B'elanna Torres - Tumblr Posts

I just finished Voyager yesterday and totally felt that Chakotay and Seven was out of nowhere. Seven showed intrest in him but nothing really from Chakotay.

The ending kinda felt underwhelming for me. I mean, they did get home and did a major damage to the borg but it didn't really feel like the end? Idk.

I think the most heartwarming thing that happened was the birth of Tom and B'elena daughter.

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This is a little video I made about our girls aboard the ship.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I love them so much❤️❤️❤️

This is what makes us girls😭❤️ had to show some of their sader sides to underline how strong they are💪🏻❤️💅🏻😘

But there are also lovely moments in it!!

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Love it❤️❤️

BElanna Doodles

B’Elanna doodles

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I love this episode so much!!! And they look all so fantastic in their outfits ✨

Janeway And Her Girls:
Janeway And Her Girls:
Janeway And Her Girls:
Janeway And Her Girls:
Janeway And Her Girls:
Janeway And Her Girls:
Janeway And Her Girls:
Janeway And Her Girls:
Janeway And Her Girls:
Janeway And Her Girls:

Janeway and her Girls:

Star Trek: Voyager - The Killing Game Part I & II

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Today Is Raxan Dawson's Birthday

Today is Raxan Dawson's Birthday 🥳🥳

She played our beloved B'Elanna Torres💛💛 Now she is a world class director!

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Director's commentary on Underneath The Tree? I saw you reblogged the post so here we go:) UTT is my favourite work of yours :3

thank you so much, anon!! i'm so glad you enjoyed UtT, i had an amazing time writing it so im delighted you enjoyed it <3

Underneath the Tree very much started as the baby of myself and @exit-pursued-by-a-lesbian . we started it in november last year, just based on the fact that they were mad that every single thing i wrote (and tbh, most of the time still is) was angst, so we thought, hey, it's nearly christmas, we'll figure out something related to that.

as i have a long-standing rep for torturing b'elanna in my fic, she of course had to get some joy, and it escalated from there. i wouldn't describe either of us as die-hard b7 shippers, but we both definitely ship b'elanna with seven more than anybody else, and we both love kes, too, and think so much more could have been done with her, especially with a potential friendship with seven, so she got a big role as well. kes comes with the doctor, so he got something to do, too, and as we were introduced to vines by a voyager vines video (yes, we do unfortunately spend our free time watching things like that. it's a great use of our time!) so it seemed natural for their arc to involve a vine. neelix sort of just... showed up. i don't remember adding him to the story. he was just there. janeway was similar, except more wanted, and i firmly believe that all the best b7 has kathryn manically encouraging them all the way. tom and harry are another ship that we both ship together more than we ship either of them with anybody else, so they got to make a few appearances, and the voyager betting pool spiralled from that. you need a few more stakes than the general emotional torture of b7 being hopelessly in love with each other, so the betting pool, vine, and christmas party worked out nicely, as well as bringing me extreme amounts of joy.

our original plan was to both write a version, and then pick the best chunks from both and combine them, so we spent a lot of time in mid december wandering around our local town centre looking at clothes and christmas decorations brainstorming. hence, tuvok.

all the shops near us tend to go slightly insane in terms of the types of clothes they stock near christmas (pretty much every item of clothing described in the story is something we've actual found within twenty minutes of our houses, aside from tuvok's heels) so as we were brainstorming the logical idea seemed to be to point at clothes and go, "x character wears that (hopefully to the voyager christmas party)". it's funny to do regardless of what character you pick, but tuvok makes it infinitely funnier. like, seriously, i recommend it: wander around your local shops going "tuvok would wear that." it fuckign SLAPS.


that lead us to picking out every part of the voyager christmas party scene. who doesn't love a good christmas party with your alien coworker who you're homoerotically in love with? once we'd figured out the stakes, we just had to weave the story together and, y'know, actually write it. this is the point where it became much more of a me effort than an us effort, bc deadlines are HARD, y'all.

i think i wrote the first chunk up until kes realises seven's in love with b'elanna by the third of december or so, and then i wrote the entire rest on the twenty-first, when my adhd brain went oh SHIT i have to write this we no longer have infinite time. my favourite scene to write was definitely the mess hall scene where janeway drinks a bathtub of coffee, b'elanna punches kes, and kes drinks an inordinate amount of hot chocolate. it was such a fun little moment of realisation, tbh, and it gave my beloved kathryn her second in the spotlight, too.

after that, all that was left was for @exit-pursued-by-a-lesbian to beta it, and then i posted it! (yes, all the christmas songs are real. yes, they're all on a star trek-named christmas-themed playlist on my spotify. no, i will not provide a link bc none of you need to be able to find the other playlists on my spotify, which include a thirty-six hour worm-themed playlist featuring the whole hamilton soundtrack)

once again, thank you so much, anon! i'm glad you enjoyed the story, and i'm sorry that this post is almost as long as the story

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1 year ago
Believe Me, Captain, Ive Been Asking Myself The Same Question For Seven Years

believe me, captain, i’ve been asking myself the same question for seven years

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