Black Creators - Tumblr Posts

If you decide to protest but are worried about violence or police:

Bring water and Dawn dish detergent in a bottle. Dawn breaks down oils from pepper spray.

Milk cools the burns, but it does not take away the oil residue.

Don’t wear any oil based products. Tear gas and pepper spray will cling to it.

Cover your tattoos. Cover non-normal hair colors. Nothing identifiable should be seen. Blur them in videos. Protect each other.

Soak several bandanas in water and keep them in water. When they start with the gas put one on a keep replacing them periodically. It will soak up and dilute the gas before it hits your skin.

Swimming goggles can protect your eyes.

Put a passcode on your phone. Take off Face ID and fingerprints. Police can get these from you and search your phone.

No face. No case. Cover up. Blur them out of your videos. Protect each other.

If they bring out fire hoses and you can’t get away without being seen, stay low, roll into a ball and keep your back towards it.

Download an app called Signal. It encrypts messages and allows you to communicate with friends. It deletes everything after some time.

Don’t post on social media. Cops will track location and time stamps.

Remember to disable location services on every app. Most apps run location as a back ground service.

Don’t turn airplane mode on so you can keep communicating.

Write the number of the ACLU or a local lawyer that supports protesting on your skin. No one else’s number should be written down.

Lock your phone when filming and taking pictures.

Erase the metadata from your photos by screenshotting pictures. Never post your originals.

Stay safe

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This is Amerikkka

Where you can protest getting a haircut durning a global pandemic, but you cannot protest the murder of a man.

This is Amerikkka

Where “hands up don’t shoot” has been engraved in my brain since I figured out there are people who want me dead based solely on the color of my skin.

This is Amerikkka

Where we can tell other countries not to shoot their protesters, yet a police officer maced a child.

This is Amerikkka

Where we can say “This is not what Dr. King would have wanted because he wanted peaceful protests and not riots,” yet he was still murdered for retesting peacefully. I can say that 52 years after the fact that he probably wouldn’t believe we are still protesting for the same reason.

This is Amerikkka

Where if we riot over our sports team winning or losing, it’s okay. It’s not their fault. It was just too many emotions running wild. But when we riot over a murder, we are thugs, criminals and animals.

This is Amerikkka

Where you can make a professional football player lose his job for kneeling, but you get mad at us for rioting.

This is Amerikkka

Where every year we are told about the Boston tea party and what a turning point it was for American history it was, but you tell us not to destroy public property.

This is Amerikkka

Where nazi symbols can be displayed outside the contexts of teaching, science, or research, but it is banned in Germany, where it originated.

This is Amerikkka

Where the incarcerated cannot vote, yet are counted in the more conservative places where they were arrested instead of their more democratic-leaning home communities. And if they were counted toward their home communities it would be enough to shift the polls in favor of the Democrats.

This is Amerikkka

Where violence is never the answer, but people with power are still killing people.

This is Amerikkka

Where people will tell me that violence never works, but I’m pretty sure slavery didn’t end because they sat in a prayer circle singing spirituals.

This is Amerikkka

Where we expect our people to be peaceful when our police aren’t, our military isn’t, and our president isn’t.

This is Amerikkka

Where the only reason that cop was finally arrested was because we saw the video and not because they saw the video.

This is Amerikkka

Where you can be called a “very good person” by protesting quarantine for your own safety and the safety of others but a “thug” when you protest a murder.

This is Amerikkka

Where some people can wear an Ar-10 rifle on their back to their graduation, yet a small child with a toy gun was murdered.

This is Amerikkka

Where a man can be murdered while out on a jog for “not complying with the request of another civilian”

This is Amerikkka

Where we watched a police officer kneel on another mans neck but we can give a man who fled the police after he murdered 9 people in a church Burger King

This is Amerikkka

Where gun-wielding protests may enter Michigan’s statehouse yet there was no tear gas, mace, or riot cops in sight.

This is Amerikkka

Where I can hear “I don’t support BLM because [insert comment here]” and you still expect me to support you.

This is Amerikkka

Where some people only think that BLM is about rioting. We’ve shown you peace; you’ve started the violence.

To be silent is to be complacent.


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I’m not saying that riot cops are like turtles.

I’m just not saying it.

Like I’m not saying they’re like turtles because if you are somehow able to get close enough to them, get your hands underneath their shields by the bottom, force yourself upwards while pushing them back, and have them fall on their backs that the weight of their amor would prevent them from getting up, quickly.

Basically stranding them on their backs.

But like I’m not saying that tho.

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4 years ago

Apparently I need to repost this because shit haven’t changed.

Another hard week of black people being slammed and beaten down again.

And it’s taking a toll on my mental and emotional health.

Nonblack followers, please check on your black friends and families. Please show that you care. 

And for the love of all things holy, please do not make up “Black creators post yourself here” threads! We’ve had it! If you want to find more black creators, check the hundreds of already made threads on the internet! Type it in the search bar and I promise it’ll come up! 

Cause I know y’all are gonna swarm black creators, during a sensitive time, not letting them get a breather, and then will forget all about them in the next week. Y’all did that shit in June and will do it again! I just KNOW it! Please fucking don’t. 

Cause that shit STINKS of performative activism. And black people don’t need a performance, we need real action.

This week

This week has been………an absolute shitshow for us black people. And it looks like its gonna get worse. I’ve been able to handle previous police murders but for some reason this one is hitting me hard. And I don’t know why. I don’t know if its because I’m older now and technically an adult or if because I have a more online presence but All the shit we’ve been dealing with this week has been taking a toll on me.

Its tiring

It’s exhausting

and its just depressing.

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1 year ago

Another one of his videos I really liked was his video about Nicki Minaj. I grew up very sheltered and was never exposed to hip-hop due to racism, obviously I have since expanded my music tastes, but I still don't have a lot of knowledge about hip-hop, it's history, or it's history within feminism. Hearing him talk about Nicki Minaj outside the lense of a meme or the caricature I had associated with her through my online consumption. I was confronted with the fact that I had completely written her off as an over hyped mainstream pop artist because of my limited sheltered context. I really enjoyed hearing the history of her as a hip-hop artist, and about the history of female hip-hop artists in general. I'm not trying to make like a big statement here, but I really enjoy videos that make me evaluate the things I think and where they came from, especially when the result is the pleasure of learning something new. I guess the larger theme is that his videos open up a lot of things that aren't just educational in the leftist and political sense, but also a lot of generally interesting topics and art forms that I just never would have come across in my own life experiences. He's also just such a healthy representation of masculinity, it just makes me happy to see

I love all of F.D Signifier's videos, but I wanted to especially highlight his video about cops and the prison system

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1 year ago

Im just here for the vibes…

Believe it or not yall I used to have serious social media anxiety.

As a black male educator it was easier to just conform and keep a low profile by either leaving social media alone, or only posting sporadically the achievements of my students or my self.

While it was a part if me, it was never the real me. Certainly not the parts of me that are authentically artistic.

To get over this stigma that I had of posting I just started to record myself all the time as I attempted to create, engineer, record myself, etc.

Welp, while I have been able to overcome that obstacle by just posting consistently.

Now I want my message to be clearer. I want to reach more people with my art. I want to create art that will move people and that will be undeniable.

Simultaneously working on my music business and upping my social media game is mentally taxing for the mind.

Then there js the fact that I have to get your attention with a hook and I only got 3-seconds to do it like wtf 😳

Sometimes, ya just wann vibe ya know. I have to if I want to get into my creative flow state.

Track: IM GONNA MAKE IT produced and remixed by me, teach_or_trav

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11 months ago

Drill Bits Vol. 4 music produced by Teach_or_Trav

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10 months ago
Creating Some Logo Art Gifs For My Beatstore
Creating Some Logo Art Gifs For My Beatstore

Creating some Logo Art Gifs for my beatstore…

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