Black Creativity - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Im just here for the vibes…

Believe it or not yall I used to have serious social media anxiety.

As a black male educator it was easier to just conform and keep a low profile by either leaving social media alone, or only posting sporadically the achievements of my students or my self.

While it was a part if me, it was never the real me. Certainly not the parts of me that are authentically artistic.

To get over this stigma that I had of posting I just started to record myself all the time as I attempted to create, engineer, record myself, etc.

Welp, while I have been able to overcome that obstacle by just posting consistently.

Now I want my message to be clearer. I want to reach more people with my art. I want to create art that will move people and that will be undeniable.

Simultaneously working on my music business and upping my social media game is mentally taxing for the mind.

Then there js the fact that I have to get your attention with a hook and I only got 3-seconds to do it like wtf 😳

Sometimes, ya just wann vibe ya know. I have to if I want to get into my creative flow state.

Track: IM GONNA MAKE IT produced and remixed by me, teach_or_trav

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1 year ago
Teach_or_Trav, a sexy black confident music producing black man sits on a park bench in the bronx. He is wearing a matching black and white sweatsuit with short sleeves and matching nike air force ones. In his hand is a green book that is titled chat gpt social media marketing. Next to him on the bench are several books (Chat gpt passive income blueprint, the war of art by steven pressfield) and a fireflower paperblanks journal.
Knowledge Is Power.
Knowledge Is Power.
Knowledge Is Power.
Knowledge Is Power.
Knowledge Is Power.
Teach_or_Trav, a sexy black confident music producing black man sits on a park bench in the bronx. He is wearing a matching black and white sweatsuit with short sleeves and matching nike air force ones. He is reading the instagram growth book by rossitza toneva. The picture described above sits inside a larger blurred identical picture. It is a soundcloud music album cover. The title reads Gmmm Worldwide by teach_or_trav. Gmmm is an acronymn for the record collective founded by teach_or_trav called Get Money Make Music.

Knowledge is Power.

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11 months ago

Drill Bits Vol. 4 music produced by Teach_or_Trav

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10 months ago

“We are what we repeatedly do, Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.”

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10 months ago

Ok so I released a lot I the last year. A part of what I have released was a genre I created termed “Lofly”.

Lofly- A sub genre of lo-fi with the weightless feeling of the flight if a butterfly.

Sometimes I accomplish this by the vibe if the melody itself. Other times I use stutter fx, layered synths and arpeggiated chord progressions. At times I will choose a lighter style of instrumentation using flutes, synth pads, acoustic drum 🥁 kits and strings with reverb, filters, and delays.

As I was listening to my track Lofly/Cooldown I realized that the one thing that also ties these tracks together is that almost all of them were done as live sets. Check out this new Lofly collection if you have any questions moment to chill n listen. 🙏🏾


P.S. 2-Guy doesn't have lofly in the title because of a distro change but this was a part of the original set.

P.S.S. Shit this may be an ep or a mixtape on its own?!? 😂🔥🤯

Lofly/ Cooldown
Teach_or_Trav · Song · 2023

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10 months ago
Creating Some Logo Art Gifs For My Beatstore
Creating Some Logo Art Gifs For My Beatstore

Creating some Logo Art Gifs for my beatstore…

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9 months ago

#Sketches #Eb #minor: Eb minor Something #produced by #teach_or_trav







#beatbreakdown #musicproduction #musicproducers #musicproducerlife #electronicmusicproducer #mpc #mpclive #mpcakai #mpk #mpkminiplus #mpkmini #beatsforsale #beatsforlease #producer #producertok #musician #composer

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9 months ago
a picture of teachortrav with a blackground
A picture of teachortrav with a purple background

What do you think 🤔? Black or Purple?

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6 months ago

In “The Artists’ Way” Julia Cameron is adamant about prescribing weekly artists dates to take time to be present and heal your artistic soul.

This week I decided to go to a rooftop spot in the city that always brings me joy and peace. I did nothing but allow my self to experiment with sounds and play on my #mpclive2

[Shoutout to Akai Pro]

I’m glad I took some time for myself to do this because normally I wouldn’t. It was a stressful week and I was not in the mood to create or go to a different borough iykyk.

I found my flow there and for a few hours, release from all my worries and anxieties. It was dopeful.

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6 months ago

What has been the most interesting are the ways in which the universe yields to you when you declare to yourself and the world that you are an artist and mean it.

When things seem down, you keep creating, when things are good, you keep creating. You do this to show the universe that you are indeed the artist you say you are. After a while, in the most unexpected times, the god momentum which has taken over starts attracting people, resources, ideas 💡, and muses.

You begin to create things you never thought were possible. You find out how strong you are made and how resilient you truly are. You realize though, that that strength, and endless flowing of creative ideas comes from the original declaration. “I AM AN ARTIST” This declaration mixed with consistent creation everyday is where the alchemy flows and where the magic is made. It is what makes the shuffling back and forth from the conscious to subconscious realms possible.

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