Bluewater Summer 1 - Tumblr Posts

Justin got a A+ in school! He went out to tell his dad, but Robert wasn’t interested. Justin went inside and called a friend to share his good news with instead.
Robert: What? Justin, you got good grades? Yay!
Justin: Hang on, Cadence. My dad is finally acknowledging what I told him half an hour ago.

Robert: Son, I’m sorry I didn’t acknowledge your good grades right away. I was really busy making you this.
Justin: You made me something? Awesome! What is it?
Robert: A sparky robot.
Justin: Er, Dad, I think this is an electrocution hazard...Ow!
(He went back and played with it again on his own right afterwards, though...)

With the baby due any minute, I bought the Kims a crib and a changing table. I also put out all the things that Cynthia and Robert bought at the Tinkers’ store when they went shopping last time. Decorating the upstairs hallway made me realize that Justin really didn’t have a whole lot in his room, so I gave him some more space-themed furniture and a toy box. He likes playing with the boat.

Cynthia: Ooh, I have to pee really badly!
Robert: *follows her into the bathroom* Okay, honey, but first let me tell you a dirty joke!
Cynthia: Okay! *listens to joke*
Cynthia: *pees herself*
Robert: Eww, why did you pee yourself after I told you my awesome joke?
Me: *headdesk*

The next morning, over breakfast, Cynthia explained what she and Sylvia Marie had begun planning after meeting Malcolm at the coffee shop. It was going to take a lot of hard work, but if they managed to pull it off, it would mean a lot of good things for a lot of people. Or at least a lot of publicity.
Justin didn’t really understand the whole plan, but he was happy when his mom said he could invite a friend to the baby shower. Robert was ready to support whatever his wife did, so long as he didn’t have to get too emotional over it. Cynthia promised that he could stay out at the bar during the shower.
With that settled, she got on the phone and set things up for a very special baby shower!

Malcolm Landgraab sat in the midst of a gaggle of giggling women, feeling intensely uncomfortable. He shifted slightly in his seat, trying to pay attention to whatever gift Cynthia Kim was opening. He could feel the women looking at him instead of whatever small pastel item Cynthia had just unwrapped.
Unable to take it any longer, Malcolm stood up abruptly. The giggles stopped. The feeling of being stared at intensified. “I’ll be right back,” Malcolm said hastily and hurried out of the room.
He spent the next five minutes in the bathroom, trying to collect himself. Still feeling a bit nervous, but also knowing that someone would get worried if he stayed any longer, he finally left the bathroom and headed back to the party room.

Cynthia was still unwrapping gifts. The only open seat was still the one he’d vacated, the one in the middle of all of Cynthia’s giggling friends. Malcolm stayed in the doorway. “Cynthia, can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Of course, sweetie. What’s up?”
“I’m really not comfortable being here,” Malcolm admitted. “I feel like all those girls are sizing me up.”
Cynthia laughed and laid a hand on his arm. “Oh Malcolm. That’s the reason I invited you - so you could meet a nice girl! I know you didn’t like the idea when Sylvia and I pitched it to you the other day, but -”
“Seriously?” Malcolm stepped away from her. “Cynthia, I don’t need you to play matchmaker for me. I don’t want you to play matchmaker for me. Please, just stop already!”
“Oh honey, I know you’re hurting, but this is important. I’m trying to keep you from losing everything. I read that article in the paper. I know what’s at stake, and I know how you must be feeling.”
“Then stop!” Malcolm begged. “Please. I just want to be left alone.”
“I really think, if you’d just let me -”
“I said no, Cynthia.”
Cynthia sighed, defeated for the moment. “Fine. I’d better get back to unwrapping gifts anyways. I’ll see you in there!” She waddled back to her chair and picked up another present.

Malcolm leaned against the doorframe, his stomach churning. He couldn’t stand all the women in the room staring at him now. He had to get out…
“Sorry,” he said to Robert in the hallway as he rushed for the front door. “I just got a call. I have to go deal with something. It’s urgent. Tell Cynthia I said I was sorry I had to leave early.”
He was out the door before Robert could say anything.

Even though Malcolm left early, it still turned out to be a good party.

Somehow, I don’t think Malcolm’s refusal is going to stop these two from scheming...

How else do you celebrate a great party?

Justin is really excited to be a big brother. His dad, on the other hand, was more focused on his robots.
He got a bronze badge just as his daughter was born. Yay?

I finally pulled Bob away from the robot bench and he actually managed an expression when he saw his daughter. Well, kind of. Cynthia really likes the baby. That’s good, right?

Yeah, I’m not convinced of the Kims’ parenting abilities. Cynthia fed the baby and put her in the crib when I asked her to, but then she wanted to take the baby right back out and feed her again.

This is going to be a long one, mostly because I have credits to give to all the simmers who created the guests at Cynthia’s baby shower. I’ll save those for the very end, though. Check under the cut for some behind-the-scenes thoughts on the Kim round, followed by the credits.
I knew for a while that I was going to have Cynthia start plotting something to “help” Malcolm find a wife. Once I decided that Sylvia Marie Mashuga was going to be her best friend and her former agent, everything kind of clicked into place.

Of course, just because Malcolm said no doesn’t mean those two are going to give up on the whole matchmaking thing. Far from it! But that’s for the start of Round 3.
Because Cynthia was the main focus of the round (which she would have been even if there hadn’t been Plot, because of the baby), Robert and Justin were kind of forced into the background. They really didn’t do all that much anyways.

Robert cleaned when I told him to clean and built robots when I told him to build robots, but other than that and stalking his wife, he was very boring.

Justin went to school and played with the dog and that was about it for him. I think he taught Gabby to Come Here, but I don’t remember. I really should try to make him (If not his father) a bit more interesting next time. At least he seems like he’ll be a good big brother!

The big focus for me this round was, of course, the baby shower. I spent a lot of time just summoning sims and cheating them to be friends with Cynthia so that they would come to the party. (I know - I could have just summoned them for the party, but there were some of them I felt like she needed to actually know.)

Initially I tried to have Cynthia’s shower at a community lot, because the inside of the Kim house really isn’t all that suited for taking pictures. However, it ended up just looking cluttered and unfocused.
That, of course, was because I didn’t cheat. The second time, I threw the party at the Kim house and I did cheat. Once I got all the guests I wanted on the lot, I made them all selectable, including Malcolm. I had all the ladies sit down in the living room with Cynthia and then had Malcom go in there with them.

After that, a bit of posing got me the pictures I wanted.

The look of horror when he was supposed to go back into the shower room was all him, though.

Of course, because nothing in my game can ever go completely smoothly, some idiot (my money’s on Cynthia) left a poptart in the oven and it caught fire during the party. Luckily they had an alarm and the fire department came. The party wasn’t completely ruined either. I’m not sure how that happened.

After the party, there was nothing left to do but let baby Kim come into the world.

It was really funny watching Cynthia play Myshuno with herself while we waited. Because of the way the back porch is set up, she had to run all the way around the bar after calling to see if she had what she’d just called.

And we ended the round with the birth of baby Barbara. I didn’t decide on a name for her until she had actually arrived, and I didn’t decide on a naming theme until then. And, I’ll admit, I had to look up who Barbara was in Doctor Who once I picked the name. I really like Doctor Who (it’s one of the few sci fi shows or books that I really enjoy) but I haven’t seen much of the classic shows.
I probably won’t be giving the kids any personality traits based on their names, but you never know.

Anyways, that’s about it for the Kims, other than the credits for all the sims I used. If you don’t feel like reading those, then I’ll see you tomorrow for the final household of this round - Melody Tinker in college! :D
Sim Credits:

The Mashugas come courtesy of @kalisasims and @deedee-sims, found here and here. They’re the only ones who weren’t suggested (as far as I remember) but I thought they were perfect!

The Worthington sisters (although only Charlotte came to the party) were created by the amazing @strangetomato, and can be found here. Their parents are in the game too, and their little brother just became a college dormie. (Maybe Melody Tinker will meet up with him!)

Holly Alto (and family - not pictured) were made by @eltaninz and shared on GOS, found here.

Fanny Adore and Humphrey Hawks were created by @mdpthatsme and can be found here along with other Sims Bustin’ Out characters.

The Bell family are extracted from the game and can be found at Maxis Taste. I downloaded the base game compatible versions of them since I don’t have FreeTime.

The last six sims I added into the game - Nancy Landgraab, Lily Gates, Johnny Zest, Lottie Cash, Penny Pizzazz, and fake Bella Goth - were created by me (although technically all I did for Bella was slightly alter Face 1).
Thanks so much to all the creators. Your sims are awesome! Putting them in my game was the real highlight of this round for me and I can’t wait to see them again as they show up around town!

Hooray! It’s finally time to send Melody Tinker to college. She’s escaping her house full of baby siblings and pregnant parents and striking out on her own.
I have to admit, I haven’t gotten a really good handle on Melody this time around. I mean, I know she likes her MP3 player. I know she likes reading. I know she actually was a good big sister this time around, whereas last time she really didn’t care too much for her younger siblings. But as for what she really wants out of life, what her personality is like? I don’t really know.
Luckily, that’s what university is all about - figuring out who you really are and what you want to do with your life.
In case you don’t remember (because I only mentioned it once, I think, and it was a while ago), the teens from Bluewater are going to attend Bright Lake University. I was going to play with the SSU premades, but decided against it before the start of this round. I did make all of them into dormies, so they’ll be showing up. In addition, Frances J. Worthington III is a dormie, since his family moved in Downtown during the Kim round. We might see him around too.
Anyways, that’s enough blabbering from me. Let’s get Melody into college!

Stephen: I can’t believe my little girl is already off to college! You’re going to do so well here.
Melody: Thanks, Dad. And thanks for driving me.
Stephen: That’s what dads are for. Are you ready to become a young adult?
Melody: Woo! Here I go!

Melody: *looking down at her outfit* Whoa! This dress is awesome! I look awesome!
Stephen: *tearing up* My little girl...*grabs and hugs her tight*
Melody: Dad...Aw, Dad, come on. Dad, not so tight!
Stephen: I’m just going to miss you!
Melody: *relaxes and hugs back* I’ll miss you too, Daddy. I promise I’ll call you guys a ton and tell you all about what I’m doing. And you need to call me when the new babies are born, okay? I’ll come home and see them right away.
Stephen: I don’t know what we’ll do without you around the house...

*taxi honks off screen*
Stephen: *reluctantly lets go of Melody* I’d better get going. You go and do great things, okay?
Melody: You know I will. *kisses his cheek* I love you, Daddy. I’ll call home and let you know about my first day tonight, okay?