Traditional Femininity - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Wide ranging acceptance of hardcore porn has damaged the perception that many people have of traditional femininity

It’s so strange to see people really believe that women just enjoying themselves and being girly means they secretly view themselves as inferior

But hardcore porn deliberately spreads the message that women are meant to be degraded and that, especially feminine women, are easy targets

It’s not true but it does have the adverse affect of making women want to distance themselves from traditional femininity in efforts to protect themselves from pornsick men who will never value them as human beings with individual personalities

feminine does not mean inferior

Femininity is not a open invitation for degradation or humiliation

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6 months ago

What’s the best thing about having a trad wife? Coming from a woman who doesn’t get the appeal… sell it to me 🫣

Ooh, I can rant about this for a while! :D

Traditional relationships are firstly founded on stability and commitment. They're not something temporary, they're not something that can be easily thrown away on a whim. This makes it a lot easier to build up a strong, lasting relationship and a good environment to raise children in.

I also think such a relationship is the more natural state of things that we are better suited for. Two people with different skill sets and abilities completing each other instead of competing with each other. Man and woman working together, in their own way, for the betterment of themselves, the other, and their children.

As for specifically having a tradwife from my perspective, it goes thus:

I get to be a protector and a provider. This is not a role that's just given, one has to earn it. And when someday I'm strong enough to be all those things and earn a woman's trust so she may marry me, and submit to me, well... that'd be simply wonderful! I'd feel like I've achieved something great! It's caveman brain - I bring food, shelter, security, my woman brings warmth, cooked food, bears children, makes the house a home, etc.

(For the submission thing, I'd like to briefly say that I think both parties need to submit to the other in their own way for a relationship to be successful. In the interest of this not being a novel, I'll leave it for another time.)

The other big thing is children. I want a lot of children one day, and the logistics of having that and both parents working is not good, to say the least. Especially when you want to raise them well. So, a wife at home to be with them when I'm out is perfect! Of course, the ideal would be both of us being at home, but that's a little difficult to achieve.

The home itself would be better run when there's someone there at the regular. It's not going to be just the place we all gather at the end of the day to sleep in, but it'll be a proper home.

To summarise: protecting, providing, being strong for someone is one of my primary love languages. I think traditional relationships last better, and that they make for a better environment to raise children in.

To explicitly sell it to you - if you find yourself a proper man for the job and he wifes you up, you'll be taken care of, loved, cherished, and appreciated. You'll of course need to give back all those things, that's love. Just because he's the employed one doesn't mean you're not working. But you'll be more fulfilled since you're not working for some corporate overlord who couldn't give half a stomped shit about you - all your efforts will be in service to people you love and care about, your family.

I can write three times as much about all this, but I think this is enough for now, it got pretty long as it is 😅

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5 months ago

im not going to profess to agree with everything you put on this blog, but I do appreciate you acknowledging fathers as an active and important part of how this kink works

Thank you! Not many people are talking about the long term and/or what happens after when it comes to breeding. Which is unfortunate, since the love and responsibility stemming from it can be quite hot!

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5 months ago

I want to breed her in our bed.

I want to breed her in our kitchen while we cook.

I want to breed her in our living room on a lazy afternoon.

I want to breed her on the porch at night.

I want to breed her against a window on a stormy day.

I want to breed her in the backyard amongst the vegetable patch.

I want to breed her amongst the fruit trees.

I want to breed her in the tent while we're on a camping trip.

I want to breed her next to the campfire.

I want to breed her against a tree deep in the woods.

I want to breed her in a cosy cave only we know about.

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5 months ago

Countryside + Homestead = The Perfect Wife

dreamsthatdream - Trad Young Punk

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This blog will be primarily dedicated to the following themes: traditional gender roles, male dominance/female submission, male superiority/female inferiority, Men worship, stepford wives, perfect girlfriends, perfect wifes, wife material, trophy wifes, girls as property, women gender traitors, antifeminism, girls on their knees (naked or not), girls at feet of Men, domestic service, domestic servants, patriarchy, anal play, cock worship, girls on the kitchen, chained girls, ass grabbing, women objectification, spanking, pet play, age play, male polygamy, blowjob, swallow and facial

And secondarily to the following themes: handjob, deepthroating, ball worship, ass licking, threesome, rape play, cum walking and public sex

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6 months ago

I’m sitting here, listening to Be My Baby by The Ronettes, completely lost in thoughts of him, my forever love. I want to write him love letters to this song, like even when we’re apart, we’re still so close because our love feels just like this melody. I want to bake his favorite cake—not because I love the flavor, but because I just want to see him smile. I want him to tie ribbons in my hair, not because he cares about the ribbons, but because he adores the way I light up when he does. I want a love that’s perfectly in sync, like slow dancing in the living room with his hand on my waist, our hearts moving together as one. <3

Im Sitting Here, Listening To Be My Baby By The Ronettes, Completely Lost In Thoughts Of Him, My Forever
Im Sitting Here, Listening To Be My Baby By The Ronettes, Completely Lost In Thoughts Of Him, My Forever
Im Sitting Here, Listening To Be My Baby By The Ronettes, Completely Lost In Thoughts Of Him, My Forever
Im Sitting Here, Listening To Be My Baby By The Ronettes, Completely Lost In Thoughts Of Him, My Forever

These are not my images BTW ^^

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6 months ago

There’s something incredibly calming and lovely about when someone, particularly an older gentleman, sweetly adds “Miss” before my name. It feels so elegant and charming.

When he says things like, “Here you go, Miss Juliet,” or “Hello, little Miss Juliet,” it just warms my heart.

I’m completely in love with this little gesture.

Theres Something Incredibly Calming And Lovely About When Someone, Particularly An Older Gentleman, Sweetly
Theres Something Incredibly Calming And Lovely About When Someone, Particularly An Older Gentleman, Sweetly

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3 years ago

No,she doesn’t. I’m sorry to say this,but she is ugly and feminism has become a joke. Women’s happiness lies in their husbands. Men are only protecting and providing for women. Not to mention guiding them on the good path of God. There were never shackles,people are trying to break up my relationship now. People like YOU. I’m being honorable and happy. He is basically preparing me to become his queen,and I will not let you ruin our happy marriage.

I wonder what kind of girl I would be if the patriarchy didn’t exist. If gender roles and stereotypes didn’t stain my entire being. If I didn’t suffer at the hands of misogyny that molded the clay that was me. I wonder what I would do, what I would say, what I would like, what I would crave, what I would be. The likelihood of us being anything close to similar seems slim considering how many things could be different. I just wonder what type of woman I would be if I hadn’t been told from the day I was born how and who I should become. Would I still enjoy wearing makeup if I hadn’t been conditioned to feel better about myself with it on? Would my favorite color still be orange if pink hadn’t been forced on me and I didn’t care to make a point of rejecting it? Would I stand up for myself more if I hadn’t been taught to cater to the comfort of others before prioritizing my own? Would my natural instinct still be to feel wary of those around me if abuse and harassment and assault were not normalized in our society? Would I still want long hair if I hadn't been brainwashed into believing that my beauty is rooted in being feminine, and that my value is rooted in being beautiful? Would I be the same? How much, or how little, would that impossible girl resemble me as I am now? And are my interests and passions genuine—truly mine—or can they all be linked to some expectation to accommodate, some predetermined role to serve, some juxtaposing desire to please a system I don’t even like. Do I actually love video games as much as I think I do, or do I only like them because I think it makes me appear cooler to men? Do I actually want to get married as much as I think I do, or do I only want to because historically that was where the female fit in? Do I actually find solace in journaling as much as I think I do, or do I only find solace in it because it is the only time I can share my traumatic experiences without being called a crazy attention seeker? There is so much I wonder about, which parts of me are real and which have been tinkered with. Which is just pure me, and which is because of something else. A factor of the patriarch. Of course I’ll never know, but that truth does not keep me from being curious about the girl who does not suffer from the wrath of an internalized male gaze and the burden of internalized misogyny. I bet she is lovely—free of the shackles—and I hope she feels at peace.

— alhwrites

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2 years ago
No,THIS Is Their Place In Life. Get Used To It.

No,THIS is their place in life. Get used to it.

Going To Start Fixing Tradwife Posts One Day At A Time

Going to start fixing tradwife posts one day at a time

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