Breeding K!nk - Tumblr Posts
Baby fever doesn’t just apply to you women, it hits and it hits hard. Have you seen a man possessed by his most basic biological urge, driven with a passion in his eyes to see you pinned down, filled up, and carrying his kin in your stomach? Do you know what it feels like to be with a man that has nothing else on his mind but breeding you?
You can try to resist and dance around the subject, but you can put off your purpose in life for so long. You know that as well as anybody else, and in that moment that you feel there’s no protection, you might try to fight him off or try to get away, but he’s so much stronger than you. The way his hands grip your wrists or your waist like a vice commands an authority that tells your body to stay out and to take it. You don’t want him to finish inside you, or at least you think you don’t, but that’s not going to stop it from happening. It’s going to happen, over and over and over and over again, his girth stretching you apart and dumping load after load of his seed into you until finally he can look upon your body with pride, until he sees the most beautiful woman he’s ever laid eyes on because he made that baby bump
Need to watch someone go through these changes because of me 😤😋
Growing out of clothes during pregnancy
The first time you can’t easily button them and have to suck it in to button.
Outgrowing the ability to comfortably button them and realizing you’ve hit the “my little bump is big enough that now I need a button extender” stage.
When your belly has popped out past the zipper and now just rests where you used to zip up and button your pants.
Hips and thighs widening and softening. Not being able to pull your pants up at all because you’ve gotten plumper and curvier.
Getting harder and harder to put on the more your belly makes it hard for you to bend over
Getting to the point where it’s impossible to even try to pull any pants up so your pants just go up to where your belly starts jutting forward
Tight shirts being the first thing to give you away, not standing a chance against your changing body.
As time passes your belly starting to show ever so slightly against looser shirts.
Getting to the point where your bump is so big you’re showing even with your baggiest shirt
Needing to buy shirts that have a lot of stretch to them so they last you more than a couple of weeks
The bottom of your bump constantly being exposed because your shirt keeps riding up
Not being able to pull a shirt down past your tits because they’ve gotten so huge
Putting on a shirt and it feeling like you can only wear it a few more times before you put grow it
Putting on a shirt and realizing this is probably the last time you’re going to wear it for a while
Getting to the stage where shirts are optional because is it worth the hassle?
Feeling a shirt start to get little tighter when you sit versus when you stand
Feeling like you’re gonna burst out of a shirt when your belly pops out way more when seated versus when standing
Your belly button popping being visible to everyone through your tight shirt
Being able to hide your bump with a hoodie
Watching a hoodie get tighter and rounder by the week
When the hoodie is so tight is looks like it’s actually helping carry and support the belly. Looks like it’s helping keep everything held in together
Outgrowing your hoodies and needing your partners sweaters
Outgrowing zip up sweaters and only being able to wear them open
Lose flow-y dresses being worn like a shirt because you’re too big for it be worn as a dress anymore
Not being able to zip up dresses in the back because the front keeps growing out
Wearing tight dresses that show off your shape
Wearing loose dresses that hide your shape until you pull it tighter
Trying to figure out a dress situation to the event you have in a few months from now when you don’t know how big you’ll be then
Feeling tight around your midsection when you sit versus when you stand
Feeling them get tighter
Needing bra extenders
Spilling out of them from the sides 🙂↔️
Spilling out in the front
Having clothes look more scandalous than it is because your chest is so much bigger
Having to take a deep breath in to hook it and then breathing out and realizing you need to size up if you want to keep breathing
Wondering if you should just go braless
Putting on a shirt that’s tighter than you thought it would be and realizing it shows you just how tight your bra is underneath your shirt
The best of morning cuddles 😇

Imagine your belly getting so big and swollen, so full of life. Life that I've made you carry. Our little life that we've made. I've claimed and marked you, every part of you, and now your womb is so so full, just as it should be.

Wanting to do this to a woman one day factors in a surprising number of my decisions lately... 💀

mating press not just because I get to be as deep inside you as possible, not just because I get to pin you under me with my whole body, not just because I get to spread your legs apart and stretch you out, but because I get to look into your eyes as I tell you I'm about to cum inside
A more serious post, will be returning to horniposting shortly o7 (...unless?)

She's 28 and pregnant with babies #9, #10, and #11.
She's conservative and misogynistic.
She dropped out of school.
She keeps her belly full and happy.
She wants to keep getting pregnant until menopause.
She's passing her pro-procreation & big family values down to the next generation.
All of this while her feminist friends' bellies lie empty.
Pregnancy is peak femininity. Your body fulfilling its purpose, growing and swelling and changing because someone came deep inside of you.
And the more you do it, the more you want it. The more you need to feel that life inside of your womb, your belly and breasts and hips swelling with each passing day.
So submit to your master, stay naked, and get pregnant <3
im not going to profess to agree with everything you put on this blog, but I do appreciate you acknowledging fathers as an active and important part of how this kink works
Thank you! Not many people are talking about the long term and/or what happens after when it comes to breeding. Which is unfortunate, since the love and responsibility stemming from it can be quite hot!
Coming into the bedroom to find her sleeping soundly... 🥰
Spooning but I press the tip of my cock to the entrance of your pussy then play with your tits and bite your neck until you're wet enough to thrust all the way inside in one go~