Bts Jimin Fanfic - Tumblr Posts
Dangerous | Chapter Four: Pirouette

Genre: Enemies to Lovers, Bad Boy!Jimin, Bartender!Reader, College AU
Pairing: Jimin/Named Reader
Rating: M
Chapter Warnings: mentions of career ending injury, psychosomatic symptoms, instance of sexual harassment/assault

You (8:58am): Mochi?
Jimin (8:59am): What? He looks like a Mochi :)
You (8:59am): I thought I'd name him after one of the greatest dancers of all time."
Jimin (9:00am): Park Jimin? ;)
You (9:02am): No, you ass, Janet Jackson. Isn't Jackson an adorable name?
Jimin (9:03am): I still like Mochi better. I have a friend named Jackson.
You (9:03am): Does that mean I'll have to hook up with him, too?
Jimin (9:04am): 😒
You (9:05am): Oh hey, I still have your jacket. Do you want to meet up before class so I can give it back?
Jimin (9:06am): Just bring it class, baby girl
You (9:06am): I'm going to kill you one day and feel absolutely no remorse
Jimin (9:07am): 😘

Jimin's jacket was tied around your waist as you entered class. You'd gotten there a bit early, hoping you could simply leave his jacket on the bench. However, he was already there when you entered, sitting on the very bench you'd planned to leave his jacket on.
He was dressed more casually this time in a pair of basketball short and a black tank top. You could make out the muscles of his chest and stomach easily, making you remember the night you'd taken him back to your apartment.
"See something you like?" he asked.
You pulled yourself out of your haze and realized you'd been staring. Instead of blushing, your gaze hardened and you reached for the jacket and untied it.
"Here," you said, holding the jacket out to him. You refused to meet his gaze as he took it from you and set it down on the bench.
"Thanks, just let me know if you ever need it again," he said, and you could hear the smirk forming on his face. You knew some of your other classmates were watching you, their gazes watching as you shrugged off your own jacket.
"How do you know, Jimin?" one of your classmates asked, as you joined the line up in front of the mirror.
"We went to high school together."
The girl's face lit up. "Oh, really? Was he always so hot?" The girl's face immediately flushed as she realized Jimin was still in the room. He looked over at the two of you and smirked.
You didn't want to admit that Jimin's plump lips and toothy smirks still did something to you. But, instead of allowing Jimin to get the satisfaction of your blush, you turned back to your classmate and shrugged. "If you're into his sort, then I guess."
The girl seemed surprised, but before she could reply, the professor walked in and almost immediately the music started.

You rested your foot on the ballet barre and leaned your body down against it and then repeated for the other side. It had been a long time since you'd been in a real dance studio with ballet barres and you couldn't help but to begin one-legged plies, your right leg resting on the barre and parallel to the floor.
You'd stayed after class and taken one of the empty studios to practice in. While you had enough room in your living room, it was much easier to just stay after and use the mirrors to focus in on your lines.
The music was soft, but you still didn't hear the door open and close. It wasn't until you felt his fingertips on your waist through the thin fabric of your T-shirt and his hot breath on you ear, did you realize Jimin had sneaked into the studio.
"Hey Inna," he said, as if he wasn't currently running his right hand down your waist, coming to a stop on your thigh that was still parallel to the ground.
"Hey Jimin." You didn't mean for your voice to shake, but between your aching muscles which were begging to move from the current position and Jimin's hand which massaged your skin, you couldn't help it.
"What did you mean earlier when you were talking to Eun-ha?"
"What do you mean?"
Jimin's eyes darkened. "You know what I mean, Inna. When she asked about me in high school. Cause, if I remember correctly, you were pretty into me."
His lips came close to the skin on your neck then and you almost wanted them. You wanted him to nip at the skin and bring his tongue down on the mark.
"Mmm, but you weren't into me."
"How do you know?"
You scoffed and pulled your leg off the barre and way from Jimin's hand. You spun to face him. "You made it pretty fucking obvious, Jimin."
You turned towards the door, ready to just end your practice early, but you were stopped when Jimin grabbed your waist and lifted your butt onto the barre, your back against the mirror. He stood between your legs, his hands still resting on your hips.
"Jimin, what are you doing?"
"Who says I'm not into you now?"
"Are you confessing to me?" you asked, a smirk crossing your lips. You were taller than him in this position and it made it easy to reach over and run your hands through his already messy and sweaty hair.
"No," he said. "Just thought you might let me fuck you against this mirror."
You laughed and pulled at his hair slightly. "Try again, baby boy."
Jimin's gaze hardened and he backed away from you, allowing to hop down from the barre. He looked slightly disappointed, and you tried not to laugh. Did he seriously still act like the boy in high school who became pouty when a girl didn't sleep with him?
"How's Mochi?" he asked, his voice small as he moved to the far side of the room where your phone was plugged in. He switched through songs again he came to one that seemed to suit him. He'd chosen a slow, classical song you didn't really dance to anymore.
"Jackson's doing fine. My friend is checking up on him today since I had to be gone most of the day."
"Can I come over and see him sometime?"
You nodded. "Of course, he's half yours."
Jimin beamed and his eyes followed you as you began again at your plies. While you didn't have your ballet shoes anymore, you could still do nearly a proper job barefoot.
"You did ballet back in the day, right?"
You nodded.
"Did you forget your shoes? I didn't know you went anywhere without them." He chuckled slightly, remembering a very different version of yourself.
"I don't have them anymore, Jimin."
His face fell. "Why?"
You took a deep breath. "My Senior year I was the prima ballerina at the ballet school. I premiered as the lead in the Winter ballet. And, there was an accident." You winced remembering the sounds as your Achilles snapped and you fell onto the stage. You knew it was the end then, you may never dance again, and your tears hadn't been from the pain, but from the reality.
"I haven't been able to do ballet since," you said. "I can do the basic stuff, but anytime I try to do anything advanced, it hurts. I try again every once in a while, but--"
"That doesn't make any sense, Inna. An Achilles injury should affect all your dancing, not just your ballet."
"I know, Jimin," you said. "But, I've given up. It's okay."
His face was pouty again. "You know, for the audition piece, if you were to do a ballet routine, with that story, I don't think they could say no."
"Jimin, I don't want to get in on pity."
"It wouldn't be pity though. It'd show how strong and dedicated you are. I could help you."
"Doctors and physical therapists have tried to help me, Jimin. I'm lucky that I was able to dance again in the first place."
"Just trust me, Inna. I think you can do this. Try something."
Jimin cleared room for you and you hesitantly got into form to perform a pirouette. You began to spin and almost immediately pain shot from your heel up your leg. You fell and felt the air leave your lungs. You wanted to sob, but couldn't find the oxygen to do so. Instead, your cries came out in small heaving breaths.
Jimin was at your side almost immediately, one hand on your back and the other buried in your hair.
"I'm sorry, Inna," he said. "I shouldn't have made you do that." He shushed you as he pulled your form into him. You let him as his warmth was comforting as you felt the throbbing pain begin to subside. "I promise I'll help you. I promise."

The club was pretty dead, which wasn't surprising considering it wasn't the coveted weekend shifts. You'd made a a few bucks in tips, but nothing that was going to help pay your rent. You only had an hour left of your shift and you fully planned on getting on the dance floor when it was over.
You cleaning glasses when you saw Jimin and his gang walk through the entrance; and for once, you were smiled when you saw him. The seven men gathered around the bar and each took a seat.
"Hello boys," you said, your voice taking on that not-meaning-to-be-sexy-but-also-totally-meaning-to-be-sexy quality that tended to get you more tips. "What can I get you tonight?"
"Just give us a round of beers," Jimin said.
You nodded and handed them around. "Don't get many college students here during the week. Out celebrating anything?"
"It's Hobi's birthday," Jungkook said, sipping his beer, and motioning over to another guy in the group.
You glanced over at who you assumed was Hobi and your eyes widened in recognition. Jung Hoseok. He had graduated the year before at the top of the dance program. Jimin had replaced him in that respect.
"It's your birthday?" you asked.
He nodded, looking you up down.
"Well then, you're entitled to at least one drink on me. What'll it be, handsome?"
He glanced at the menu for a second before ordering a cocktail. You made his drink and handed it to him. He smiled, a blush still slightly evident on his cheeks.
"You know, I think I recognize you." You heard Jimin clear his throat, having obviously having taken notice of the way you were leaning over the bar. "Were in the dance program at the university?"
Hoseok nodded, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "Yes, I just graduated last year."
"I'm trying to get into the dance program right now," you said. "Any tips?"
"I can't really say without seeing you dance."
You glanced over at the clock on the cash register. "As it turns out, I'm off in a half hour," you said. "If you're willing to wait for me, I'll show you something."
The boy nodded, finishing his drink and setting the glass back down on the bar. He shot you a smile before

When the next bartender came in, you were immediately on the dance floor. It wasn't hard to find the group of guys, huddled somewhat near the middle. Hoseok and Jimin were gaining the most attention and you couldn't help but notice the way they played flawlessly off each other.
"Hoseok!" you said, trying to gain his attention over the music.
He caught sight of you and smiled, dancing his way over to you. You couldn't help but crack as smile as his smooth arm movements ended in his arm around your shoulders.
"Jimin's been telling me how good you are," he said.
You glanced over at Jimin who finger waved at you with a small smirk on his face. You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes.
"I'm sure," you said. "What else has Jimin told you about me?"
"Nothing bad, I can assure you," he said.
It wasn't long before you and Hoseok were dancing together. You were showing off more than usual. Normally when you danced with a guy, it was less about your actual skill, and more about flirting. But, with Hoseok, you could do a little of both.
Sometimes you found yourself simply showing off your moves and others you found yourself grinding against him. You'd caught Jimin watching you a few times, his eyes dark and his demeanor beginning to change under the influence of alcohol.
Jimin and a few of the others eventually disappeared. You weren't sure if they'd left or not, but you were having such a good time with Hoseok, that you didn't care.
The DJ was playing a slower tempo song--although you could still easily dance to it--when you felt a hand encircle your forearm and pull you away from Hoseok.
"Hey!" you said, your eyes widening when you caught sight of your ex-boyfriend. "Chul-soo, what are you doing?!"
"I think I should be asking you that question," he said, his voice deep. It sent a shiver down your spine. "What was that little stunt you pulled last time?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Leaving with Park Jimin! Did you sleep with him?"
You didn't answer.
"I always knew you weren't over him," he said. Chul-soo pushed you back against the wall, hard. You wanted to cry out in pain, his fingertips were surely going to leave bruises. "I never thought you'd stoop so low. Was I the only one stopping you from being such a slut?"
You looked past him and into the crowd, hoping someone would notice your teary eyes and the way you'd kicked off your heels. You wished Ye-jin was there. She would help you.
"Hey!" you heard someone yell and Chul-soo was pushed away from you. "What's going on here?" Hoseok looked your ex up and down before turning to you. "Is everything okay?"
You shook your head. The boy you'd come to know as happy and joyful turned and his gaze was warm. "I don't know what this is about, but I think it's best if you leave her alone."
"Look, I don't know who you are, but this is really none of your business."
"I think it is," another voice from behind you said. You turned to see Jimin. His hair was slightly damp and falling over his eyes, which felt like daggers. Your ex seemed equally angry, but he was distracted.
"Hobi?" you asked, trying to keep your voice as small as possible. "Can you walk me home?"
He nodded and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You glanced back at Jimin who's eyes softened momentarily as he watched you walk away. As much as you hated to admit it, you wished his and Hoseok's positions were switched. But, that didn't mean he needed to know that. You laid your head against Hobi's bicep as the cold air hit your face.

"Hey Jackson," you said, finding the kitten curled up on the couch. "I'm sorry mommy was gone all day." You stroked the kitten's fur and he purred loudly.
You glanced over at the coffee table where Jimin's note from the night before still sat.
You and Mochi looked so cute curled up in my jacket --Jimin x
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Dangerous | Chapter 7: Hustler
Genre: Enemies to Lovers, Bad Boy!Jimin, Bartender!Reader College AU
Pairing: Jimin/Named Reader
Rating: M | Minors DNI
Chapter Warnings: mentions of vets/kittens needing to go to the vet, exes being jerks
You only had forty-five minutes to get to work and you were just getting on the bus to your apartment. The vet had given you a cardboard carrier since you hadn't had a chance to buy one, which only made you feel more guilty as you set the carrier on your lap and peered in at the sedated kitten. He was cuddled in the corner and rested comfortably despite the plastic cone around his neck.
It hurt your heart to see him so out of it, but the vet mentioned he'd only need painkillers for a few days. The doors shut and the bus started moving. Luckily, you wouldn't have to switch buses, just walk a couple of blocks to your apartment. But, there was no way you weren't going to be late.
You walked into work. You'd only managed to change into a pair of jeans and a black long-sleeved top. Still, you were half an hour late. The club was busy and you made your way behind the bar and tied an apron around your waist.
"You're late," a voice said. You felt a shiver run down your spine as you recognized it. He wasn't supposed to work tonight.
"Yeah, I am," you said. "I had something come up."
"You should've called."
"Probably." You started filling drink orders and paying your ex no mind. Chul-soo was right. You should've called, but it was a Wednesday night and usually, the club wasn't this packed. You'd just finished handing someone a beer when Chul-soo pushed you out of the way and took the tip out of their hand.
"Why don't you just leave? I'll handle it."
"Chul-soo, stop being ridiculous. I only work like two days a week, I need the shifts."
"You should've thought about that before you were late." He reached down and ripped the apron from your waist and tossed it to the side.
"I had to pick up my kitten from the vet," you said. "The bus was running late. I was worried about him so I didn't call. Can you stop being an ass for two seconds?"
"Becoming a cat lady now?" he asked. "I see Jimin already moved on."
You rolled your eyes and stepped from behind the bar. With all the worry bubbling up in your stomach about Jackson, you just let it go. You were about to walk towards the door when you heard someone's voice above the music.
"Hey!" a man shouted. He waved one of his hands up in the air and you met his eyes, after which he lowered his arm and pointed towards a quieter area of the club where all the pool tables were. This portion only had a few people, a couple using one of the tables and a few others lingering along the sides on their phones.
You leaned against one of the tables as the guy worked his way through the crowd. You'd definitely seen him at the club before. You could never forget a face like his. If only you could remember when you'd last seen him.
"Inna, right?" he asked. His black hair was combed back, exposing his forehead. The sleeves of his button-down were rolled up past the elbows and the shirt tucked in perfectly to show off his small waist.
"Uh yeah," you said. Despite not remembering where you'd last seen him and him somehow knowing your name, something told you that you could trust him. His eyes weren't raking over your body like most guys at the club.
"Are you okay?" he asked. "I saw what happened back there."
"Yeah, I'm fine. He's an ex, so he likes to be a jerk."
"You wanna play some pool?"
"Oh, I'm not really that good," you said, shifting your weight to one foot and biting your lip. "But I'll give it a shot."
The guy smiled and handed you a cue. "I'm Jin, by the way. I think we both know Jimin."
"Ah, that's how I know you," you said, trying not to dwell on Jimin's name. With the way he'd avoided you, you hadn't asked him to take you to pick up Jackson. It certainly would've saved you time. But you would've had to remember how his lips felt on yours and the ways his hands were so gentle against your skin. Like he was scared of breaking you again.
"Yeah, sorry about that. I think the Jimin's we know are very different." He racked up the balls and pushed them to three-quarters of the way down the table. "But he's still kinda a dick sometimes so I'll help you put on a show if you want. Just know I'm not exactly into your type."
"Ah," you said, nodding in understanding. "What's with all of his friends wanting to piss him off?" A laugh pouring out of you.
Jin motioned for you to take the first shot and break the balls, thus giving you the advantage in the game. You lined up the cue and hit the ball, but the balls barely broke up.
"He still owes me fifty bucks," he said, lining up his shot.
You laughed, your face falling as soon as Jin sunk in his first ball, permitting him to take another shot. "I didn't see him here tonight."
"You were supposed to work tonight. Of course, he's here."
Just as Jin finished his words, you spotted Jimin. He wasn't far away, but probably just out of earshot. Not dancing like usual, he sat at one of the tables and scrolled through his phone. You wondered why he even paid the cover charge. Of course, you knew plenty of people who came in just to sit, but that wasn't Jimin. He always came to dance or drink or both.
Jin leaned down. His second ball was in an awkward position. He leaned over the table and carefully angled his cue. You watched in amusement as his he exaggerated his movements and the ball shifted into a slightly better position.
You picked up your cue and looked for your first ball, which you had still not managed to sink into one of the pockets. The shot wasn't straightforward, but not impossible.
"Careful, Inna. Don't want to fall in."
You snorted and your pool cue slipped causing the ball to roll forward an inch. You hardly noticed through your laughter until Jin smirked, "My turn."
Your face fell. "Wait! Hey! That's not fair!"
You playfully slapped his arm as he lined up and took his shot, sinking two more balls. You huffed and crossed your arms, your pool cue leaning against the table.
"Jinnie, you're too good." You stuck out your bottom lip. "Can you teach me?"
With the way Jin's eyes swept over your expression, you knew he could see through your act. One corner of his lips turned upward and he approached you.
"Grab your cue," he said, coming to stand close behind you. He placed his hands over yours and his body brushing against yours. "The trick is to keep a good balance to your cue. And, depending on the shot you have to change the angle, but the balance should remain the same. Your balance was all over the place. It made your shots inconsistent."
"O-oh," you said. "Thanks. Where did you learn all this?"
"My friends like coming to the club and I don't like dancing. Plus, I can make a few hundred a night off drunk freshmen."
You laughed. "You got good just to hustle drunk frat tributes? I'm sure that's gotten you into some trouble."
Jin smirked. "Mm, I'm too pretty to hit."
"So, what do I owe you for losing?" you asked with a quirk of your lips.
"I'll never turn down a kiss from a pretty girl." He winked, before leaning back over the table and lining up his next shot.
You walked up the stairs to your apartment and pulled out your keys. You'd left the club after losing the game of pool and surrendering a kiss on the cheek to Jin. Despite flirting with Jin to get to Jimin, you came to enjoy Jin's company. He was the oldest of Jimin's friend group you'd come to find out. He graduated Jimin's freshman year but still hung around them at the college hang out spots.
Before leaving, Jin had given you his number in case you needed anything. If Jin was into you, you would've jumped on the chance to date him, but you were thankful for a new friend nonetheless.
You walked into your apartment and your eyes shot towards where you'd left Jackson in his carrier. The kitten had ventured out, which was a good sign. If he was already up and around, he would be back to his normal self before long. It was only when you spotted the plastic cone upside down on the floor that your stomach dropped.
You eventually found the kitten curled up in your bedroom on one of your discarded T-shirts. He was awake and meowed in greeting when you entered the room. His temperament had improved. You picked him up and flipped him onto his back to find the surgery incision red and enflamed. It appeared Jackson pulled out a few of his stitches.
If you hadn't held the kitten in your arms, you would've fallen to your knees. You felt like you needed to vomit, despite having nothing to drink at the club. You checked the time: 1 a.m.
After Googling the nearest emergency vet, you pulled out your phone.
"What?" Jimin said, answering the phone. Luckily, his words didn't sound slurred and you didn't hear the music of the club.
"Jimin," your voice cracked as you held the phone with your shoulder and attempted to reattach the cone around Jackson's neck. Tears pricked at your eyes as the kitten clawed at your wrists and struggled against your grasp.
"Inna?" His voice suddenly shifted. "What's wrong? Where are you?"
"I came home and Mochi had gotten his cone off and it looks like he pulled out a few stitches and it looks really bad and maybe infected. He needs to go to the emergency vet but it's on the other side of the city and I don't know how I'm gonna get there or pay for it." Tears were falling onto your cheeks and your voice shaking with every word.
Maybe Jackson would've been better off if you and Jimin had left him in the alleyway for a rich homebody to find. Someone who can spend more time with him and who could pay for everything he needed. Not two broke college students who were barely friends and never home.
You heard rustling on the other end of the phone that brought you out of your thoughts. "I'll be there in ten minutes, okay?"
Jimin hung up the phone soon after and you continued trying to get the cone back around Jackson's neck so that he couldn't do any more damage. Eventually, you manage to re-fasten it and wrapped him in the T-shirt you'd found him on.
It was less than ten minutes when you heard a quiet knock on the door. You opened it with one hand, cradling Jackson with the other. You figured it would be easier to take him without the carrier, that way you could ensure that he didn't do more damage to his incision.
"Hey," you said, not even meeting Jimin's eyes before you stepped outside and locked the door. You hadn't grabbed a jacket, but the air wasn't too cold, just a bit crisp against your skin. You hugged the kitten closer to your body.
"I called ahead," Jimin said. "They're expecting us. I borrowed Tae's car so it's easier and we can keep a better eye on him."
You looked up at him wide-eyed. He had really thought of everything while you only managed to stop Jackson from hurting himself more. Jimin led you down to Tae's car, a beige car that looked like something your grandmother would drive. But, the seats were large and it allowed you to bring your knees up to your chest and cuddle your kitten close.
"When did you pick him up?" Jimin asked, pulling onto the road from the parking lot of your apartment complex.
"Before I went to work," you said. "Well, supposed to work." You ran your fingers across the kitten's tiny brow. Jackson liked it, closing his eyes and nuzzling against your wrists which still burned underneath the fabric of your shirt with his scratches. "It was only supposed to be a few hours. I thought he would be out of it all night so I wouldn't have to worry." You paused before letting out a scoff laden sigh. "This is all my fault. I should've had someone watch him or called in or something."
"Hey," Jimin said, his voice silky and soft. "He could've done this in two minutes while your back was turned. He's gonna be okay, all right?"
"It looks like he just ripped out the stitches and there may be the beginning of a small infection. We'll take care of the stitches and give him so antibiotics. We'll keep a watch on him until tomorrow to make sure there's nothing else major."
You nodded and handed over your credit card, knowing this was going to max it out, but not caring as long as Jackson was going to be okay.
"Wait," Jimin said, reaching into his back pocket. "Can you split it between these two?"
The woman nodded, glancing between the two of you as she placed half the bill on your card and the rest on Jimin's.
"You didn't have to do that," you said after you and Jimin had left the office and walked back to the car.
"Yes, I did. He's half mine."
You got into the car but didn't put on your seatbelt, not wanting to leave without your kitten. Jimin got in and shut his door, putting the keys in the ignition, but glancing over at you before starting the engine.
"Everything okay?"
"What time is it?"
"Uh, just past two fifteen."
"I don't want to go home without him," you said.
"I can stay with you," Jimin said.
"No, it's not that," you said. "I want to stay here. I can't leave him."
Jimin went quiet for a moment before starting the engine and you felt your objection growing in your throat before you realized that he hadn't turned out towards the road, but, instead was heading deeper into the parking lot. He parked towards the edge of the lot where you were out of the way. The streetlights only dimly lighting the interior of the car so you could just barely make out Jimin's face.
"We'll stay," he said. "But, you need to get some sleep. I think Tae has some blankets in the trunk. The backseat should be big enough to lay down."
Jimin got out of the car as you climbed into the back. He was right, the seat was larger enough for you to lay down, but you chose to sit until Jimin climbed in next to you.
"No blankets," he said. "But, you can use my jacket."
"I'm not cold, Jimin."
The conversation lulled and you felt the exhaustion finally beginning to overtake you. You leaned towards Jimin until your head connected with his body, not caring that you probably should avoid him, or that you felt more relaxed than you had in days when your bodies connected.
Jimin responded immediately by placing his arm around your shoulders to make the position more comfortable for both of you. His hand came down to rest on your wrist, just below where your palm meets your wrist. You flinched as he brushed over the fresh cat scratches.
"Did that hurt?" he asked. You felt as he gently rolled up your sleeve revealing the shallow, red scratches. "You didn't tell me you were hurt."
"I had the wrestle the cone back on him," you said, your voice a grumble. "They're just cat scratches. I'm okay. I just want to sleep."
"Okay," he said, not arguing and simply bringing his fingers to interlock with yours.
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Dangerous | Chapter 8: Cherry Bomb
Genre: Enemies to Lovers, Bad Boy!Jimin, Bartender!Reader College AU
Pairing: Jimin/Named Reader
Rating: M | Minors DNI
Chapter Warnings: drugged drink, attempted rape/sexual assault, describes effects of date rape drugs
The song began again. Instead of incorporating ballet moves, you used a traditional ballet piece, the one that had played when you snapped your Achilles. Even if you and Jimin had an undefinable relationship, he was right that taking back that moment that nearly took away your dancing dreams would give you a personal edge. Dances--just like any other artform--tell a story. And, this was a universal one for dancers. One that every dancer held in the back of their mind when they stepped on stage.
You had the routine worked out, mixing in the ballet positions and the occasional move you could work in without too much trouble. Sometimes you would feel your tendon shake, wanting to give, but then you would switch positions. With only two weeks left until the audition, you didn't have much time to perfect it, wanting the moves to feel like second nature by then.
The song ended and you heard yourself breathing over the music. The song started again, but your body didn't. You walked over to pause the song just as you heard the door of the studio squeak open.
Turning, you saw Jimin enter, cradling Jackson in his arms. Your face lit up and you approached Jimin, your hands immediately landing in the kitten's soft fur. Jackson still wore the cone around his neck, but you noticed it was different, softer, and less cumbersome.
"They replaced his stitches and gave him a soft cone. We have to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't slip out of it again." Jimin handed you the kitten, taking his backpack off and pulling out two bottles of water. Opening the first one, he handed it to you.
"Wow, you're like my fairy godmother," you said, laughing. You took a quick drink before setting it on the bench along the wall.
"Or your boyfriend."
"Sure, whatever," you said, wondering if Jimin would behave if you took off your shirt to cool off. The worst that would happen would be a flirty comment or two, so you slipped the thin fabric over your head. Jimin didn't bat an eye, surprising you.
"Can I see your piece?" he asked, a playful smirk taking over his features.
"You know that's against the rules since you're on the panel. You can only help me with specific questions."
Jimin smiled and came up behind you, resting his chin against your sweaty shoulder. "Then, got any questions for me, babe?"
You laughed an pushed his head off your shoulder, your fingers threading in his hair for just a moment. "Ew, get off me creep." You gave him a smirk back and turned to face him. "Why don't you show me your audition piece?"
You'd said it as a joke, so your eyes widened in surprise when he agreed. You handed him your phone and he queued up the song, taking his place in the middle of the studio. It was a slow, contemporary piece, not unlike ballet.
You realized that you'd only seen Jimin dance in the club, never something he put together himself and performed. You'd expected something hip hop, sexy, and to an upbeat song. Rather, the piece was muted and utilized only contemporary or ballet moves.
He spun, he contorted himself into odd angles. You saw his muscles shake at points. His lines and angles were sharp, near perfect. Halfway through the performance, Jackson climbed into your lap
"Wow," you said when the song ended. "I hadn't expected that."
"What did you expect?"
"I don't know. I guess something hip hop."
"Don't you remember that I did contemporary? I told you about it back in high school."
"I guess not," you said. "I was so enamored with you I barely listened to what you said sometimes."
Jimin frowned and reached down to stop the song from replaying, leaving the studio in silence. Jackson, despite the loud music, had fallen asleep in your lap, exhausted from his long night at the vet.
"Let's get him home," you said, unplugging your phone and checking the time. "And I have to work in two hours." You picked up Jackson carefully, not wanting to wake him. Cradling him in your discarded shirt, you walked out to Taehyung's car that Jimin had not yet returned.
Hooking the seatbelt, you realized that the kitten would have to be alone again while you were at work. You glanced over at the man beside you as he put the car into gear.
"Jimin," you said. 'Would you mind watching Jackson while I'm at work? I'll buy you food or gas or whatever."
Jimin looked at you like he was trying to place two puzzle pieces together. "I'll do it for free, Inna. You don't have to do anything."
The worry in your chest that the kitten would once again be alone deflated and you ran your finger over the kitten's ears. "Thanks," you said quietly.
You sighed when you walked into work and saw Chul-soo behind the bar. This wasn't your normal shift, but when your coworker had asked you to cover, you couldn't object. especially since you were short a few hundred dollars due to the vet bills.
"Grab an apron," he said as you walked behind the bar. You stopped, surprised that he didn't have a snarky remark, or try to tell you that he didn't need your help. Based on the crowd that was hovered around the bar, you guessed he really didn't care. "You take the right, I'll take the left."
You worked beside each other without interacting too much. His weirdly amicable attitude sets off an alarm in the back of your head. But, you ignored it, wondering if he found some other poor girl to date so that he would finally leave you alone.
People continued to line up, coming up again and again for drinks. Tabs reached hundreds of dollars and this was the kind of shift every bartender dreamed of: when the bar became an attraction itself. You'd already made that night's wages in tips and would likely double it before the end of your shift.
"Inna!" you heard your name at the end of the bar. Normally, this sort of thing would annoy you, but when you saw Hoseok waving in your direction, you smiled and motioned that would be a moment. After a few minutes, you'd worked your way over to him and took his order.
"Busy night, huh?" he said, glancing between you and your ex.
"Yeah," you said. "It's nice to see a familiar face." You handed him his drink, just a craft beer this time. "You're making it easy for me tonight. Have a good time."
Hoseok took his drink and sipped it immediately, his eyes wandering over to Chul-soo. "Yeah, you too, Inna."
You continued serving drinks until Chul-soo nudged you with his shoulder. You noticed sweat on his brow and his apron was slowly collecting spilled alcohol and fruit juice. "What do you say we bring out an old favorite of ours to get this party really going?"
You raised an eyebrow. "The cherry bomb?" you asked, remembering the drink the two of you created together. "You wanna drink it?"
"Nah, I have to drive home. You wanna do it?" He glanced back at the dwindling bar crowd. Most people were out dancing now and you were making more money than you had for weeks. You didn't want this trend to end now. Chul-soo's shift was about to end and you still had a couple of hours.
"All right," you said. "Let's make it."
You gathered all the supplies while Chul-soo worked on making it. The cocktail consisted of a mixture of cherry liqueurs, vodka, a shot glass of cherry juice, and finally a few maraschino cherries on top. Chul-soo even added a little whipped cream to make the dark red drink stand out.
A small crowd had regathered. The bartender coming in to relieve Chul-soo stood off to the side with a bemused look on his face. You were surprised at how the night had turned out. This was the most cordial you had been with your ex since before you broke up. A tornado of doubt swirled in your stomach as you brought the drink to your lips.
It was sweet and had the deep bite of a cherry. People cheered you on as you drank and a bit of the red liquid escaped and ran down your skin. Staining your lips and chin. You finished the drink and wiped your lips with your sleeve. The small crowd formed and many began requesting the drink.
Chul-soo ducked out and handed his apron off to the other bartender. You worked to help him keep up, filling drink after drink order. In about fifteen minutes, the club was spinning. You dropped a glass and it shattered at your feet. One of the shards of glass creating a small cut on your ankle.
"Are you okay?" the other bartender asked. You heard his words and caught a flash of his dark brown eyes, but your tongue ran dry when you tried to respond. Your legs began feeling limp and your hand gripped the side of the bar to stabilize yourself.
"Ah, she always had some trouble handling a big drink like that," you heard Chul-soo say, but you couldn't turn your head to see him. It wasn't true. This wasn't because of alcohol and your mind suddenly connected everything together.
"St--st--" you tried to form words as you felt Chul-soo's hand on the small of your back.
"I'll take care of her, Jae-kyung. Can you handle the bar for a few minutes?"
The other bartender must have responded affirmatively because you felt Chul-soo wrap and arm around your waist and lift your slightly. He took you back to the alleyway, pressing you against the wall.
Your muscles began to relax of their own accord. You vision moved in and out like you were constantly waking up and falling into a dream.
Hoseok approached the bar. It was just as crowded before, but the crowd was louder. He stood towards the end like had before and noticed that Inna nor Chul-soo was working anymore. His brow furrowed, knowing Inna's shift couldn't be over. He waited a few moments to see if she had ducked into the back or to the bathroom, but something gnawed at the back of his mind.
"What happened to the girl that was working here?"
"Oh, she did a cherry bomb and couldn't handle it. The other guy is taking care of her."
Hoseok couldn't let it slide. He knew something was wrong and he looked around the club. Jimin normally hung around when Inna worked, but he didn't immediately see the other man. He took out his phone.
Hoseok (10:45 p.m): How fast can you get here? I think Inna's in trouble
Tears ran down your cheeks. You wanted to fight back, but your eyelids continued to droop. The only thing keeping you awake was the sheer panic. Yet, you knew the drugs would eventually overtake even that.
"A cherry bomb," Chul-soo said. "Perfect cover for another kind of cherry, yeah?" He laughed at his own joke and if you could've, you would've spit in his face.
You felt your phone vibrating in your back pocket. It shut off, before beginning to ring again. Chul-soo noticed the second time and reached into your pocket.
"Ah, it's your lover boy," he said. His face dropped as he tossed your phone away and you heard as it shattered against the pavement. "Now that that's taken care of." His voice dwindled and his lips harshly attacked the skin of your neck. His hands roamed everywhere. The button of your jeans, under your shirt, your hair.
"You've been such a slut lately," he said. "You've forgotten that you belong to me. Did you really think breaking up with me would get rid of me so easily? You can't escape me that easily, baby."
Your resolve was shaking. You could no longer see the end of Chul-soo's hair and you felt like throwing up. Whether from the drugs or the feeling of his lips on your skin you didn't know. Your eyes closed for one second, then two, then five. And you know you're losing.
Chul-soo unzips your jeans and you feel his fingers on the waistband. He pauses when you hear the sound of a motorcycle and there's yelling. Suddenly, you feel cold, the sweat on your skin making you feel clammy. Without another body against yours, you can't stand.
The last thing you remember is feeling your ass hit the pavement before everything went black.
"Inna, Inna," you hear his voice. "It's okay. You're safe now." His hands touch you like you're fragile as if one wrong move and you will break into a thousand pieces. Your body touches what you recognize as a bed and while you can't move to position yourself, you feel the covers being pulled up over your body.
"The doctor said you'll be okay. It wasn't enough that you won't wake up." His words sounded more like he was talking to himself than you. You wanted to tell him that for once you needed him. That you wanted him to touch you, to wrap you in his arms and keep you safe, to lay beside you. But, your lips still could not form words.
Whether it was the drugs or the natural exhaustion, sleep once again took over.
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Hey lovely! I have a thing for Jimin's finger too, so yeah.. Jimin drowling over the fact that you much smaller than him and that even his finger are big for you, stretching you out and he's not shy at pointing that out for you... oooph.. Bye 🥰💜

You were on the couch, between Jimin's thighs, his arms wrapped protectively around your waist, keeping you close to chest. You two were watching a movie, when you started playing with his full of rings fingers. Jimin was not paying attention to you, too amazed by the movie.
You frowned, staring at his thick figers, pressing your palm on his, fingers on his fingers. You were staring at your hands, moving them to examinate them, you didn't realise when Jimin put pause on the movie, to stare at you. He kissesed your shoulder "What happened, babygirl?"
"Your fingers are so cute" you whispered and kissed the tip of each one, staring at him. He scoffed and played the movie again, he already knew he has short fingers and he didn't like it, even you had your fingers almost as long as his.
"These short fingers were too thick to fit your hole last night."
You heard him, out of suddent.
Can I get a Jimin drabble wherein he's a really really sweet boyfriend, but really hardcore in bed? 🙊 Thank you!
College Boyfriend Jimin~

Pouty and moody in the morning;
Can't keep his eyes open properly at the morning classes;
Cheeky smile when he sees you;
His mood lifts up when he has you around;
He brings you your favourite coffee, with a kiss on your forhead;
Won't let go of you until the class starts;
Flirts with you all the class long;
Sends paper airplanes on your desk, which lead usually on your hair, poking your cheek or on the teacher's table;
He often gets detention because of that;
He blames you for nothing, only so the teacher would give you detention too;
Your detention is less cleaning and more kissing;
He drives you home, every night;
You sneak him into the house when your parents are not home, careful for your annoying neighbor with twelve cats to not catch you and tell your mom the next day;
When your parents are home he sneaks on the window;
You once thought he was a thief and almost made him fall off;
He cuddles you at his chest, to keep you warm, all night long;
He likes waking up at night to stare at your sleepy face;
The next morning you would be late for school;
He is really jealous;
He death glares everyone who dares to stare at his girl;
That day he makes you wear your hair up into a ponytail, only to show everyone the marks on your neck;
The marks he left on you, while you were asleep;
He is literally good at everything, so he wants you to ask him for help, not any other person, boy or girl;
Let's not mention how you made some girls fall for you too, so he is in allert 24/7;
Pouty man;
Whiny all day long when he doesn't get your attention but rarely gets angry;
He gets mad only when you don't pay attention to him, but to a random guy who compliments you;
"Aren't my compliments enough for you?!"
Praising your ass all day long;
His goal is to make you happy;
Dominant side
He is soft only in the society;
His motto is "Kawaii on streets, senpai in the sheets";
Switch 100%;
Soft and hard dom, depends on his mood;
Doesn't stand you being a brat, it gets on his nerves:
A brat tamer 100%;
He forces you into your knees, making you take his thick cock down your throat;
"Gotta clean of that dirty mouth of yours!"
"Let's find something to fill up that useless pretty mouth of yours!";
He loves seeing you ravaged because of him;
He is loud, so he wants you to moan as much as you can, showing him how much you love his cock;
He is a tease, from his apearence, to gestures and moves;
Dirty talker, knowing the effect he has on you;
Definetly has daddy kink;
Loves choking the hell out of you;
Having you on his lap, completly naked with your hands tied back with one of his ties, your panties stuffed into your mouth, is his favourite part of the day;
If you get him mad, you won't leave his lap without a bruised ass;
He loves your breasts so much, he usually falls asleep while sucking on your nipple(only when he is on his sub side);
So he wants you to ride him sometimes, only to see them bouncing;
But he is often top;
He loves to fuck you in doggy style, or spooning you;
Quick reminder your cuddles are ending up with sex;
When he feels soft, you will get sweet love ;
He finds missionary perfect for that;
He loves staring at your face controlled in pleasure, while pounding deeper into you;
His moans are more like submissive ones, but he has moments when he sounds like a wolf in heats; (Yes please🤤)
He remains inside of you during the night;
Eating you out is a part of his morning routine;
Loves eating your cunt until you shake under him, unable to move anymore;
(This is why you are late for school when he comes over);
Submissive side:
He sometimes lets you dominate him;
He loves ass playing so he teases himself at home sometimes, sending you pretty videos;
Which make you come over and ravage him;
His favourite night was the one you finger fucked him while he was laying on you, playing video games;
He is sensitive, so he cries of frustration, when something doesn't work good for him, at school or real life;
He makes himself little at your chest, hiding his face between your breasts;
He falls asleep sucking on your nipple, just like a baby;
Author's note : I swear I got wet and soft while writing this 👉🏽👈🏽 love him so much
hi mochi! i heard that you want drabble requests atm so how about a vampire jimin who wanted this girl since forever but the problem is she's in a relationship with vampire jungkook. up to you if you'll let jimin get her or not [but pls let him get her] lol 🤣

Glass after glass, after glass, after glass. This is how Jimin's night was. Sitting in the darkest corner of the bar, his legs parted on the expensive leather chair, back pressed against it, his Chanel belt shinning from a ray of light. A casual position you would say, every one would look ridiculous, indeed, but not him.
Not Park Jimin. Not him, the rich, charismatic, intelligent, handsome and so hot, Park Jimin. Which happened to stare at you all night long, from afar, his gaze lingering on your body, while you were talking and dancing with your friend with benefits, Jungkook. Friend with benefits meaning you let him suck your blood and he pays for your college and books. He was like your sugar daddy, but a blood sucker one.
Though he never touched you, Jimin still didn't like him. You were his girl, his prey, you belonged to him since the moment he saved your life from a werewolf. Plus, there was no need for Jungkook to touch you, it was enough that he was already sucking your precious blood.
Closing his eyes, Jimin inhaled deeply, his mind concentrated on your scent, on the way your heart was beating, the thought of your blood on his lips, of your figure moaning in pleasure in his arms. He frowned when he heard your heart racing faster, opening his eyes, only to find Jungkook pressed against your back and ass, slowly moving his hips in tandem with yours. His ringed fingers tightened on the, now, empty glass, making it brake in millions of pieces, just like his patience.
Wiping his hand down his black jeans, he watched as Jungkook's phone rang, making the tall man excuse himself with an annoyed groan, leaving you alone, on the dance floor.
You continued dancing, eyes closed, enjoying the beat. You gasped when you felt two gentle hands griping your hips with a firm hold, from behind. Smiling, you pressed against the man's chest, starting to dance with him. He was a great dancer, indeed, but what made you lose your breath were his smooth hips rolls. You snaped your eyes open in realization. Jungkook wasn't moving this smooth.
"You're right, princess!" said a soft but a little low and velvety voice, belonging to the man behind you.
You wished to pull away and scream, but his grip on your throat stopped you, throwing your head back on his shoulder, his hand pressed flat against your belly, keeping you in place. "Tsk Tsk, little one!" He hissed in your ear, choking you harder, making you whimper in pleasure, his fangs slightly grazing your skin, making your blood freeze.
"I finally got you, do you think I'll let you go now?"
Author's note: hi, sweetie!!! I loved your request so much!!! 🥰