makes many scenes and shots more cinematic and beautiful than they are in the manga, animates the manga beautifully and brings the artstyle to life, and generally adapts the manga in a very accurate and straightforward way*

Fans: 😑

Trigger: *removes one shot that was in the manga*

Fans: OHHH MY GOD 😱😱 I can’t BELIEVE they cut this shot!!! They clearly don’t understand the manga! 🤬🤬🤬 I’ll never forgive them! Terrible adaptation 😔

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9 months ago


two Mudwings headcanon that I have

1- Mudwings take cooking seriously as part of their culture and history as well as a way of living, because for them eating is living because eating something that is so delicious and prepared with care and love for them gives them a pleasure of joy and calm, so it's something very important to them so much so that they have different types of meals and dishes


2- Mudwings are very good at making art with clay, so much so that the best pieces of art come from them, in addition they are good at sculpting statues and are very detailed.


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9 months ago

. FINALLY the Brazilian fandom of Wings of fire is alive again

wondering if here on tumblr there are more Brazilian fans (or Portuguese speakers) who read Wings of Fire and warrior cats

I have all the arcs translated (and the legends + winglets) and from warrior cats I have also translated the arcs and the special editions

In Brazil, these two sagas never came out of the first arc translated (although Warrior Cats recently released the first book of the second arc) so I know there are people who wanted to follow along but never managed to do so because they didn't know English

Wondering If Here On Tumblr There Are More Brazilian Fans (or Portuguese Speakers) Who Read Wings Of
Wondering If Here On Tumblr There Are More Brazilian Fans (or Portuguese Speakers) Who Read Wings Of

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9 months ago

I have the same doubts, I wanted a Winglet precisely about Albatross' family since I'm very interested in them and especially about Albatross's wife, which here in this au I tried to do the way I interpreted Tui's "tips/clues" since it's not very obvious but if you look at specific parts you can imagine a little what happened to her, and I honestly believe that Lagoon did something to her since it's not expected that she would feel anything after her death but she already I would even choose someone else to replace her as if she wanted someone easier to manipulate along with Albatross, it's just my theory

Albatross family

King Albatross and Queen Emerald

Albatross Family
Albatross Family

After the death of Queen Lagoon (the cause of death was not revealed) Prince Albatross's wife assumed the throne with him, Albatross became a respected king for having animus magic

Albatross is mentally healthy and has more freedom in relation to his magic, his wife has always helped him in Lagoon's relationship to control his life since the shell accident that took out the claws of Princess Sapphire, Albatross's older sister.

Albatross Family

Princess Manta and Prince Eel

Albatross Family

Princess Manta is the kingdom's royal general, she was excellent in her tests and studies, besides being intelligent she is very strong in combat, Lagoon wanted her to be a servant or advisor but she refused and her parents let her be a general

Prince Eel is the royal advisor and also the best storyteller in the kingdom, he is extremely intelligent and always studies something in relation to the tribes in addition to always looking for evidence of animus and guiding exams to find out if there is another animus in the tribe

Princes Current and Scallop

Albatross Family

Current is a young dragon and the oldest among his brother and his cousins, he and his brother are the two sons of Prince Eel, they only have their father, he trains to be a guard and protect his family

Scallop is Eel's second son, he is the same age as his cousins, who is 4 years old, he studies with them and he wants to be a great storyteller like his father

Prince Fathom and Princess Pearl

Albatross Family

Fathom and Pearl are the two children of princess Arraia and a servant called Reef (her husband) Fathom is a young animus dragon and apprentice of his grandfather Albatross, in a year he will be old enough to leave to meet another supposed animus in the kingdom of night

Pearl loves making shiny accessories and giving them to her family, she really wants to be an animus but she doesn't have an animus so her brother Fathom tries to cheer her up by taking shiny stones and turning them into little animal statues for her.

Fathom, Pearl and Scallop hatched a year after Lagoon's death so they didn't meet her

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9 months ago
"I Must Feed The Young Ones!!!"

"I must feed the young ones!!!"

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9 months ago

#I'm simply in love with Dungeon Meshi

golden-sandwing - GoldSand

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9 months ago


I Wanted To Draw Something Instead Of Using That Ai

i wanted to draw something instead of using that ai

spread the real informations, resharing that ai wont make you a saint, it won’t justify your silence

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9 months ago

Albatross family

King Albatross and Queen Emerald

Albatross Family
Albatross Family

After the death of Queen Lagoon (the cause of death was not revealed) Prince Albatross's wife assumed the throne with him, Albatross became a respected king for having animus magic

Albatross is mentally healthy and has more freedom in relation to his magic, his wife has always helped him in Lagoon's relationship to control his life since the shell accident that took out the claws of Princess Sapphire, Albatross's older sister.

Albatross Family

Princess Manta and Prince Eel

Albatross Family

Princess Manta is the kingdom's royal general, she was excellent in her tests and studies, besides being intelligent she is very strong in combat, Lagoon wanted her to be a servant or advisor but she refused and her parents let her be a general

Prince Eel is the royal advisor and also the best storyteller in the kingdom, he is extremely intelligent and always studies something in relation to the tribes in addition to always looking for evidence of animus and guiding exams to find out if there is another animus in the tribe

Princes Current and Scallop

Albatross Family

Current is a young dragon and the oldest among his brother and his cousins, he and his brother are the two sons of Prince Eel, they only have their father, he trains to be a guard and protect his family

Scallop is Eel's second son, he is the same age as his cousins, who is 4 years old, he studies with them and he wants to be a great storyteller like his father

Prince Fathom and Princess Pearl

Albatross Family

Fathom and Pearl are the two children of princess Arraia and a servant called Reef (her husband) Fathom is a young animus dragon and apprentice of his grandfather Albatross, in a year he will be old enough to leave to meet another supposed animus in the kingdom of night

Pearl loves making shiny accessories and giving them to her family, she really wants to be an animus but she doesn't have an animus so her brother Fathom tries to cheer her up by taking shiny stones and turning them into little animal statues for her.

Fathom, Pearl and Scallop hatched a year after Lagoon's death so they didn't meet her

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10 months ago

in just two days I got a lot of compliments and likes, more than before hehe, thank you for your attention to my comfort au, I was really happy that you liked it and I honestly thought it wouldn't draw so much attention since it's not an au so "wow, how spectacular" it's just an au to relax since when I read Legends I was so overwhelmed by the amount of trauma and sad things so I thought about doing something for the characters that captivate me so much, a universe where they live well

I'm doing several sketches and drawings and thinking about a mini comic from Albatross's childhood, I'll post it this week, so I hope you like it

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10 months ago

I love Mudwings

I Love Mudwings
I Love Mudwings

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10 months ago

I'm cooking hehe

I'm Cooking Hehe

Darkstalker? Hummm

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10 months ago

I'm going to die of happiness when this wonderful GN comes out

So, news: the Darkstalker Legends Graphic Novel is in the works. We don't have a cover or an official Amazon page yet, but Tui has said it earlier this month. Also in the Discord server for the GN's colourist, they mentioned how Darkstalker's GN will be drawn by somebody other than Mike Holmes as to keep the mainline series scedule constant.

Tui also mentioned in this video that she's working on other non-WoF stuff, which we already knew. I just think it's neat.

[Transcript begins:

Tui: We're working on– actually, we're working on like the next three graphic novels, which involves book eight, Darkstalker, and book nine.

(Collective cheering and applause from the crowd)

Tui: (Unintelligible) And then I'm writing a book that is not about dragons.

Audience member: (Jokingly) Boo!

(Laughter from the audience)

Tui: (Unintelligible) So it's going to be occurring on a spaceship.

(Gasp from the audience)

Tui: So I'm pretty excited about that. And also another graphic novel that is not a Wings of Fire one, but you'll see how long that takes. And then I'm going to go back to Wings of Fire and write book sixteen.

/transcript ends]

10 months ago


Day one of requested WoF dragons to draw: Sunny

Day One Of Requested WoF Dragons To Draw: Sunny

Feel free to use this design, but give credit :D

Requested by @golden-sandwing

10 months ago
10 months ago
Lagoon Doesn't Like His Brother's Wife
Lagoon Doesn't Like His Brother's Wife

Lagoon doesn't like his brother's wife

I love Albatross' story so much that when I tried to join the dots I created a comfort au for myself, in which his wife named Esmeralda (I gave the name since she doesn't have a canonical name) she lives and Lagoon dies (still thinking about how) and she and Albatross live happily as king and queen and Albatross in this au is psychologically healthy

I Love Albatross' Story So Much That When I Tried To Join The Dots I Created A Comfort Au For Myself,

I wanted the fandom to see him more as the Albatross and not as the killer, sometimes maps are very superficial, I wanted to see one barely telling his story and speculation, that would be really cool

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10 months ago

I love Albatross' story so much that when I tried to join the dots I created a comfort au for myself, in which his wife named Emerald (I gave the name since she doesn't have a canonical name) she lives and Lagoon dies (still thinking about how) and she and Albatross live happily as king and queen and Albatross in this au is psychologically healthy

I Love Albatross' Story So Much That When I Tried To Join The Dots I Created A Comfort Au For Myself,

I wanted the fandom to see him more as the Albatross and not as the killer, sometimes maps are very superficial, I wanted to see one barely telling his story and speculation, that would be really cool

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1 year ago

About me

You can call me Sand or Gold or whatever you prefer, but if you want to call me Qibli that's fine too

my pronouns are He/him, I am Brazilian🇧🇷

I'm 18, I've been a fan of Wings of Fire for as long as I can remember for 4-5 years, I love dragons and the universe, my favorite tribes are the Sandwings, Silkwings, Mudwings and Rainwings

The main favorite characters are, Sunny, Clay, Starflight, Glory, Tsunami, Kinkajou, Qibli, Whiteout, Albatross and Fathom

I love beetles, they are cool and cute

If you want to talk to me about Wof, you can hit me up on Discord

A community for collaborative character creation and trading, worldbuilding and roleplay.

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1 year ago

Animus magic

"The first dragons of Pyrrhia used their magic to feed their families and protect themselves, they lived well and without rules, but because of this over time the magic disappeared along with the dragons so it returned to the tribes and now all the tribes can use magic with laws that animus and help them"

(This is just a headcanon of animus magic, don't take it too seriously it's just something I liked)

Animus Magic

My headcanon about animus magic is no big deal

This curved line with pastel colors represents animus magic, for the tribes the color of the magic would be soft colors as if it reflected the soul of the dragon

those stripes on the hand are animus track stripes, for them the animus has pastel colored stripes on the face, chest and hand

The reason is that each part represents something, the face represents the vision of magic in this case wisdom, the specific chest above the heart means the soul, the physical form of magic within the dragon and the hands which is the greatest concentration of magic that Uses to create and enchant objects

Very vibrant colors that don't match well and dark spots represent the corruption of the soul, when the soul turns into something bad it contaminates the magic and so the dragon's body is full of these not-so-smooth spots and stripes that show that his soul is now it's pure evil

it's not that much since it's more about the vision of magic for the tribes and the supposed colors of it, if you liked it I'm happy

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1 year ago

There are many fans who wonder why the Silkwings don't have Nightwings parts since Clearsight was involved with several Beetlewings (which hasn't been explained yet but that's okay)

After seeing many theories and headcanons and also reading a lot about the Silkwings I came to a conclusion

Silkwings are Beetlewings in the present

why? because if you look closely, the Hivewings are a generation of hybrid children of Clearsight, which means that the Beetle gene was reduced over time and the only parts that remained were the horns on the forehead, wings and perhaps the tail, now the Silkwings have much more of Beetlewings than the Hivewings themselves

let's remember the past, Clearsight went to Pantala and met the Beetlewings and Leafwings, she stayed with the Beetlewings and started having partners and children, ok now what if we think about the following that a part of the Beetlewings must have stayed not long happy with that since Clearsight was from Pyrrhia the place they were expelled from besides she can see the future so they must have been a little scared of her powers and so they went to a rainforest to live away from Clearsight and the Her children and they over time began to evolve into a more "simple" appearance and became the Silkwings while Clearsight's children became the Hivewings

Maybe some Silkwings were involved with Clearsight's children, yes, but I don't think it was a big part and that's why the Silkwings must be the only ones who still have pure Beetlewing blood because they are from the present while the Hivewings are a result of hybrids

remembering that what I said is not canonical since the guide doesn't say anything about that, it only cites old stories so I'm not entirely sure

One thing I find strange is the Hivewings' abilities, how do they have venom? like maybe the Beetlewings didn't have venom since they don't mention them using it in combat with the animals of Pantala so where did this poison come from since we know that the Nightwings don't have venom, I believe it's a part of the Rainwings since they went to Pantala too, a small group, perhaps they were involved with Clearsight's children and have very few Rainwing genes but these genes must be precisely the venom of the Hives

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1 year ago





I was outraged by the Sandwings part because it has absolutely nothing new or useful information

One page is a letter from Sunny, two pages are about the old Burn tower and what was in it (even though it wasn't much there were some interesting ones), one page about lost treasures from the Sandwings, one page is a letter from Smolder to Starflight and the last 13 pages are a kind of diary from Smolder about his human "pet"

honestly, I found these last pages quite unnecessary because I could have left them in a book and replaced them with real useful information such as skills, culture, information about the fortress or the scorpion den, but include Smolder's relationship with a human in a guide in the part about the Sandwings I found extremely unnecessary and useless

I recently bought the Wof digital guide to read and I'm a little disappointed with the amount of unnecessary or old information, honestly from what I've read there's little new information about the universe or the tribes themselves.

Soon I might talk about what I thought of the guide and the tribes

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1 year ago

I recently bought the Wof digital guide to read and I'm a little disappointed with the amount of unnecessary or old information, honestly from what I've read there's little new information about the universe or the tribes themselves.

Soon I might talk about what I thought of the guide and the tribes

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1 year ago

Am I the only one who thinks the current Seawings royalty could cause a lot of problems? Since, you know, Coral had a lot of male children and they could end up having children and they could end up being females, so, I don't know, it's just my thought.

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3 years ago

finally finished

Finally Finished

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