Brewing - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Brewing Lemon Iced Tea

Brewing Lemon Iced Tea

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4 years ago

Oh! This is gorgeous! All the details! And Sev is just wonderfully depicted. His hair! I love the colors. Just lovely!


Slytherin basement.

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5 months ago

The pros of making your own alcohol:

-It’s fun

-You can make whatever you want


-Expensive hobby to get into

-Not all ideas are good ideas

-Waste alcohol/fermentation biproducts

Like I like yeast as much as the next guy, but I don’t want to eat the fermentation sediments. I don’t like Marmite, so I don’t want to eat the DIY marmite. Anyways, the end result of this is a… product I’ve dubbed the “Sewer Brew” named in honor of Dwarf Fortress

The Pros Of Making Your Own Alcohol:

It’s all the sediment and a small amount of mead, mixed with sediment from a ginger wine batch. It’s somehow still fermenting, so I have to regularly crack the lid, and it smells like straight alcohol.

I have no idea what to do with it. I don’t even know why I collected it in a jar in the first place.

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6 years ago

On Happiness and Home

Lady with grain stems caught in her hair, Lady with strong hands for kneading dough, Lady with strong arms for the dough-shovel, Lady with sun-darkened skin and oven-fires caught in her eyes, Lady whose finery is a worker's tunic, Lady whose perfume is sweetwort and honey, Your voice is the music of flowing beer, Your laughter the chuckle of a clay bottle. Come home from your circling dance around the fire, Passing hand to hand and lips to lips! Come home from the young lioness's roaring tavern, From the kissing of wounds, from the heat of the sun. Ninkasi who gladdens the heart, come home! You are expected, awaited, beloved. Your strong hands have browned like good bread in the sun, And they slide over the pale skin of a fine noblewoman. Her milk-pale skin like fine holy linen, Her slender arms like slim reeds full of grace. Fingers calloused from the churning dough-shovel Twine with long digits like fragile spiders, Graceful ivory combs that spin long hair into art. She is quiet where you are joyful, She is delicate where you are vivacious, Yet her skill speaks with a voice as complex as poetry, As colorful as a tavern tale And just as clever in her transformation. Press your glad mouth to her buttoned lip, Lady. Let Uttu weave your black, barley-flecked hair. Lahar and Ashnan look upon you and smile, Emesh and Enten break bread under your roof, For what has more beauty than such perfect union Of a glad heart and a beautiful wife?

May Uttu be praised, may the name of Ninkasi be honey on my lips, And for the pen of her servant may Nisaba be praised.

——— *I wrote this with a heaping spoonful of UPG. There is no historical evidence for Ninkasi being gay for Uttu. Cool? Cool. Sumerian wives did brew beer though, as far as I can tell. **Lahar, the 'sheep' god notably referenced in the debate between Sheep and Grain, is heavily important to Uttu the goddess of weaving, just as Ashnan the grain goddess is important to Ninkasi, who is the brewer and the beer. ***Emesh, the god of 'summer', and Enten, the god of 'winter', as seen in the debate between Summer and Winter, both have a great deal to do with grain and livestock. From what I can tell by making inferences from other cultures, Summer is the time for brewing and Winter is the time for weaving, and it seemed significant enough that I had to include them.

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1 year ago
First Time Doing Something With Backgrounds In FireAlpaca And First Time Trying Out The Design For Dream
First Time Doing Something With Backgrounds In FireAlpaca And First Time Trying Out The Design For Dream
First Time Doing Something With Backgrounds In FireAlpaca And First Time Trying Out The Design For Dream
First Time Doing Something With Backgrounds In FireAlpaca And First Time Trying Out The Design For Dream
First Time Doing Something With Backgrounds In FireAlpaca And First Time Trying Out The Design For Dream
First Time Doing Something With Backgrounds In FireAlpaca And First Time Trying Out The Design For Dream
First Time Doing Something With Backgrounds In FireAlpaca And First Time Trying Out The Design For Dream

First time doing something with backgrounds in FireAlpaca and first time trying out the design for Dream from the Royal!AU. This took so long- (The mask is haunting my nightmares)

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2 years ago


Hello hello, and welcome to this week’s six-sentence story, where the word of the week is ZEST.  I knew it had other meanings, but I immediately thought back to the confusion I felt the first time I read a recipe requiring lemon zest and wanted to work some of that confusion in here.  Follow along with Peg, Vi, and Maj as they try to work their way through a recipe to reap the rewards. Peg knew…

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1 year ago

The Summer Sucks

I don't have a refrigeration unit, so I can only brew when the weather agrees with me. It's been so hot, I have been sitting on this SMASH beer for weeks and I can't make it. Just because the sun wants to exist in my backyard

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