Beginner Hellenist - Tumblr Posts
August 21, 2024
One of the biggest things that has struck me so far is how little we have remaining from history when it comes to how Hades and Persephone were worshipped. I understand that worshipping Him was a bit taboo, but I’m surprised that I’ve struggled to find evidence of Her being worshiped in isolation from other gods. She’s usually with Demeter.
It seems to me that, other than in a few regions outside of Greece proper, Persephone was mainly worshipped in relation to her Spring aspect, not her role as Queen of the Underworld. I hope I can serve both aspects of her so she’s not limited in any capacity
I feel an urge to give them more of what they have historically been overlooked for: recognition and veneration. Of course there are some stereotypical elements that are associated with them, such as the pomegranate, but I’d like to find ways of acknowledging and praising them that are a bit more individual, tuned to my personal relationship with each of them, as those relationships develop. I think I’m getting stuck in my head and overthinking my struggle to come up with ideas of what to put on their altars, and am overthinking it.
With not as much historical evidence of practices and rituals as other gods may have, I’m going to rely a lot on my intuition and what I gleam from my interactions with them to guide me in what ways are best to venerate Them. I’d love to hear any suggestions you all have or any practices you’ve had experience with that are related! What actions/offerings do you think are appropriate here? I do have a background in history (not much Greek, though), so I do hope in my continued research I’ll find a practice or offering with historical precedence that I can adapt to todays world!
Another thing that’s been on my mind a lot today is that it’s important to me that Lord Hades and Lady Persephone know that I’m seeking to cultivate connections with both of them individually, and not just viewing them as a unit. This is probably just my anxieties flaring up a little in my mind. I’m just in awe that two beings with such power have connected with me, and I want to make sure I do everything “right,” but that’s not really how a practice like this works. There aren’t a set of rules already established for me, especially none set for the 21st century. I need to listen to my gut in my craft, and my gut tells me to focus a lot right now on each of Them as individual gods. Perhaps this means a break from reading about the two of them together and more time meditating on one of them at a time.
I know most people picture Hades in his very serious, king of the underworld aspect, but he has shown me a ton of his hidden sense of humor.
Like the other day I ordered a little statue of him for my altar. I get the package today and guess what? The package contained 16 of the same statue! I went back and checked my receipt-I was only charged for one but they must have somehow went me a whole pack of them by accident!
It honestly had me cracking up so much like he’s so not subtle and has his unserious moments and that’s what I love so much about working with him
Are there any other Hades and Persephone worshippers/people who work with them out there who’d like to chat? I’d love to make some friends with a similar interest in the spiritual!
August 26, 2024
I’m really thankful and grateful to Lord Hades and Lady Persephone for their supporting presence with me over the past few days. I’ve been really drained with a lot going on at work and in my personal life, and today when I sat down to do my morning tarot with them a message came through loud and clear: take care of yourself.
It’s really wonderful to get the affirmation that I’m not imagining it, that they do really care about me and want me to focus on my wellbeing, even if that means spending less time creating more elaborate rituals to celebrate them.
When reading historic texts about the ancient worship of the gods, sometimes it can feel a bit impersonal. But I believe the gods give us what we need, if we ask and work for it. And Hades and Persephone knew I needed some support and permission to relax.
The gods know us all as individuals and care for us as our unique needs call for it, and I just think that’s so beautiful
What are your thoughts on how often you can call upon the gods? Lately I’ve been starting each day by asking Hades and Persephone what they want me to focus on for that day, and doing a tarot reading. This has been a pretty successful form of communication for us so far, but I’m worried if I reach out to them every morning and meditate on them every night (as I’m doing now) that’ll be too much and I’ll annoy them. What do y’all think?