Blood For The Blood God - Tumblr Posts
You'll be missed, Techno. Blood for the blood god.

blood for the blood god o7
The First Voice
Come get yer Techno hearing voices origin brain rot!
He remembered the first time he killed a skeleton. He had been out in the woods on a supply run. He needed food and such. He had practice with a sword, but did his best to avoid fighting/ He wasn’t at skilled as he would one day become.
The rattle of the bones echoed in his head days after. Months. Years. He had gone on to kill spiders, zombies, creepers, and many many more mobs. He could always here their sounds and voices when he was done. When he was alone or it was quiet. He thought nothing of it.
Maybe he should have.
He had been on his own for a long time. People didn’t take to kindly to him. They thought he was another mob. Another monster for them to kill. So being chased by a group of hunters in the middle of the night was not the best situation.
He had been running for awhile. The forest was large and he knew it well. Jumping up as high as he could he grabbed one of the lower branches and pulled himself up. He needed a clear view of them all, fast.
Deciding it would be better to take a higher route and shoot them down with arrows. He wasn’t the best shot, but he wasn’t going to die here. Not this time.
The men were at the base of the tree now. They were all yelling and shouting at him. One of them had a bow of their own, so he decided it would be best to shoot him down first. Deep breath in, focus.
Head shot.
The men were still yelling, he could swear for a second he could here one of them more clearly. Opting to blame it on the stressful situation and heightened senses he didn’t really think to much of it. He just needed to get rid of these last two.
Five shots later and two dead bodies he was safe. But he could still hear them shouting. He could hear them telling him to go kill others. Suggesting things. Laughing. Whispering about their own lives. Telling him things they believed in. That he should believe in.
Claiming their deaths were blood for the Blood God.
Techno is gonna be live at 3am here
I am in shock. I cannot believe techno is really gone; I haven’t stopped crying since I found out. I thought it was a joke at first. It wasn’t the perfect goodbye; but it was a very techno goodbye. I wish we could have heard his voice one more time, I wish he could have said goodbye on his own terms. I miss him already.
So long nerd 💜 miss ya

The Angel of Death, guided by the Blood God
* Drew this piece when qphilza was attacking one of the code monsters in qsmp in that one boss fight
btw we're not just campaigning for techno because hes popular or because we want to honor his memory or bc its funny or whatever else. we're campainging because he's a POWERFUL sexyman who deserves to win. his fansona? an anime twink. do yall remember the absolute domination of hot pink haired white guy w/tusks fanart. it's slowed as the pig got more popular but listen. he was LITERALLY twinkified. tall muscular stylish anime boy. the red eyes??? the FANGS?? pointy ears?? sexy swordsmanship skills the HAIRSTYLES ALONE the BUNS the BRAIDS the SWEEPING LOCKS. NOT TO MENTION THE NERD POINTS?? GLASSES?? AND THE COLD-EXTERIOR-KIND-INTERIOR TSUNDERE TYPE BEAT. the cape the facial hair the absolute POWER. guys cmon that man is a MODEL tumblr sexyman through and through and he would crush scar in battle without a moments thought. VOTE FOR TECHNOBLADE.

In memory of our dear Technoblade who passed away from cancer on this day in 2022.
"Techno blade never dies" he'll always be in our hearts

Carving potatoes / Technobtober day 1
I find it ironic that many social media sites have Pagan and Wikan presences, but the idea that people practice black magic is unheard of.

TW: rant, long post, Technoblade, slight descent into hysteria?
(here it goes)
Technoblade being gone is so unbelievable for me.
I think I really started to believe "Technoblade never dies" so much that I can't process he's no longer with us.
It sounds like a joke some sick joke.
But I'm waiting for the punchline... he's gonna post it in a month, 2 months, 3, 4, fuck I'd give him a year and he'll post because he's not gone.
He can't be...the world wouldn't be moving if he was...right? He can't be gone. It's a joke. A sick joke, but a joke. It has to be. I'm just going to wait for the punchline, he'll post it soon...he has to. He's not gone. He can't be...
Techno...please don't be gone, please come back, this isn't funny, come back please, you got us haha funny joke please come back now please
He's really gone, isn't he?
*Blood for the Blood God*
*Technoblade never dies*
Thank you, Techno, for all that you've done for us. You meant more to us than I think you knew.
Your followers🗡️
Technoblade may be gone, but we, his followers remain.
I'm not talking about his YouTube followers
I'm talking about the Blood God's followers.
Stars I miss him.
"heh?" "HEH!" "heh..."
Those poor heaven orphans
"When god sends me to hell...I want him to hesitate."
I'm sure he did, I'm sure he did.
"Officer, I dropkicked that child in self defense."
There's millions of people grieving over one guy, that's pretty legendary.
And he won't, he's become apart of us, of his community. He'll live on within us.

Some ✨Dream Team✨ doodles from today

I made a Crow slightly based on Technoblade and I love him.
![Technos Chat From The Egg [Dream SMP] Stream When Bad Started To Threaten Ranboo And We Dont Do That](
techno’s chat from the “egg [Dream SMP]” stream when bad started to threaten ranboo and we don’t do that here.

nominated from Hermitcraft, Last Life, Create Mod Server, Third Life, Double Life, Among Us, The Crafting Dead, MCC
nominated from DSMP, SMPEarth, Cyberknife, 100 Mcyt VS Natural Disasters, Minecraft Mondays, Sir Billiam, Potato Wars, Hypixel Mayor, Sky Block, TFTSMP, MCC

officially converting to pig technoblade supremacy, all you weebs can die