Books Vs Movies - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago

The truth about Draco Malfoy. You miss SO MUCH STUFF by just watching the movies and not reading the books.

Draco Malfoy in the books

If you didn’t read the books you wouldn’t know…

Draco Malfoy personally made the Potter stinks buttons and nobody could fix them to say Harry was cool and shit, if they tried it would only make the insults worse

You wouldn’t know Draco Malfoy was always right behind Hermione in grades

You wouldn’t know Draco was seriously the most animated person at school and acted out everything. 

You wouldn’t know Draco got deeply offended when people didn’t laugh at his jokes

You wouldn’t now Draco created the Weasley is our King song, tune and all. (Probably in the shower or something because he’s such a weenie) 

You wouldn’t know Draco and Ron got into a fist fight in their first year

You wouldn’t know about the huge knock down drag out between Draco, Harry and the rest of the Slytherin and Gryffindor quidditch team in their fifth year. (Harry  and Draco just fucking tackle each other rand start whooping each others asses and it’s amazing.)

You would miss out on basically everything Draco says and does. He’s a walking gold mind and It’s upsetting the movies didn’t devote a few seconds for any of his shit (Azkaban did an okay job) 

You wouldn’t know about the Weasley is our king buttons he made in fifth year either

You wouldn’t know Draco didn’t actually try and fight a Hippogriff he was just petting him and offhandedly said that he was ugly. He didn’t sprint over to him, he actually did all the bowing and what not.

If you didn’t read the books you wouldn’t know that Draco is the most annoyingly smart and artistic little shit you’ve ever heard of. 

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7 months ago

Does anyone really talk about how different "Please Tommy, please" is in the movies than in the books?

In the movies, "Please Tommy, please" is Newt's beg for Thomas to take the necklace that had his note inside of it. Basically begging Thomas to take his last words, something to remember him by.

But in the books...

"Please Tommy, please" is a cry for mercy. A plead for Thomas to not let Newt fall into insanity. To end his suffering before he became a Crank past the Gone. He even wrote the "Kill me. If you've ever been my friend, kill me" note. He's been begging Thomas to kill him since the beginning of TDC.

It just hits differently in the books, man 😭

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6 months ago

Alright, hear me out:

Movie!Aris is my all-time favorite TMR character ever. Like, his book counterpart makes him look like Mother Teresa, and I think that's beautiful. He has a great relationship with the girls, and I love it so much that I can not put it into words. Also, he's played by Jacob Lofland, so what's not to love?

But Book!Aris is a lot different.

He came first, so he was the first Aris I encountered when I was like - 12. I thought he was odd at first, and then I didn't like him because of the betrayal. I considered him manipulative and as bad as Teresa, so he was definitely ranked low on my list of favorites. But having dropped the series for a few years and watching the movies before re-reading, I gained a soft spot for Aris.

After reading the Fever Code, I started to recognize that Aris was likely not as on-board with WICKED as Teresa was. Because Teresa was Ride-or-Die with WICKED, fully ready to give her own life for its missions. Aris's commitment, on the other hand, seemed more...casual, than passionate.

He was more nonchalant about it, one of his quotes being something along the lines of "I guess I'd rather sacrifice a million to save billions." I personally think that Aris's already casual attitude about WICKED slowly turned into one of disdain, especially after they killed Rachel.

I remember, in the Scorch Trials, that when he was telling Thomas to go into the gas chamber in the betrayal scene he made a comment like "Maybe this is all a ruse and we'll all be fine after this" which is EXACTLY what happened. Teresa saying "Shut up, Aris," made me think that Aris was trying to reassure Thomas that everything was going to be okay, that he wasn't fully immersed in the lies and deceit like Teresa was. The fact that he seemed to be the one who was actually ashamed and felt like he deserved Thomas's anger. Teresa seemed more focused on making Thomas forgive her, which made me really feel for him because he's recognizing that he did something horrible and likely doesn't deserve forgiveness.

I think after Rachel, Aris started seeing the bad. They killed his best friend, which I'm betting they didn't tell him they were going to do. I see Aris gradually coming to hate WICKED, and he very well could have been the one who helped Teresa change her mind about WICKED and sell them out to the Right Arm. This is why I think we should get a TMR book from Aris's POV, or some excerpt from his POV so we can see what was actually going on inside of his head.

So, overall, while I love Movie!Aris, I'm starting to love Book!Aris more than I originally did. But Aris is definitely my favorite character.

so, we've know one another for some time now, tmr geeks. tell me, who is your favourite character and why? i need to know and understand it so bad it hurts— and be as LENGTHY as you want, confess your secrets, i love it.

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6 months ago

It's crazy to think about how the TMR movies are literally just a published AU. Like, they have a lot of the same elements, but it is not the same. That's no shade to the movies, they're good in their own right, but I just think it's wild. (Below is a rant, feel free to ignore)

One of the biggest things that I noticed they changed in the movies is the involvement of Teresa and Aris in WICKED.

In the movies, Teresa actually lost her memories and was given them back, and THEN she decided to go back to WICKED. In the books, she never lost her memories and worked for WICKED up until she found out about the second Trials and sold them out to the Right Arm.

Aris is hilariously different, actually. Movie!Aris was completely unaware of what was going on with WICKED and wanted to help Thomas get out of that facility because of when they found the kids being drained. He is an incredibly important character, as the Gladers probably never would have realized what was going on and wouldn't have escaped. Also, when they found the Right Arm, they very well could have gotten themselves shot if Harriet and Sonya hadn't recognized Aris. But Book!Aris was the same as Book!Teresa: he worked for WICKED and had his memories. He betrayed Thomas intentionally, knew what he was doing.

I think the deaths are also important. Teresa's was kind of different, but it did have the same essential elements.

Movie!Teresa could have been saved if she'd just gotten onto the Berg. Book!Teresa was crushed by falling rubble. She was trapped, unable to be saved in the amount of time they had.

Move!Alby's death was an accident. They almost completely removed his reaction to the Changing, which is a key factor in Book!Alby's death, which was intentional on his part. Book!Alby saw the work, saw how horrible it was, and refused to go home.

Movie!Chuck took the bullet for Thomas, showed bravery and love for Thomas in his final moments. Book!Chuck was forced to take the knife for Thomas, thrown in front of him at the last moment. It was just another nail in the coffin of how WICKED had completely ripped a childhood from a twelve-yead-old boy.

Movie!Newt's death was an accident (maybe not, maybe he intentionally stabbed himsef). He could have been saved, Brenda was just thirty seconds away with the vial of Thomas's blood - the Cure. Book!Newt could not have been saved because they had no known Cure. He was descending into a blood-crazed madness, and in a worse state than Thomas had last seen him before their final moments. Also, somehow, Book!Newt was the Cure. He could have cured himself if WICKED had figured out what was in his and Sonya's blood (The Maze Cutter has shaken me to my very core, wtf is this fact).

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do you ever get just a little annoyed because people seem to ignore the books in fanfiction or is that just me?

it was Narnia this time, i have yet to find a fanfic with more than a subtle nod to the books.

i just want Susan/Caspian with the books and Peter and Caspian being friends and Caspian having known about the Narnians still living plz just look at book canon for a moment i am B E G G I N G

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You know what the Peter & Caspian relationship tag on ao3 is pathetic I shall have to fill it with book canon content myself

do you ever get just a little annoyed because people seem to ignore the books in fanfiction or is that just me?

it was Narnia this time, i have yet to find a fanfic with more than a subtle nod to the books.

i just want Susan/Caspian with the books and Peter and Caspian being friends and Caspian having known about the Narnians still living plz just look at book canon for a moment i am B E G G I N G

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1 year ago

Is Aro insane? Because he seems sane but a little off at times, especially considering his gift. Is part of it an act?

You must remember that movie Aro is not book Aro. Aro is energetic and has a lot of zeal, but he never comes across as manic the way movie Aro does.

His gift is trippy, I’ll give it that. Aro’s brain contains more thoughts than any other brain has ever contained. He has the history of mankind stored in that noggin.

If anything I’d say that the man is an example of the Charlie Kelly trope. (This is a trope @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin and I made up, so don’t bother looking it up)

The Charlie Kelly trope is inspired by the show “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”. It’s a character who at first glance appears completely insane, a societal misfit who does weird shit all the time for no apparent reason, but upon closer examination it is discovered Charlie’s apparent insanity is in fact a survival method. His bizarre actions make perfect sense in context. He is in fact shockingly well-adjusted given the insanity that is his life. The problem is his life, which is completely weird and fringe.

Aro can read every single thought you’ve ever had with a touch upon your hand, and he touches everybody who comes into Volterra, every guard, every person he comes into contact with. In spite of this, he has a sense of self and is in fact shockingly well-adjusted.

Carlisle is another Charlie Kelly. His principles have led him to becoming a vampire monk doctor, and weird shit keeps happening to him. He moved into Volterra for a few decades because why wouldn’t he, met Garrett when Garrett’s cross-dressing human sister needed medical attention, one day a psychic and her newborn veteran gone pacifist showed up do join his coven, and we have everything that happens in the Twilight saga. Carlisle’s life is bizarre, and he doesn’t appear to realize as much. In spite of all this he seems very well adjusted, easily able to socialize with normal vampires.

There’s also the matter of his insane family, which fits the Charlie Kelly bill as the Charlie Kelly is often surrounded by people who make it that much harder to get a more normal life.

Back to Aro, though, and madness. 

There’s probably a conversation to be had about what sanity even is, especially when it comes to timeless rock people with psychic abilities, but that’s not for this meta. Aro shows no sign of madness in canon, is in fact one of the most reasonable characters in the series, so to answer your question, no, I don’t think he’s insane.

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