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2 years ago

simple thing | part one | ksj

Simple Thing | Part One | Ksj

・pairing: ex! seokjin x ex!afab!reader ・genre: exes to ? | angst | smut | marriage AU! | actor jin | non idol AU ・+18

・summary: seven years ago, you left seokjin to pursue your dreams abroad. you promised to come back to him, but your pride prevented you from doing so. now, he resents you and all you have left is regret.

・release date: jan 8 - 6 pm (GMT-3)

・A/N: there it is :) i'm really excited to tell this story! as always, you feedback is highly appreciated!

・word count: 6.081

・banner: made by the amazing @gfxstdio

・permanent taglist: @goldenhoney-cas @yuugehn

・series taglist: @bri-mal @firesighgirl

Simple Thing | Part One | Ksj

“Oh, ______, imagine when it’s your turn”, you heard the dreamy tone in your best friend’s voice and almost laughed.

“I think you should open yourself up to the possibility of never being my maid of honor, because it’s extremely unlikely that I’ll ever get married”, you answered as you stared at your own reflection in the mirror, pleased with the adjustments made on your gown for the upcoming event. “Deep down, you know that”.

“Well, it’s not like you have no options, bitch. You just don’t allow anyone in your life ever since you came back”, Haewon counters, her voice coming from behind you, but you know her eyes are also on your gown. “Aw, you look so beautiful in it, _____. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry, but-”.

Her voice cracks and you turn around only to find your best friend with her face buried in her hands, obviously breaking the promise she’d made to herself. You understand where this is coming from and can’t help yourself when you feel your own eyes welling up as you wrap your mind around what’s really happening here. 

Haewon is finally getting married to the love of her life. You already knew that, of course, but seeing yourself in the dress you’d wear on your best friend’s wedding, a day the two of you had dreamed about for so long, with all the adjustments and fittings done filled your heart with so much love, so much selfless happiness. 

“You’re such a fucking softie! Come here…” You manage to say with an unstable voice, as you wrapped your arms around your lifelong best friend. “I’m so happy for you, Haewon-ah!”

“Ugh, I’m so fucking happy I can’t even put into words. But I’m also so nervous at the same time”, she sniffs, wiping the tears away from her eyes delicately so she wouldn’t smudge her mascara. “Like, intrusive thoughts keep getting in the way, what if Yoongi simply says ‘no’?”

“Ha! As if!” You let out a sincere laugh, smiling softly at her as you continue. “This is the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard you say”.

“Aren’t you gonna reassure me saying that Yoongi loves me more than anything or something?” She asks in a wobbly voice. 

Which is funny, because in front of you stands one of the most confident women you know. You guess being a bride does mess with your brain.

“Do I really have to?”

“Not really”, she answers shyly, as if coming to the most obvious conclusion ever. She continues, trying to get off this specific subject. “And you… Especially in this dress, will definitely get yourself a hookup and live the drama of your dreams at your best friend’s wedding, have you thought of that? I think Kitae is single, by the way”.

“My god… You were crying two seconds ago thinking about the possibility of Yoongi leaving you, now you’re telling me about Hwang Kitae’s love life status… What happens inside this brain of yours, Haewon-ah?!” You poke her head playfully with your pointer finger. “Can’t I just look forward to enjoying the party or something? I can get a hookup any other time of the year”, you reply, automatically rolling your eyes at her.

She bursts out laughing, knowing very well it would annoy the shit out of you. She simply doesn’t understand that you have priorities in life and getting laid was not number one on that list. Not that you don’t want to get laid or flirt with hot guys, of course you do. But you have so many responsibilities at the university, not only are you a new professor, but as the Department Chair of the Paleontological faculty of one the top universities in Seoul. You’ve been invited back to your country to take up the position and you couldn’t be more honored with the invitation, you didn't even second guess your choice to leave the lab you had been working in China. The endless hours you’ve spent in libraries studying your ass off, at the lab or out at fieldwork were worth it and you finally got the job of your dreams.

Since you returned to South Korea relatively recently, it’s harder to get your social life back on track. And it’s not like the piles of paperwork you need to do every week will just work themselves, so you don’t have much time to spend flirting. 

And it’s fine, you love what you do.

“Well… You know he’s gonna be there”, Haewon suggests with a suspicious wiggle of her eyebrows. 

“Yeah, I know, Haewon-ah!” You stare at her for one second, then continue, a little too short on your patience than you’d care to admit. “Can’t you just leave my love life alone for a holy second?” 

“I’m just saying, love. Don’t be mad at me”, she raises her hands, in sign of peace and you sigh. “I just feel like it’s good to emphasize that you’ll be seeing Seokjin in a couple of days. It can get awkward or uncomfortable, or make you feel bad, I just want you to prepare yourself mentally to go through it with beauty and grace, at least”.

Kim Seokjin is a touchy subject for you. A touchy subject you preferred to avoid for the past two years of your life, but, unfortunately, you wouldn’t be able to postpone this for much longer. 

The mere image of Seokjin on your brain was enough to stir your insides up. Thinking about seeing him again makes you want to run away from Korea once more, leaving everything behind, just like you did 7 years ago. If it wasn’t Haewon’s wedding, you might as well have just done that. 

But some things are better dealt with when faced with spontaneity and this is the plan you mean to follow when facing him after 7 years apart. The plan is: you will see. 

“Yeah, I know”, you turn your gaze towards the mirror once again, taking in how good you look in the gown. At least, when you meet him again, you’ll look gorgeous. “It’ll be fine. Care to help me with this zipper?”  

Simple Thing | Part One | Ksj

Something you couldn’t mention to Haewon was the fact that being a maid of honor was stressful as hell, but you could vent out about it to Hoseok, your other best friend. You did that pretty frequently, you might add. 

That’s what friends are for, right?

“I swear to god, Hoseok!” Laying on your bed, you avow in a dramatic, but honest tone. “Chaewon is gonna try to start some drama on the wedding day, I know that devil pretty well. And honestly, I don’t know what to do to prevent it”.

“Can’t we just uninvite her?” He asks, laughing on the other end. 

“I’d love to, but Haewon wants to give her a chance”, you stare calmly at your ceiling as you speak to your friend. “Yoongi told me that I shouldn’t allow her to give a speech, quoting: ‘under no circumstances’”, you try to make an impression of his raspy, low voice. “I wouldn’t let her touch the mic anyways, but having the groom to back me up makes everything easier”. 

“Yah, _____, you shouldn’t worry so much! We’re all gonna be there to help you manage that dragon”, he answers you, giggling softly after calling the bride’s half sister a dragon. “And about that, when I say “we’re all gonna be there”, I mean, all of us. Including Seokj-”

“I know that, Hoseok”, you cut him short. “You guys really don’t have to bring him up every time we speak to each other, ok?”

“Ok… Sorry”, he replies tonelessly. “I just felt like I could point it out, since we’re all staying at the same hotel. But, anyways, go get some sleep, it’s pretty late”.

That’s the best thing about being best friends with an Aquarius sun, they will respect your boundaries no matter how wrong they think you are. You know he, just like Haewon, thinks you should face the problem, but he knows you are a grown ass woman and he just doesn’t even try to press the matter. He just leaves you be. 

You check the time on your phone and he’s right. It’s 12:12 am and, unfortunately, your work at the university has turned you into an early riser. 

“You too, Seok Seok, make sure to get some rest after lending your ear to my stressed self. Good night”, trying to soften your voice, feeling a faint pang of guilt on your chest for being rude to him.

“Night, sweetums”.

You hang up and throw your phone somewhere on your bed, rolling away from it to try to clear your mind. Could Haewon and Hoseok be right about Seokjin? 

Like, do you need to prepare yourself before meeting him again after so long? But then again, how could you even begin to prepare yourself for something like that?

It wasn’t like you didn’t have to see his face every so often on your tv. You did. In fact, he’s the reason you haven’t kept up with the drama releases in the past few years, since he’s been the lead on so many. Yes, you know you’re the one who left, but it didn’t mean you left because you had no feelings for him, you were just scared. You’re human, after all, you’re allowed to regret. 

But life finds a way and so do you. You fall asleep not long after reaching that conclusion, but tonight, you couldn’t avoid seeing Seokjin in your dreams.

Simple Thing | Part One | Ksj

Something you couldn’t mention to Haewon was the fact that being a maid of honor was stressful as hell, but you could vent out about it to Hoseok, your other best friend. You did that pretty frequently, you might add. 

That’s what friends are for, right?

“I swear to god, Hoseok!” Laying on your bed, you avow in a dramatic, but honest tone. “Chaewon is gonna try to start some drama on the wedding day, I know that devil pretty well. And honestly, I don’t know what to do to prevent it”.

“Can’t we just uninvite her?” He asks, laughing on the other end. 

“I’d love to, but Haewon wants to give her a chance”, you stare calmly at your ceiling as you speak to your friend. “Yoongi told me that I shouldn’t allow her to give a speech, quoting: ‘under no circumstances’”, you try to make an impression of his raspy, low voice. “I wouldn’t let her touch the mic anyways, but having the groom to back me up makes everything easier”. 

“Yah, _____, you shouldn’t worry so much! We’re all gonna be there to help you manage that dragon”, he answers you, giggling softly after calling the bride’s half sister a dragon. “And about that, when I say “we’re all gonna be there”, I mean, all of us. Including Seokj-”

“I know that, Hoseok”, you cut him short. “You guys really don’t have to bring him up every time we speak to each other, ok?”

“Ok… Sorry”, he replies tonelessly. “I just felt like I could point it out, since we’re all staying at the same hotel. But, anyways, go get some sleep, it’s pretty late”.

That’s the best thing about being best friends with an Aquarius sun, they will respect your boundaries no matter how wrong they think you are. You know he, just like Haewon, thinks you should face the problem, but he knows you are a grown ass woman and he just doesn’t even try to press the matter. He just leaves you be. 

You check the time on your phone and he’s right. It’s 12:12 am and, unfortunately, your work at the university has turned you into an early riser. 

“You too, Seok Seok, make sure to get some rest after lending your ear to my stressed self. Good night”, trying to soften your voice, feeling a faint pang of guilt on your chest for being rude to him.

“Night, sweetums”.

You hang up and throw your phone somewhere on your bed, rolling away from it to try to clear your mind. Could Haewon and Hoseok be right about Seokjin? 

Like, do you need to prepare yourself before meeting him again after so long? But then again, how could you even begin to prepare yourself for something like that?

It wasn’t like you didn’t have to see his face every so often on your tv. You did. In fact, he’s the reason you haven’t kept up with the drama releases in the past few years, since he’s been the lead on so many. Yes, you know you’re the one who left, but it didn’t mean you left because you had no feelings for him, you were just scared. You’re human, after all, you’re allowed to regret. 

But life finds a way and so do you. You fall asleep not long after reaching that conclusion, but tonight, you couldn’t avoid seeing Seokjin in your dreams. 

Simple Thing | Part One | Ksj

As the day of the big event approached, you started packing slowly, since you hated packing for trips. You were in no position to complain, since Yoongi basically rented the whole hotel for the wedding guests. Like, it’s not a mediocre kind of hotel, it’s one of the best hotels in Daegu. He insisted on hosting the wedding in his home city and Haewon didn’t oppose to it, since she is from the capital and they live there already. 

Hoseok went to Daegu before you, by plane. You preferred to take a car trip, since it wasn’t such a long journey from Seoul to Daegu. You do love driving, so it’s a good chance to take some time and do something you love for a change. Plus, you think it’s good to have your own car with you while you’re there, because if you need to rush with any last minute details for the wedding, you wouldn’t have to depend on anything other than yourself.

When you remember your best friend is about to marry one of the most famous rappers from Korea, you always smile. Like, everything turned out the way it was supposed to be. She was a big lawyer, he was a big artist. Hoseok, also known as J-Hope was the one who introduced them, since Yoongi and him were under the same label. You were away for years, doing what you have always dreamed to do.Namjoon, a friend you don’t get to see as often, because he’s always super busy, became a very relevant art curator known worldwide for his work. Seokjin became Korea's favorite heartthrob. 

Things changed a lot since you were all young and in high school making all those plans. It took you a few hours, but with these thoughts keeping you company, the car trip to Yoongi’s hometown went flying.  

The hotel your friend’s fiance booked for his guests couldn’t be more opulent, you were in awe the moment you first laid your eyes on its front. Tall gray walls rose against the Daegu sky, with several glossy windows reflecting the city lights. On the top floor, you can see a gigantic swimming pool that would be delightfully pleasant for you on these hot summer days. 

After parking your car in the hotel facilities, you checked yourself in and rushed to your room. Laying in your bed’s comfortable white sheets, ordering something nice from the hotel’s restaurant and having the night to relax. You were very happy to find out you could access your Netflix account while there, so you chose a random romantic comedy movie to chill while you ate. 

Simple Thing | Part One | Ksj

“Don’t you have any other friends, Haewon-ah? Why does it have to be me?” You uttered loudly, lowering your face in the direction of the sink, where your phone rested against the counter while you washed your face, still a bit slow due to the early hours.

“Will it kill you, _____?” You hear Haewon’s voice coming as loud as yours from the speaker of your phone.

“Yeah, probably!” You affirmed and gestured as if she could see you. “Ugh, doesn’t Yoongi have any friends to ask for stuff? What’s the point of being famous if you can’t ask favors from important people?”

“If you think about it, you’re kind of important too… You’re the most relevant paleontologist in South Korea right now”, you can see in your mind’s eye the expression on her face as she strokes your ego with this particular comment.

You’re not usually a very narcissistic person, but when it comes to your professional life… You kind of are. Haewon knows that and she, sometimes, uses that in her own favor. 

“Yeah, well, long story short is: I don't want to!” You stare at your reflection for a second in order to help you think about something else to say. “Can’t Chanyeol go?”

“No, he can’t”, she answers dryly. “Don’t be a fucking child, _____. I know you have nothing important to do today and I’m asking you for a favor”.

She is right, you have nothing to do this afternoon. You wanted to chill some more by the pool, but you know she will just laugh at you if you say that. You have no other excuses to give her, there’s apparently no way out of this.

“Can't this guy just call an Uber or something?” You try for the last time.

“_____, he’s stopped the shootings of his next movie in freaking Japan to come to my wedding, I can’t just leave him and greet him like any other guest” Yeah, she has a point. You don’t really show it, but you agree with her. Seokjin has always been a considerate friend, damn him for that. “And you two are gonna have to talk to each other in a few hours anyways, can’t you try to make it a little less uncomfortable? We’re all staying at the same fucking hotel. I think if you two meet alone before the rehearsal dinner, it will be easier to deal with each other’s presence. You’re my maid of honor, _____”.

You knew since day one that, as a maid of honor, you’d have many obligations in your friend’s wedding and when you accepted to be Haewon’s maid of honor, you were counting on being bothered with all sorts of requests from her. Even your assistant, Jeon Jungkook, helped every once in a while when you were too busy at the university.  But honestly? The only thing you didn't see coming was having to pick Kim Seokjin up at the airport. All by yourself. 

Apparently god, the gods or whoever runs the skies or whatever has a very controversial sense of humor. And this thing enjoyed putting you in all sorts of embarrassing situations. Because, come on, having to pick up your ex-boyfriend of years, who you broke up with to go study abroad and who also happened to be very hurt by the breakup at the time, at the fucking international airport was a fucking joke. If you saw it coming, you’d have joined Hoseok on the airplane. 

Sighing in defeat, you finally ask your best friend.

“What time do I fucking have to be there?”

Simple Thing | Part One | Ksj

You drove to the airport with The Seeds of Love blasting through the sound system of your car, singing along to each and every single one of the songs, in a desperate attempt to calm yourself the fuck down. It worked to a certain degree, but you were still feeling the annoying, but familiar sensation inside of you. 

When you parked the car in the airport’s parking lot, you had to fight the urge to vomit and to run away at the same time. You know that seeing Seokjin for the first time in years will definitely mess with you in ways you didn’t even want to imagine. 

You don’t particularly enjoy this sensation, to feel extremely lost into someone, but also utterly vulnerable. That’s why you didn’t keep your word. That’s why you didn’t look for him when you came back. Being with him always made you feel like there’s no one else in the world, apart from him. It was a sensation like no other, loving someone with your whole heart and soul, but the vulnerability that necessarily comes with it doesn’t really sit well with you. It doesn’t even suit you anymore. 

Also, deep down, you knew he had already moved on and it was incredibly naive of you to think a man like Seokjin would be single for long. To make matters worse, he is an actor, for god’s sake. He would never wait for you, when he has the chance to be with people who are completely out of your league, but totally into his league. 

That’s why the best option for you was just to move on with your own ordinary, academic life. Find someone nice and as ordinary as you, Seokjin and you don't belong in the same world anymore and that’s fine. That’s how life works. Things aren’t unchangeable and so aren’t people. 

With your mind racing, you tried the breathing exercise your psychologist taught before leaving the car, but the magic didn’t work this time around. You couldn’t stop thinking and speculating about how'd you really feel when you finally laid your eyes on him. 

Your legs dragged you into the arrivals area, as your eyes scanned the place in hopes of finding Seokjin before he found you. You didn’t arrive at the airport much earlier than you should have, because you knew that you’d be anxious as fuck, which didn’t give you much time to only think or speculate how you’d feel when your eyes lay on Seokjin’s after so long. You found out pretty soon, when unexpectedly you saw his brown, almond shaped eyes staring directly at yours, as soon as the doors from arrival opened. It’s like after all this time, he still found you in a crowded room no matter what. 

For a couple of seconds, it felt like everybody else in the world was out of focus and Seokjin was everything you could see. He came walking towards you, his face remained in a stoic expression and you desperately tried to recompose yourself, more on the inside than on the outside, since you’ve always been good at hiding your feelings. It felt so surreal seeing him, after he became a celebrity, after you left him to pursue your dreams, so many things have happened and so much has changed in the meantime. Each step he takes in your direction, makes you realize it was all real.

He is there in front of you, Kim Seokjin, in flash and bones. He still looked the same as he looked seven years ago, the same striking beauty that always made you think you were the luckiest woman in the world. You really were. 

He was wearing an oversized black sweatshirt and also a pair of oversized blue jeans, he looks so fucking cool it hurts. His hair is longer than he used to have back then, but you really think the longer hair suits him very well. You almost hate him for looking so effortlessly handsome.

You tried giving him a half smile, because the fact that he didn’t react in any way to your presence made you feel nervous. He didn’t smile back, though as he got closer, he bowed to you. Simply bowed, as if you were just an ordinary acquaintance. 

Gulping, you bowed back at him.

“Seokjin-ssi, hi! Wow, it’s been so long”, you tried, in a desperate attempt to make the situation less awkward.

He pressed his lips together and nodded, not really looking you in the eyes right now. Yeah, he probably still hates you. Great! Did you really have to mention it’s been long? Of course it’s been long since the last time you’ve seen each other and it’s all thanks to you. You’re so bad at small talk.

Why did you allow Haewon convince you to do this, for god’s sake?

“Er- Shall we, then?” You ask him, the silliest and most awkward smile still hanging on your lips. 

“Lead the way”, he replies and hearing the sound of his velvety voice for the first time makes you quiver on the inside.

“Do you…N-Need any help with your baggage?” You felt like a teenager trying to talk to her high school crush, stuttering like that. 

“Oh no, I got it”, he denies and nods his head no, his black hair moving like silk against the wind. “Er- Thanks, though”.

He sounded a tiny bit less cold, which made you feel 0,1% better. You’ll need a very long hot bath to relax after this, you know for sure. You turned without trying to say anything else and made your way towards your car silently, listening to him following you in a safe distance. Your mind was racing trying to find a way to have light small talk with him, because the awkward silence you were forced to share with him right now made you feel like crying.

The weather? Fuck no. Soccer? You don’t care for sports. Politics? You’re not sure of his political opinions nowadays. No silly or light comments came to your mind and trying to mention the wedding would be too obviously a desperate attempt and Seokjin wasn’t stupid.

You helped him accommodate his belongings in the trunk of your car almost in silence, only exchanging a few words about the car and you were ready to get in and endure the longest car ride from the airport to the hotel. 

However, he surprised you when you heard his voice meeting your ears.

“Good to know you came back, ______-ssi”, then, Seokjin opened the car door and took his seat.

Ok, so, he wants to do this. Better than giving you the silent treatment all the way to the hotel, you figured. You follow him on the inside of your car and try giving him another half smile, obviously trying to show him you wanted this to go as smoothly as possible.

“Yes, I’m back”, you laugh nervously as you start the car. “It’s been two ye-”.

“I know”, he cuts you off. “I know it’s been two years”.

You know he knows. You have friends in common, who have obviously mentioned that you came back to Korea, at some point. You’ve always known this conversation would happen, but as much as you tried to prepare yourself for this moment, you realized you couldn't truly be prepared for it.

“Oh”, that’s all you managed to say.

This is the only man you’ve ever loved in your entire life. Finally confronting you after you left. Looking at his eyes, they burned with resentment. You understand his reasons, of course you do. You left him after he proposed to you right after college, to follow your dreams, to become who you are today. You loved him, but you’d never give up on your dreams for anyone and you also didn’t want him to give up on his dreams because of you. His career was starting to take off when you got the scholarship in China and he offered to leave everything behind to go with you.

But you said no to him. 

It hurt like hell to do so, of course it did. You loved him, but because you loved him you couldn’t tell him it was ok to give up on his dreams, on his career, on his life to be with you in another country for god knows how many years. Because you loved him, you couldn’t be selfish. That’s why you left, but it didn’t matter how many times you tried to explain your reasons to him, he would never fully understand. 

“If I remember correctly, you said you’d come and look for me when you came back”, he raised his brows as he said it softly, disguising his rancor. “What happened? Was it hard to track me down or something?”

He knew it wasn’t, since he’s one of Korea’s sweethearts right now.

“Very funny, Seokjin”, you sigh, looking at the road, trying your best to stay focused on the traffic. 

“Yeah, I’ve always managed to make you laugh, right? Good thing I’ve built my career in show business, huh?” You felt his eyes burning where they touched you, as he fixed his gaze on your side profile. “But let me try a different approach. Why didn’t you keep your word? All these years, I… have waited for you, _____”.

“Did you, though?” You glance at his figure for a second and you see his eyes widening, then you turn your full attention back to the road ahead of you. “It wasn't like you’ve been single these past few years, you know? How did you expect me to come back years later, begging you to give me another chance after reading all about your flings with your coworkers all this time?”

He laughs humorlessly and when you don’t follow him, he asks you lowly.

“Are you serious?”

“Why would I not be?” You pinch your eyebrows as you reply to his question with another one.

“You tell me”, he scoffs, running his hands through his hair, then sighs loudly. “And don’t try to change the focus here. I asked you a question first”

“Seokjin, I…”, your voice trails off and you simply stop trying to find something to say.

Does he really need you to confess that you were scared that, after all those years, you were afraid of getting rejected? Doesn’t it go without saying? When you left, everything was different. Seokjin has always attracted the attention of, basically, everyone. He has always had unmatched visuals, an unique sense of humor, charisma, intelligence, morals. It took you such a long time to build your trust on him and on your relationship, because in the beginning, you’d compare yourself to everyone who approached him, scared he’d realize he could do so much better with other people, who were prettier, smarter, funnier than with you. Does he really need you to say that you just got scared all over again?

“Why didn’t you come find me when you came back, ______-ssi, like you promised?” He stressed the last word out as he spoke slowly, clearly annoyed by your silence.

“Things… changed”, you declared hesitantly, taking the easy road on your way to avoid focusing this too much on your feelings. “Haven’t they?”

“Not for me”, he replies without even wincing, then he adds. “Why? Have they changed for you?”

They haven’t, actually. You wish you could just tell him everything, like you used to. Just let him know how you really feel, how insecure you felt all the times you thought about calling him or even going after him in person. But how could you? Time does, in fact, change things. As much as two people wish for things to stay the same, they hardly ever do. 

What you really wanted after all these years was just to throw yourself into Seokjin’s arms and find the comfort no one else has been able to give you ever since. If only he knew how much you craved him and how difficult it was to be inside of your car right now, where his perfume filled the whole space and almost made you intoxicated with longing. 

You wish you were a little more selfish, so you’d just ignore the fact that everything happened the way it did and just throw yourself into his arms, not giving a shit about what comes next. 

But you aren’t selfish, at least, not when it comes to Kim Seokjin.

With your mind racing, you hesitate before you’re able to form a coherent sentence in your brain and he notices.

“Ok, I see how it is, ______”, his head snaps in your direction again, even though you got your eyes focused on the road, you feel his eyes on you. “You’re seeing someone, aren’t you? Of course you are, for fuck’s sake. Of course you’ve found someone after all these years…”

If only he knew you’d compared every guy you met all this time to him, he’d laugh so hard, he’d probably get hiccups. You haven’t been able to establish true connections with anyone else ever since you left him, unlike him, who’s been involved in several dating rumors during these past few years. You know because you read all of the details from every single one of them, while the only dates you had ended up being on night stands with random guys you met in bars.

“No, I’m not”, you coldly reply, turning your face into his direction for a split second, just to see the surprise taking over his face.

“You’re not seeing anyone, then?” He allows the words to roll off his tongue slowly, repeating the question he asked you a few seconds ago, only this time the disbelief was obvious in his tone. 


Seokjin crosses his arms in front of his chest and breathes through his nose loudly. Maybe this was as uncomfortable to him as it was to you. You just couldn’t wrap your head around why he’d want to do this after all this time, both of you had said everything there was to be said back then. There just isn’t a reason for you to go through this all over again, fortunately, you aren’t far from his hotel now. You soon would be away from him all over again, safely hidden at your hotel room, where you could cry all night long, until the gigantic lump in your throat disappeared. Mostly because you’d try to forget about it with a relatively expensive bottle of wine.

After a brief moment of silence, he starts again.

“I just… Need to hear you saying why”, he turned to you as he spoke and it sounded like he was on the verge of crying.

Knowing you made him suffer has been something that prevented you from sleeping every once in a while and a lot of times you ended the nights hating yourself for it. You hate yourself for causing all of this. You just wish life was easier, you wish you could have everything you want, you wish you could have had a brilliant career and Seokjin at the same time.

After all these years, the truth is he doesn’t need you anymore. He’s famous, he can have anyone he wants. You just wish he could understand that and that it was the sacrifice you decided to make on his behalf. You want him to be happy, not stuck with you and your unexciting academic career. 

“I really don’t know, Seokjin. There’s no… specific reason, I guess”, you gazed at him as you summoned the strength to continue. “I just think it doesn’t make sense to me anymore”.

It obviously is harder than you think, because you know none of it is true. You’re just a coward, you just avoided him these two past years, because you were scared of being permanently dumped. You guess you preferred the what if, than to really just let Seokjin go. You were not ready to let him go, he’s always been your haven, your safe place, even after the two of you broke up. He’s your favorite memory.

And it was better to have his memory untouched, than spoiling it with real life and getting dumped because he was having the time of his life as a famous actor, fucking god knows who.

“What doesn’t make sense?” He queries you almost in a whisper.

“Us”, you reply in the same tone. It takes every ounce of strength in you, but you lie again.

You don’t see it, but his eyes darken the minute your words meet his ears like a sucker punch to his stomach. 

He takes in a deep breath and seconds later, your car is filled with his low, deeper voice.

“So, you’re saying that everything we lived together, everything we shared… The promises both of us made to each other… None of it makes sense to you anymore?”

Judging by the way he just asked you this, you were slowly starting to realize that, perhaps, it all still makes sense to him, just like it still makes sense to you. Perhaps, he’s been waiting for you to return, like you promised. Just like Haewon and Hoseok had foreseen it, but you refused to believe it. Because you are a fucking coward, the worst kind. You lie to people and you lie to yourself in a desperate attempt to protect your pride. 

It was far too late to change your mind now. Specially, after the way he spoke to you now. You know he’s deeply hurt and things will, in fact, never be the same again. 

You can’t even think about anything to say. You aren’t mentally able to tell him again that you think your history simply doesn’t make sense, the kind of love you and Seokjin have for each other doesn’t just stop making sense.

“You know what, ______-ssi? Nevermind” He breaks the silence, but his voice is still a little louder than just a whisper. “I thought I could do this, but it’s impossible to have this type of conversation like this. Can you please stop this car!? I’ll call myself an Uber”.

“What?” You ask him, dumbfounded. “I’m not gonna just drop you on the side of the road, we’re almost there-”.

“I’ll be fine”, he cuts you off dryly and louder than before. “I’ve been fine without you these past seven years of my life, it’s not like I need you anyways”.

Okay, you deserve to hear that. Your brain goes into code red and you’re very happy that you’re a good driver, because you know you can’t fully function right now. You open your mouth in an attempt to argue against his request, but no sound comes out of it. 

“Seriously, ______. Stop this car”, he demands, this time around. 

Your feet automatically hit the brakes, just like he told you to, stopping the car by the sidewalk. You’re still taking it all in. You imagined this wouldn’t end well, but you even surprised yourself with how bad it actually ended, all thanks to you, of course.

“Please, just send my baggage to my room when you get there”, he sneers, his eyes glued on your figure and you can’t muster up the courage to look into his eyes.

He opens the door and gets out of your car calmly, then closes the door delicately. That’s the scariest part of it all, Seokjin is the confronting type, he doesn’t take shit from people and he didn’t even want to continue talking with the conversation, there was no closure. He just cut you off. He couldn’t bear being in the same space as you. Saying the shit you said was probably the final nail to this coffin and as much as you hate admitting it to yourself, you were the one who dug this grave. You followed his figure with your eyes as he distanced himself from your car, not even once looking back.

He is now totally free to move on with his life, as he’s supposed to. He’s rich, beautiful, talented, charismatic, funny, relevant, famous. You don’t belong with him anymore and that’s fine. Some people aren’t made to be together and it is fine.

It actually isn’t fine, not at all, but you’ll learn how to live with it. You’re just happy to know he’ll live his life to the fullest now, after burying his past with you. 

Lucky you driving has calming effects on you, so you play your sad girl vibe playlist and drive back to your place, as tears rolled down your cheeks.

Simple Thing | Part One | Ksj

© seokjins-luigi, 2023

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1 year ago

Cheers to the Whole Gang - Bangtan7 - PART 1 --- (HYUNG LINE)

Even though Jimin is my bias, I am a fan of all 7 members of BTS. They each are invaluable to the whole package and contribute such important, unique, and necessary parts to the whole. I just wanted to take a moment to give them all my appreciation and attention.

*The following are my personal opinions. Part 1 will be for the Hyung Line. Part 2 will be for the Maknae Line.

💜Kim Namjoon (RM): Although not the oldest, RM carries the huge responsibility of being the leader of the group. He maturely and respectfully maintained that role while also being mindful of his older members' positions as well. He had to manage 6 other young men who were processing a variety of physical, mental, professional, and emotional issues as the stressful, fast paced, complicated path was forged. He often likely had to balance the relational issues with the practical decisions that had to be made in order to keep the group unified and functional. He was the only fluent English speaker, so he ended up being the spokesperson for the group, especially when English was required. This means he had to juggle the communications and interpretations when interviewing, meeting, or relaying information to and from the members. I'm sure it was a tough and exhausting position, but he did it well.

In addition to being an effective leader, who gained the respect of his 6 brothers, he also is a masterful songwriter and lyricist. He is well-read and attentive to the world and social issues and found clever and entertaining ways to include information and emotion into BTS's songs. He often would help incorporate English in the lyrics as well as assist members in expressing what they wanted to say in a thoughtful, meaningful way. After all of that, RM is also a skilled rapper with a deep and powerful voice and presence.

💜Min Yoongi (Suga): Suga is my favorite rapper of the group. He can change his style of rap so the tone fits the mood of the song well. As with all BTS rappers, Suga writes much of his own parts and can be counted on to include poignant, sharp lyrics that cut to the core of the theme, leaving no question as to the meaning or feeling intended. What is often overlooked is that he also sings well and can as effectively create a mood with his singing as he does with his rapping. Suga is a very talented songwriter and producer. His and RM's contributions to the success of BTS's song catalog and style can hardly be expressed in words. Both of their life experiences and ability to express that information through music is impressive.

Suga is not given enough credit for his dancing. Considering he was suffering from long-term pain due to a hidden shoulder injury for most of their career, he did difficult choreography very effectively in spite of that. Suga demonstrated all of these skills together in the expertly executed Suga/Agust D solo Tour. He sang, danced, rapped, played guitar and piano, and engaged with fans with professional, practiced ease ALL BY HIMSELF for his solo album. The fan reviews I have read explained a well thought out, well planned, well done, entertaining show. He planned and practiced his way to an impressive result. That hard working, no nonsense, straight talking, experienced attitude, I feel, was a needed component to balance the dynamics within the group.

💜Kim Seokjin (Jin): Jin is the oldest member of BTS who, I feel, helped make their homelife more stable and like a home. His humility in allowing RM to be the leader, although younger, and in allowing the members to be relaxed and playful toward him, to an extent, set the tone and was very valuable in allowing relationships to blossom among all the members.

Jin is a positive force who worked hard to achieve the skills in singing and dancing that he contributes to BTS. He has improved in all areas, especially his singing. I have heard vocal coaches compliment his voice and remark about how reliable it is, while producing good tone and emotion. He struggled to find his comfort as a performer and to find his unique identifiable area of attention that set him apart from the others. He eventually discovered that his sense of humor was that area. He toys with the concept and title of "World Wide Handsome". He exaggeratedly throws kisses to the fans. He tells corny dad jokes and then laughs at them himself. He realized that he was able to be himself and charm the fans with ease. And ease is his forte. Jin says his goal is to not take things too seriously or think too hard on things but to be happy. He lets things go and lives in the moment. Jimin says he learned a lot from Jin and that Jin taught him how to be happy. I miss Jin more than I expected to when he left for his service. My appreciation for him surprisingly grew greater in his absence.

💜Jung Hoseok (JHope) - JHope is my favorite rapper vocalist. Yes, I mean that I love his melodious rapping, where he appears to be half rapping, half singing his parts. Even when he is straight up rapping, I hear a strong link to the melody somehow. It's very skillful. I feel his parts best blend into the songs without feeling a significant change from the singing - although BTS's songs are so well done, none of the rapping ever intrudes on the song. JHope just blends best with the vocal singing to me. JHope is also a very good singer. Like Suga, he is able to sing a lead or harmonize in a way that adds richness to the parts he performs. Dancing is 2nd nature to him. He is not only fluid and rhythmic with choreographed steps, he is also great at freestyling. He not only dances his parts well but is also the dance coach for the whole team. He is good at teaching the dance steps, expecting thoroughness, but encouraging the effort. He said at one point he understood that not everyone came in having danced or with skills, so he had to be understanding to a degree. That is a reasonable approach and a good person to have in that position.

As far as relationships, JHope, according to the guys, is invaluable. He is like the "mom" of the group in my eyes. He brought cohesion and care to the group. JHope seemed to be an emotional support to individuals but to the group as a whole. He seemed to bring energy and warmth to a very fast paced, harsh, sterile situation. The ease of his contagious, joyful laughter alone is comforting and healing all on its own. I feel JHope, like Jin, was invaluable to the homelife of Bangtan. Suga said once he doesn't think he could have made it through without JHope, and I suspect several others may feel the same way. And to think JHope almost quit and left at one point! How fortunate we all are that he didn't.

My thoughts on the impressive Bangtan crew continue in Part 2.

Coming next: Part 2 - BTS Maknae Line

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2 years ago

Is it there something wrong with me if I want to tie up and blindfold all 7 of bts 🤣😏🥵 especially the hyung line. Damn my dominance is showing

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6 years ago

BTS Reactions - You’re another member’s cousin



“What do you mean you can’t chop?” Seokjin asked, watching you whine as you try to chop carrots for a dish that Jin wanted to experiment with. You offered your boyfriend some help in the kitchen, expecting him to ask you to stir the food and not to chop some carrots.

You sighed and placed down the kitchen knife. “I mean it exactly as I say it. I can’t chop, Seokjin. I can’t dice or mince other foods either. My specialty is eating food, not cooking it. Anything I attempt to do in the kitchen will just end up in a disaster.”

Seokjin put down a piece of chicken that he was about to boil and washed his hands. Then he gently grabbed the hands of his pouting girlfriend and placed them on the chopping mat. “Here,” Seokjin said, “let me help you. Hold the kitchen knife.” You took the kitchen knife and held it in your dominant hand. He then took your other hand and placed it one carrot and he took your dominant hand to place the kitchen knife on top of the carrot. He let go of your hands once you were in the proper position, leaving you desperately looked at him for guidance. Seokjin laughed at your state. “Relax, jagiya. Just show me how you chop. There’s no way that you’re as bad as you say you are, (Y/N).”

“Fine,” you huffed. You dug the kitchen knife into the carrot and attempted to chop it, but instead of the attempt going successful, the bit you chopped somehow flung to your face. You helplessly turned to your boyfriend, who was stifling back a laugh, and said, “I’m so bad at chopping that the carrot is attacking me.”

That’s when your boyfriend let out his laugh which only resulted with you glaring at him. “I’m sorry, (Y/N). It’s just that you make me think that you’re related to Namjoon.”

You stared at him with a blank expression on your face. “Babe, I’m his cousin.”

Seokjin searched for your face for a sign of joking, but once he concluded that you were completely serious, his jaw dropped. “NAMJOON!” he called after a few seconds.

Namjoon came stumbling into the kitchen and he smiled once he spotted you. “Yeah, Jin hyung?”

Your boyfriend pointed at the both of you. “Is it true that you’re related to (Y/N)?” Seokjin asked with a baffled expression on his face.

Namjoon raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, why? We’re cousins.”

Seokjin’s jaw only dropped more. “And in the the many months that (Y/N) and I have been together, none of you have taken the time to tell me that you both are cousins?”

You and Namjoon looked at each other and you both shrugged. “Sorry,” you both said in unison as you turned to face Jin again.

Seokjin sighed with annoyance and dramatically stomped away from the kitchen. Namjoon turned to you and asked, “How did he find out?”

You laughed and replied, “When he found out that I’m bad at chopping.”



You marched into your boyfriend’s studio in desperate need of affection. Yoongi had been cooped up inside his studio for the past few days and you knew that he wouldn’t come home to you no matter how much you would beg him to so you decided to take matters into your own hands and bring yourself to his studio. “Yoongiiiii,” you whined once you entered his studio. “Why can’t you take a break and come home? You know I’ve missed you.”

Yoongi sat at his desk and once he heard his voice, he turned himself around to face you. “(Y/N), we’ve been over this before. You know I can’t just take breaks when I’m working.”

You widened your eyes and pouted. “Don’t you miss me though?”

Yoongi sighed and opened his arms, motioning with his hands for you to come over. “Jagiya, of course I miss you, but I have to work.”

Once you sat on his lap, you nestled your face into the crook of his neck. “I just want to cuddle with you,” you mumbled, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend’s waist.

Yoongi chuckled and wrapped his arms around your waist. “You’re acting very clingy right now.”

“I’m always clingy when I’m with you,” you stated, tightening your grip around Yoongi as you hugged him more.

“True, but you’re starting to remind me of Jimin,” Yoongi joked.

You pulled away from your boyfriend so you could face him, but he was facing his computer. “Yoongi, you know that Jimin and I are cousins, right?”

Yoongi’s head immediately snapped to face you. “Really?” he asked with a shocked expression. You nodded with a small smile. Yoongi laughed and said, “That explains why you always want to cuddle with me.”



“Where is it?” you sighed loudly, scanning the bookcase in the bedroom that you and your boyfriend shared. You’ve been looking through your bookcase now for more than an hour and although you were tired, you were determined to find your book.

“(Y/N)?” a voice called from behind you. You turned around to see Hoseok sitting up in your bed with a puzzled look on his face.

“Aww, Hobi,” you frowned. “I didn’t mean to wake you. I forgot that you were taking a nap.”

Hoseok smiled and climbed out of bed, making his way to behind you. He rested his chin on your shoulder and he wrapped his arms around your waist. “What’s wrong, jagiya? Are you looking for a book again?”

You sadly nodded. “I’ve been looking for my favorite book for a while now and I can’t find it.”

Your boyfriend unwrapped himself from you and moved forward to look through the bookcase with you. After a few minutes, Hoseok made an excited noise and tugged on your sleeve. “(Y/N), is this the book?” he asked, pointing to a book that sat on the third shelf.

You broke into a smile and happily nodded. “Thank you, Hobi!”

Hoseok beamed with pride and he swiftly removed the book from the shelf. The moment the book was off the shelf, a wave of dust hit your face. Your face scrunched up and you loudly sneezed, causing your boyfriend to jump up, drop your book on the floor, scream in a high pitch. “Wow, (Y/N). You sneeze like Taehyung.”

“I mean. .we’re cousins so I guess that would make sense,” you stated as you bent down to pick up your book.

Hoseok froze and looked at you. “You’re what?”

“Taehyung and I are cousins,” you repeated with a giggle.

Your boyfriend looked at you with a funny yet weird look. “And you didn’t tell me?”

“I guess not,” you realized, flipping through the pages of your book. Dust flew to your face and you loudly sneezed again. Hoseok screamed once more and ran out of the bedroom, screaming Taehyung’s name.



You pranced into the living room where your boyfriend sat on the couch, watching a K-drama. You jumped in front of him saying, “Osacar vroom vroom vroom.” 

A knowing smirk grew onto Namjoon’s face. “Why does that sound familiar?” he asked, watching you continue to repeat the phrase.

“Hobi taught me it,” you replied, pretending to be clutching the handlebars of a motorcycle.

Namjoon laughed. “Of course he did.” He then paused the K-drama and said, “You’ve been hanging around a lot with him lately. Do you prefer his company over mine?”

“We grew up together,” you said as you continued to prance around the living room. “It would be hard for me to choose-”

“I’m sorry what?” Namjoon asked, raising an eyebrow. “You grew up with Hoseok?”

You stopped your prancing to face Namjoon. “Yeah. Hobi and I are cousins.”

Namjoon continued to look at you with a blank expression until he opened his mouth with realization. “OHHH, that’s why you’re both weird.”


A/N: This was my first BTS Reaction so I hope it was okay :)

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5 years ago

BTS Reactions: He Catches You Singing



It was a Saturday afternoon and Seokjin was coming home from practice since he and the boys ended early. He was excited to surprise you because he would normally come home late and it was rare to come home this early. Little did Seokjin know that he would be the one getting surprised.

Your boyfriend unlocked and opened the door to his apartment in Seoul to be greeted by a soft melodic tune. Seokjin smiled and took off his shoes. He thought that you were listening to your music again. When he crept close to your shared bedroom, he heard the music grow louder. It felt so beautiful to hear so Seokjin placed an ear against the bedroom door. Confusion swept through his mind when he recognized the song, but not the voice of the singer’s. 

Seokjin placed his hand on the door handle and slowly pushed the door open. “Hey, angel. Who’s singi-” He froze when he saw you swaying on the bed with earbuds on. Your side was facing him so you didn’t see him enter. Seokjin’s heart grew warm when you opened your mouth and lyrics poured out. You were the music that he was hearing and that only made him love you more.



Yoongi grumbled as he entered the home he shared with you. The moment he shut the door, he slumped against the wall and rested his head on his hands. The stress of work was just too much for him to handle and it always crashed down on him as soon as he would arrive home. All he wanted to do was to lay in your arms and cuddle with you. What Yoongi wants is what Yoongi gets so he headed off and searched for you.

After looking downstairs and not finding you, Yoongi went upstairs, expecting to find you inside the bedroom. He was about to rush into the bedroom and throw himself onto you until he heard the sound of the shower running from the bathroom. Not only did Yoongi hear that, but he also heard. .singing?

Yoongi leaned towards the bathroom door and let out a little breath and smiled when he recognized that the voice belonged to you. He mentally face palmed. Of course it was you. Who else would it be? Not wanting to burst inside and demand why you never told him that you could sing, Yoongi took a seat on the floor outside the bathroom and listened to your soothing, angelic voice. For the first time in a while, Yoongi truly felt like he was home and he never planned on leaving it.



Hoseok was having a crisis. He wouldn’t find his favorite hoodie and he already did a thorough investigation of his closet. He made a whining noise and sat himself down on the floor, grabbing his phone in the process. Hoseok opened his contacts, looked for your name, and pressed it. He wanted to ask you if you knew where his hoodie was since you were loading the laundry. Hoseok was aware that you were just downstairs, but he didn’t have the energy to drag himself down so calling you was the only option.

Your boyfriend pouted when he was sent to voicemail. He sighed, rose from the floor, and exited the bedroom to head downstairs. The moment he heard a voice singing when he arrived downstairs, Hoseok grew tense. He had never heard any other voice sing in his house besides his own. It felt unnatural to hear. .yet pleasing.

Curious than ever, Hoseok peaked his head from around the corner to face the laundry room. The door was open and it revealed you dancing around while singing into your fist as if it was a microphone. It took every muscle to stop Hoseok from running to you and attacking you with kisses. This moment was too precious and he didn’t dare want it to end.



Waking up in the morning was always Namjoon’s favorite part of the day. He found it a blessing to see your face before anything else when he would open his eyes. This morning in particular was different than all the other mornings he would wake up. He woke up with an alarm of a soft voice humming next to him. His eyes slowly fluttered open to see you singing while you scrolled through your social media on your phone. You were too focussed on your phone that you didn’t notice your boyfriend wake up.

Without moving too fast so you wouldn’t know he was awake, Namjoon slowly shifted his body so he would get a better view of you. He watched you with a small smile as you repeatedly switched from quietly singing to humming. Namjoon immediately grew soft. He had never heard you sing before and he didn’t even know that you had a lovely voice. 

You always had surprises in store for him, but this was one of the best surprises. It made him want to keep you all to himself. You were like a treasure to him and he didn’t plan on losing you.


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2 years ago

you become a makeup artist for bts ( hyung line ) / REACTIONS!

disclaimer : this is completely for entertainment purposes, so i don’t actually think / know that the boys are like this. don’t come for me.

* ( kim namjoon )


he would totally size you up when first meeting you, wanting to make sure that you were trustworthy.

namjoon is a very protective person when it comes to his boys, so he’d let it be known that any “funny business” isn’t allowed.

once he gets to know you, he’d easily become the person that you have the deepest conversations with about art and literature and nature.

he would even take you out on a romantic stroll and / or bike ride ( maybe even a museum? ) for your first date.

because why not go namjooning with namjoon????

* ( kim seokjin )


this man would barrage you with dad jokes from the get-go.

he instantly becomes trusting of you when he hears you cracking a joke with one of the members, claiming that you have good taste and are a shoe-in in his book.

only trusts you to do his makeup right, since you do so well with keeping his face “beautiful”.

the both of you would spend plenty of time together, talking and laughing together over a really good meal that was brought in before the concert.

jin would compliment how well you eat and easily fall in love with you because of it.

your first date would be at his home, where he cooks you one of the best homecooked meals that you’ve ever tasted in your life.

* ( min yoongi )


yoongi is the toughest one to crack, when getting to know the boys.

he’s a very introverted person... especially when it comes to people that he doesn’t know.

after some time of warming up to one another and you consistently trying to break down the wall with his favorite coffee, you both nearly become inseparable.

you become one of the rare few outside of the group to be allowed into his studio, where he’ll actually allow you to sit in and listen to him making new beats.

you end up falling asleep on his couch a couple of times where he’s given off great boyfriend vibes by covering your body with a blanket to be more comfortable.

your first date would probably be at some really cool music store, where you spend the day checking out instruments or searching through aisles and aisles of cool soundboard tech that he wants to buy.

* ( jung hoseok )


this ray of sunshine would spend all of your first day on the job trying to make you smile, knowing that you’re full of nerves.

he thinks that your smile is the prettiest that he’s ever seen.

baby hobi would always want to spend time with you, meaning that you’d be invited to sit in on him practicing his dance moves or hiding behind the camera during a new vlive segment of “hope on the street”.

since he reminds you of a literal golden retriever with his constant happiness, he’s become accustomed to you petting his head and will instantly know that something’s wrong if he doesn’t get it.

becomes very protective of you and your little heart.

your first date would most likely be at some really cool dance competition, where he tries to copy their moves to impress you.

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2 years ago

you get in a fight with a bts member ( hyung line ) / REACTIONS!

* ( kim namjoon )


the fight started because of a simple misunderstanding between the two of you.

an army had mentioned during one of his vlives that they had seen you out and about with another man and they were worried about his happiness.

that “other man” just so happened to be your cousin.

namjoon, luckily, is someone who is really easy to talk to and does his best to talk things out like an adult with you.

voices were a raised a bit, the argument was heated, but it all ended up okay in the end. he made it very clear that he trusts you.

plenty of kisses and cuddles were given after you both made up and your soft boy even wrote a song about you because of the disagreement.

he’s just such a good guy and you know that you’re damn lucky to have him.

* ( kim seokjin )


it was a silly argument, really. so silly, in fact, that you thought that jin was joking with you at first.

you had been lounging on the couch watching your favorite k-drama, while he made the both of you dinner in the kitchen.

with an audible sigh, you swooned over your favorite male actor and your boyfriend had managed to hear it from his spot.

he's a curious boy, so he checked in to see what was going on.

“sure, he’s handsome... but, is he more handsome than me?”

“i don’t know, jinnie. he’s pretty damn handsome.”

it was a joke. you had even given him a smirk and winked at him... but he didn’t notice and looked at you as though you had betrayed him.

that moment became the biggest mistake of your life as the next half hour was him somehow spitting some crazy rap out as he yelled at you for not finding him more handsome than the actor.

you both ended up laughing about it after arguing back and forth, you trying to plead your case the entire time.

jin spent that whole night making sure that you forgot all about what’s-his-name and only remembered him.

* ( min yoongi )


it’s always really hard to be away from your boyfriend for a long time, whenever he was on tour.

you may be his biggest fan, but even you are only human and you have emotions that you have to work through.

but things came to a head when you had been waiting for a video call from yoongi all day and it never came.

normally, you’d be fine with this, but today was a special day. it was the one year anniversary of your relationship and it seemed as though he forgot.

with a very upset text sent to him and a long argument later, the both of you took time away to just cool down.

unfortunately the cool down period lasted nearly a week, before yoongles figured out why exactly you were so upset.

he showed up the day after realizing with flowers and takeout to say how sorry he was.

* ( jung hoseok )


you had always been one to watch your boyfriend hoseok perform and even the boys had become so used to you being there.

before one of their concerts had started, they had a mini rehearsal in their dance studio that you had attended so that you could all leave together.

whenever dance leader hobi was in charge, you knew that it was in your best interest to keep quiet and let him do what he needs to do with the group.

but, that day, you and jimin had been in the middle of a very giggly conversation when he was supposed to be paying attention to your boyfriend...

it ended with your normally happy hoseok snapping at you in front of everyone ( the crew included ) and embarrassing you completely, making you hurry out of the room crying while trying to get away from prying eyes.

he had regretted his actions as soon as he saw your tears and after a few moments of namjoon’s intense glare boring into his skull, he ran after you to apologize immediately for hurting you.

your sunshine never meant to speak to you that way and he let it be known.

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2 years ago

finally meeting bts at a fan sign ( hyung line ) / REACTIONS!

* ( kim namjoon )

Finally Meeting Bts At A Fan Sign ( Hyung Line ) / REACTIONS!

he would be really shy after doing his aegyos for you and the rest of army.

despite that, he would still try his best to make you happy.

he ends up loving your smile and wanting to see more of it.

you remember his love of dragonair and bring him a stuffed animal of it.

he loves it and goes to bed with it every night.

it just so happens to be one of his favorite fansign gifts ever.

* ( kim seokjin )

Finally Meeting Bts At A Fan Sign ( Hyung Line ) / REACTIONS!

jin won't do everything that army tells him to do, but he'll make sure that the meeting is worth your while.

not only does he crack jokes with him, but he does plenty of cute faces at you to make you happy.

he absolutely signs his autograph with a big "wwh" and adds "you know" to the end for fun.

loving your sense of humor, he quickly realizes that he wants to speak with you longer and ultimately makes the rest of the boys wait their turn.

he doesn't care that they're giving him dirty looks because of it.

* ( min yoongi )

Finally Meeting Bts At A Fan Sign ( Hyung Line ) / REACTIONS!

just as namjoon was shy, yoongi is even more so.

as a very introverted person, it's hard for him to just openly speak to you one-on-one, but you can tell he tries his hardest.

you both have plenty of things in common and you openly discuss your struggles of anxiety and depression with him.

he finds that he's helped you immensely with his music and lyrics and that melts his heart instantly.

he secretly gives you his number so you can be each other's support systems.

* ( jung hoseok )

Finally Meeting Bts At A Fan Sign ( Hyung Line ) / REACTIONS!

this man has absolutely NO PROBLEM being adorable in front of you.

he even goes as far as taking your phone from you to take a few selfies for your collection.

your sunshine constantly calls you "cute" during your short conversation and has no shame in it.

his eyes never. leave. yours.

deciding that it wasn't fair that just yoongi got to give his phone number, he gave you his as well; knowing that you'd both get along really well ( and secretly wanting to get to know you better ).

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5 months ago
Love This Picture!! Taekook With Their #1 Hyung

Love this picture!! Taekook with their #1 hyung 💜

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8 years ago
So Sorry That It Took So Long

so sorry that it took so long


Jin would be so ashamed when he first saw the bruises on your thighs he was shocked to say at least, was he really that rough i don’t think he would bring it up though, but he would defiantly be more gentle with you from now on he would cuddle you and give you a lot of kisses. “oppa what has gotten into you” “what i can’t baby my little jagya”.



Yoongi would actually be really proud about it -not that he hurt you- but that you were enjoying yourself way too much when he was thrusting harshly into you while you were screaming his name over and over again but he also would awkwardly apologies asking if you were okay. “ummm so do these hickeys hurt?”


Rap Monster

Joonie would be really sorry as soon as he saw that you couldn’t properly sit down from last night ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) he would immediately ask you about it. “why didn’t you tell me that i went too far with the spanking kitten”



Hobi would be really pissed at himself, he would keep asking you if you were ok and that he’s really sorry  he wouldn’t really understand why you didn’t tell him to stop.

“you know you could have just told me and i would have immediately stopped”

So Sorry That It Took So Long

so you didn’t really tell me which line you want so i went with hyung line hope you like it :D

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1 year ago

YANDERE! BTS Reaction: They kill you by accident

⚠️WARNING: Once again, gays, gals, and non-binary pals, read the title. There will be mentions of murder-suicide, abuse, and violence as well as other mature and disturbing themes. So if you happen to squeamish, don't read this fiction pleases! Happy reading! And love ya!! HAPPY DELATED VALENTINE'S DAY!!❤❤❤



"Why would you do that?!" you screamed at him loudly, crying over the corpse of your friend. "She tried to warn me about you," you choked out through the steady stream of hot tears. Jin just stood over you, covered in her blood. The sight made you want to smack that smug grin right off his face, and before you knew he was trying desperately to appease you. "Sweetheart, she's not your friend, okay? I'm the only person who truly cares about your safety and wellbeing, not her." He cooed, caressing your cheek gently. "Leave me alone, bastard." He frowns at your words, then, he starts smiling again like he never heard what you said.

He grabbed hold of your face, pulling you closer to him, "You will respect me, got it?" you pull away. This time, his smile falls and doesn't come back again. Before, you were always so easy to tame, always respectful and polite, the thought of even associating that filthy word with him never even crossed your mind. She changed that though, didn't she. The thought of your "friend" daring to taint your innocence caused him to kick her corpse from your hands. Once again, he grabbed hold of your face, this time the still warm metal of his gun is pressed hard against your lower jaw. You try to snatch away again and without thinking he fires the gun, lodging a bullet into your skull. Your body falls to the floor.


"Shit, {___}? {___}, get up...please?"

He hates how weak he sounds, begging for you to get up and talk to him. He wants to scream so bad, but he can't find the strength and the lump in his throat feels too big. He knows you're dead, he just doesn't want to believe that he was the one who did it. He planned on the both of you being with each other forever but he ruined that. Part of him wants to blame you for trying to leave him, but he can't. That's when the ideas hits him like a ton of bricks.

He's going to join you on the other side.

He has to, he doesn't want to live down here on earth if you aren't here. The world was so dull and lifeless to him before, he can't imagine what going back to that would be like. It's painful. He'd much rather be able to see you happy and not be able to get to you than not at all. He presses the gun up against his chin, in the exact same way he'd shot you, slowly he closed his eyes after staring down at your body for a few more minutes.

"I didn't mean it, baby..."



"I have very simple rules for you, sweetheart. I just don't understand what's so hard about doing what I ask of you." He murmured from above you as you hesitated at the door. His footsteps started to come closer, making your anxiety peak, you knew if he caught you that you'd be in some serious trouble. 'Run, dumbass!' You mentally berated yourself, trying to push your body forward and out of your captor's grasp. Just when you had encouraged yourself enough to run he grabbed hold of you.

"Let go, I don't want to stay here!" You cry out loudly, desperately trying to pull away from him. You looked like a child who's father was trying to take them home from the park, he scoffed. "I'm doing you a favor, okay, I'm keeping you safe. Here, with me." You still tried pulling away, flailing you arm to loosen his grip. The more you moved about, to get away the more annoyed he became, part of you knew that, but you could care less. If you just went with him willing he'd just take you back and punish you cruelly, maybe even lock up you in that stupidly dark basement. Right now, you'd much rather risk him punishing you for fighting back rather than just for escaping.

You fought against him for a solid two minutes before your hope started to deplete before your eyes. Hot tears began streaming down your face and the dark cement of the bridge. The lights of cars passing by catching them and making them light up on your face. "Let's go back, now." Yoongi pulled you up from your knees roughly, and you did the only thing you could think to do, you kicked him. Your foot made impact with his knee, causing him to stumble a bit and lose his footing. He scowled and struck you across the face, you landed flat on your butt. The forces sends you tumbling off the bridge and into the Han River below.


The instant you hit the water, remorse washes over him. He allows his emotions to get the better of him and control his actions. And it costs you both your life. He always knew that somehow, it would haunt him in a way. He doesn't even hesitate to climb onto the railing, gazing upon the city for the last time. He knew exactly what he had to do. Then, taking in one last deep breath, he lets himself fall I to the water below.

"Please, darling, don't leave me behind..."



"You will obey me, you don't have a choice, baby..." He yelled holding the gun to your mother's skull. Beside her, your father lay dead on the floor as she cried out at his corpse. "Please, leave my family alone, I'm begging you!" Your mother screamed through her sobs. "Shut the hell up! I'm not talking to you." You sat there in terror watching as he pressed the gun against her head harder. "Don't you want this to end, baby? You know that you have the power to make it all go away, just do as I tell you." He sneered.

Your mom shook her head, "Don't listen to him, sweetie. I'm going to be okay," you started to sob harder. He had you trapped, trying to force you to make a decision of risking your life or your parents'. But your father was long dead. If heaven existed, you knew he'd be there for sure. He was a good and caring husband, unlike Hoseok was to you. "I'm talking to you!" He called, snapping you out of your daze. "Make your" He cocked the hammer to the gun, you felt your breath hitch in your chest. "It's going to be okay, sweetie, don't think of me, please. I need you to stay alive." You felt your heart pang in your chest.

The pain you felt was indescribable and you found yourself unable to think or even speak. And after a few minutes your heard Hoseok suck on his teeth. "Fine, I'm making the decision for you."


"Eomma! No God, please don't leave me, please!" He chuckled from above you. "You would have never made the decision yourself, consider it a favor." You scowl at him. "You stupid son-of-a-bitch!" The sorrow you felt seconds before dissipated at his remark. You lounged forward at him causing the gun in his hand to go flying somewhere in the room. While he was still on the ground you began to punch him in the face over and over again until he knocked you off by smashing a vase against your head.


Your body went limp and fell to the floor. A few minutes later, his adrenaline high was gone it dawned on him what he'd just done. He fought so viciously for you to be with him forever and then ruined that same chance with hands he'd fought for it with.

"{___}, hey, get up..."

His voice sounded hoarse and weak and the eccentric light he usually held in his eyes began to fade already. There was no response at all. He sat there in the silence before he finally urged himself to stand, looking at the mess he'd made all for you. The bright white walls were marred with streaks of blood from the gunshots he fired. Coffee table overturned. He had really raised hell itself, he scanned the room for his lost weapon. And when he finally did he walked towards it. Cocking the hammer for the finally time, he pressed it against the underside of his jaw.

"I hope you'll forgive me for this...I love you."



Your friend had heard a knock on the door, and desperately you tried to beg her to not to open the door. "It's probably one of my other friends calm down, they said they were coming over." She reasoned, but it didn't calm your nerves. You weren't supposed to be there by Namjoon's rule, hell you weren't supposed to be out at all. You let her convince you to come and hide out at her place until you could find a safer place to stay. The knocking was persistent, becoming more and more frequent by the second, until the door finally gave way.

Namjoon's eyes flared with rage when he saw you there in her house. Your friend quickly stepped between the two of you, sensing your fear flaring up inside of you. "Move." He'd told her, the venom in his voice sending a chill down your spine. You knew you were in for it when the two of you got home. So to at least lessen the blow on your friend you place your hand on her shoulder, "I'm just going to leave, okay? I'll be fine." You flashed her a weak smile, that gave away your unease about leaving with him. But before anymore protest and mind-changing could occur he dragged you out of the apartment by your wrists. "I'm sorry," You mumbled as he took you towards his car.

He opened the door for you as usual, which you didn't expect and you sat down. When he got in, he slammed the car door and started the engine. His silence made you nervous. You'd rather him yell at you than for him to stay silent, because if he was yelling you at least knew where his head was. The drive was suffocating. Neither of you spoke a word, and he was driving faster than usual. The car screeched to a stop in the driveway, and he got out and opened your side of the car. And when you got into the house he treated you like normal.

He opened and closed the door for you locking behind you, he helped you with your coat, took of your shoes and everything. And he did it a gently and with such care, it would've fooled other girls into thinking believing he wasn't mad. You went upstairs and showered and when you came out he told you to sit down.

As soon as you did, he struck your cheek. You had to bite the inside of you cheek to prevent yourself from screaming outloud. This continued and he got more and more violent until you stilled in your seat, falling onto the floor. At first, he believed you to be unconscious but after hours of you just laying there he realized what exactly he'd done. He felt the guilt begin to nag at him. He tried to ignore the feelings, bury them away in hopes that he'd perhaps forget you and your relationship with him. But as the days passed he got more and more irritable without you there. Until, he couldn't bear it anymore and decided life without you wasn't worth living. He took four different bottles of pills and closed his eyes for the last time.

"I love you baby..."

A/N: By request of a reader, the gifs have been removed from both this post and the maknae post. Please respect my decision and the reader's feelings and opinions, thank you!

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1 year ago

Can I get a BTS reaction to their child (baby, like 1 or 2 year old) giggling and laughing to them looking at themselves in the mirror? I just saw this happening. The dad was pushing the cart close and far away from the mirror, and the kid was DYING of laughter

Hello whitefoxgirl, I loved your request, it gave me lots of good ideas!!!! But I'm going to have to split it into two parts because I'm very sick at the moment so it's very difficult to write, I promise to try and get the rest up as soon as I can!!! I hope you like it 💜💜

Just a Happy Day:

𝓜𝓲𝓷 𝓨𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓲:

Since the birth of your daughter with Min Yoongi you didn't have much free time and you didn't have a day to enjoy without the responsibility of taking care of a baby, your husband did as much as he could to help with everything, but it was still very tiring. Wanting to please her, he took a day off and after a lot of persuasion he managed to convince her to go out with her friends while he stayed at home to take care of Jiyeon, as the girl was already 10 months old and always remained calm and calm with her father. He decided to accept, despite the uncomfortable feeling of being away from his little girl. 

It was already getting dark when you returned with several bags of things you had bought for yourself and Jiyeon. Everything seemed quiet and very clean despite the few toys scattered around the living room and the large sofas, which was strange since there was always a little girl running around and filling the rooms with her sweet delicate voice and loud laughter that made your days happier.

As you climb the steps of the staircase leading to the second floor, you hear a low moan coming from one of the bedrooms, which catches your attention and makes you go up faster and try your best not to make a sound as you walk up to the door of the suite, you open the door just a little to peek at what they're both doing and you end up looking at the most adorable scene in the world. Yoong is with Jiyeon in his arms standing in front of the mirror playing together, he tilts his body so that his face disappears from the mirror and then returns to his previous position, letting out a "buh" that makes the girl laugh and clap her hands.

𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓗𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓸𝓴:

After a tiring morning cleaning the apartment where you lived with Hoseok and your 6-month-old daughter Yeonju, taking the opportunity to sort out some things to donate and the presents she had received the last time your husband's friends came to visit with their children, you decided to lie down on the sofa for a few minutes just to rest but ended up dozing off for a couple of hours because you were so tired. When you woke up it was already afternoon, the sun was low and your body was less sore, but you were no longer on the sofa but on the big bed in your bedroom. Looking sideways towards the huge closet with a large mirror on the door, you saw your daughter's baby carriage with the little girl clapping her hands and laughing loudly while her father appeared and disappeared from the mirror.

Hoseok hummed a tune as he jumped in front of the mirror and then away. Every time the man disappeared, the little girl let out a loud laugh and clapped her hands in excitement at the "magic" her father was performing, which made her father do it more and more enthusiastically. Until he noticed you looking and turned towards you, a little flushed.

- Look love, she loves watching me do magic - he said excitedly before going back to playing with her, only this time determined to make you laugh too.

𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓝𝓪𝓶𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷:

With a baby at home, it was hard to find a quiet place in the house other than the library where Namjoon went to think, read and work for a while, which he did at least once a day after making sure his wife didn't need him and spending a lot of time playing with little Jae, who was a mini copy of his father.

Today the man had been locked in the library for a few hours working on a new song, but he hadn't been able to make much progress on the track and was starting to get frustrated when he heard a knock on the door and saw his wife open the door showing only her face.

- Hi, honey, I know you're busy, but could you take a look at Jae for a few minutes for me? - Yn asks with a cute smile, Namjoon smiles and nods, going to the door to take the chubby baby from his wife's hands. Jae smiles excitedly and holds out his arms to his father.

Despite being a six-month old baby, Jae is big and strong, always hungry and making a mess, his little brown eyes sparkling with love every time he sees his father. Namjoon holds him in his arms and kisses his chubby cheek, smiling at him, but the happiness of father and son only lasts a few minutes before the little one starts to throw a tantrum, whimpering as he flaps his arms in irritation. The man tries everything to calm him down, but it seems impossible. The father walks with the baby in his arms while rocking him slightly but he continues to grumble, until the man passes in front of the mirror and the baby lets out a low chuckle but starts crying again when Namjoon turns away, realizing this he starts playing with Jae through the mirror while humming the song he was working on.

When yn returned to the room, he found them playing together and laughing with each other in an adorable scene, because both of them, apart from their looks, had very similar laughs. Namjoon always looked immensely radiant when he had his son in his arms, and it was impossible not to get emotional watching him.

Sorry for any mistakes, I hope you like it 💜

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1 year ago

The First Time They Say “I Love You” - Hyung Line

Pairing: Hyung Line x Reader (not poly)

Genre: Sickeningly Sweet FLUFF because I am SOFT 

Word Count: 1.0K

A/N: I have had ot7 on the brain since watching that online concert—I swear they all wrecked me—so I wanted to put together a little something cute for all of the members, starting with my very favorites, the hyung line. I am a certified hyung line stan I just can’t help myself, sorry not sorry.



You were battling each other while playing Jin’s favorite video game, controllers in hand, knees bumping as you sat too close to your boyfriend on the couch. You were shouting at the television, urging the digital character on the screen to do what you wanted, aggressively pressing buttons to make the avatar swerve and run. You reached the target in the game first, letting out an excited squeal as you started jumping up and down. Jin looked up at you, the smile on his face making his eyes squint as he watched you fondly. He couldn’t help but think he wanted you to be this happy with him for the rest of his life.

“What’s that face for? Can’t stand that I finally was able to beat you?” you teased, slightly out of breath as you came down from your high of emotion.

“Actually, I was just thinking about how in love with you I am,” Jin said simply, wrapping his fingers around your wrist to pull you back down next to him on the couch.

Keep reading

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3 years ago

december reads.

🌹 = favorite

heavy smut

One Morning Stand

nerdydom!jjk x gender neutral reader (jk is ur geek in the streets, freak in the sheets guy lol LOTS of degrading)

Snack Thief

jjk x reader (neighbor au)

Need to know

sub!jjk x femdom!reader


I can introduce you to this life we live forever 🌹

jjk x pjm x reader (on ao3; i literally read this like every month)

In the studio

myg x reader x knj (it's part of a series but i linked this one bcs namgi is just aaahckkk)


Mio Angelo 🌹

mafia!jjk x lawyer!reader

I'd love you to stay but that's simply insane 🌹(series)

band vocalist!jjk x top student!reader (college au!! i cried a lot heh)

Raise in the Barre

dancer!pjm x dancer!reader (dance academy au)

Office hours

professor!knj x professor!reader ft. ex husband!ksj

dilf jk (ongoing series)🌹

dilf!jjk x grocery store clerk!reader

Airplane pt. 2 (series)

fugitive!jjk x FBI!reader

Straight Shooter 🌹

hitman!myg x gunsmith!reader (cyberpunk au)


escaped convict!jjk x reader

Sway me more

mafia!jjk x assassin!reader

Hold the Door

knj x reader (e2l, neighbors au! elevator tension)


Sh. (ongoing series) 🌹

OT7 x reader

The Untouchables (series)🌹

OT7 x reader (on ao3; my fav poly it's so fucking good everyone and i mean EVERYONE love each other my ot7 ass is in paradise)

The Gentlemen (ongoing series) 🌹

OT7 x reader (y'all probably know this masterpiece already and this was actually discontinued before but author decided to give it another try! i love them😭 I'll put it here in case y'all don't know)

Void (ongoing series)

OT7 x reader (you're on a 12 year space mission w/ them aka sexual tension is out of the roof)

Between the bloodshed (series)

mafia!OT7 x doc!reader (reverse harem)

Vita | Life (series)

yandere-ish!OT7 x psychiatrist!reader (on ao3; it's quite long but it's really interesting the concept is just so unique!!)

Radio Chaos (series)

racer!jjk x reader, racer!myg x reader (i don't even want to say anything it left me speechless)

A sweet touch, a finer delicacy(ongoing series)🌹

masseur!pjm x ceo!jjk x masseuse!reader(pansexual) (incomplete :(but i still reread from time to time it is THAT good, reader has f/f scenes) edited: it just got updated omfg

Baby talk (ongoing series)

jjk x pjm x reader (surrogacy au!)

drabble/imagines/established relationship

lucky you - pjm

his clothes - jjk

i fucking love you and all your crazy - pjm

spicy bubble - jjk

tattoo - jjk

"you two were literally biting each other's heads off yesterday, why are you so smitten now?" - jjk

I'll love you until you love yourself - jjk (angst!!!)

Technology is a bummer - doc!knj

Felicitous - jjk

holiday special🎄

heavy smut - pwp, pure filth, one way ticket to hell lmao

romance - fluff, romcom, angst, may contain smut but mainly plot focused

poly/multi - reader x multiple members, usually contain mxm(so if ure not into that yk what to do), basically expect everyone x everyone

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6 years ago

BTS reaction to you singing and dancing to one of their songs (Hyung Line)

BTS Reaction To You Singing And Dancing To One Of Their Songs (Hyung Line)

Kim Namjoon:

When he heard you singing along to “Best of Me” he just about lost it. Covering his mouth with his hand, he continued listening to your melodic voice. That is until you tried to rap Yoongi’s part and he lost it, letting a long, loud laugh erupt from his throat. When you spun towards him, hand over your chest, trying to calm your breathing from the scare, you saw him doubled over, by this point, wheezing at your attempt.

“You know baby, you have a beautiful voice. Just don’t try rapping Yoongi hyung’s parts anymore.”

BTS Reaction To You Singing And Dancing To One Of Their Songs (Hyung Line)

 Kim Seokjin:

He loves to hear you sing. Your melodic voice could carry for miles and he would listen to it anytime you sing. The one thing he’s never heard you sing though, is one of their songs. Until one day, you’d thought all the boys went out to practice and wouldn’t be back until late that night. So of course, being yourself, you put on one of your favorite songs, “Lost”. To your dismay, you didn’t hear the front door open and close, nor did you hear Jin walking down the hallway to the living room you’re currently sitting in, singing at the top of your lungs to the song. After the song finishes, your heart stops at the sound of clapping as you turn around quickly and find Jin standing in the doorway.

“I knew you were a great singer, but I think you did better than any of us on the original track!”

BTS Reaction To You Singing And Dancing To One Of Their Songs (Hyung Line)

Min Yoongi:

After a long and stressful day at the studio he finally comes home at around midnight. Walking into your shared apartment, he finds all the lights off to which he thinks you’re sound asleep in your shared bedroom down the hall. That is until he hears a fimiliar beat coming from the bathroom in your room. He walks slowly down the hall and into your bedroom and stands at the doorway of the bathroom, listening to you rap not only Namjoons and Hobi’s part, but to his surprise, you also rap his part in “Chyper part 3: Killer”. After you finish, a small smile appears on the man’s face as he hugs you from behind, feeling you jump in his arms from fright.

“I didn’t know you could rap baby. You should do it more often, it’s kinda hot.”

BTS Reaction To You Singing And Dancing To One Of Their Songs (Hyung Line)

Jung Hoseok:

Hearing the door shut, indicating that Hobi left the house, you jump for joy as you quickly rush to your bedroom, pulling out a pair of black leggings and one of Hoseok’s big, baggy shirts and throw them on. You immediately rush out the door, downstairs to the spare gym that your apartment has on the first level. Setting the water bottle you grabbed out of the freezer down, you stand in front of the wall-to-ceiling mirror in the spacious room, specifically designed for dancing. Walking to the large speaker in the corner of the room, you play the song you’ve been working on for the past two and a half weeks, “Blood, Sweat, and Tears.” After the song ends, and your lying on the floor heaving for air, you hear clapping from the other side of the room. Looking up, you see Hoseok waking towards you, stopping to pick up your water bottle before making his way to you. Handing you the bottle you thank the heavens that you have such a sweet and good timing boyfriend looking out for you as you gulp down the cool liquid.

“Jagiya, slow down! You’re gonna choke if you’re not careful. Why didn’t you tell me that you could dance like an absolute goddess?! We have to do a duet!”

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3 years ago

death valley (m) | part 7

summary: welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize


pairing: ot7 x f.reader smut ft: yoongi x reader, seokjin x reader, hoseok x reader

genre: smut. yandere. mystery. thriller. gang!au rockstar!au fightclub!au

wordcount: 9.3k 

warnings: reader discretion advised. multiple & explicit smut scenes, rough sex (smacking, manhandling, etc), very obsessive & possessive themes, manipulation, use of restraints (mouth), bondage (collar, leash), slight sadism kink, physical roughness, guns, heavy drug use/reference, breast play, mentions of addiction/addiction prone behaviors, unrealistic sex endurance levels (readers really out here banging), dubcon/coersive sex, reader uses humor as a coping mechanism, degradation, toxic relationships, yelling, crying, character death (or is it), oral sex, shower sex, technically cheating depending on how you look at it, daddy kink, praise, implied stalking, yoongi loves spoiling his baby girl, impreg kink if you squint, dom!yoongi (duh), dom!hoseok, dom!seokjin 

part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | series navi | masterlist

a/n: i spent way too long on this HAHAHA 

F L A S H B A C K–

The crowd roared as the fight came to a close. Jin stepped out of the ring reluctantly, someone handed him water while another man wrapped a towel around his shoulders. A soft ringing noise resonated through his ears, blood teasing the edges of his vision. He pushed everyone away to find his prep room. Sighing deeply, he looked down at his trembling hands. His body was on overdrive, he was getting desperate. 

He placed his hands against the wall, unable to think straight with the way his heart was pounding out of his chest. He could hear the footsteps of someone stop in his doorway, not having to look to know exactly who it was.

“Do you have any coke on you?” Jin wiped the sweat off of his forehead with a towel, panting heavily, “Seriously Jimin. I’m gonna fucking lose my mind” 

Jin had always been extremely unstable. It was in his personality to get aggressively addicted to things. Whenever Jin went too long without it, it was like he surrendered himself to a beast. Jimin liked to call it his maniac side.

“Can you stop thinking about getting high for one fucking second? We have a problem here” Jin hears a soft thud causing him to finally turn and look. Jimin had just dropped your unconscious body onto the hard floor.

“Well well. Who is this?” Jin crouched down and slid his fingers over your parted lips, digging his nail into the soft flesh until it began to bleed slightly. As you eyes slowly began to flutter open, a carnal desire coiled in Jin’s chest. He had never seen anyone quite like you before.

“Hi there cutie” Jin grinned, “What’s your name?” Your eyes were quivering with fear, something about your vulnerable state was so delicious to him. You glanced towards Jimin, only beginning to tremble even more.

“P..park Jimin” You gasped, “Oh my goodness! I…I love you. Wait no. I…sorry…I’m a huge fan” You rubbed your eyes. Jin’s heart trembled at your dazed expression. “Where am I? What’s going on?” He wanted to eat you alive. 

Jimin joined Jin on the floor besides you “Well thank you pretty girl. It’s nice to meet you…?”

“Y/n” You introduced yourself, shaking his hand before turning to Jin, looking at him with your tempting, lustful eyes. Y/n. Jin’s head was pounding as the withdrawal began taking over him. He had never seen someone so beautiful in his life. 

Jin had never found anyone else even close to catching his eye before. He would sit mindlessly on his phone while girls would be on their knees, gagging on his cock, waiting for the mind-numbing minutes until he could finally cum and leave. The prospect of a relationship, of love, it seemed otherworldly. Perhaps it wasn’t for him. He had drugs and that kept him happy. But you. You were a high he had yet to fully taste. Looking at you alone had him feeling a glow unlike any other.

“Hey” You said to him. Jin felt dizzy as you spoke, getting lost in your gaze, “You’re the fighter guy right? Jin?”

Hearing you say his name had him bucking forward, trying to hide his growing erection from the famous star who was by his side. “Yeah. Hi. Great to meet you”

Jimin got up, brushing the dust off of his pants, “I’m getting out of here” He grabbed his jacket from your arms, “Jin, please search her address and get Y/n home.” Jimin reached into his back pocket “These should make her forget” He slid a pill into your mouth and you swallowed obediently. 

Jin began to break a sweat, watching the way your lips sucked in the small capsule and gulped it down it so nicely. Jimin left without another beat, leaving you in Jin’s arms, your eyes getting heavy with each passing second.

You blinked, eyes wide with uncertainty as Jin held you close. “You can take me home?”

Jin nodded, “I need to do something really quick first” He slid his hand down his pants to begin palming his erection. His vision was turning blue as his headache began to spread. “God you’re so pretty” He grabbed your jaw, ensuring that you couldn’t look anywhere but his face. 

Jin felt like his mind was running miles a minute. You looked so cute and helpless. He wanted to tear you to pieces, he wanted to see you bruised and battered, splayed out for him to ravish you as he pleased. 

Was it wrong? Was it wrong that he wanted to shove his cock in your mouth while you slowly lost consciousness? In the moment, nothing made more sense to him. 

Your pretty lips, your sweet eyes, how could he not? Your lips trembled, eyes half lidded, rolling back slightly as you fought to stay awake.

“Oh fuck oh fuck. Don’tttt…don’t fucking look at me like that Y/n. If you look at me like that I’m gonna–gonna–ohhhh baby, fuck what are you doing to me” Jin gasped loudly as cum spilled all over his palm. 

P R E S E N T   D A Y–

Amongst the sweet bliss of your dreams, a current washed over you and reality had your eyes opening. Your heart felt heavy as your vision focused in on the dry walls that continued to encage you. Your body pulsed with soreness, reminding you of the previous nights events.

To say you were upset would be an understatement, but you were shocked more than anything. You had never seen Jin act so unhinged before. It was almost as though he quite literally couldn’t control himself, the thought alone bringing a bitter taste to your mouth.

Before you could decide on whether to give him a piece of your mind and reprimand his behavior, you hear him wincing with pain across the room. He lay leaned against the wall, sweat trickling down his muscles from the heat. His head tilted back in a soft groan, dark hair now extremely tangled and messy.

“Are you okay?” You got up with a start. Jin exhaled before shaking his head in defeat. 

“No, my leg still really fucking hurts. I feel like absolute shit right now” He punched the side of his fist into the ground in frustration. “I feel like I’m going insane” 

You couldn’t even begin to imagine his pain. At least you got to leave the cell for some time, he had been here all along. Alone. Wounded. It was just awful. Yoongi should have had the courtesy to take him to the hospital, but then again did Yoongi even have a courteous bone in his body? You were no longer sure. 

“It just sucks too because I’m trapped here, helpless, and all I can fucking do is feel this pain” Jin’s jaw clenched. "And I’m sorry for last night I just…you were just there, so close. I just couldn’t help it. I could finally forget the pain even if it was just for a moment”

“It’s okay, I understand” You knew that feeling far too well. Jin reached his arms out to you, pulling you to sit next to him. His hands trailed down your thighs as he looked at you intently. “You know, I don’t mind…if it helps distract you from the pain. We can” You cleared your throat nervously, heat rising to your cheeks, “I mean, just tell me what you need”

Jin’s eyes widened with surprise. “Really?” He asks, gulping, “You don’t have to”

“I want to Jin. Let me help. I’m half the reason you’re in this mess” You would be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about it. Jin was extremely handsome, you had noticed that from the moment you saw him in the arena. With a body like that, your heart skipped a beat at what all he might have in store for you.

His fingers slid between your legs, making you gasp softly. He tickled your clothed cunt softly. He flattened his fingers, teasing your entrance before moving to your clit. Licking his lips, he sucked lightly on your ear. Your hips bucked up as a ticklish sensation shot through your body. You felt wet. 

And you knew he could feel it too, as he drew his fingers away. “Can I?” He mumbled into your neck. You nodded, flustered and warm all over as he pushed your panties aside and began drawing light circles on your clit. You twitch at the sensations hitting your nerves. His other hand cupped your jaw tightly, turning your face towards him.

“Oh fuckk, Jin that feels so good” You didn’t know why you felt so horny, whether it was the morning or the temporary relief from reality. Jin carefully slid one finger into your cunt, just barely, his delicate movements sending shocks of pleasure through your tired body.

Your pussy clenched down on his finger, and he growled. Pulling out, he popped the finger into his mouth before sighing, “Can I tell you what I want?” You could hear a slight tremble in his voice, “Will you do anything for me?”

You choked on your own breath, nodding dumbly as Jin’s gaze flashed with desire. “Get on all fours over me. Wanna spank that pretty ass”

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7 years ago

Y’all ain’t ever hear of BTS? You know, won top social artist at the BBMA’s? Performed live at the AMA’s, Jimmy Kimmel, The Late Late Show with James Corden, Ellen? Only the top current boy band right now? All sing and rap about having self worth and succeeding in life? Are partnered with UNICEF in the Love Yourself campaign?

Not to say Jonas Brothers aren’t cool, but if y’all want a current boy band, BTS has been around since 2013, and they’re still going strong.

Y’all the Jonas Brothers are gonna reunite because they know the world needs a boy band to love while One Direction is on a break.

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4 years ago

Mafia!Hyung Line (Reaction: you being a brat)

(Asks are always open!)



“What is it that you’re trying to do?” Namjoon asked.

You said nothing.

“Because I can promise you that whatever it is, it isn’t working very well.” Namjoon put his pen down and took his glasses off. He turned around in his office chair so he could face you.

You sat on the couch in the room with your arms and legs crossed. 

“I’m not trying to do anything, Namjoon.” He clenched his jaw and raised an eyebrow while turning his head to the side.

“You’re the one who called me up here anyway.” You whispered under your breath. 

He stood up slowly, both of his hands in his pockets as he approached you. You knew better than to move to avoid him, so you sat there with your gaze trained on his face.

He liked it when you looked into his eyes.

“I know that you haven’t been with me that long, so let me run a few things by you.” You jumped a bit at his touch as he ran one of his hands up towards your chest and over your collarbones.

He used that same hand to lightly caress the skin of your neck, before he wrapped his large hand around your tiny throat.

He held his hand there as he walked around toward the back of the couch, so he could lean down to whisper in your ear.

His hand tightened around your neck.

“I’m not much of an attitude person, darlin’.” He whispered, using his thumb to push your chin up so he could cut off some of your circulation.

“And I’m never going to hurt you, but I will embarrass you.” He laughed lightly as you gulped.

“Unless you’d like to keep up your attitude, that is. If that, for some stupid reason, is what you’d like to do, then I’ll be sure to give you a tour of the torture room once I get a chance.”



“Why aren’t you eating?” 

You continued to ignore him, typing away on your phone as his anger grew.

“Don’t you hear me talking to you?” You took a glance at him from the living room couch as he stood in the kitchen with his hands on his hips.

“I’m not hungry, Jin.” He gave himself a couple of seconds to register what you said.

He stared up at the ceiling and took a deep breath, before he began to walk toward the living room.

Your attitude toward him was growing day by day, and he was sick and tired of it.

Although you knew this, you were definitely surprised when he snatched your phone out of your hands and dropped it against the hardwood floor.

He leaned down a bit so he was eye level with you, and grabbed the fabric of your shirt and balled up into his fist.

The house servants stood in shock.

“You are dismissed.” Jin said to them.

When there was no movement, he turned to look behind himself at them.

“Get out.” He growled. You watched in fear as they all scurried out of the ground floor and either went up the stairs, or ran into another room to try and busy themselves.

He turned his attention back to you.

“I’m sorr-”

“I don’t want to hear it.” He grunted. You sat silently.

“You’ve had nice meals prepared for you every single day this week by the house cook. You’ve been giving me attitude constantly, and all you do every single day is sit there and stare at your fucking phone screen.”

He let go of your shirt and picked up your phone off of the ground and held it in his hand.

Your eyes widened.

“I’ll be going through this. You haven’t got anything to hide, do you?”



“Y/N?” Yoongi yelled. You were in the room next to his office which was where he was, so you just opened the door and poked your head inside.

“Yes?” You smiled lightly. He returned the small smile and held up his hand.

“Come here.” He curled his pointer finger toward himself.

You furrowed your eyebrows and hesitantly stepped inside.

“Close the door behind you.” He said nonchalantly, as he began to type away on his computer.

You gently shut the door, and walked over to his desk. You stood a good distance away like he had taught you to a while back.

Well, he never taught you-- you learned the hard way.

“You can come a little closer, baby.”‘ He laughed.

You took one step closer to him.

His smile fell, and he reached out to grab your arm and yank you into his lap.

He wrapped his left arm uncomfortably tight around your waist as he began to click away at his computer again.

“We promised to always be honest with each other, right?” You nodded, smiling a bit as you did so.

“Good, good.” He hummed to himself, clicking a few more buttons on his computer before he pushed the screen toward you.

“Could you tell me who Jinsoo is, then?” You froze.


“I think it’s a pretty stupid idea to make the password to your email your birthday, darlin’. It wasn’t difficult whatsoever to hack into.” You felt like crying.

How could you forget to delete the fucking emails?

“I guess I should be glad that you didn’t flat out text him. Maybe you do have a little bit of respect left for me.” He laughed.

“He’s just a high school friend Yoongi, I swear. He found me through my social media and asked for my email.” Yoongi rolled his eyes.

“He was a high school friend.” He corrected you lazily as he ran a hand through his hair.

“You didn’t. Please tell me you didn’t.” Yoongi ignored you and soothingly ran a hand up and down your back, before his hand trailed up to your scalp and he gripped a fistful of your hair.

He forced you to lay over his lap, as he pulled up your shirt to reveal your ass.

“How many spanking are we thinking, hm?”



Hoseok smiled at his reflection in the mirror.

The two of you were going on a date today.

He grabbed the bouquet of flowers that he bought for you off of the counter as he walked out of the bathroom and into the living room, where he told you to wait for him when you were ready.

He told you to get dressed before him, because he knew that it’d take you some time. He didn’t mind at all, though.

He enjoyed it when you made yourself up just for him.

He entered the living room, the flowers behind his back as he saw your beautiful figure lax against the couch.

He cocked his head to the side in confusion.

“I thought I told you to meet me down here when you were ready?”  He smiled out of confusion.

You turned to face him, unaware of his presence until now.

“Oh, I am ready!” Hoseok shook his head and set the flowers down on the coffee table.

“No, you aren’t.” You knew what he was referring to-- the dress.

Hoseok bought you a different dress for every single date. You appreciated the gesture, but you decided to just wear something that you could actually move around in without worrying about something slipping.

“What the hell is this?” He stepped closer to you and raked his eyes up and down your body.

You looked delectable as always, but that didn’t mean that he was satisfied with your appearance.

“I decided not to wear the dress today.” He opened his mouth, but you continued to talk anyway.

That was his biggest pet peeve.

“I thought that it was a little short-- and p-plus I know that you don’t like it when other people look at me, s-so I figured that-- ah!” You yelled when he pulled you up off of the couch.

“You’re right. I don’t like it when other people look at you.” He tore your flimsy shirt apart with his hands.

“They’ll never get a chance to be with you, though, so I don’t mind showing you off. He yanked your jeans down to your ankles.

You let him-- you knew better than to fight him.

You wanted to leave the house with fully functioning legs.

Just as he began ordering you to take the jeans off completely, his phone dinged.

“Limo’s here.” He smiled evilly, and grabbed your hand and pulled you toward the door with him.

“Hoseok!” He said nothing.

“Baby, please!” You yelled. 

He looked at you over his shoulder.

“I can’t go out like this. You know that.” He cocked his head to the side and feigned confusion.

“No?” He asked. You shook your head slowly.

He scowled.

“Then you better go put that fucking dress on.”

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