Hades Worship - Tumblr Posts


I thought it might be a good idea for me to explain/organize this blog a bit, and wanted to share some main purposes/goals with this blog

When they made their presence known to me, Hades and Persephone called upon me to share myself, my knowledge, and my kindness with the world. This page will focus primarily on knowledge, and goes along with my efforts to be more social and to be kind to everyone. My goal right now is to write reflections/thoughts on the Divine, and to share my learnings with anyone who would like to know. I’m still getting used to these short journal excerpts because my spiritual journey right now has been primarily dealing with triggering, personal topics that I don’t want to unload on y’all! I’ll also be reblogging helpful advice and information from other blogs, along with some aesthetic and the occasional humorous post!

These posts are just my personal reflections, and a core part of my beliefs is that there is no one true path to the divine. Saying that, I am not asserting my beliefs/interpretations of the world as the only spiritual path to follow, as everyone has their own journey and spirit(s) to guide them!

I’d love for you to follow me along this journey, and would love to hear others’ insights and advice! I’m also always open to new witchy friends, and want to emphasize that I respect all walks of faith as long as they don’t seek to harm others.

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August 21, 2024

One of the biggest things that has struck me so far is how little we have remaining from history when it comes to how Hades and Persephone were worshipped. I understand that worshipping Him was a bit taboo, but I’m surprised that I’ve struggled to find evidence of Her being worshiped in isolation from other gods. She’s usually with Demeter.

It seems to me that, other than in a few regions outside of Greece proper, Persephone was mainly worshipped in relation to her Spring aspect, not her role as Queen of the Underworld. I hope I can serve both aspects of her so she’s not limited in any capacity

I feel an urge to give them more of what they have historically been overlooked for: recognition and veneration. Of course there are some stereotypical elements that are associated with them, such as the pomegranate, but I’d like to find ways of acknowledging and praising them that are a bit more individual, tuned to my personal relationship with each of them, as those relationships develop. I think I’m getting stuck in my head and overthinking my struggle to come up with ideas of what to put on their altars, and am overthinking it.

With not as much historical evidence of practices and rituals as other gods may have, I’m going to rely a lot on my intuition and what I gleam from my interactions with them to guide me in what ways are best to venerate Them. I’d love to hear any suggestions you all have or any practices you’ve had experience with that are related! What actions/offerings do you think are appropriate here? I do have a background in history (not much Greek, though), so I do hope in my continued research I’ll find a practice or offering with historical precedence that I can adapt to todays world!

Another thing that’s been on my mind a lot today is that it’s important to me that Lord Hades and Lady Persephone know that I’m seeking to cultivate connections with both of them individually, and not just viewing them as a unit. This is probably just my anxieties flaring up a little in my mind. I’m just in awe that two beings with such power have connected with me, and I want to make sure I do everything “right,” but that’s not really how a practice like this works. There aren’t a set of rules already established for me, especially none set for the 21st century. I need to listen to my gut in my craft, and my gut tells me to focus a lot right now on each of Them as individual gods. Perhaps this means a break from reading about the two of them together and more time meditating on one of them at a time.

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August 22, 2024

For today’s reflection, I’d like to look inward a bit and begin to unpack a common theme that has been coming up a lot in my tarot readings lately: doing what I can to make the world a more compassionate place

This is something that has motivated me for my whole life, so it doesn’t initially surprise me that I’m drawn to those cards often. However, what has been unexpected is the fact that Hades has frequently been the one identifying Himself with these messages.

Now I know not everyone is going to agree with my beliefs and that’s ok! I love that faith brings everyone to their own individual interpretations, I think that’s beautiful! And I am aware that my personal beliefs deviate quite a bit from traditional Greek practices, but I’m not trying to recreate those practices exactly. So that’s just a little disclaimer that I’m not looking to argue with anyone about philosophy, this blog is more of a personal journal through my faith journey, just made public in case it helps anyone else!

What my gut tells me about this is that, contrary to popular belief, Hades does really care about what goes on in the land of the living. I mean, what happens in life has a huge impact on who we are when we die, so it makes sense that the events of life would have repercussions on what the afterlife looks like. If there’s overwhelming negativity, divisiveness, and hate in our world, maybe those elements are popping up more and more in the Underworld, leading to more and more conflicts that Hades has to manage. If we can bring joy to this life, we can bring it to the next. Obviously that’s all much easier said than done, but right now I’m just focusing on doing more positive acts of kindness intentionally throughout the day and being more selfless.

Honestly part of me is hesitant to share this thought, but Hades has encouraged me to share my knowledge to the world in addition to kindness through my divination with Him, and I want to honor that.

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I know most people picture Hades in his very serious, king of the underworld aspect, but he has shown me a ton of his hidden sense of humor.

Like the other day I ordered a little statue of him for my altar. I get the package today and guess what? The package contained 16 of the same statue! I went back and checked my receipt-I was only charged for one but they must have somehow went me a whole pack of them by accident!

It honestly had me cracking up so much like he’s so not subtle and has his unserious moments and that’s what I love so much about working with him

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Are there any other Hades and Persephone worshippers/people who work with them out there who’d like to chat? I’d love to make some friends with a similar interest in the spiritual!

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August 26, 2024

I’m really thankful and grateful to Lord Hades and Lady Persephone for their supporting presence with me over the past few days. I’ve been really drained with a lot going on at work and in my personal life, and today when I sat down to do my morning tarot with them a message came through loud and clear: take care of yourself.

It’s really wonderful to get the affirmation that I’m not imagining it, that they do really care about me and want me to focus on my wellbeing, even if that means spending less time creating more elaborate rituals to celebrate them.

When reading historic texts about the ancient worship of the gods, sometimes it can feel a bit impersonal. But I believe the gods give us what we need, if we ask and work for it. And Hades and Persephone knew I needed some support and permission to relax.

The gods know us all as individuals and care for us as our unique needs call for it, and I just think that’s so beautiful

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🏛Hellenic cheat sheets🏛

Hellenic Cheat Sheets

In construction

Here are some cheat sheets with general information about the Greek Gods which you might find useful in worship but not only!

There is plenty of information I did not include. These are just simple cheat sheets. I could not fit everything in there but this might come in handy if you’re just starting out or want to get to know the Hellenic Gods.

For more information about them, I highly recommend you check out the websites or books I listed in sources!

PSA: Some of the things listed in offerings and associations section are more modern, thus could be regarded as UPGs/SPGs

Hellenic Cheat Sheets

⚡ The Olympians ⚡














Mount Olympus - Home of the Gods


Hellenic Cheat Sheets

🦴The Underworld🦴







House of Hades & the Afterlife

Hellenic Cheat Sheets

🌱 Minor deities & daimones 💫



Phobos & Deimos - bonus info












Mousai [Muses]

Moirai [Fates]

Charites [Graces]

Anemoi [The Winds]

🌾 Titan & Primordial Gods 🌌











👑 Heroes & deified mortals ⚔








If you like my content consider supporting me on: https://ko-fi.com/screeching0wlet

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worshipping the chthonic gods

first, a note on cthonic vs ouranic: the line between these gods is one that is not really as stark as it can be portrayed. many gods have both ouranic and chthonic aspects, and neither make them any more "good" or "bad" than the other. chthonic gods are not evil gods, at least no more than any ouranic god. all deities have the capability of doing good and evil, but are largely ambivalent in nature. the advice listed below is not set in stone, simply provided as gentle guidance. if you have suggestions, feel free to add them in the comments/reblogs! :)

Worshipping The Chthonic Gods


In Ancient Greece it was very common for offerings to the chthonic gods to be given in the form of libation--a drink (or any liquid) poured into the ground. Physical offerings, like food, were often burned in their entirety to ash or left to rot, instead of being partially shared by the offeror. Incense was not as commonly used since the smoke travels upwards, towards the heavens.

I suggest disposing of/keeping ashes and rotted food outside or burying them, seeing as chthonic sometimes refers to "-of the earth." This would be similar to how curse tablets were treated in Ancient Greece, as Hermes, messenger of the gods, would deliver them unto their underworld-ly receiver from there.

If you can't do that, consider pouring your libations down the sink or flushing them down the toilet (ONLY do this with water-based liquids, oil and honey will clog up your sink in no time flat). It's not ideal, but it gets the job done.

Common libations include: coffee, blood (animal or your own, we'll get to that at the end), honey (instead of wine), milk

Common offerings include: meat, barley/grain, oil, cheese

In many cases, prayers to ouranic deities are directed upwards, into the sky or delivered unto the wind by voice, song, or some sort of poem. In the case of the chthonic gods, we should be directing them downwards, towards the underworld where they reside. This may include extending your hands with palms facing down, putting your head down, or just imagining your prayers being sent below. The only exceptions to this may be Persephone, who resides in the heavens for half of the year, and Hermes, who can be considered both ouranic and chthonic.


Other recommendations I can make are: light a candle, even if you're not going to use it for pyromancy; light some incense (I do this for focus and cleansing, not so much for the deity); and perform it at night. It's not mandatory, of course, to perform your prayers at night, it's just that in antiquity ouranic activities (festivals, prayer, etc.) were done during the day and often directly enshrouded in sunlight. We can assume, therefore, that a chthonic prayer or festival should occur during the night, especially if being directed towards Hekate or Nyx.


In Ancient Greece, temples to the ouranic gods were constructed so that their doorways would directly face the sun, thus illuminating the inside (and often the main statue(s), too). We can assume, then, that our chthonic altars/shrines should be located somewhere out of the direct sunlight. This can be in a dark spot, like a closet or isolated room--or it can just simply be in a corner furthest from the sun's rays.

Again, there may be some exceptions to this: Hermes, under his ouranic epithet(s), Persephone, for her time in the heavens, and Hekate, for her association with the moon.


For the most part divination with the chthonic gods is conducted in much the same way as with the ouranic. Of course, when calling upon these deities you'll want to face towards the ground, and perhaps even conduct these sessions in partial darkness. Again, maybe you could light a candle or even pour a libation before a really big reading.

I mostly use pendulums and tarot, but I've been experimenting with meditation and have had some luck. What works for ouranic deities should work just as good for chthonic, you just might have to shift your approach a little.

Some good tarot spreads for working with chthonic deities:

"Fork in the Road" spread-- for Hermes or Hekate

"The Tower" spread-- for Hermes or Hades

"The Self Exploration" spread-- for any

"The Bat" spread-- for Hades or Persephone

Worshipping The Chthonic Gods


--Consider offering blood if you're able! Animal blood that is sourced from ethical farms is neither morally reprehensible or illegal and can be sourced from a variety of places. Offering your own blood is also a possibility, but for this I would not recommend more than a pinprick. There are limits to how much pain you should be incurring on yourself for your deities. If you have to check your blood sugar often, maybe you can soak up excess blood with some cotton and bury it outside. Make sure to always clean your wounds properly and do not engage in this behavior for the purpose of self-mutilation. That, I can assure you, your deities would not appreciate. Don't be stupid.

--Snakes are commonly associated with almost all chthonic deities, or just the Underworld in general. We see this the most with Hermes, who is pictured with two snakes wrapped around his caduceus. The god Asclepius is also pictured with a staff with a snake on it, but only has one. Asclepius is the god of medicine, and (before being deified) was killed by Zeus for making people practically immortal.

--Chthonic deities are the best places to turn to for spirit work, protective, and baneful magic. You're looking to contact a spirit? Turn to Hades. You're looking for protection against spirits/demons? Turn to Hekate or Hermes. You're looking to cast a curse? Turn to Persephone or Hekate.

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💀 Subtle Haides Worship 🐕‍🦺

If you have a dog (or any pet), play with them

Volunteer at an animal shelter

Donate dog supplies to animal shelters and places who help families in need

Feed neighborhood dogs, cats, or birds

Start a coin collection with the intention of souls who need payment at the Underworld's gates can use those coins

Keep a picture of him in your wallet

Have a candle that reminds you of him (no altars needed)

Wear jewelry that reminds you of him

Have a stuffed animal owl, dog, or black ram

Have imagery of a bident, Cerberus, or ancient Greek helmets around

Drink coffee or a soothing tea to start your day

Honor your ancestors/souls that have passed; learn about your family history

Hold onto any family heirlooms; keep items from people who have passed in your life

Eat pomegranate seeds; drink pomegranate juice

Support suicide prevention or funeral funding organizations

Visit cemeteries; if allowed (get permission first please), leave flowers at graves; visit loved ones' or family members' graves

Collect animal bones (please thank the animal's spirit after doing so; I just think it's respectful to do so)

Learn about death; acquaint yourself with the idea of death; figure out what you believe happens after death

Take care of yourself physically and emotionally

Work on learning to let go of the past; forgive yourself for past mistakes, and release past regrets

Start a garden or tend to plants

Save your money, if able; work on spending it wisely

Practice patience, understanding, and gratitude

Be a good host to all who enter your space; Haides is the ultimate host, the Ruler of All

Take a walk during a new moon (if it is safe to do so in your area)

Bury a time capsule

Honor old family traditions; dig into your heritage and find pride in it

Learn to find simple joys in life; make a list of things that bring you joy in your day to day

Meditate in nature; ground yourself often; practice mindfulness

Visit/explore caves (please do so safely!!!)

Visit ancient ruins, ghost towns, and any place where people used to be but are no longer


Hope this helps someone! I may add more later on. For now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Haides. Take care, everyone! 🩵

Link to Subtle Worship Master list

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Things have been very difficult lately. In the spirit of the new moon, I cut off an unhealthy relationship in my life. Even though it’s for the best for all parties involved, I’m having to deal with a lot of anger and resentment from the other person involved.

This has also been trying because, despite how unhealthy our relationship was, this person was my closest and really only friend. Even though I’ve spent most of my life alone, it terrifies me, and I doubt every little step that I take. I also am terrified of them trying to hurt me for leaving the relationship when they didn’t want to let me go.

I thank Persephone for her guidance and support that led me to this decision, and I humbly ask that Hades give me the strength and wisdom to live independently and solitarily

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some mentions of Hades in historical works


" In front of that stand the echoing halls Of mighty Hades and dread Persephone, Underworld gods, and a frightful, pitiless Hound stands guard, and he has a mean trick: When someone comes in, he fawns upon him, Wagging his tail and dropping his ears, But he will not allow anyone to leave— He runs down and eats anyone he catches Leaving Persephone’s and Hades’ gates. "


" You dwell below the earth, O' strong-spirited one, a meadow in Tartarus, thick-shaded and dark. Sceptered Chthonic Zeus, please accept this sacrifice, O' Plouton, holder of the keys to the whole earth. To mankind you give the wealth of the year’s fruits, yours is the third portion, earth, queen of all, seat of the gods, mighty lap of mortals. Your throne rests on a dark realm, the realm of distant, of untiring, of windless, and of impassive Hades; it does rest on gloomy Acheron, the river who girds the roots of the earth. All-receiver, master of death, master of mortals, host of many, Euboulos, you once took as your bride pure Demeter’s daughter: you tore her away from the meadow, and through the sea you carried her to an Attic cave upon your steeds— it was the district of Eleusis, where the gates to Hades are. You alone were born to judge deeds obscure and conspicuous. Holiest and illustrious ruler of all, frenzied god, you delight in the respect and in the reverence of your worshippers. I summon you, come with favor, come with joy to the initiates. "


Some Mentions Of Hades In Historical Works
Some Mentions Of Hades In Historical Works
Some Mentions Of Hades In Historical Works


Some Mentions Of Hades In Historical Works

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I need everyone to read how Socrates described the etymology of Hades’ name. This is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful descriptions of the God in antiquity

I Need Everyone To Read How Socrates Described The Etymology Of Hades Name. This Is, In My Opinion, One
I Need Everyone To Read How Socrates Described The Etymology Of Hades Name. This Is, In My Opinion, One

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