Biologia - Tumblr Posts
Patagioenas picazuro
Known in Brazil as Pombo da asa branca (white wing pigeon) is a pretty big guy that sounds like an owl. They're beautiful and commonly found in many countries of South America.
Uma das melhores noites que eu já tive, com eles, novos amigos!. ❤ #amigos #friends #osmelhores #thebests #festa #party #aniversário #mybirthday #calourada #UNEB #university #biologia #biology #bio1 #futurosbiológos (em UNEB - Campus X)
Prions may be a form of epigenetics. Pretty interesting.
To learn more, Garcia and colleagues studied a yeast enzyme called pseudouridine synthase that can take on two different shapes. They found that, in its alter-ego prion form, this enzyme causes yeast to multiply and grow more quickly, although these changes come at the cost of a shorter lifespan for the yeast.
Through computer modelling, the team then showed that the changes brought about by the prion are beneficial when environmental resources are abundant, but harmful when resources are scarce. By reducing a so-called protein ‘chaperone’, they also showed that the prion can revert to its original enzyme shape. Since protein chaperones themselves fluctuate during changing conditions, they propose that this might be a way to turn the prion on or off when desirable.
“We’ve identified a new role for prions in which they can transform cell growth and survival,” says co-first author Edgar Campbell, a PhD student in Chemical and Systems Biology at Stanford Medicine. “These findings suggest that prions may be another form of epigenetic control of cells.”
Mitochondria 🧫🧬
"Nooo, no conviertas a la mitocondria en una monita china!"
Les juro por dios que todo en su diseño tiene correlación con las características morfológicas reales de la mitocondria jsjsjs
Bilsan parhaat: Koevoluutio
Opettaja: mikä lintu on кукушка ?
Opettaja: no just niin, käkihän se. Tiiäätte kans sen tirpan *tsirp tsirp*. Just niin, leppälintu.
Opettaja: Koevoluutiota on se, että käki osaa huijata hyvin ja lisääntyy JA tirppa osaa sanoa "hah, se on käki. Mä mihkään mene"
"Teidän tarvii tänään sietää ehkä vähän tavallista enemmän sekoilua - sinäkin siinä nyt saatana"
Bilsan opettaja piirtoheittimelle, joka ei sammunut
Eu tenho uma tolerância bem curta em relação à opiniões contrárias da minha, mas não faço nada sobre isso
Chamou um animal que eu amo (a grande maioria) de feio sem ser na brincadeira? Estou extremamente inojado dentro da minha cabeça mas só vou ficar quieto e encarar a parede porque não quero ver a tua cara (/srs), seu meliante odiador de bichos /j
🌱❤🌱❤🌱 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #studygram #studies #study #studyblr #blr #studygrambr #estudos #resumos #motivação #motivation #studymotivation #studyspo #studying #studentlife #studynotes #studytime #biology #biologia #drawing (em Brazil)
depois de 84 anos, aq estamos com resuminho "novo" 😄 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #study #studyblr #studytime #studies #studygram #studygrambr #studytime #note #notebook # studyhard #motivation #studymotivation #enem #estudos #resumos #lettering #papelaria #vestibular #biologia #biology #sistemanervoso #draw #purple (em Brazil)
E vamos de genética, onde no começo tudo são flores e depois vira o próprio inferno! 😢✌ Ainda continuo te amando muito ok biologia?! #qotd Qual matéria você tem uma relação de amor e ódio? . . . . . . . . . . . #study #studies #studyblr #studygram #studygrambr #studystuff #studytime #studynotes #motivation #studiesmotivation #notebook #lettering #letteringbr #papelaria #estudos #estude #anotações #enem #enem2020 #ocadernointeligente #biologia #genetica #biology