Big 5 - Tumblr Posts
Als die Big Five, auf deutsch die „Großen Fünf“, bezeichneten Großwildjäger früher fünf bestimmte Tiere in Afrika. Es waren Elefant, Nashorn, Büffel, Löwe und Leopard. Die Auswahl bezog sich dabei nicht in erster Linie auf die Körpergröße der Tiere, sondern vorwiegend auf die Schwierigkeiten und Gefahren bei der Jagd auf sie.
Big game hunters used to describe five specific animals in Africa as the Big Five. They were elephant, rhino, buffalo, lion and leopard. The selection was not primarily based on the size of the animals, but mainly on the difficulties and dangers involved in hunting them.
In Africa, the Big Five game animals are the lion, leopard, rhinoceros (both south-central black and southern white species), elephant, and Cape buffalo. The term was coined by big-game hunters, and refers to the five most difficult animals in Africa to hunt on foot, but is now also widely used by safari tour operators.
Africa's Big Five have become major concerns for wildlife conservationists in recent years. The African lion, African leopard and African bush elephant are all classified as vulnerable. The southern white rhinoceros is classified as near threatened while the black rhinoceros is classified as critically endangered, so hunting them is greatly restricted.
In Afrika sind die Big Five Wildtiere der Löwe, der Leopard, das Nashorn (sowohl die südlichen schwarzen als auch die südlichen weißen Arten), der Elefant und der Kapbüffel. Der Begriff wurde von Großwildjägern geprägt und bezieht sich auf die fünf am schwierigsten zu Fuß zu jagenden Tiere in Afrika, wird aber heute auch von Safari-Reiseveranstaltern häufig verwendet.
Afrikas Big Five sind in den letzten Jahren für Naturschützer zu einem großen Anliegen geworden. Der afrikanische Löwe, der afrikanische Leopard und der afrikanische Buschelefant werden alle als gefährdet eingestuft. Das südliche Breitmaulnashorn wird als nahe bedroht eingestuft, während das Spitzmaulnashorn als vom Aussterben bedroht eingestuft wird, sodass die Jagd stark eingeschränkt ist.
heyyy, reblogging with a note: pls be aware that is based on the big 5/OCEAN model, rather than what MBTI was originally - based on Jungian personality typing. Enneagram may be helpful to you too as it's more about nurture (rather than nature, which MBTI is attempting to dissesct) and ways we respond to fears, and how we can grow as individuals
Personality typing like MBTI, OCEAN and enneagram is pseudo-science, but can still be helpful :)
I had to look up what infj-a was, but when I read it, I felt seen. It’s kind of scary the way it picks apart my personality and how much injustice really makes me upset. I’m an academic as well, and an artist, so a lot of that makes sense.
I'm glad you felt seen! Welcome to the rarest of personality groups. It's a bit of a blessing and a curse, imho.
For most of my life, I've wondered, "Am I the only one who feels/sees/experiences/thinks this way?" As I've gotten older and have interacted with more people, I realize that most people don't quite experience or think about things the way I do. I feel intensely and think deeply, and I wish I could turn it all off some days.....but I can't. I JUST FEEL SO DAMN MUCH. At times, it consumes me and it's something I am constantly working on.
So the next best thing has been for me to explore behaviors, personality traits, psychosocial influences, etc. to better understand what shapes us. And that's where the INFJ-A typing kicked in and resonated with me. I'm well aware that there have been raging debates about the scientific validity of MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), but anecdotally, I've found the personality typing to be personally helpful. They are more like theories of personalities to me...things you can use to guide and help you structure your thinking.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! I really enjoy hearing about these things from others!