Bisky Hxh - Tumblr Posts
Bisky: It has come to my attention that you have been harrassing Gon and Killua
Hisoka: I wouldn't say "harassing" as much as persistently tormenting
Bisky: Are you always this upset when you loose?
Killua: I'm not!
Gon: ...
Gon: What about the Great Jenga Tantrum of 9:35?
Nsfw for Buff Bisky gotta give her the love she deserves 😌😌plz and thank u
Nsfw buff Bisky headcanons !
I agree, buff Bisky needs more love!
Bisky is two ways, if you're smol and fragile, she will be gentle, but if you use nen, are strong or are training to get stronger, sex can be like how she trains her students. Sassiness included!
Hopefully you have good stamina! She could probably go all night, and still have energy.
Aight, let's be real, she's top. She has a drill sargent personality and it reflects in the bedroom.
She can be a little insecure about getting frisky in her buff form. She changed her body because she hated her real one, but if she trusts you enough and feels close to you, then she'll show you her buff self.
Please compliment her, tell her she's pretty and give her kisses.
If you're nervous about being intimate or are super shy, she's fine being bottom, not a sub, but she'll help you to get comfortable being intimate. She'll be very honest as to what she likes and doesn't, and what you're doing right or wrong.
She never switches off her teacher mindset.
She loves a confident partner who is understanding of any insecurities and willing to wait until she's ready to be intimate with them as her true self.
Also, you know that video where the angry and horny girlfriend comes home, chugs a red bull, crushes it and goes "IT'S SEXY TIME, LET'S GO!" That's her.

Thanks for requesting!
Hi!! I just love your hcs😊😊 do you think you can do a headcannon with bisky and a s/o who is just as buff as her plz and thank u😌😌
Yes! That would be so cute!

-Bisky would be so happy to have a buff s/o like her!
-She would probably stay in her cute form like usual but would be a lot more comfortable being in her buff form around you. She’d open up to you a lot faster too.
-I feel like she would also love a buff partner because she generally likes buff people. We’ve seen the magazines she reads.
-If you were ever feeling insecure about your buffness, she would do everything she can to make you feel better. If someone else made you feel insecure she would scream their damn ear off. “WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL THEM?! I DARE YOU TO REPEAT THAT YOU LITTLE TWERP!” It’s usually followed by a string of profanities and insults, along with their ass getting beat.
-If you are very confident and happy with you’re body though, she’ll be inspired to feel a bit more confident in her buff form.
-Please tell her she’s beautiful no matter how she looks or what form she’s in. She never liked her buff body and changed herself to be cute instead. Only using her true form as the ace up her sleeve in battle. Because of that, the only reactions she’s really got from her body were of unpleasant shock, horror, and disgust. This probably reinforced in her mind that she isn’t beautiful how she is.
-But she is! Please compliment her and tell her you love her natural body just as much as her cute body! She may even tear up if you’re really sweet about it.
-If you two are ever in battle and she has to switch to her true form, oh boy, prepare the epic battle music, you two will kick some serious ass!
-Before you two start dating and she’s crushing on you, she’ll probably act similar to when she saw Hisoka the first time.

-Another thing, please carry her bridal style and sweep her off her feet, she’s head over heels for that sort of thing. “I’M NEVER LETTIN’ THIS ONE GO!!” Queue fangirling and squeals.
Hi! I though it would be funny for a hc for bisky and treasure hunter boyfriend who has a short attention span when it comes to shiny things🤣🤣

-Honestly, you two are a match made in heaven!
-You both love pretty and shiny things, and you're both treasure hunters!
-Although Bisky does have to get you out of trouble fairly often. Treasure hunting is serious business, and just grabbing the shiniest thing right off the bat is dangerous. Y’all have probably ended up in that one Indiana Jones scene because of this.

-You’re both like a pair of crows. If it’s shiny you must have it.
-Bisky is a tad more picky, wanting to know how genuine the item is, and what it’s worth. Not that she would sell any of her precious shiny trinkets that is, she just likes to know she has something of value.
-She will occasionally give in to cheaper quality items. She’ll debate back and forth, but after the owner of whatever shop had to ask you both to stop drilling over said thingy, she was convinced enough to buy it.
-She’ll proudly parade around town with her little shopping bag in hand.
-You on the other hand are distracted by anything shiny. Doesn’t matter if it was a precious stone or the way the light hit that window. It’s like a moth to the flame.
-At first, Bisky would freak because you disappeared chasing after it and have to scold you for marching through traffic when the only prize you’d get was a broken leg and a candy wrapper.
-After a while, she just straight up got one of those kid harnesses and she just has to pull you by the leash when you start heading in the wrong direction.
-She put some shiny keychains on it for you.
-Y’all probably watched Moana, and during the shiny song, you were both starring starry-eyed at the screen.
-Congrats you both now have matching Tamatoa inspired outfits. Glammed out to the max.
-When the two of you finish up with a treasure hunt, you’ll proudly wear your newfound sparklies. The two of you look like walking disco balls.
-The two of you may have gone back to greed island just to get more shiny stuff. With Genthru gone, beating the game would be easy.
-Bisky loves dating a guy who likes shiny stuff as much as her. She’d always been laughed at for liking them so much, but having someone else share her interest is the best thing she could ask for.
-You both have a giant treasure chest at home where you keep your prizes. You “borrow” from each other's chests now and again.
-God forbid you both want the same thing. It’s like children fighting over a toy.

The real adult trio is Kite, Wing and Bisky and they get together once a month to drink wine and gossip about their students. Also they bully Kite

I decided to become a human printer 😂😭
And no I did not trace these in case anyone was curious 👀