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the glow up (5) | pjm, jjk
pairing: jimin x reader x jungkook
summary: after going off to college, you & your best friend committed to working out. a year later, the results show, and you cant wait for your hot hometown friends to see you. now all you wanna do is wild out and have lots of sex, and enjoy it without feeling insecure
genre: angst, smut, childhoodfriends!au weightloss!au (is that a thing) friends-to-lovers!au
word count: 3k
warnings: college boys fighting, jimin’s abs, everyone’s abs, misogyny, mentions of sexual harassment, light smut: threesome (mxmxf), tittie fuck, cock warming, a single spank, gaslighting, toxic behavior, slut shaming
part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 masterlist
It was another scorching day. Your stomach turned at the prospect of the day ahead of you. Today was Hobi’s annual summer party. Every summer he would have a big party with literally everyone from your old high school.
Hobi’s party had a notorious reputation of being the scene where all the summer flings were established. You and Jimin would always go together and leave together, never getting too involved. It was boys like Taehyung and Jungkook who really got wild at this.
You hadn’t even thought about how different this party would be for you now, especially after Jimin’s. Normally you and him would catch up with old friends, drink a little bit, but mostly just enjoy the music and have fun together.
Not only would you not be able to hang out with Jimin, but you also would not be able to avoid the heart of party. Hook-up central. The pool.
You shuddered thinking about the last time you were in a pool, where Jungkook had just groped you so openly and you just let him. You liked it.
You tried to convince yourself that Jungkook’s actions lately didn’t effect you, but for some reason the thought would leave you with a sour taste in your mouth. You and Jungkook had always been cordial, he was part of your friend group, but you two were never specifically that close. You were comfortable with him, but Taehyung was definitely more approachable even back then.
You had texted Taehyung about going to the party together, but he had already made plans to go with Jungkook, and that was the last person you wanted to see.
You really only had one option left.
Next thing you know, you’re back at Jimin’s doorstep, remembering with a wave of guilt how you left him to go fool around with Taehyung just around a week ago. You rang the doorbell.
“Who is it?” You heard from inside.
“It’s me”
The door cracked open slightly. Jimin was shirtless, his skin now significantly tanned from when you last saw him, and also his muscles surprisingly more defined. He had clearly been working out a lot since you last saw him.
“Oh hey” His eyes softened when the met yours but you could see the sadness in them. Your heart clenched. You pushed past the door and threw yourself into his arms, giving him the tightest hug you could conjure. “Are you okay?” His familiar scent overwhelmed you, and you wanted to just melt into him.
You nodded, cheek pressed against his shoulder, “God I missed you so much. Jimin stroked your back affectionately before pressing his lips to the top of your head. You looked up at him. “I am so sorry Jimin”
Jimin forced a slight smile, “It’s…fine. What’s going on, is everything okay?”
Not leaving his arms for a second you spilled. You told him everything that transpired. Every thought you had, Every regret. You told him about what really happened at his party, what happened after. You told him about jungkook, taehyung, everything. You could no longer bare to keep anything from your best friend.
You hadn’t noticed, but Jimin was now clenching your waist tightly, his eyes raging.
“Jungkook did what” After a few moments of silence to take in everything you said, Jimin was furious.
You took his hands into yours and sat him down on his bed. “Look it doesn’t matter.” Lies. “I just, I’m so sorry about all of this. I’m such an idiot—“
Jimin pulled away from you, shaking his head. “No way. You have no reason to be sorry. This is NOT your fault. I’m going to fucking kill Jungkook” He tilted his head in anger.
“Jimin, it’s okay just—“
“It’s OKAY?” Jimin yelled, “You’re OKAY with the fact that Jungkook just fucking stuck his fingers in you? And…that fucking Taehyung too…he didn’t do anything to stop him? What the fuck?”
“It’s really not like that Jimin” Jimin ignored you and cracked his knuckles.
“I didn’t” Your voice went small, “I didn’t try and stop him. It’s my fault” Jimin stared at you.
“You know, you could be a lot of things, but I would have never thought you were stupid.” He inhaled sharply before easing his voice back to an appropriate volume, “Are you okay? Like seriously.”
“I think so.”
“Shit y/n. SHIT” Jimin tossed a pillow across the room in frustration before buying his head in his lap.
“Jimin…” You ran your hand through his hair as he tried to calm down.
“I’m the one that should be sorry. God I was such as ass to you. After we had sex too, ugh I regret it so much. The things I said I mean…not the sex. You’re my best friend, it’s my job to protect you and be there for you, and make sure you don’t get hurt. I made our relationship complicated and I’m sorry.” Jim-in raised his face, giving up an intense look, “But so help me y/n, if Jeon Jungkook or Kim Taehyung have the audacity to show their face to me tonight, I will FUCKING end them”
Jimin decided it was best for you two to stick together like usual during the party. You decided to forgo the swimwear completely for the evening, opting instead for a a pair of denim shorts and a tube top. Jimin would have preferred you cover up more, but he didn’t say anything. You put a glittery body spray that added a nice shimmer to your skin in the sunlight.
Hobi’s house was gigantic. Even after all these years, it always excited you to come see all the new things they may have added. Flat screen TVs in the kitchen, a glow in the dark pool table, a whole dance floor, each year brough surprises. Hobi’s pool was on the roof of the house, infinity style. You could already hear the music blasting. It was comforting that there were already a lot of people there, so your entrance could go unnoticed. You saw Taehyung’s white convertible parked from the corner of your eye, letting you know he was already there. Jimin parked the car. You both sat for a while, simply listening the loud bass vibrate your surroundings. The music gave you a sense of confidence. You reached for Jimin’s hand but he pulled it away.
“Let’s just be normal tonight” He tried to smile. You wanted to roll your eyes. He was so hot and cold. You got out of the car. You could see people standing around smoking, old friends hugging and taking selfies. Red plastic cups everywhere. Shirtless guys, bikini-clad girls, familiar faces. It felt like an out of body experience. You followed Jimin, who chose to wear a loose white muscle tee that showed off his toned arms.
“Oh my GOD! Y/n!” You heard some familiar voices of girls from your high school. You smiled and waved, “GIRL YOU LOOK SO GOOD YESSS” You giggled. More girls crowded you, fawning you with compliments, but the attention was short living, as soon they noticed Jimin who was by your side.
Now this glow up made them drool.
“Park Jimin!” “Have you been working out?” “Holy shit, wanna come over later?” “Jiminieeee I missed you oh my gosh”
Good. Take him away sea of ladies. You thought to yourself. Jimin turned to look back at you in worry as he got dragged away. You winked and gave him a supportive thumbs up. Once Jimin was out of sight, you decided to look for Taehyung.
Where to look first? The pool. You climbed the stairs until you finally got to Hobi’s rooftop, walking out into the intense sun. The pool was packed, music louder here than before. People seemed to be having a great time. There was volleyball, chicken, all sorts of games happening. People were jumping, splashing, it was truly a sight to behold. You saw Junkook right away, with a girl on his shoulders wrestling playfully with Hobi in the water. You stared at him, jaw clenching at how carefree he looked.
“Princess” You turned to see Taehyung, dressed still in partially unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt. In his hand was a cup of what you assumed was beer. “Good to see you” He places a firm kiss onto your lips, lingering a bit. You flinched at the sudden action.
“Taehyung what the fuck” You whispered, looking around to make sure no one had seen you. Taehyung chuckled, wrapping his hand around your waist. His eyes followed where you had been looking earlier.
“Wanna dance with me?” You had no response. Especially because while the two of you were strictly hooking up, Taehyung did seem to really like you, but you suddenly felt overwhelmed. So many people would see you two together. Someone would tell Jimin. And then Jimin would start a fight. Taehyung noticed your hesitation.
“I…I’ll be right back” You wiggled out of Taehyungs grasp and rapidly made your way through the crowd before he could stop you. You barely glanced back long enough to see a confused and slightly hurt look on Taehyung’s face.
It wasn’t long before you heard a whistle.
“Y/n! Babe! Get that sexy ass in the pool” Jungkook cat called. Hobi playfully splashed him, rolling his eyes. The girl on his shoulders just giggled. “Bet I could take you both, if you know what I mean” He winked. You glared at him.
“Excuse me” You felt yourself getting dizzy as Jimin’s voice came booming across the pool. You had no idea when he got up here. He had a few girls surrounding him, but his eyes were glued onto you and Jungkook, who was still in the pool a few feet away from you. He made his way over to you, pulling you back behind him, gritting his teeth. “Get out of the pool Jeon” He spat.
“Nah I’m good Jimin. But hey, I’d be down to share. You me and y/n. Sounds fun” You could hear Hobi mention to the girl that she should probably leave.
“I can’t believe I’ve let you live this long after what you did” Jimin growled, curling his hands into a fist.
Jungkook ran a hand through his hair and smirked, “The fuck did I do? She’s the one screwing Taehyung left right and center. Get mad at her. Bros before Hoes” You placed your hands on Jimin’s arm to keep him from jumping into the pool and pounding Jungkook’s face.
“Jungkook, that’s enough” Hobi said, trying to keep a playful demeanor, “Come on guys, let’s not kill the vibe. Take it inside”
“Any guy here could make a move on her and she’d sleep with them. Because she can. She’s a slut now.” Jungkook raised himself out of the pool, the water dripping down his intense muscles. His tattoos gleamed in the sunlight.
“Inside. Now.” Hobi’s voice became more stern. Jungkook put his hands up in defense. You followed Jimin’s lead and went down into the house, Jungkook trailing closely behind. The three of you reached Hobi’s bedroom.
“Tell me one good reason that I shouldn’t smash your face” Jimin sneered. Jungkook, to your dismay, could not stop smiling.
“I dare you to try”
“Guys!” You finally intervened. “Please, let’s just talk it out” You plopped down on Hobi’s bed. “I wanna get back to the party so just make it quick”
Jungkook suddenly pulled down his shorts. You quickly covered your eyes and Jimin yelled out “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Let’s just have sex.” He whined “It would be so good, think about it. It’s like revenge sex, hate sex, jealous sex all in one.”
You could hear him stroke himself slightly, and you opened your eyes to watch. Jungkook had a body of a God. Your heart raced, unsure if this was a dream.
“You’re insane. I am not having sex with you. And y/n is definitely not.” Jimin approached Jungkook with the intention of pushing him away, but Jungkook was stronger, and simply held Jimin in place, kissing him on the lips. Your eyes widened at the scene. Never would you have thought you would see two of the hottest guys you knew kissing right in front of your eyes.
Jimin pushed Jungkook back, “Dude what the fuck?”
Jungkook licked his lips, “Come on Jimin, don’t be a prude, live a little. It’s an experience”
“My problem isn’t fucking you, it’s you fucking Y/N”
Jungkook turned to you. “Do you want to do this? Do you wanna try it out?”
You bit your lip. You did fantasize about having one someday, just not necessarily with these people. However, Jungkook looked stunning and Jimin made your heart race. It could be amazing.
“I guess I’d be down to experiment…but I don’t know if I’ll like it” You commented, hugging your knees to your chest. Jungkook knelt down and kissed the tops of your knees.
“Oh baby girl, there’s no stopping me once I get my hands on you”
You didn’t have time to process what he said before he was pulling down your shorts and pulling off your top. Your naked breasts bounced in front of his eyes.
“Oh fuck yes” He muttered. He motioned for Jimin to join him on the ground. Next thing you knew, both boys were on their knees before you, each one with their mouth latched to one of your breasts. It was the most erotic sensation you had ever felt. It was overwhelming, and you couldn’t help the loud moans that slid past your lips.
“Oh my…holy…shit that feels” Your sentences were unable to form, it was as if the electric pulses of the way their tongues circled and lapped at your sensitive nipples shut down the rest of your brain. Waves of heat seared through your veins and your hips bucked up unconsciously. Jungkook, who was already naked, helped you lay back on the bed.
“Now, Jimin. Since you two actually like each other or whatever, I’ll let you pick.” He motioned towards your body that was squirming around and begging for their attention. “Pussy or tits”
Jimin frowned at Jungkook’s coarse language, but scanned your body nevertheless, considering his options.
“You are not getting inside her.” He mumbled. Jungkook shrugged.
“Either works” He climbed over your face so that his knees were on either side of you. His large hands pushed your breasts together as he let his long, thick cock slap against your glittering skin. The view wasn’t ideal, but once you felt Jimin’s soft fingers caressing your thighs, you relaxed immediately.
“Condom?” Jungkook asked. Jimin smirked slightly and shook his head. “Oh wow, Park Jimin’s gonna take his bitch raw. Impressive”
“I’m protected you idiot” You mumbled, shutting your eyes so you could focus on the feeling of Jungkook slowly sliding his cock in between your heaving breasts. The invasion accelerated your heartrate. The way his tip just rubbed against the valley of your chest almost feverishly as he picked up his face. You were so turned on you couldn’t believe it.
Jungkook let out soft grunts as he thrusted into you. Meanwhile you could hear Jimin undress and start stroking himself, the sound of skin on skin driving you wild. Your thighs trembled in anticipation.
Finally Jimin was hard and ready for you. He watched carefully as Jungkook fucked your tits mercilessly, his hands clenching your breasts so harshly you were afraid they might bruise. You felt Jimin tease your exposed folds with the tip of his cock. You let out a whimper when he backed up a little to continue stroking himself.
“Jimin” You whined helplessly, “Jimin please. I wanna feel you please”
“I…” Jimin still wasn’t sure that he wanted to do this. Seeing you, with Jungkook almost sitting on your face and using you like a sex doll, it made him feel queasy.
“Jimin baby please I need you” Your voice almost sounded to him like a cry for help. His eyes narrowed at Jungkook who was too fucked out to notice.
Suddenly you felt something wet sprawl all over your stomach. Jungkook came. Everywhere.
“Fuck that was so good” He groaned, releasing his hold on your aching breasts only long enough to slap them harshly before squeezing them again one last time. He carefully got off of you and stood up. You opened your eyes to see Jimin still standing where he was, only this time with his cock out in his hand. Jungkook began to dress himself.
“You missed out Jimin. Oh well” He winked, and as if nothing happened, he was gone.
You and Jimin were silent.
“I…” Jimin stuttered, slightly embarrassed that he froze up and didn’t join in, “I just…couldn’t. The way he was just, using you, I felt…dirty”
You sighed. “Come here” He obeyed, cuddling up behind you. He wasn’t as hard as he could be, so you figured you might as well assist him with that.
You reached down and began stroking his cock. He nestled his face into your neck.
“I’m so sorry y/n” He whispered before letting out a pleasurable whine “I’m so sorry”
He kept apologizing as you jacked him off, eventually spitting in your hands to increase speed at which you pumped him up and down along his length. Something about his pitiful whining was turning you on a lot. You wrapped your whole hand around his cock and guided it in between your ass. Jimin moaned loudly.
“Oh my godddd” He exhaled as you wiggled your ass back and he entered you from behind. “Can we just stay like this for a bit baby? Can you keep my cock warm while I cuddle you hm?”
You nodded, and he softly kissed your neck.
“You’re mine. I’m never sharing you again”
<-----previous next------>
A/N: i know the smut was very much not satisfying in this, i promise the next part is nice n dirty. hehe.
taglist: (lmk if you wanna be added!!) @honeyspillings @hollowtree10
the glow up (7) | pjm, kth
pairing: taehyung x reader, jimin x reader
summary: after going off to college, you & your best friend committed to working out. a year later, the results show, and you cant wait for your hot hometown friends to see you. now all you wanna do is wild out and have lots of sex, and enjoy it without feeling insecure
genre: smut, childhoodfriends!au weightloss!au (is that a thing) friends-to-lovers!au
word count: 6.6k (oops)
warnings: multiple smut scenes, unprotected sex, doggy style, love-making, daddy kink+impreg kink+praise kink if you squint, toxic behavior, cheating, unhealthy relationship dynamics, emotional sex, oral (f receiving), alcohol-abuse, public sex/exhibitionism, a whole lot of kissing
part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 masterlist
“I need to tell you something Tae” Taehyung used to always generally wonder what it would be like to be shot with a gun. He wondered if the pain was quick, or if it was constant. “Jimin asked me out, and I said yes”
Wait. How did he even get here? Taehyung’s vision was blurred. He was not entirely sure he was even conscious, the temperature and humidity exorbitantly high in the enclosed shower. Something carnal had overcome him, as though he saw the opportunity to claim his prize and he ravished for it, pushing aside all inhibitions in the process. That prize was you. But the second you said the words he so badly craved, his heart plummeted. The tone. The look on your face. None of it was right. You had quickly retracted everything you said, barely giving him a minute to relish in it.
He tried to kiss you softly, trying to act like everything was perfect and he was satisfied with you. He tried to suppress the newfound ache he felt deep in his veins, focusing instead on your hot wet body pressed up against him with no space to breathe.
At least Jimin had seen it. That’s what he wanted, wasn’t it? Taehyung glanced back at the boy who was almost lifelessly sitting on the bathroom floor, tears escaping his pained eyes, but not a sound.
“I’m so sorry” You exhaled, bringing him back to reality. Taehyung smiled, hugging you close but maintaining his gaze on Jimin. He couldn’t handle a confrontation right now. He was exhausted, dizzy and needed to get some sleep. “I need to tell him…I…I fucked up.” Was this all a dream?
Jimin quietly rose from where he had collapsed, and before you could see that he saw everything, he backed out of the room, an intense stare locked on Taehyung’s now drooping eyes. Taehyung could barely stand straight, the alcohol kicking in hard now. His head ached, and he felt like everything around him was slowing down. He shut his eyes, letting the warm darkness of ignorance envelop him.
The scent of fall was always so refreshing. It reminded you that soon you would be returning to campus, where your real life lay, and your little bubble fantasy would come to an end. And in this case, you wished that it would come sooner. You missed the days where your biggest concern was an upcoming paper due, or if you would be able to land an interview.
You were at the local market with you ran into the person you least expected to see. Jungkook.
“Well hi there hottie” Jungkook winked. You felt a bitter taste in your mouth as he chuckled, “I’m kidding…chill. What’s up?” He came over to your cart, leaning casually against it.
“Shopping” You muttered trying to express your discomfort. Jungkook cleared his throat.
“Listen Y/n, I’m really sorry about everything this summer. You and I were friends, and I disrespected you. I know sorry doesn’t undo it but, I really do feel bad about it all”
“O..okay” You shrugged, his apology making you all the more uncomfortable “If you’ll excuse me…”
“Taehyung really misses you.” He blurted, “Why did you suddenly just stop talking to him?
You scoffed, “He knows”
“He doesn’t. He really doesn’t remember anything Y/n. He didn’t know you were dating Jimin until a few days ago when I brought it up because I saw his insta story”
You blushed slightly, remembering the sweet picnic Jimin had taken you on. You had come clean to Jimin, and surprisingly he had not been upset with you. He simply agreed that perhaps you guys were neither at a place to be in a relationship, and that your friendship was far too important to risk.
You two decided at least for the time being, to stay friends. Ever since then, you had been able to hang out with him normally. His only caveat being that you stop seeing Taehyung.
“Anyone but him Y/n…please” Jimin had pleaded. Your heart clenched. You had only just begun to entertain the idea of Taehyung as something more than a fuckbuddy, but now that door was closed before it even opened.
You rolled your eyes at Jungkook, “We’re not dating.”
“Okay then why can’t you go see Taehyung? He’s been calling you like crazy, he’s asked me to call you. He’s so confused” You would be lying to yourself if you said you hadn’t thought about it. That you hadn’t been constantly thinking about it. Your lack of response prompted Jungkook to continue, “Y/n…I’ve literally never seen him like this okay. He hasn’t been doing anything. He hasn’t been hooking up…or even talking to anyone else anymore. He barely eats, he just sits in bed being a pathetic wimp all day. Least you could do is give him an explanation”
“Jimin doesn’t want me to talk to him. That’s what it took”
“God how are you even friends with this prick?” Jungkook scoffed, “Jimin can suck a tree truck ok, what do you want to do?” You simply shrugged. You hadn’t really even asked yourself that. You were an absolute mess and you hated it. But Taehyung never minded. He saw the mess, and instead of trying to clean you up he embraced the mess you were, seeing what was beneath all of it, just a girl who wanted to be cherished. Someone who wanted to be celebrated. Yes, you liked attention. Yes, you liked being adored. Taehyung checked off every box.
You sighed, “Ok, I’ll call him” Jungkook pouted “Fine. I’ll go see him” He grinned.
Taehyung rolled over, his comforter falling off his bed into a pile on the floor. He groaned into his pillow. He felt pathetic. He was able to harbor his crush for so long and accept the reality that Y/n was not his to have, but now he had a taste. He had become attached. And it hurt like hell.
You had stopped talking to him out of the blue after Hobi’s party. He remembered kissing you in the pool, but no matter how hard he tried, nothing else was coming back to him.
Taehyung had cried so much in the past few days, his skin was absolutely dry. He felt helpless, like he didn’t even get a chance. He wanted to take you on dates. He wanted to kiss you in public, swinging you around like the princess you were. His princess. He wanted to spoil you and see that cute smile of yours. He didn’t want to have sex anymore. Well…he did. The thought of you on his cock was the closest thing to pleasure he felt anymore. But as soon as he remembered he’d never ever have that pleasure again, it would end up hurting even more.
“Tae?” He clenched his eyes shut, preferring to sleep because at least then he could dream that you were there. “Tae it’s me” Your voice was soo soothing to him. He could listen to you all day.
Taehyung jumped suddenly as he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was you. You were actually there. Taehyung quickly wiped his face with his hand and rubbed his eyes to confirm what he was seeing.
“What are you doing here?” Taehyung’s voice was soft, almost broken.
“I owe you an explanation” As soon as you said those words you almost laughed, “Actually, I don’t owe you anything. But you forgot what happened so” Taehyung reached for your hands put you shifted away. His eyes were wide, pleading for just a simple touch.
“Look whatever it is I’m so sorry okay” Taehyung whimpered, trying to reach for you again, watching as the tips of his fingers touched yours. “God I missed you” He looked back up at you. Your heart skipped a beat.
“We fucked. But Jimin had just asked me out and we were drunk. We fucked in a shower and then I told you that it was a mistake. Then you passed out. I told Jimin what happened, and he forgave me but asked that I stop seeing you. Which is fair.” You gulped. “I said I loved you” Taehyung’s hand slid over yours, “I regretted it”
You could feel him trembling. “Really?” Taehyung whispered. You nodded before realizing what you had just implied. Taehyung firmly grasps your hand now, pulling you towards him slightly, reaching his other hand to your face and stroking your jaw. He exhales. Your breath hitched as he pulled your face in close. He licked his lips, letting his eyes drop to your lips then back to gaze into your eyes. “Is that a yes for regretting or a yes that you love me?” He looked like heaven, his eyelashes fluttering right before you, a teasing gleam in his gaze. You couldn’t take it anymore. You grabbed his shirt and pulled him into you, kissing him desperately.
Taehyung fell on his back, pulling you to straddle him. You dipped your chest, pressing against him as you moaned into the kiss, wanting to feel his warmth as much as possible. He was sweaty from being in bed for so long, but you didn’t care. You ran your fingers through his tangled locks, swallowing his tongue in your mouth. Taehyung gripped your hips, pinching your sides fondly. His fingers pressed into your skin as the slipped under the waistline of your shorts. You gasped for air only for Taehyung to whine, raising himself to meet your lips again before you could even finish a breath.
“Fuck princess” Taehyung hissed as you found a way to wiggle off your tank top, revealing a cute bralette. You maybe had an inkling something like this would go down. Never hurt to be prepared. “You little minx, you knew daddy was gonna fuck you huh?”
You giggled as he sat up and pulled you flush against him, peppering kisses across your chest. He pushed his face into your breasts and paused, inhaling deeply. “So fucking hot” He murmured.
The feeling of his soft hair on your skin made your heart pound insanely fast. He looked up at you, his eyes full of mischief and lust. He pushed you back so he was on top of you now, pulling off his shirt seamlessly. You traced his chest.
He kissed you harshly, biting your lip before moving down your body. He kept his eyes glued to yours as he moved from your lips, down to your neck, your chest, your tits, your stomach, your thighs. Once he reached your knees he stopped and tugged off your shorts and panties.
“Is this for me princess?” His voice was so incredibly soft as it vibrated against your inner thigh. You gulped and nodded. “You look delicious baby…I can’t wait to taste you”
You squealed as his tongue found your clit. His warm tongue knew your pussy well and it showed, as he made you twitch and scream beneath him, hitting all the right places. He ate you out like you were his last meal, carefully savoring every bit of your dripping cunt.
He broke away to lick his lips, smirking at you. “Get on your knees” He ordered. You shivered at the prospect. You got ready for him as he shed the rest of his clothing. His cock was throbbing for you. He gripped your wrists harshly as he positioned himself behind you, leaning over you so his face was buried in the back of your neck.
“You’re so good for me, such a good girl.” He groaned, rolling his hips so that his cock brushed past your ass. His kissed your shoulder fondly. “So perfect mm” He let go of your wrists, pumping his cock before guiding into you. Your hole practically sucked him in. You weren’t as stretched out as you could have been, so you felt the pain as he slowly bottomed out. Taehyung collapsed over you again, kissing your cheek softly and grabbing your breasts.
“Holy fuck you’re tight” He moaned out, savoring the feeling of just being inside of you. He nuzzled into your neck cutely. “All mine. My princess” He kissed your cheek again as he rolled his hips. The contrast was overwhelming. Your heart didn’t know what to feel. The boy of your dreams being an absolute darling while also taking you from behind.
“Is this okay baby?” He thrusted into you harshly, pausing to make sure it didn’t hurt.
“Yeah…more Tae…do more” You whined. Taehyung chuckled, groping you harshly as he flexed his hips again. He loved the way your whole body would jerk under him with every thrust. Your breasts steady in his hands as the rest of you pushed further into the mattress.
You could feel yourself getting lost in the feeling. His sensual grind making your whole body feel fluttery and excited. He felt amazing. His nose traced the nape of your neck. You closed your eyes, savoring the way you could feel his cock pulsing inside of you. “Fuck princess you’re so goddamn tight, just squeezing the fuck out of me”
“Do…do I feel good? Do you like it?” You asked nervously, unsure if you needed to be doing anything differently. You tried to push your ass back as he thrusted to allow him to get even deeper inside of you.
“Of course princess, you feel amazing. You’re so fucking good. So good. Such a good girl for me” Taehyung let out a low growl as his pace sped up, “My little princess, all wet and tight for me, letting me just pound into you like…fuckkk” He cried out as you clenched down on him, feeling a small rush of adrenaline overtake you. You knew you would cum soon, his words turning you on beyond reason.
“Just like that baby…so good…that’s it baby” He urged you on, noticing you getting wetter by the second. The obscene squelching mixed with your loud whimpers filling the room. “Come on princess, I know you wanna cum. Cum for me. Cum for me like the good girl you are” Taehyung’s voice was incredibly sensual, and your brain short circuited. You squealed as your eyes rolled back in pleasure. Your orgasm shaking you to the core, causing you to clamp your cunt tightly around Taehyung’s cock, twitching as you gushed onto him.
“Yes…fuck yes” Taehyung basked in the feeling of your orgasm, fucking you even faster through it. “You feel so good holy fuck” He cried out, his hands leaving your breasts to help hold himself up as his hips began moving insanely fast.
“I’m…” He exhaled, “Gonna….” He slowed down his thrusts, wanting to savor the feeling a bit longer before he burst. “Princess say you love me. Tell me how much you love me”
Your heart swelled, a comforting feeling washing over you at the realization that Taehyung was really yours. That maybe…maybe you were having sex with the guy that would be your boyfriend. You couldn’t keep down a smile.
“I love you Taehyung. I love you. Cum inside me baby. Want you” You choked out. You felt his cock twitch inside you before a hot liquid shoots into your core. Taehyung screams out as he empties inside of you, immediately falling to your side limply.
There was a moment of silence before Taehyung wrapped his arms around you and pulled your naked body into his embrace. He kissed your neck all over, making you giggle and squirm.
“Y/n…will you be my girlfriend” Taehyung asked simply, gazing fondly into your eyes. Reality hit you again.
“I…I can’t”
“If Park Jimin is really your friend, he will support you. A real friend doesn’t tell you who you can or cant see” Taehyung reasoned.
“Yeah but…”
“I love you so much y/n” Taehyung pressed his lips onto your forehead, “Let me show you. I wanna take you out. I wanna get to know you better. Please.”
You sighed. Jimin would be dealt with. Right now all you wanted was to love and be loved by the man in front of you.
“Okay, yeah. I’ll be your girlfriend”
The next time you saw Jimin, you two had decided to meet up on the beach to go on a run. He arrived, water bottle in hand, ready to burn some steam. You smiled slightly knowing that he would probably have a good workout after you told him the news.
“Hey” He smiled.
“I want to date Taehyung”
And the smile vanished. Jimin clenched his bottle.
“Let’s jog” You recommended, and you took off, keeping a slower pace so that you could still talk to Jimin. The brush of the air past you felt refreshing as your heart rate began to pick up. “He really loves me”
“So…if you really were my friend why would you stop me from being with someone who cares about me too”
“You know why.” Jimin picked up his speed.
“But Jimin, that’s not really fair” You chased after him. “Please you know I need you, so don’t make me choose”
“I hate him Y/n. I really hate him” Jimin growled, now practically sprinting You took a deep breath and tried to keep up.
“Jimin…slow down” You panted but he kept going.
“Jimin come on, don’t be like this. I’ve never had a boyfriend before can’t you just be excited for me?”
Jimin came to a sudden halt. Your reflexes didn’t catch on fast enough and the next thing you know you crashed into Jimin’s chest. He grabbed you quickly to keep you from falling. The two of you giggled.
Jimin looked into your pleading eyes. He realized that you were right. He had no right to stop you from doing anything. You deserved your firsts. He cared about you so much, how could he ever get in the way of your happiness.
Jimin knew deep down that you had things you needed to work on, and so did he. But the two of you still needed each other as friends. He didn’t want to lose that no matter what.
“I’m sorry Y/n”
“What? No, oh my gosh, you don’t need to be sorry about anything”
“No I’m sorry for being such an immature idiot about all of this. Of course you should date whoever you want to. I’ll always support you” He pinched your cheek affectionately, “You and me are forever.”
You grinned widely, hugging your best friend tightly. “Thank you Jimin”
The two of you took off your sneakers and headed to the water to walk along the shore. The breeze began to turn cold. Jimin noticed you shiver so he pulled his shirt off and tossed it at you, the fabric landing on your face. His scent was suffocating in a good way. You caught the shirt and kicked water at Jimin in retaliation. The competitive spark in his eyes returned as he bent down to grab your hips, lifting you up from behind and swinging you around.
“Jimin!” You laughed. He smiled widely and set you down. You ran ahead of him slightly, throwing the shirt on over your head and feeling the soft warm fabric hug you. Jimin jogged to catch up.
“Okay Mr. Abs. I bet I can race you into the water” You poked his chest playfully, flinching slightly when you realized he was shirtless. Jimin raised his eyebrows.
“Why would you make a bet you know you’ll lose”
“You’re forgetting that the water is going to be ice cold. Unlike you I have clothes on, and a nice layer of fat protecting me” You joke. Jimin rolled his eyes and pinched your sides.
“If you say so” He shrugged, “On your mark…” But you already set off running, the damp sand kicking up as your feet splashed their way towards the ocean. You could hear Jimin complaining behind you and it only made you run faster. Your feet hit the water and it was freezing. You yelped a little at the contact but continued to go in deeper, until the water was up to your knees, weighing the shirt down.
Jimin splashed you and you felt yourself go under the icy waves. You retaliated, pulling him down with you. He got up and shook his hair to get the water off. You looked at each, both soaked and trembling in the cold. Jimin’s expression changed as you felt his eyes scan your body. His shirt was clinging to your sides. He stepped closer to her and let his hands slide to your low back. You looked up at him. You knew that look.
“Jimin” You started but he let go of your instantly.
“Sorry. Sorry. You’re with Tae. I respect that” He backed away. You smiled softly.
“Maybe we shouldn’t be hanging out so much so soon huh” You mumbled.
Jimin nodded, his heart dropping at the thought of not talking to you. “Some space is probably healthy yeah”
“I’ll always be here when you’re ready” You grabbed his hand. He leaned in to kiss the top of your hand.
“I know. I won’t leave you, I promise”
Taehyung helped you move back to campus. When it was time for him to leave, he suddenly understood the weight of a long distance relationship. The reality that he wouldn’t get to hold you every night. That you would be living a different life, one he knew nothing about. But moreso that he had a different life too. One where he was never tied down, let alone to someone who wasn’t around.
You were worth it though, he reminded himself. He waited in the lobby for you to come down from your apartment to see him off. He spotted you in elevator, chatting with your neighbor, some guy named Namjoon. The guy was really attractive, even Taehyung found himself checking out his ass. He watched your behavior carefully, pursing his lips as you ended the conversation and came to him.
“Hey. You all set to go?” Taehyung cleared his throat.
“Yeah…” He kissed your lips softly, “I’m gonna get going now…bye princess” You hugged him tightly, kissing one last time before you watching Taehyung leave.
Long distance was tough, but manageable. He would send naughty texts to help you get off every now and then. You still called Jimin practically every day, and things went on as normal. You wondered if you should have been missing Taehyung more, but it wasn’t as if he was ever really that big of a part of your life. You probably just needed to adjust.
It was because of this though that you didn’t notice that Taehyung had stopped calling as often, stopped sending flirty texts and instead replacing them with short “ok” “cool” “nice”. If you had noticed, you might have realized he was trying to get your attention. He wanted you to miss him like he was missing you. Until finally he couldn’t take it anymore.
Jimin took a sip of his beer. Winter break was just around the corner. You and him made plans with all of your friends to go to Mexico and enjoy a beach resort, and he couldn’t wait. He remembered then that you now were dating Taehyung, meaning he would have to see you all over him, and probably hear every detail about everything you’ll do with him. He smirked.
Jimin had been hurt for a while after you started dating Taehyung, but eventually he realized that it was the right thing for you at the time. It was your first relationship, and Taehyung was a good person to explore yourself with. He respected you guys, and repaired your friendship slowly but surely. By the time you guys returned to campus, it was as if the drama never happened. You two facetimed every day. You knew every details of his college life and he yours.
Jimin reflected on himself after everything that happened. He realized that he had unhealthily manifested his insecurities into you. He wanted to be better, not just for you, but for himself. He wanted to feel comfortable in his own skin. Confident in himself, his looks, everything so he wouldn’t be paranoid the next time something like this happened. He had been working really hard on himself the past few months. Working out, but also meditating, making more time for himself, dealing with his insecurities and overcoming them. He made small changes to his lifestyle in order to be the person he wanted to be.
He even went out with a few girls, and was able to get some experience trying to date. None of them turned out to be anything serious, but he was now content with himself, even if he was single.
Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook all went to the same university. One that was more local to your hometown than the one you did. Jimin didn’t hang out with them too much while school was going on. They were studying different things, ran with different crowds. Had different lives. Every now and then they might have grabbed coffee, but they were all pretty busy.
So when Jimin runs into Jungkook at a house party, he is decently surprised. Jungkook fists bumps him. “Hey man. How’ve you been?”
Jimin shrugged.
“So did you and Y/n finally get together after she and Tae broke up?”
Jimin tilted his head. He had literally spoken to you earlier today and that was definitely not the case. “What? They didn’t break up”
Jungkook raised his eyebrows, “You sure? Taehyung’s been bringing home a new one almost every night.” Jimin’s mouth went dry.
“W…what?” He growled. Jungkook noticed and put his hands up in defense.
“Hey, maybe they’re in an open relationship. He doesn’t seem emotionally attached to them…they’re just bodies” Jimin inhaled sharply.
“Where is he?”
“Jimin, just chill okay it’s not any of our business”
“I fucking asked you where he is”
Jungkook sighed and motioned for him to follow. They went up the stairs, Jimin wasn’t even sure who’s house they were in. Jungkook arrived at a door in a back hallway and looked at Jimin as he slowly twisted the door knob.
Taehyung was butt naked, pounding some sorority girl from behind. Jimin’s blood was boiling, but Jungkook was strong and held him back from going in and breaking his neck. His heart clenched, picturing how hurt you would be. Knowing you, you would think it’s your fault for not being enough. That’s so not true. Jimin gritted his teeth.
Jungkook quickly closed the door and pulled Jimin back.
“How long has he been doing this?” Jimin growled once the two of them put some distance between them and the door. “How long has he been cheating on her?”
“I don’t know if it’s really cheating…He still talks about her like she’s his girlfriend”
“He can’t just fuck other people”
“Ahhh, Taehyung’s just like that. He needs to be touched. He really cares about her though I’m sure”
“Maybe” Jimin spat, “But she deserves so much more than that” Jungkook sighed. This wasn’t his fight. He went back and knocked on the door.
“Taehyung. Come out here for a minute”
A haphazard Taehyung stumbled out of the room, midway through putting his shirt back on. His eyes were shot, and he was clearly intoxicated. “What Kook? She was about to let me put it in her ass…” Taehyung noticed Jimin and went quiet. Jungkook remained between the two boys, placing his hand on Jimin’s chest to ensure he didn’t move.
“How could you do this to her?” Jimin yelled angrily. “After all the fucking chaos you put her…put both of us through this summer…why did you do all of that if you were just going to cheat on her?”
Taehyung bit his lip and looked at the ground, “I don’t know” He met Jimin’s glare, “Stop fucking making me the bad guy. I did everything for her and she still doesn’t let me in.”
Jimin scoffed, “She gushes about you CONSTANTLY. She’s always so happy when you call. But you…you’re just…ugh”
Taehyung gulped.
“Didn’t you love her? Isn’t that why you convinced her to go against me, her best friend, to be with you?”
“I do love her.” Taehyung muttered, “But this isn’t high school anymore. Her life at college is different. I’m different. She was my high school crush, but now this is my real life. This is who I am here. I party, I fuck, I drink. I’m not gonna change that for her. At college she…she’s confident. She doesn’t need me. I need her to need me.”
“Then break up with her like a man. Don’t fucking cheat you asshole” Jimin growled, pushing against Jungkook’s grip.
“I don’t want to” Jimin almost leaped over Jungkook, pushing past him to clench Taehyung’s collar.
“You don’t want to? Well fuck, then prepare to be dumped because I’m sure as hell telling her”
Taehyung chuckled, “You’re such a simp. She’s not gonna believe you. You’ve been praying for us to break up”
Jimin shoved Taehyung back. “No. I respected you both. I helped her deal with you all these months. I supported her. Your first few fights, I was the one who reasoned with her. Whether or not she’s dating you, she’s my best friend.”
“Yeah and there’s a reason she picked me. You insecure, misogynistic piece of shit”
Jimin laughed, “I’m insecure? It’s like you said. People change. Except most of us get more mature, while you just continued to be the exact sleaze bag I always thought you were”
Taehyung said nothing. Jungkook pursed his lips.
“He’s right Tae” Jungkook finally pitched in, “Even I stopped fucking around as much as I used to, and I’m not in a relationship or anything. It’s time to grow up. You’ve got issues buddy”
“I’m the best thing that’s happened to her. And she has the audacity to take me for granted. Her. Take me for granted. Not have time for me. I’m Kim motherfucking Taehyung. I can get anyone on my cock without even trying. Who the fuck is Y/n to ignore me” Taehyung barked. Jimin slapped him harshly.
“Call her right now. Or I will”
It was new years eve. Taehyung had come clean about cheating on you. Your heart had been shattered for a while. Jimin flew all the way to your campus to spend a few days with you, holding you as you cried your soul out.
After a while you began to pick yourself up. You reflected on yourself a lot, on the relationship you had. You realized that being with Taehyung had been a burden. You felt pressure to meet a certain standard to be deserving of him. You didn’t want to live like that anymore.
You wanted to be unapologetically you. Both you and Jimin decided to focus on yourselves as independent people. You pushed each other and held each other accountable. Sometimes you wondered who you would be if you didn’t have someone like him in your life. Someone to encourage you every step of the way.
Jimin began dating, and you did feel a little jealous. But at the same time you were happy for him. He deserved the experience as much as you did. You two would talk night after night about relationships, what you liked and what you didn’t like. What you wanted and what you didn’t.
Finally winter break came around. Taehyung had been decent enough to pull out of the trip after the two of you ended your relationship. Hobi had rented out a beautiful resort. From the second you landed and saw Jimin, things had been incredibly flirty. He was teasing you endlessly, playing with you in the pool, roasting you in front of your friends. You cheeks were constantly flushed whenever he was around.
And in the humid nights he would find you on the beach, cuddling with you in a hammock, letting you read some stupid health articles to him.
“Yeah so apparently drinking chlorophyll is really good for clearing your skin” You read off of your phone. Jimin ’s face was nuzzled into your shoulder. He hummed in response but you knew he was really asleep. “I definitely have to try that. You aren’t even listening are you?”
He groaned, “God shut up y/n” He lazily grabbed your phone from you and threw it on the ground, wrapping his arms around you before you could try to reach for it. “Fuck chlorophyll, your skin is perfect. So soft” He tightened his hold on you. You couldn’t help but smile ear to ear.
You turned around to face him. His eyes were closed, thick lips partially parted. You suddenly felt so emotional. You thought back to when the two of you were just kids. Clueless, outcast, weird. You always had each other.
This was you soulmate wasn’t it? Your heart glowed in fondness. You traced Jimin’s lips carefully.
“Y/n” He mumbled, eyes still closed.
“Jimin” You exhaled softly, brushing the loose strands of his now brown hair aside. “I love you”
Jimin’s eyes shot open. You could feel tears in your eyes as Jimin blinked in surprise. “I…I love you too”
It was as simple as that. You closed your eyes and leaned in to kiss those plush lips, getting lost in the giddy feeling that was building inside you. You felt like a kid again, just so incredibly happy and safe. Jimin pulled away, lingering close to you.
“We’ve never…properly fucked” He confessed. You laughed.
“Yeah…I guess we haven’t.”
“Still into that kinky public sex?” He teased, nipping at your nose. You pushed him playfully causing the hammock to swivel.
“Good” His voice became sultry. He rolled off of the hammock and helped you off too, pulling you down onto the soft sand. The sun had just barely set, so it was still faintly light out, and a few people remained on the beach.
“Here?” You giggled. “We’re gonna get fined”
Jimin shrugged. “I don’t care. I wanna show everyone you’re mine” He kissed your neck affectionately. “Do you want that? Do you want me to show everyone what a good girl you are for me? Stuffed full of my big cock under me where you belong” He whispered sweet nothings, making your tremble in anticipation.
He sensually ran his fingers down your body, lingering on the parts of you that had you whining the most. He untied your bikini and watched it barely slide off of you.
“God you’re hot” He licked his lips. You placed a palm on his six pack and winked at him.
“So are you”
Jimin latched his mouth onto your breast and let his hands find your cunt, fingers playing with you lightly. He let his tongue flick against you before he sucked you like a child. You whined, knowing full well how much you liked that.
“Such pretty tits…” He mumbled, before kissing his way up your chest to find your lips again.
He kissed you repeatedly, taking his time to savor the taste of you. You could feel his hardon rub against your thigh. You wrapped you legs around his waist to try to press against him more, making him moan into your mouth.
“Jimin…please” You whined, “I need you”
“Where baby? Hm? You want me to stuff you with my cock? You want it? Want me to fuck you, squirt my cum into you, knock you up so good fuck” He rolled his hips, his clothed crotch rubbing right up against your core. “You’d be so pretty, all swollen because of me.” His hands found your stomach and squeezed it slightly. You felt your face get hot.
“Gonna fuck you every damn day” He said breathlessly, grinding into you harshly. He somehow slid off his swim trunks, allowing his long cock to bounce up in anticipation. “You taste so sweet…feel so good”
You reached down to stroke his cock as he continued to kiss you. “Put it in” You pleaded.
Jimin nodded, kissing you chastely one last time before lining himself up with your entrance. He carefully watched your face as he pushed in all in one thrust.
“Shit” You blurted out, “You’re so big” Jimin smirked, leaning back down to you and biting your lip softly.
“Mmm yeah. I know” He winked at you. He grabbed your ass and fondled them as he thrust into you. “Holy…shit…Y/n…” His words were broken between his quickening thrusts.
“Sssh” You whispered, “Someone will see us, just hurry up”
“You feel so good” Jimins voice wavered. You wrapped your arms around his neck to press as close to him as you possibly could, feeling his whole body move against you in a sensual rhythm. You let out a loud moan and he quickly locked lips with you again, muffling the sound. You could practically hear people talking near you, and your mind wandered to what the sight of Jimin fucking you must look like to others. So shameless. Your pussy clenched.
“You’re so beautiful” Jimin whispered, his lips not leaving yours. His thrusts became deeper as he gazed into your eyes. You panted against him, his hand coming to cup your face as his cock went deeper and deeper inside of you.
“So are you” You managed to say, mimicking his gesture, letting your thumb trace his bottom lip. He stop momentarily to get lost in another deep kiss. He then licked his finger and reached down to your clit, rubbing it softly and observing your reactions.
You squirmed, feeling your body teasing you just at the threshold of your orgasm. Half of you trying to hold back and savor the euphoric rush you felt while the other wanted to let go.
“Come on baby, cum for me” Jimin whispered, “Cum for me and scream so that everyone here knows who’s fucking you down so good” Your breath hitched and you came more strongly than ever before. You let out a high pitched gasp that was bound to have turned some heads. But you didn’t care.
“Fuck that was so hot” Jimin relished in how wet you had become, washing his cock slide in out of you effortlessly. He pulled out suddenly and brought his cock to your lips. You obediently opened your mouth, allowing him to cum into your mouth.
“Excuse me sir.” You heard a voice behind you. Jimin quickly pulled his shorts on and layed over you to cover your body. One of the resort workers approached you. “We’ve received a few complaints of public indecency, would you mind please taking…this…to your suite?”
Jimin blushed and nodded. “Yes, of course. Sorry” The worker bowed slightly and left as quickly as he came. Jimin and you stared at each other before you burst out laughing. He kissed your forehead.
“Let’s go” He fixed your bikini back onto you, teasing you slightly as he tied your bra.
He let you jump onto his back and he gave you a piggy back ride back inside the resort where the rest of your friends were gathered around drinking.
“Damn if it isn’t the hottest couple in town” Hobi whistled. Both you and Jimin blushed.
You made your way back to Jimin’s suite.
You giggled, “I love you”
“I love you too baby”
“Another round?”
“Hell yeah”
A/N: that’s the end! please let me know what you think/reactions! pls dont kill me for not having taehyung win lolol, again the point was that a glow up is internal not external...hopefully that got across idk. its def not my favorite concept either so im excited to get started on new stuff. i did jimin so dirty in this i gotta make up for that lmaooo. plus namjoon’s thighs are just...on my mind lately. thank you all for reading it means a lot <3 and remember that everyone is beautiful and amazing :) check out my other works if you want!
Taglist: @honeyspillings @hollowtree10 @princessswan
death valley (m) | part 0
summary: this town is wasted & alone. but we are alive, here in death valley, but don’t take love off the table yet. cuz tonight is just fire alarms & losing you

welcome to death valley. once you’re in, there’s no telling whether you’ll make it out alive. a summer internship turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize
pairing: ot7 x reader smut ft: drugdealer!jungkook x reader, rockstar!jimin x reader
genre: smut. thriller. eventual yandere. gang!au rockstar!au fightclub!au
wordcount: 6.6k
warnings: explicit & multiple smut scenes, rough sex (choking, hair-pulling, light scratching + spanking, tearing clothes, etc), penetrative sex, drug abuse, alcohol, manipulation & toxic behavior, guns, smoking, oral (f & m receiving), thigh riding, fighting/boxing, switch!jk, switch!reader, dom!jimin
a/n: i absolutely loved writing this. it’s wild, hot, sexy, filthy, summer madness ugh. i hope you enjoy (im so nervous lol i poured my soul into the smut) inspired by the song death valley by fall out boy
part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | finale (lite) | finale (dark) part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | series navi | masterlist |
It was scorching outside. You could hear muted sounds of a bass tuning as you wandered down the dark hallways of the record company that had offered you an internship.
“Here’s one of studios” Ahead of you, a chirpy representative was motioning into the tinted glass door. “They all look the same pretty much and oh!” He backed away as the door slid open.
You felt your breath escape you. A man emerged with such intense eyes you wouldn’t believe. He was dressed formally in a black collared shirt, partially unbuttoned, adorned with silver jewelry. You could see a tattoo begin under his small hoop earrings traveling onto his back, making your imagination run wild. He glanced at the rep and gave him an approving nod before turning. His eyes scanned you, nonchalant, taking more interest- much to your dismay -in the intern next to you. Kim Namjoon.
You had met Namjoon during orientation a few days ago. He was a nice guy, clearly passionate about music. He was also insanely well built, you couldn’t help watching the way his biceps would flex when he would work the soundboard.
Namjoon didn’t seem as in awe of the man who had emerged as you were, but you noticed the man take a pause to inspect his face closely. He then tilted his head quickly, his tongue rolling along the inside of his jawline as if he was annoyed somehow. A smirk played at his lips.
He didn’t bother exchanging any words, he brushed past you to walk in the other direction. You gulped.
“That was Min Yoongi! The head producer. He’s really good—he basically produces all of our artists songs.” The rest of the tour was numb to you, your mind was too caught up in that man’s face. His eyes were almost feline, enticing you. He might literally have been the most attractive man you had seen in your life. He looked so incredibly unbothered, but simultaneously precise. As if he was memorizing every detail of where he looked. Even through the split second you had met his eyes, you felt like he was able to see right through you.
“Y/n?” A hand waved in front of your face. You flinch slightly, returning to reality where Namjoon was sitting across a conference table from you. “Earth to Y/n”
“S..sorry. I just spaced out. What were you saying?” Namjoon smiled knowingly.
“I asked if you were free tonight.” He slid a flyer in your direction. On it in bold red lettering was: RM vs. JIN. Death Valley. 9 PM. “There’s this awesome local…hang out of sorts. I guess you could call it a club. It’s called Death Valley. A lot of the artists here hang out there too. They have fights and stuff every now and then…and there’s one tonight” You noticed him blushing slightly, “Anyway if you’re free. You should definitely come”
You picked up and examined the flyer. The lettering struck you as almost gothic. “Do I just meet you there? How does it work?” Namjoon shifted his weight.
“When you get there, just show them that flyer and they’ll take you where you need to go. You’ll find me don’t worry”
You had never really been to a fight before. But figuring from what Namjoon said about the label artists hanging out at the place regularly, you made the decision to dress yourself up a bit punk. You wore a red pencil skirt with a modest and fitting black top. Last minute you decided to grab a large leather jacket.
The jacket had a funny story. You were a huge groupie back in the day, and one time at a concert, the lead singer of a band you really liked, Park Jimin, threw his jacket into the crowd, and luckily you caught it.
You arrived at the address, the cold wind causing you to wrap your arms around yourself. It was quite a happening scene. Girls were dressed in stockings and chokers, smoking something or the other. You couldn’t tell. You saw a good amount of denim, flannel and jewelry. So it was this kind of scene. You mentally high fived yourself for bringing the jacket.
You walked up to the entrance, already able to hear the remnants of loud music. Was there a live band here? You wondered. The busser stopped you from going in.
“Name?” He asked gruffly. He had a cigarette poking out the side of his mouth, and his eyes were darkly lined. You clumsily reached into your purse and took out the flyer, handing it to him. “Hm” He eyed your figure, “Nice jacket. Down the back hall, second door on your left.”
Walking in, Death Valley seemed like any other dive bar. Groups of friend were drinking, smoking, laughing. The ambiance wasn’t too bad at all. Down the back hall. Your eyes scanned the area until you found what you were looking for.
“Nice jacket” You turned to see someone approaching you, drink in hand. He had faded greenish hair that somehow suited his doll like face. He had a twinkle in his eyes that you couldn’t quite decipher if it was him being high or ill-intentioned. Probably both.
“Thanks. I’ve been getting that a lot”
“We don’t get a lot of Park Jimin fans here these days. Are you new?” You nodded.
“Yeah, I’m here for the fight. My friend invited me. He’s expecting me so I better…” The boy put his arm around you casually and began leading you towards the back.
“Perfect, let me show you the way. The name is Taehyung by the way”
You let this Taehyung person lead you through the back hallway. It was barely lit. You followed him down a few flights of stairs until finally you arrived at another hallway. You felt goosebumps on your skin. This place looked insanely sketchy. There was dark graffiti loosely spread out across the walls. Second door on your left. Your eyes locked in on the beaten down door. Taehyung let you go, tugging your jacket so that it pulled off of your back.
“Hey!” You protested but he simply folded the jacket and handed it back to you.
“Trust me. You probably aren’t gonna wanna wear that in there” His eyes dropped to your chest and the back to you, licking his lips. “Come on jacket girl, let’s go have some fun”
You couldn’t even see anything when you opened the door. The strong scent of tobacco, weed, and so much else overwhelming your senses. Taehyung waved the fog from you and guided you through the crowd. There were way more people in here than upstairs. You quickly realized that this was somewhat of an arena. You gripped your jacket tightly as Taehyung held your arms, bringing you somewhere you could finally get some space.
“Who are you meeting? I can probably help you find them” He offered. His actions so far had been kind but something in your gut told you not to trust this guy.
“My colleague. Kim Namjoon. He said he would be easy to find” Taehyung burst out laughing.
“Kim Namjoon?” Taehyung chuckled darkly, “Damn…Joon brought a Park Jimin fan to the ring. What a fucking joke” He smirked meanly, “You’ll see him soon enough.” You heard a buzzer go off, prompting you to look towards the center of the arena, where a small boxing ring had been set up. The ring was torn and tattered, old yellow lights shining down to illuminate the space. Your eyes widened as the two fighters entered the rink, sliding off their robes. There before you, shirtless, muscular, and with an angry gleam in his eyes, was Namjoon.
“What the fuck” You muttered in shock. You heard Taehyung giggle slightly at your reaction. You watched as the ref began the fight, cheers roared thunderously loud as Namjoon threw the first punch. Your focus shifted to his opponent. He was broad, also well built, and had a very handsome face. You watched as Namjoon’s fist slashed against his opponents almost perfect jawline. The two men hashed it out violently, the crowd wilding. You head a phone ring, becoming aware that Taehyung was on the phone.
“How much did you bet on him…doesn’t matter.” He paused, “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it.” He glanced at you and smiled inwardly, “Consider it done”.
You watched as the opponent, who based on the screams that surrounded you you deduced was Jin, floored Namjoon with a flip. You cringed at the sound of impact. The light was so bright, reflecting off of the ring. You were finding it harder and harder to keep your eyes open. You turned to Taehyung.
“I think I need some air. How do I get out of here?” Taehyung nodded his head in the direction of an exit. You thanked him quietly and wiggled your way through before you tumbled out the door. It wasn’t the way you had come in. It seemed to be some sort of additional private hall. You heard some voices, comforting you in that you were not completely alone.
Your curiosity got the better of you, and you followed the voices down the hallway until you arrived at another set of stairs. You peered over the ledge to see a few men standing around someone who sitting down on a chair.
“I thought you said you drugged him you fuck. Do you know how much we bet on Jin winning tonight?” You heard a loud slap, causing you to tremble slightly. “Scum. This is why I don’t like working with street rats” The voice sounded slightly familiar to you but you couldn’t quite place it.
The men exchanged a few more words that you couldn’t hear too well before the disappeared. You heard a door close, making you think that they must have left the building or something. You slowly crept down, checking the room to ensure the men had left. The boy on the chair remained still, head hanging down. You noticed suddenly that he was tied up, his waist to the chair, and his wrists together behind. He had blue highlights playing at the ends of his black wavy locks.
He looked up and met your eyes. His eyes were large, almost innocent—looking shocked at seeing you. He squirmed slightly, as your eyes landed on the cloth wrapped in his mouth. You set down your things and carefully ran over to help him. You bent over him, chest coming dangerously close to his face as you untied his mouth gag. It occurred to you that you could have just gone behind him. As soon as you undid the knot, you felt the boy take a deep breath. He was so close to you that you felt your skin tingle. You backed away, meeting his eyes.
“Sorry…I’ll…go around” You mumbled. He gulped and nodded, still not saying a word. You untied his wrists and waist. He still didn’t get up. “Are you okay?” You asked. He rubbed his wrists, red markings decorating them all over. “Shit you look hurt. Hold on” You grabbed your purse, rummaging for some ointment. “Here” You got on your knees before him, squeezed out some and grabbed his hand, rubbing it softly onto his scars. You noticed the tattoos on his fingers.
“How did you even get here?” He finally spoke.
“I just came out of the ring for some air…wandered a bit”
“No one knows about the back rooms. Who sent you?”
“Um…” You thought carefully, “T…taehyung? I think was his name”
“Of course” The boy muttered, pulling his hand away from you as you finished. He tilted your chin up towards him, bending down to look at you closer. “What’s your name?”
“Y/n” You pulled away from his touch, bending down to put the ointment back in your purse. You heard the boy groan.
“You look really hot like that.” His hand rested on the top of your head. “Bet you suck cock real good”
You scoffed. “I just fucking saved your ass and that’s what you have to say” You rose, brushing the dust off of your knees. The boy chuckled, running a hand back through his hair.
“How rude of me. Thank you. Wanna fuck?” You couldn’t help but grin at his forwardness. He pat his thigh, inviting you to sit. His thighs did look really delicious.
“I don’t even know you”
You shrugged. You weren’t sure if you were second hand high from all the smoke earlier, but the prospect of fucking this hot stranger didn’t seem so bad. You had a stressful day after all.
“Well I’m not sucking your dick on this dirty floor” You established, unzipping your tight skirt. He smirked as the garment dropped to the floor. You made your way into the boy’s lap as his hand immediately found your ass and squeezed.
“A hottie like you has no business in a place like this” He murmured, inhaling your scent as he ran his nose across your jaw. Your hands pressed his chest and you could feel his hard abs behind the fabric of his shirt. You rolled your hips slightly. The boy bit down on your top’s straps, and you watched as he tugged it down to get access to your chest. He ran his lips across every inch of your skin he had access to until he was barely away from kissing your lips.
“I’m Jungkook by the way” He whispered, watching you carefully as you squirmed. He kissed you softly once, testing the waters. He then gnawed at your bottom lip, sucking on it. You let your hands travel up until your were grasping his hair tightly as the kiss deepened. His hands gripped your hips, moving you back and forth on his thigh. He patted your ass, indicating that you get up slightly.
He unzipped his jeans and you watched his cock pop out. He wasn’t the biggest you had seen, but he looked delicious nevertheless. He didn’t bother taking off the rest of his pants as you reached your hand down and began stroking him sensually.
You watched him as he stared down at your hands. You pumped him at a slow pace, letting your thumb roll over his tip. You let him go and brought your palm to his face.
“Lick” His eyes widened but he obeyed. He lapped at your palm until you were satisfied, then returned to stroking his cock.
“Damn okay. You’re a filthy little slut huh” You smirked. Jungkook grabbed your neck, letting his fingers climb up your jaw and tilt your face back. “You like it rough?”
You squeezed his cock extra tight, causing him to loosen his grip before shoving your own fingers in his mouth. He gagged and you grinned. “You couldn’t handle it” You teased. That ignited a spark in Jungkook’s eyes. You retracted your fingers and he pushed his mouth flush against yours, biting at you harshly. You moaned into him as he smacked your ass.
“Get the fuck on my cock right now” He growled. You grinned, more than happy to indulge him. You raised your hips, shifting your panties aside. Jungkook watched as his tip made contact with your moistening folds. He exhaled shakily as you sunk down on him. “Holy fuck…fuck…fuck” He whimpered, holding you tight.
You grabbed the back of his neck, letting your nails dig into him a little. Jungkook raised your hips, watching as his cock emerged in sight, now sticky and covered with your slick. He guided you back down, but you needed more. You slapped his hands away, tightening your grip on his neck, pulling his hair slightly as you began to ride him as fast as you could. You rolled your hips, bouncing yourself on him with as much strength as you could conjure, letting his cock dig deeper and deeper inside you each time. Jungkook cursed loudly, smacking your ass repeatedly as the pleasure began to overwhelm him.
“You love that don’t you” He muttered, letting his fingers trace up and down your back as you continued to ride him. “Pretty little slut, riding my cock like this…thats right baby…”
You could feel your core tighten at his words as your mind urged to go faster, feeling the brink of your pleasure approach. You whined loudly, burying your face into his neck as you pushed your hips to bounce even faster. You felt hot and feverish, the smell of sex overtaking the room. You felt the waistline of Jungkook’s jeans brush against your ass.
You felt a surge of wetness, the realization of how obscene your actions were turning you on beyond reason. You continued to ride the fully clothed stranger beneath you, biting into his neck.
“Fuck you’re hot” He groaned as the friction on his cock became even tighter. “Fucking away on my big cock like a toy. So fucking desperate…fuck…” He suddenly brought his hands to your hair and tugged your head back harshly. Your neck strained and you winced at the pain.
“Ahhh Jungkook” You squealed, enjoying his actions more than you anticipated. He took the opportunity to kiss your breasts over your clothes, latching on and biting at your nipples over the fabric. The stain of his saliva was evident on your top but you didn’t care. He tugged your hair back again, before letting go suddenly so that your head whipped back up.
He leaned back, slapping your thigh, “Come on baby…cum on me…cum on my big cock like the slut you are…want to see how fucking pretty you look when you cum” You felt your legs getting tired but your orgasm was so incredibly close. Junkook slapped you again, giving you the last bit of motivation to thrust down on him with everything you had, pushing you over the edge.
You yelped out, your voice echoing in the abandoned room, pussy leaking all over Jungkook messily. He watched in amazement as your cunt swallowed him in tightly, your hot walls milking him out.
“Fuckkkk yesss. Just like that baby” Jungkook let go of you, letting his hands fall to his sides limply as you continued to ride our your high.
You bounced on him while he sat back and watched you, a big michevious smile plastered on his lips. “Get on your knees” He growled. Forgetting your earlier protest, you slowly raised yourself off of him and dropped to the ground, knees scraping against the dirty concrete floor. Jungkook widened his legs, leaning forward to stroke his cock as he wiggled it in front of you.
He watched as he rolled his tip across your whole face, circling your lips. You stuck your tongue out, letting himself rub up against it. He jerked himself aggressively and the next thing you knew your eyes flew shut as he cried out in pleasure. His hot seed splattering all over your fucked out face.
You were both panting, completely spent and exhausted. Jungkook let his thumb trace your face, spreading his cum
“So pretty” He groaned kissing you, licking up remnants of his own cum from your lips. He cupped your face suddenly, deepening the kiss, pulling you back into his lap. He pushed your hair away from your face and took a look at you.
“Can I get your number?” You asked him softly, suddenly feeling shy after the aggressive display you had just put on for this stranger. You felt him smile against you.
“No” He grinned, patting your cheek, “But trust me, if you want to find me you’ll be able to” He pushed you off of him and finally got up, stretching his arms to crack his shoulders.
You found your skirt and dressed yourself back up. Jungkook suddenly zeroed in on you as you slid on your jacket. His eyes narrowed.
“Who are you really? Where did you get that jacket?” You tilted your head curiously. What was the big deal about your jacket? “Is this a fucking set up?”
“What…no…I?” You suddenly felt a hand around you from behind and a knife pressed up against your neck.
“Don’t move” Through the side of your vision you see a gloved hand pull a gun out. Your blood runs cold. Jungkook raises his arms slowly. “Get back in the fucking chair you piece of shit” The man behind you growled, “You’re not going anywhere till we get our fucking money back”
You clenched your eyes shut, trembling as you heard the gloved man snicker. A gun shot rang out and you screamed, jumping into the man that held you. You slowly opened your eyes and relief flushed you as you saw that Jungkook was not shot.
The look on his face was of pure fear and slowly you felt the body behind you go absolutely cold, dropping to the floor. You turned around and you entire body froze.
Standing right there was Park Jimin. The Park Jimin. Holding a gun.
You dropped to the floor, blacking out completely.
When you woke up the next morning, you found yourself in your own apartment, in your own bed. You rubbed your eyes, not understanding how you ended up here.
You were still in the clothes from last night, but you couldn’t find your jacket. You checked your phone, head pounding in confusion.
Kim Namjoon - 3 missed calls
You sighed. You were going to have to explain to Namjoon why you missed out on watching his fight. You wondered who ended up winning. You decided to google it. Strangely enough, no results came up. Death Valley was listed as a local bar and nothing more.
You arrived at work, head still stinging from earlier. Today was your first day working in the studio. Namjoon met you in the lobby.
“Y/n! Hey!” He walked up to you eagerly, “I couldn’t find you after the” He looked around carefully “after last night, I got a bit…caught up…I’m so sorry. Did you have fun?”
“When were you gonna tell me you were this RM fellow?” You laughed, hitting him playfully. Namjoon grinned eagerly. He was cute, you could tell he was excited to explain.
“Yeah. I do some fighting on the side to make quick money. I actually really wanna be an artist here one day, but I can’t afford any studio time yet.” Namjoon gets a dreamy look in his eyes, “I wanna be a rockstar”.
At that moment, you heard a loud amount of chattering, accompanies with shuttering camera clicks and faint screams. You and Namjoon both turned to see security guiding someone in, pushing away fans and paparazzi. The man who walked in was wearing sunglasses, and had a hat on to remain inconspicuous.
From the other end of the lobby you see Min Yoongi, looking just as amazing, if not more, clipboard in hand, walking towards him. The two men fist bumped and you watched as the man finally removed his sunglasses, handing it to one of the assistants surrounding him.
You chuckled ironically back at Namjoon once you recognized the man, “Like Park Jimin?” Namjoon pursed his lips, glaring at the singer and he followed Min Yoongi towards the studio.
“Yeah. Like Park Jimin”
You were in the studio, playing around with the soundboard before the session began. You giggled as you played back a track and warped the pitch. The studio door swung open.
“Hi! Y/n right?” He reached out to shake your hand. You rose and accepted it politely. “My name is Hoseok, you can call me Hobi. I’m a songwriter and junior producer” He motioned towards the soundboard, and you both took a seat.
“So tell me about yourself! What made you want to get into music production?”
“I’ve always been somewhat of a groupie growing up. I used to be really into a band…” You paused, “Well I guess funny enough I was a big Park Jimin fan back in the day.”
Hobi chuckled, “How interesting. He only recently signed with us. That’s what we’ll be working on today. Although quite honestly I’m a bit worried since he hasn’t worked on music in a while”
You nodded, “Yeah that’s what I thought. I heard he had sort of gone off the deep end, with drugs and all that” You realized you were talking shit about a client, “Um…I mean that’s probably not true”
“No that sounds about right. It happens to young stars so easily. They get caught up in the money, the sex, the drugs…the power” He trailed off. “Get some damn good songs out of it though” You laughed.
“Jimin should be here any second” Hobi looked at his watch.
You leaned back in your chair, embracing the silence and trying to gather yourself. You thought back to the previous evenings events. Was that really Park Jimin’s face you had seen, holding the gun? There was no way. There was absolutely no way.
The universe was really testing you today wasn’t it.
“Hi there!” Your eyes opened to see the big star himself, “Sorry I’m late” He reached a hand out but you simply stared at him, blinking in disbelief. He giggled, “I guess you know who I am…Miss Y/n”
“How do you know my name?” You asked. Jimin sat on the couch behind you and Hobi, prompting the both of you to swing around and face him.
He bit his lip, preventing a smile. “Wouldn’t you like to know” He whispered just loud enough for you to hear. Hobi cleared his throat.
“Alright team.” Hobi reached into his bag and pulled out a bag of weed. “I’ll roll. Let’s make some fucking music”
You honestly had never had so much fun at a job in your whole life. The three of you got higher than a mountaintop before beginning to mess around with instruments. Hobi had a bass in his lap, playing around with some tunes while Jimin was a giggling mess, letting his fingers slide across the synth. You don’t know when you ended up on the couch besides him, letting him show you the chords he played.
Jimin turned to look at you, “Mmm…” His hand slid under your skirt, “Something about a girl stealing your jacket like she stole your heart” He squeezed your thigh. Hobi mumbled in agreement, scribbling something on his notepad. “I want snacks” Jimin pouted, “Hobi can we get food? I bet Y/n is hungry too”
Hobi decided to go drive out and pick up lunch from someplace, leaving you and Jimin alone in the studio. As if there was a light switch, Jimin’s giggles and flirting ceased, replaced instead with a more serious and intimidating aura.
“What do you remember?” He asked sternly. So it really was him.
“I…” You weren’t sure if you should play dumb or not. There was a chance that you had seen him shoot someone. Which would make you a liability to him. What if he shot you too? No. You needed to calm down. Breathe. “I’m sorry?” You feigned innocence.
“Do you remember Jeon Jungkook?”
Jeon Jungkook huh. Okay. “Yes. I hooked up with him, but I don’t remember anything else” Jimin peered at you for a while. You met his gaze right back.
As a student, you had posters of young Park Jimin all over your room. You and your friends would dress up all cute to go to his concerts, saving up from your part time jobs to get front row tickets. Eventually his crew and bandmates began to recognize you all. You’d get invited to gatherings, that’s where you first tried alcohol, you even slept with one of his crew members once. Eventually the phase died out, but here you were, staring into the eyes of your idol.
You felt dizzy. It was too unreal.
Jimin finally exhaled, smiling once again. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny plastic pouch. You could see some white powder in it. You gulped.
“Wanna try?” He winked at you. You nodded slowly, your mind immediately questioning your judgement. You couldn’t exactly think of why doing this was a bad idea. Jimin opened the pouch carefully. He tilted his neck and poured a small line on it. He smirked at you. “Go ahead baby girl. Snort it” You were weak in the knees, trembling. You slowly scooted closer to him, your heart race speeding the close your got. You could smell him, god he smelled like heaven. You shut your eyes and snorted the powder, coughing out immediately. Jimin laughed as you wiped your nose. “Cute. My turn” You tilted your neck but he tutted, “Not there baby girl,” He reached over to your collar. He suddenly yanked down causing a good majority of your buttons to tear off, revealing your chest and the black bra you wore underneath.
“Rightttt hereee” Jimin traced a line down your chest. “Is that okay with you?” He kept his finger planted, hot on your skin.
“Yes” You worried you sounded too eager, but Jimin did not seem to notice. He helped you lay back on the couch. He poured out his line, leaning down from between your legs, using his elbows to hover above you. You tilted your head up, watching as he took a moment to simply stare at your chest. He pushed the fabric of your shirt aside and traced the outline of your bra, making you squirm. You let out a soft moan that did not go unnoticed. Once satisfied, he plugged his nose and snorted the line off of you. He inhaled the drug deeply, shaking his head and grinning widely. He wiped his nose on his sleeve before lowering himself back onto you. He licked a stripe, cleaning up any remaining powder on you. He simply hovered above you for a while, toying with your bra, watching you as he teased his fingers—occasionally slipping them under the pads. He slowly pushed the cups up off of your beasts.
He watched you intensely as he ran his tongue around your nipple. “Do you mind if I do this?” He asked almost in a cooing way, as if you didn’t know exactly what his intentions were. “Can I suck it baby girl?” You nodded dumbly. Jimin’s mouth engulfed your breast, lathering up the flesh with his tongue before releasing it was a pop. He brought his finger to pinch the wet bud, rolling it between his fingers.
“Jimin” You gasped, arching your back as pleasure shot through your veins. Jimin stopped suddenly.
He dragged you off of the couch, pulling you to your feet and pressed you back against the studio wall. The impact caused a few pieces of equipment to tumble over but he didn’t care. He stroked your jaw as he pressed his hardening cock into your stomach. “Do you feel that baby girl?” He snickered, “What are you gonna do about it? Are you gonna be a good girl and take care of daddy?” You whined, nodding quickly, throwing upper arms around his neck to pull yourself closer into him. “You gonna let daddy have his way with you?”
“Yes” Your whole body was shaking in anticipation. Jimin toyed with your waistline until he was able to drag your skirt off. He circled your waist, tightly grabbing your hips before he turns you around. He walks over the the coffee table, where all the weed, notepads, crumpled papers had piled up. He took his arm in one full sweep and cleared the table, not missing a beat as he pulled you harshly so that you fell back on the table. You spread your legs for him as he grabbed your panties and tore them off of your body.
You watched him unbuckle his pants. Jimin got down on his knees and pulled your thighs towards him so that he could shove his face between your legs. You bucked your hips as his nose brushed against your clit. He places soft kisses along your inner thighs and watches as your pussy squelches, desperate to be filled. He pulls his cock out, making his way on top of you. He takes on hand to harshly grab your jaw, turning your face to the side, the other to line his cock up with your entrance.
“C…condom” You whined. You felt his fingers tighten.
“You’re not on birth control?” He asked through gritted teeth. He sinks into you, his arms grabbing your thighs to pull your legs as far apart as he could. You felt your muscles ache and you cried out. “You better get on it, because I’m gonna be fucking you every chance I get. And I don’t wanna pull out next time. You understand baby girl?” You nod, “Say it” He growled, thrusting into you harshly. You yelped as you felt his thickness fill you to the brim, the stretch feeling so incredibly right.
“Yes…daddy” You managed to speak. Jimin stared at you, stilling just a moment before thrusting into you once again.
“I love that fuck…you’re so tight baby girl. Keep talking. Keep telling daddy how much you love it” Jimin pounded into you. You could feel the table underneath you wobble, the vibrations causing chaos around you as more equipment began to fall out of place and make a mess everywhere.
“So good daddy. I want more…” You moaned as Jimin picked up his pace, “More….more…more daddy more” Your face was flushed with heat and your pussy was drenched. You suddenly screamed out as you felt yourself hit your peak, a wave of dizzy ecstasy washing over every nerve in your body. Your pussy throbbed.
“Mmm yes…being such a good little…fuck…little cock sleeve for daddy hm?” The table creaked loudly and Jimin’s movement became harsher. He let his hips rise far enough so that his cock barely slips out before pounding right back into you over and over again.
You suddenly feel yourself falling as the table beneath you breaks. Jimin growls in annoyance, pulling out of you to stand up.
He doesn’t even bother helping you out of the rubble, instead just points at the soundboard. “Bend over. Let me take you from behind” He snapped his fingers. You furrowed your eyebrows. He was acting as if he fucking owned you, and you didn’t like that. You didn’t know why you weren’t resisting him, you usually played rough, but Jimin had you mute and submissive. A part of you hated yourself for it, a part of you loved it.
You leaned over as told, the buttons of the soundboard painfully pressing into your front. Jimin didn’t held as he held your face down. You winced at the pain, and Jimin fit his cock back inside you. He moaned out, clearly enjoying himself. You maybe not so much anymore. You were drooling over the expensive equipment your body getting scratched up all over as Jimin pounded you from behind.
“It hurts…” You whined, your eyes clenched shut to shield contact from the buttons under your face.
“Like I give a fuck” Jimin laughed, nevertheless he pulled out and let you get up off of the soundboard. You rand your fingers over your face, feeling the harsh imprints. Jimin grabbed your shoulders and pushed you down to your knees. “Suck me off baby. I’m almost done” He put his hand in your hair, pushing your face towards his cock. Your mouth opened just in time and you squealed in surprise as Jimin pushed himself deep down your throat. You gagged, but Jimin continued to push your head into him, thrusting into you. He tilted his head back and groaned loudly.
“Fuckkkk….so fucking close…” He muttered, more to himself than anything. He continued pumping your throat, not even noticing the tears running down your face as you found yourself barely able to breathe.
Finally he came, choking your further as his cum shot straight down your throat. It took all of you to not bite down on his dick as he pulled out. He let out a deep sigh and then looked down at you. You realized how pathetic you must have looked just then. In a destroyed studio room , clothes torn, scratched up on the floor in front of him. He grinned.
“Good.” He reached for his wallet and pulled out a black card, handing it to you. You took it reluctantly. “Be ready with protection next time okay?” He glanced around the room, “Tell Hobi I went home, and uh, you better clean this all up”
You scoffed as Jimin pulled his pants back on and headed towards the door.
“You’re just leaving?”
Jimin looked back at you, slight tinge of condescence in his eyes. “Card’s yours. Deal with it” He shrugged, walking out.
You looked at the card he handed you. It was a credit card. You gulped, realizing the implications of his action.
So that’s how it was gonna be then.
Your shirt was ruined, and you had no idea what to do. You decided to sneak into the stylists office to see if there was something you could make use of for the time being. You shield your chest with your arms and carefully crept outside the studio. No one was in the hallway. You quickly made your way down. The stylists office was in sight, and you had almost made it but just as you approached the door the door swung open, and you found yourself crashing straight into the God himself, Min Yoongi.
And you thought your day couldn’t get worse.
“Shit. Sorr—“ Yoongi’s voice fell flat. He noticed your disheveled state and his eyes widened. He took your wrist and pulled you inside. Without saying anything he began unbuttoning his own shirt. You felt your lungs constrict.
He was wearing a t-shirt beneath it, and you couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed. He pulled the shirt off and handed it to you.
“Wear this” You took the shirt, thanking him and he turned away to give you privacy. What a nice guy. You thought, much contrast to his standoffish vibe you got the first time you saw him. You couldn’t stop ogling at him though, the way his chains looked across his sculpted neck, his intense, gorgeous eyes.
“I…I’m good now” You said. You tried tucking the oversized shirt into your skirt. Yoongi turned back around. “Thank you sir”
“Don’t mention it” He didn’t smile, he didn’t frown. He simply left you there, absolutely flustered.
series navi | masterlist | [ next ]——ᐅ
a/n: will be smut w every member, the beginning has slight jimin emphasis but its an ot7 fic all the way. basically this just sets the background for the gang!au stuff starting in “part “.
why did jimin shoot that guy? why was jungkook afraid of jimin? why is kim namjoon so fricking cute? why was jungkook supposed to drug namjoon? what was taehyung’s phonecall about? stay tuned :)
death valley (m) | part 10
summary: a summer internship at a famous record label turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize

pairing: ot7 x f.reader smut ft: yoongi x reader, namjoon x reader, jimin x reader
genre: smut. yandere. mystery. thriller. gang!au rockstar!au fightclub!au
wordcount: 10k
warnings: reader discretion advised. smut over the cut, rough sex, choking, hair pulling, penetrative sex, obsessive, possessive yandere themes, daddy kink, dom!jimin, mean, anger kink?, EDGING, manipulation, toxic relationship dynamics, mutual masturbation, WHINY joon, breast play, dom!yoongi, a lot of kissing, groping, partying with hobi, guns, shootings, car chase, paranoia/fear, reader is BADASS, lying, drug/alc use & reference, betrayal, cheating, slight angst, pet names, fingering, oral, light spanking , impreg kink (slight)
part 0 | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | finale (lite) | finale (dark) part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | series navi | masterlist |
F L A S H B A C K—
There was something incredibly comforting about the way the water was pounding onto your back as you sat on the shower floor, hugging your knees to your chest. The steam scalded the back of your scalp as you attempted to wash away the horrors of your rendezvous at Death Valley.
You were uneasy, Jimin had been a bit too eager to find you, to act as though you hadn’t literally tried to end his life the night before in an impulsive bought of confusion. You wondered if he was pretending, because for you, it was eating you up alive. How could you shoot the man you dedicated years of your life to? Hours on end just dreaming about a second glance from him for what?
You almost slipped as you stepped out of the marbled space. A catchy beat broke you out of your daze, as you slowly walked into the living room.
There he was—shirt off, sweat dripping down his body, adding a dewy glimmer to the chains that lay loosely across his toned neck— settled behind his drum set. He wasn’t looking anywhere particular as he nodded his head to the rhythm. He was laser focused, jaw tight as he moved the drumsticks with an effortless flick of his wrists.
Jimin finally became aware of your presence, placing his palms to halt the vibrations of the drums. He swiveled on the stool towards you, thighs spread wide, bending forward to pick up his water bottle.
He looked up at you, panting, lips parted enough for you to see how he slightly ran his lip over them. He smirked, taking a sip. Water trickled down the edges of his thick lips.
His eyes were locked on yours, teasing you—no, daring you. The sweat from his hair misted onto the floor as he pushed back his tangled locks.
Patting his lap, he motioned for you “Come here” He waited as you settled yourself onto him, his arms immediately reaching out to grip your waist over your flimsy robe.
“I could get used to this” His voice was laced with mischief, dragging his lips onto to your neck. “Seeing you naked every day” He nipped at the bottom of your jaw, sucking as you tilted your head for him. “Fucking you in the shower”
You let out a sharp gasp as he slid your robe off, palming your breasts. He brushed his calloused thumbs over your nipples, lightly curling his fingers around your flesh. Your chest gleamed with pleasure, a burning ecstasy coursing through your veins.
“Jimin” You whined as he kissed the top of your chest. His gaze wavered between your eyes and lips. He could see how much he affected you, loving the soft whimpers that you made with his every touch. The pleading look in your eyes, begging for more.
He watched as you stood, pulling him up with you before he spun you until your elbows held you up against the wall. Deep down Jimin was hurt, not so much by your attempt to kill him, but by the fact that you didn’t believe him over a lowlife like Jeon Jungkook.
“Ungrateful slut” He muttered, taking a moment to admire your ass as his hands slid up your spine, wrapping around your neck. He couldn’t understand you. He sang for you in front of the whole world. Showed you off like you were his queen every chance he got. You are Park Jimin’s girlfriend, everyone knew that. But despite all that, you betrayed him.
“You’ve been a bad girl. You don’t deserve my cock” His grip tightened, and you cursed with pleasure, loving the way his slender fingers felt stealing your breath away. How did you not realize how many others would kill to be where you were? How were you not on your knees for him every night? Who the hell did you think you were?
“Please Jimin...just fuck me” He left a tight slap on your ass, grinning while his teeth grazed over the side of your face.
“Why should I, huh? You trashy slut. I know about you and Yoongi.” His palm smacked you again, this time clawing into you after the impact “You’ve been screwing him, haven’t you?”
You whined, nodding as a fucked out expression overtook you. The roll of his hips riling you up with just enough friction to leave you desperately unsatisfied.
“Bet you found out how rich he was and seduced him like the greedy whore you are. Bouncing on his cock like a brainless bitch every damn night” His voice boomed against your ear. The look in his eyes was petrifying. Pulling his cock out, he lined himself up to your throbbing heat.
“Eyes on me babygirl” Jimin forced your face towards his. He was incredibly thick pushing inside you, filling you up to a point it was painful.
“You want daddy to be angry, don’t you Y/n? You like it. Turns you on, doesn’t it?” His grip on your neck tightened more, more and more until you were frantically choking for air. He began to drag his cock out of your tight hole, pussy clenching at the absence of his length before he thrusted back in.
“I asked you a fucking question” He let you go, allowing you to gasp for a dizzying breath as his hands slid to cover your bouncing tits, holding them firmly in place.
“Y...yes” You whined, unsuccessfully attempting to stabilize yourself. You cursed with each push, loving the stretch of how deep he filled you up, pounding against you like an animal. “I feel really good...daddy...feel so good” You spurt out, words muffled against the glass.
You clenched your eyes shut, elongated moans hiking in pitch with every fluid flex of his hips. His fingers dug into you, kisses nipping at the nape of your neck. He could feel your pussy clamp down around his length, quivering with wetness. He could hear it— the needy squelching of your cunt, swallowing him in.
“Don’t you dare cum. Or I swear to god” He began pulling you back to meet each thrust, pushing so impossibly deep it had your eyes bulging.
You could feel the pressure building as your pussy throbbed with want. Jimin forced his lips onto yours, swallowing your disgruntled cries. He didn’t stop pummeling into you, driving you closer and closer to the edge.
“Don’t” He growled loudly, fingers sliding down to rub your clit. Your vision went blank, everything was hot. You couldn’t think, you couldn’t breathe, all you wanted to do was cum. You screamed out desperately, barely able to hold on any longer.
“Daddy please let me cum” You whimpered, body shaking. You gave him the cutest, poutiest expression you could conjure “Let baby cum please. Please I’ll be good I promise...daddy please”
He gritted his teeth, "I said no. If you’re a good girl then you’ll listen”
“Please daddy!” You screamed out, lips parted, covered in drool as your eyes rolled back. “ cum. I can’t—” You gasped loudly, tears rolling down your face as his thumb continued to assault your tingling clit, “Jimin...I can’t—”
You felt hot, flushed as he fucked you through and through, taking his other hand back to pinch your breasts, making you scream.
“Hurts doesn’t it?” Jimin seethed, breathing hard against your jaw “Imagine how I feel then, knowing you cheated on me after everything I’ve done for you”
“I’m s...sorry” Jimin gripped your neck, slamming your forehead into the wall.
“You’re sorry? It’s a bit late for that.” Jimin’s hand slid to your stomach, rubbing ticklish circles with the tips of his fingers “I’m gonna fuck you up until you’re all bloated for me...Let’s see what Yoongi does then huh? Let’s see how he feels seeing you nice and full of me”
“Goddd..with your pretty tits so big and full and..” Jimin growled, the thought driving him into a feverish frenzy. “All for me...because of me”
Your lips parted as you felt your pleasure pile like a ticking time bomb within you, body twitching all over. You swore you were on fire, body melting with sweat and desperation. “Jimin I can’t hold on”
He moaned out, cursing loudly as he came, face buried in your hair as he pulled you back on his cock until he emptied out fully. You gasped for air as his hot seed filled your every crevice.
You sobbed, still on the very last verge of your high as you heard Jimin chuckle bitterly, pulling your head back.
“You deserved that”
P R E S E N T D A Y—
You eyes jolted open, mind blank and heart aching with worry as you slowly registered where you were. Jimin’s head lay on your chest, lips parted onto your skin loosely. His arms around your waist, hugging you to him.
You tried to move, but his tight hold prevented you from leaving, the suffocation reminiscent of how security had pulled you back the previous night, stopping you from going with Yoongi to the ambulance. They claimed to have been given specific orders not to let you leave, and would not tell you where he was being taken.
The shrill screams of the ambulance sirens continued to ring in your ears, the chorus to your uncertainty. You were nauseous, a horrible bitterness churned within you. You rose, stretching briefly before pacing around Jimin’s room. You met your eyes in the mirror above his dresser, doing you best to ignore you disheveled state as you ran your fingers over his trinkets.
It was a small photo frame that caught your eye. You lifted it up to see a young Jimin, smiling wide, and next to him stood Yoongi with a smirk.
“Don’t touch that” You jumped in your skin as Jimin appeared in front of you, taking the frame. He seemed to scowl as he set it face down, hiding the picture from you.
“You and Yoongi were friends”
Jimin glared at you “Key word being were. You have a lot of audacity saying that bastard’s name around me”
“I’m curious...what were you really like back then?” Your fingers tugged back at the frame, to which Jimin grabbed the photo frame and threw it across the room. “How well did you know him?”
“Bold of you to think I’m gonna sit here in my own goddamn house and talk to my girlfriend about the man she cheated on me with. You’re fucking toxic” He inhaled sharply, shutting his eyes with curled fists before letting out a deep sigh. “Just...go get dressed. I scheduled an interview for the both of us”
“I’m not really feeling that good Jimin...”
Wedging your jaw between his thumb and palm, he shoved you harshly against the wall, head pulsing with pain as he gritted his teeth.
“Do I look like I care how you fucking feel? How about how I feel Y/n, because clearly you never care about that. You think can just play with my feelings and you’ve got me wrapped around your finger huh? It’s pretty traumatic, you know, having the love of your life want you dead even though you’ve done everything for her. Changed for her. Try so damn hard to be good for her. Saved her despite how much she kept lying to him.”
You were too shocked to respond, trying to get a hold of his misunderstandings. Your silence only ticked him off more, growling, his nails dug into your shoulders, harshly dragging you into the bathroom.
“Get the fuck off of me” You snapped, writhing under his hold, “How many times are you going to do this huh? I’m toxic? Really? Every other week you scream at me like this and then turn around being all romantic and shit. You’re fucked up” You spit on his face, “I said get OFF”
Your heart wrenched, thinking of how Taehyung had once told you to simply call for him if Jimin did anything you didn’t want him too. Taehyung, who always had your back. Taehyung, who was now dead. Dead. Because of the man in front of you.
You knee’d Jimin in the thigh, pushing him off with all your strength. Mentally thanked Namjoon for his brief boxing lesson as you swung at him. Jimin ducked, but you slid past him and ran for it. You arrived at his door, tugging incessantly, only to find it locked.
“Let me out of here! I don’t wanna stay here” You pounded on the door, to no avail as Jimin began to laugh.
“I told you once before, and I’ll say it again. Go ahead and throw your tantrums. If you don’t show up at that interview with me, I’ll ruin you.” He hissed.
“After all” He chuckled, “Celebrity sex tapes look worse on the girl than the guy you know. Especially if you cheat on the nation’s biggest rockstar. I’ve got options, you want...” He scrolled through his phone casually, “Hobi in the shower? Jungkook in the elevator? Or my personal favorite, you sucking your boss’ cock, which would ruin both of you”
Damn hotel footage. You slid to the floor in defeat. Jimin crouched down, keeping a reasonable amount of distance. “You did this to yourself, all I ever did was love you”
You gave him the nastiest look you could conjure, which he readily ignored, heading to the bathroom himself. A few feet away you could see the photo of Yoongi and Jimin lying, shattered, a crack prominently over Yoongi’s figure.
What’s it like working with Park Jimin? Would you say he’s changed? Hobi wanted to roll his eyes. He had answered the same question about five times already as reporters frolicked over to him, waiting for their turn with the man of the hour, who sat currently in the spotlight, with you by his side.
He could still feel the smoke scarring his throat, inhaling dust as he had grabbed a fire extinguisher and sprayed it all over the lab the previous night. He had been shocked seeing Jimin, clutching his side, with Jin’s dead body next to him. Jimin had given him one explanation. One word to explain everything. Jungkook.
He hated that he was working with the brat, but knew that if he wanted to bring Yoongi down and take over, he needed Jimin’s help. Jimin was eager, desperate even, to help him, even offering to hand over his own assets.
Jimin wanted out. And seeing the way he looked at you—a soft fondness, gentle glimmer in his eyes, Hobi understood why.
He would likely have done the same.
Jimin had insisted he drag Jin’s body out and take him to the hospital. He can’t die. I need him alive. Do what you have to. Hobi had been hesitant, not only did he not care about Jin, nor understand his involvement, but moreso he knew there were stacks of cash stored away in the depths of Death Valley.
Jimin had given him a sinister grin. Let it burn.
That same man was now kissing your cheek, laughing forcibly at whatever the interviewer said, as if none of it had happened. Hobi knew you well enough to see that every word from your mouth was a blatant lie. There was no love in your eyes. Even so, Jimin fawned over you like a puppy.
Once Jimin left to change, Hobi tapped your shoulder. “Hey. Do you know where Yoongi is?” He whispered. “I’ve checked every fucking hospital in miles of here. I can’t find him”
The mention of his name was like a knife wound to the heart. You clenched your fists, trying your best to ignore the burning ache in your chest as you thought about how he looked, lifeless, on the floor. Hobi noticed your eyes widen, placing a hand on your shoulder reassuringly while noting the way you flinched at his touch.
“You know” You folded your arms over your chest, a bitter scowl planted on your face “I thought you were different. I didn’t think you were another greedy bitch like the rest of them, but you’re worse. You kidnapped me. You beat up Joon. You almost killed Jimin too. Betrayed Yoongi the second you could, how much did Jimin offer you to chase us huh? How much did you get for telling him the truth, something I trusted you with? I’m not fucking dumb Hobi.”
Hobi gave you a guilty look seeing the utter disgust in your glare.
And then an idea hit you. “You’d do anything for money right?”
He pursed his lips. You already looked down on him, it wasn’t like he had anything to lose. “What do you need?”
“Jimin’s blackmailing me.” Hobi’s eyes flashed with concern, “He’s not letting me leave his sight, he has a video of me fucking...uh...” You paused, watching your words, “Yoongi...and he says he will leak it to the press. I need you to destroy it.”
Hobi gave you a warm smile, a hint of pity in his eyes. “Y/ should have just told me. I would do this for you anyways, you don’t need to pay me”
You shook your head “No. You’re doing a job for me, not a favor, alright? I happen to know where Yoongi has a bunch of cash stored, and I can tell you where it is” Hobi read between your words, nodding. “I can’t...give you anything else”
“It’s Namjoon isn’t it?” He chuckled bitterly, “You’re always talking about him, always so fucking worried about him. I should have seen it coming.”
“What? No? No. Namjoon and I are just friends”
“Whatever. I’ll see what I can do. I’ll be over at Jimin’s later anyways. We can talk then”
Jimin snorted a line of cocaine off his kitchen counter before turning to you, sitting idly on his couch and watching your interview air, a look of disgust on your face. “You did great by the way. A bunch of people wanna meet you, for sponsorship deals and whatnot. You’re hot shit. There’s a beach event I have to attend this evening, you’re expected to make an appearance”
He sat down by your side, kissing your cheek but you flinched. Your arms wrapped around your knees, hugging yourself, desperate for comfort. You felt alone, more alone than you ever had, even when you’d spent nights on your phone back in your own apartment, daydreaming.
“What’s wrong?” His eyes were sincere, and that was the sickening part. You knew he liked you, genuinely liked you. Despite this being true, his behavior made you exhausted. “If it’s about this morning...I’m sorry. You know I just say dumb stuff when I get upset” He placed his chin on your knees, blinking at you cutely.
You want him to leave you alone, you wanted to tell him off, but you had to play your cards right if you were going to escape and find Yoongi. “It’s okay.” Jimin leaned in. He kissed you fondly, you didn’t reciprocate.
“I’m not really in the mood Jimin” He sighed, resting his forehead against yours before nodding. He wrapped his arms around you, pressing his lips to the top of your head before you feel him humming softly.
Your heart skips a beat when you realize he’s humming one of his songs. One of your favorites. “I’m sorry baby” He mumbled into your neck, “Please forgive me. I love you, you know that right?” You didn’t respond, glancing at the clock and wondering when Hobi would get the job done.
“I know” You said blandly. Jimin shook your shoulders.
“Tell me what I can do” He pleaded “How can I make it up to you?” He looked around, as if he would find a solution lying somewhere in his home. “You asked me about my past this morning. I’ll tell you anything you wanna know”
Finally you gave him an ounce of your attention “Really?” He nodded, pinching your cheeks “How did you and Yoongi meet then?”
“He was hired by my label at the time. They thought he would be good to write songs for the age group I was targeting, since we were both young. I always looked up to him, he was like an older brother. I didn’t really have friends growing up, I spent all my time with my managers and bandmates. Yoongi was normal, he’d tell me stories about his life, and I’d live through him”
“Did you know he met me back then too?” Jimin’s jaw tightened.
“Yeah. I did” He cleared his throat “I beat the shit out of him that night. I’m” He gulped, holding your hands tightly “I’m sorry I didn’t find you sooner. I would have stopped him”
“The fuck are you talking about?”
Jimin gaped at you “Oh uh...nothing, never mind. Yoongi and I stopped talking as much after...something happened. He got more serious about his career and I got more serious about selling drugs. I was fed up with music, I could barely remember why I started”
“It broke my heart when you stopped” You admitted sheepishly.
“Can I be honest? I really did see you Y/n. I mean I didn’t know who you were, but I was familiar with you. I thought you were really pretty, really nice. I told Yoongi about you too. The gorgeous girl who was always in the front row with her friends. Black eyeliner, fishnet leggings. That’s why I gave you my jacket. I couldn’t ever talk to you...I wasn’t able to come hang out or party after performances with all of you. But I liked you. At least the idea of you, now that I know you it’s...” Jimin blushed “Better than I could have ever hoped. You’re amazing”
Wish I could say the same You thought to yourself. You were about to respond when the doorbell rang. Jimin got up, answering it to reveal Hobi. He met your eyes with a slight nod before turning to Jimin.
He whispered something to Jimin which caused them both to look back at you briefly. "Y/n, I have to step out. I’ll be back soon baby, and I’ll grab you something to wear for tomorrow. Text me if you need anything” He quickly kissed you one final time, before he and Hobi headed out, locking the door behind them.
You ran to the window, hoping to push it open. It was glued shut. You tried every room. Every possibly way, but nothing would budge. You were trapped.
You plopped down on Jimin’s bed, analyzing the constant swivel of the fan above you. Your eyes locked on the center, allowing the panels to blur together, like the blur of the past few days, until it was all once, constant mess that kept on going.
You decided to call Namjoon, see if he might be able to come break you out “Hello? Joonie?”
“What the fuck you guys!?” Namjoon barked, an evident pout to his tone. You smiled inwardly, imagining the look on his face “I came back you were both gone. What the fuck? Couldn’t you have called yesterday?”
“I’m sorry, I got caught up. Jungkook not with you?”
“I thought he was with you. Where are you, did you find Yoongi?”
“Not really. I went to the party last night and found him, but I think he got poisoned or something. He got taken away in an ambulance but apparently he’s not at any hospitals around here, so he’s still missing”
“I tried calling Jungkook but fucker doesn’t have a goddamn cellphone so...didn’t know if I should call you in case Jimin was like..”
“Wait” You realized, sitting up. “It was Jungkook. He poisoned Yoongi and took him. He’s the only one who could have. Hobi doesn’t know where Yoongi is, and neither does Jimin. Jungkook was the one who told me to come without you, and he knew where I was”
“Why would he do that?”
You pursed your lips, thinking back to everything you learned, every plot, every lie, every truth. “Why else?” You laughed “He’s a drug dealer. Money. He’s gonna ask Yoongi for money. Or the gang. Or something, he’s gonna extort something out of him. We have to get him to tell us where Yoongi is”
“Well we don’t know where Jungkook is now either. Although I can bet that he’ll try contacting Jimin since there’s no way Yoongi would agree to any of his terms”
The jingle of keys was heard through the wall, causing you to practically jump out of the bed, quickly hanging up the phone before Jimin returned to the room.
“I’m back. Sorry about that, look what I got for you” He held up a cute black designer bikini. “I’ll admit, half the reason I’m even going to this thing is so I can see you in this” He laid the garment on the bed by your feet.
“Is...Hobi coming to the party too?” You feigned indifference, letting your fingers glide over the soft fabric of the swimwear. Jimin nodded.
The sun’s rays came down hot as you and Jimin arrived in his white convertible at the event. You could see large beachballs floating about, bright neon flashes of people’s clothes. It was practically a rave.
Your skin felt sticky against the leather seats as you shifted in your skimpy outfit. Jimin couldn’t keep his hands off of you, lips glued to your neck the entire ride.
“You’re so fucking hot holy shit” He complained, whining when you ultimately pushed him away.
Your skin burned as you emerged from the car, the brightness of the day only catalyzed by the camera flashes that pummeled you the moment you stepped out. Jimin arrived at you side, waving to the camera’s briefly before his hand found your back and he led you in.
It wasn’t long before Jimin got caught up in introductions, and while you were ecstatic to meet so many famous people, you had bigger things to worry about. Excusing yourself, you made your way to the bar.
“Damn” You felt a hand squeeze your ass as you leaned against the counter. You were ready to punch someone’s face in until your eyes settled on Jungkook’s familiar face.
“Oh hey” You pursed your lips “Where’s Joon?”
"He’s still at the motel. I’ll head back tonight I just...wanted to check in and see how things were going?” The bartender approached the two of you. “What’ll you have? Tequila shots again?” Jungkook smirked. You eyed his figure, a loose yellow top, clearly designer, bringing out his jet black hair that you were still adjusting to.
“Scotch. On the rocks” You spoke to the bartender directly. Jungkook raised his eyebrows but didn’t comment. Leaning back you observed the party unfolding before you. “Jungkook” You leaned forward, letting your breath fan onto him, lips barely grazing over his chiseled jaw “I know you know where he is”
Jungkook’s expression hardened. “What if you and I brought it all down” You fingers tugged at his collar “What if we took over all of this, made millions a day, we’d be so rich no one could touch us”
The drinks appeared, Jungkook took a large sip of his beer before giving you an incredulous look “Damn. Someone’s gone all gangster herself has she?”
“Yoongi trusts me. I could play him...find out where all his money is... Then you come in” You brought the glass to your mouth “and kill him” The bitter liquid teased your lips, but you knew better than to actually drink anything.
“I like the way you think, but how do I know you’re not just gonna keep the money for yourself?” Jungkook’s hand slid up your thigh.
“It’s up to you. Trust me, or don’t. Your choice” You left a kiss on his neck, your red lipstick leaving a mark on him before you got up, taking care to sway your hips just a bit extra as you walked away. His fingers wrapped around your wrist, tugging you back against his chest.
“Fine, but pull anything and I’ll kill your little idol boyfriend” His lips covered yours, kissing you just barely.
“Speaking of whom, you better get your hands where I can see them.” You pushed him away, “Jimin, the media and security have eyes on me like a hawk. I’ll need your help leaving without him noticing”
Jungkook nodded “And one more thing. Namjoon comes with us”
“Deal.” You watched as he quickly vanished into the beautiful crowd of young, drunk socialites. Dumping your drink into the trash, you wandered around looking for Jimin.
In the middle of the dance floor, Hobi was dancing sensually between a cluster of beautiful woman. You stared a moment too long, causing him to look up and meet your amused gaze. He beckoned you towards him, pushing his entourage aside to approach you.
“Wanna dance?” He grinned, holding his hand out. You raised your eyebrows, but entertained him. He pulled you into his arms, twirling you around playfully before his hands landed on your hips, guiding them to the swing of the steady bass of the electronic beats that pulsed through the venue. “It’s done” He whispered, pulling a small flash drive out of his shirt pocket, before flirtatiously sliding it into your bra.
“Thanks. Give me your phone and I’ll type in the address” Hobi handed you his device. You continued to nod your head to the music as you typed into it. You waited until Hobi got distracted with someone before swapping your phone for his and handing it back.
“Pleasure doing business with you” He winked, sliding your phone into his back pocket “Better find your man. I’ll see you soon”
You smiled at him weakly, leaving the dance floor to find a hidden space behind the DJ stage. Pulling out Hobi’s phone you quickly typed up a text message.
Suddenly you heard a large explosion. You rapidly turned to see that a car parked on the beachfront had burst into flames.
“No one got hurt. Come, quickly” Jungkook appeared besides you, clutching your wrist as the two of you sped through the chaos and screams. Jungkook was faster than you, but you did your best to keep up, taking a second to glance into your palm to ensure your message sent.
Namjoon had been impressed with you the moment the two of you met. He could see the excitement in your eyes at the opportunity to work on music that people would actually get to enjoy. Even after Death Valley plagued your existence, he always maintained respect for your resilience.
He bitterly thought back to Jin’s badgering of you during your questioning after Taehyung’s murder. What Jin had said, sickeningly, made a lot of sense to him. Yoongi was notoriously impulsive, it was one of his greatest flaws as a leader, one of the reasons that Jungkook would always spend hours talking shit about his boss.
And if what you said was true, Namjoon found himself doubting everything Jungkook had told him. Your text had been firm. He smiled inwardly at your words, imagining the tone of your voice speaking them to him directly. You were authoritative, focused, and unwilling to play around any longer.
It was sexy as hell.
“We’re back” Jungkook’s keys jingled in the doorway, for the two of you entered the motel room.
“We can’t stay here though, Jimin knows where this is” Namjoon’s eyes widened at you, wearing nothing but a black bikini with a sheer wrap low around your hips. Your eyes softened at him, “I swapped my cellphone with Hobi’s in case Jimin tries to find me. We don’t have much time, he’s definitely gonna have someone come after us” You turned to Jungkook. “We can plan in the car, Namjoon grab your things, lets go”
Namjoon joined you in the backseat, insisting that it would be safe for you not to sit in the front in case they reached any highway footage.
“How did you know I did it?” Jungkook glanced at you in the rearview mirror, both hands on the wheel.
“You’re the only one who could have.” Your eyes remained glued to Namjoon’s “It was genius. Now we have Yoongi, we can get whatever we want from him, or even offer him up to Jimin for a prize”
Namjoon’s hand slid over yours, squeezing it lightly. He knew that the convincing lies that came from your mouth must be hurting you. You loved Yoongi, he could see that as clear as day. Whether Namjoon approved or not wasn’t the point, he wanted you to be happy.
“What did you have in mind?” Jungkook queried. Namjoon glanced out the window, watching as aimless fields of greenery blurred past him. You tugged at his sleeve, giving him a look that said are you okay? He nodded, smiling slightly.
“Let me say that Jimin poisoned him, and I found him and saved him. I’ll seduce him into telling me where he keeps all his money and contacts.” Namjoon grinned. That was not your plan. Your plan was to save Yoongi, kill Jungkook and with his help, make a run for it, dealing with whatever aftermath with Jimin once your had the most powerful man you knew back at your side.
He wondered if Yoongi would appreciate you scheming like this. He had a dirty feeling that he wouldn’t. Yoongi was the type to maintain the weakness, the helplessness of those around him. He had to be leagues above the rest, Namjoon bit his lip at the thought that he would never see you as an equal, rather, as something he owned.
Like a prize.
Silk sheets cushioned the throbbing pain that beat through Yoongi’s skull as his eyes flickered open. He had no idea where he was, not even remembering how he got there in the first place.
He rubbed his eyes, sighing deeply before his eyes landed on a remote. There was a large television screen in front of him. He carefully turned it on.
Welcome back! Today’s guests we have superstar rock icon, Park Jimin and his first public girlfriend, Y/N Y/L/N.
Yoongi watched with an unamused expression, bothered by you by Jimin’s side. His hand rested on your knee, occasionally sliding up, to which Yoongi found himself digging his nails into his palm. You hugged Jimin’s arms, smiling brightly enough to shatter him to pieces.
Would you say that she’s the one? Can we expect an engagement? Jimin looked over to you. Yoongi could see it in his eyes. It wasn’t a performance. It wasn’t a show. Jimin’s eyes watered ever slightly before he smiled. Of course. She’s the love of my life. One day I hope we can show the world that.
He grabbed the lamp that was on the bedside and threw it across the room. Shards of glass scattered across the floor. He had waited too long to deal with Jimin. It was time.
He recalled so many years ago, the night when Jimin had pointed to you from behind the curtains of one of his earliest shows, a pretty fan that caught his eyes. He had followed the star’s finger to see your eyes for the first time. And just like that he was yours.
After that he found out everything— who you were, where you lived. It wasn’t hard, you were a big fan. He wanted you right away, but your public displays of affection for the bratty singer had him seething. It simply wasn’t fair. Jimin got to be the star while Yoongi remained in the shadows, writing his songs, doing all the heavy lifting, but Jimin got everything. Why did he get to have you too? He deserved you far more than Jimin did.
“Yoongi?” The door opened. You stood, dressed modestly in a white blouse and leather skirt. Your eyes went to the screen, where your interview continued to play. Yoongi turned the screen off, sitting up slightly.
You came to his side immediately, stroking his arm. “Don’t listen to all that. It’s fake. It’s all fake, I promise” You pleaded. He remained unfazed by your touch.
You rested your head against him, listening to the steady beat of his chest. His heart trembled, looking down at your face, eyes closed, so incredibly peaceful. He couldn’t help the way he wanted to run his fingers through your hair, the way he couldn’t stop himself from cradling you in his arms, thumb tracing the side of your face.
He said nothing—instead he leaned in and kissed you fondly. His lips were hot on yours, you felt lightheaded, dizzy with bliss as he latched onto you, swallowing you every moan, every sweet sigh that left your pretty lips. His eyes were shut, senses focused only on the indulgent taste of you. He was addicted to you. He couldn’t even rationalize the reality of you in his arms.
“I love you” He professed in a faint whimper, hands fawning over your blushed cheeks. Your eyes were glued to his mouth, gasping for air amidst the heavy suffocation of feelings he burned within you. “So bad that it scares me”
“Me too” You assured him, kissing him back earnestly, “I understand you, more than you know. You don’t need to be afraid” You tilted his face to yours as he finally met your gaze “I won’t leave you. Never Yoongi.” You shook your head “Never”
He smiled, a smile so unique. Full sets of teeth spread wide across his face. A tear disobeyed you, running off down your cheek. Yoongi saw this, lowering his gaze with concern. He simply stared for a minute as you hid your face.
“What’s wrong my love?” You let your eyes close, focused on the feeling of him so close. It only made the tears fall faster.
He turned your head towards him lightly, his fingers grazing the path of your tears. He kissed your cheek, lips lingering a while. You could feel his racing heart. The pounding in your chests so perfectly offbeat. He rest his forehead against yours, staring directly into your eyes. The tips of your noses distant by just atoms.
“I..w..was so scared. I thought…you might be dead” You whispered. You could feel that he smiled again. He was soft. In every possible way. His touch, his smile, his eyes, his lips.
Without missing another beat he smashed his lips onto yours, grabbing your hips and pushing you onto the bed. He crawled up your body, tugging at your blouse. You lifted your arms, allowing him to pull the garment off of you, tossing it aside swiftly before he dove into your chest.
Yoongi loved your breasts, and he made sure you knew that, tenderly kissing them, tugging at the sensitive flesh with his tongue. He pulled your bra down harshly in order to suckle you.
His movements were messy and obscene, which had you unraveling into mess of wetness between your trembling thighs.
“Beautiful” He paused, pushing hair behind your ear before he began to unbutton his own shirt. You helped him along, fingers mingling with his as you wrestled the silky material off of him to reveal his perfect skin. His chiseled abs staring you in the face as your fingers played with the hem of his pants.
Yoongi gripped your hips and turned you onto your stomach. He pushed your knees up under your stomach so that your ass hung out nicely for him. He yanked down your skirt, panties along with it. His fingers slid against your sopping cunt. You could feel him pressed hot against your back as he pushed a finger into you.
“You like that princess?” Yoongi asked, stroking your hair as he continued to pump his finger deeper and deeper inside of you. Your cunt swallowed him nicely as he added another finger, stretching you out wonderfully. You could feel his rings brush against your nerves, an amazing burn filling you.
“Yes, fuck, just like that” You sighed, a heavy sensation flowing through you as he continued to work your pussy. He planted his lips over his name etched into your glossy skin, trailing kisses down your spine as he continued to fuck you thoroughly.
His eyes glistened as he parted from you, watching the way your pussy dripped shamelessly onto the sheets with the simple flick of his wrist. He pressed his lips onto your ass, letting his tongue tease around before reaching your throbbing heat.
Like a kitten, his tongue hit you in small, featherlight flicks, licking you up—driving you into a frenzy as you tried to push your ass down on his face, which was now buried between your thighs, hands pulling your folds wider so he could give your cunt his full attention.
He lapped at you like he was dying of thirst, loving the way you cursed his name in pleasure. He could feel your body trembling above him, which only motivated him on.
“You like that princess?” Yoongi chuckled, the vibrations of his laugh hitting you deep in your core. His lips found your clit, sucking and kissing at it vigorously. “Like when I lick your pretty pussy like that?”
“Y…yes” You moaned loudly, not caring who might hear you. Yoongi groaned as you gushed onto him. His tongue finally pushed through, digging deep into your cunt until it found that sweet spot—the spot that had you screaming out for more. “Holy shit Yoongi yes.”
He removed his tongue, smacking your ass lightly to which you giggled, dazed in an aroused frenzy. He pulled your knees back before flipping you back over. You loved how easily he was able to move and twist your body to his liking. You loved the way he manipulated you to his pleasure. You wanted him too. You wanted his cock so fucking bad.
He pulled your legs over his shoulders, sliding out his thick, veiny cock. He tugged at the aching length, eyes layered onto your naked body. You felt the scorching heat of his cock head press against your cunt, and your eyes clenched shut as he began to push inside you.
His size was overwhelming, you missed it. He hovered over you on his elbows, kissing you long and hard, as if you might lose each other any moment. As if you were trying to express what you felt inside but couldn’t quite get it out. You were rendered useless—completely immersed in each others desperate touch.
He finally bottomed out, fingers cupping your face so he could look directly at you.
“I love you so fucking much” Your legs slid off his shoulders to wrap around his torso as he began to thrust into you harshly. Your face was flustered by his words, heart melting. You felt pain, warmth, pleasure and emotion—you were dizzy. Overwhelmed by everything he had to give you.
“My beautiful little princess fuck…so fucking perfect for me” He hissed into your jaw, inhaling your scent as he continued to piston his hips in and out of your squelching cunt. His cock pushed through your wall with a rapid burn, hitting you deep in your nerves, making your thighs quiver in pleasure.
Your hands scratched at his back, moaning abashedly as he took you. Yoongi backed away to breathe momentarily, his eyes serious, and his lips parted—panting heavily.
“Shit” He turned to his side, grabbing one leg and hooking it over his arm as he shoved himself back inside of you, pounding relentlessly. Drool escaped your pursed lips as you braced the impact of each ruthless push. “Feel good princess? Use your words love, come on”
“So fucking good Yoongi.” Yoongi bit into your collar, sucking until your skin turned purple, marking you as his. “Please don’t stop…don’t ever stop”
“My sweet princess, you’re so fucking perfect you know that? Wanna fuck your pretty tits” His breath hitched “Wanna cum all over you…drench you in my cum, you’d look so pretty like that, all filthy for me fuck”
He slowed his pace, staring deeply into the glimmer in your eyes. He got lost in you for a moment, stilling with his cock buried deep within you.
He pushed his lips back onto yours, and you felt a tear fall from his eyes “My princess…my love…I love you so much”
“I love you too” You held him tight, rolling your hips up to ease your need as emotions took him over. “You’re mine”
Yoongi’s eyes darted open. “I’m all yours princess” He slid his hand down to rub your slit into rapid circles. You clenched down on his cock desperately as his fingers wound you up. You could feel the pressure build in your core as his cock continued to assault you. “Want you to cum with me, can you do that for me love?”
You nodded, biting your lip. Yoongi pressed his forehead against yours and you could feel his cock twitching inside of you. Your walls began to convulse and it wasn’t long before the both of your were a scattered mess of screams.
“Don’t stop Yoongi please don’t fucking stop” You sobbed, bringing your hips up to meet his, wanting to feel him as deep as you possibly could. His cum shot out, filling you up to the brim. Yoongi groaned, before falling limp over your body, kissing your lips tiredly.
He rolled over onto his side, pulling you into a soft embrace. He rest his head on your heart, hands caressing your back.
“Yoongi” You panted, still breathless. He looked up at you curiously “I want more” He grinned.
“Your wish is my command” He winked, picking you up into his arms. You wrapped your legs around him as he carried you into the bathroom.
Setting you down on the counter, you spread your legs wide. He slotted himself between you, lips glued to yours as though you were inseparable. You took fistfuls of his black hair, pulling his face closer into you. Your lip caught between his teeth as he tugged at it, blood spilling as he nipped at you roughly.
Pulling you down from the counter, he turned you around, bending you forward with your arms above your head, landing with a dewy haze onto the mirror in from of you.
You watched him through the reflection as he kept one hand around your wrists, allowing the other to slide down and pinch your nipples.
Yoongi slapped your tit playfully, watching with a glint in his eye at the way it bounced slightly. “You’re mine, you got that?”
“Yes sir” You squeaked. Yoongi’s eyes darkened at the term. He rolled his hips against your ass, and you could feel his length press against you.
“I don’t ever want you anywhere near Jimin” Yoongi teased “If I ever see you with that motherfucker again I’ll slit your throat, and his”
“Yes sir” Yoongi hummed in approval, letting go of your hands so that he could glide them down the expanse of your spine before smacking your ass.
“So pretty” He muttered, before his cock entered you again, filling you full in one deep thrust. He didn’t bother easing you into it, he pounded your battered cunt like there was no tomorrow, holding you up by the jaw, allowing to watch the fucked out faces you made as he fucked you so good. You looked like an absolute mess, mascara blemished around your teary eyes, drool all over your parted lips, whining and moaning as you begged for Yoongi to give you more and more.
You never wanted the pleasure to end. You loved the feeling of him inside you, the feeling of his hands on your body, doing as he pleased. You came with a shrill scream, after which Yoongi pushed you down to your knees so he could cum deep inside your throat.
You weren’t sure how many more times the two of you went at it, unable to get enough of one another, until Yoongi finally pulled you back to bed, littering your face with kisses as he begged you to stop before you killed him. You pouted, but his warm smile had you more than willing to cuddle up to him instead. He gave you his shirt to wear, and with that you wrapped your arms around him, settling into a soft embrace.
A loud pounding came from the door. Your eyes widened, meeting Yoongi’s hardened gaze.
You grabbed a gun from your purse, handing it to him as the pounding increased, before finally the door swung open, revealing Jungkook, revolver loaded and aimed at Yoongi.
“Who the hell are you?” Yoongi made a face, fingers sliding around the gun’s shaft. Jungkook pulled the trigger, bullets whizzed as Yoongi quickly rolled off the bed.
“Jeon Jungkook. Remember that name because it’s gonna be the name of the man who takes your precious little Death Valley out from under your nose” Jungkook hissed.
Yoongi laughed, standing up “So you’re the dealer I’m told is always bringing us the most business. If you really wanted to take over one day, you should know better than to tick of your superiors”
Jungkook shifted his gun’s aim to you, to which Yoongi aimed his gun back. “Shoot me and she dies. I know all about your little obsession Min Yoongi. That sadistic detective takes some damn good notes.”
Jungkook’s eyes landed on you “You really think I would fall for your bullshit? I’ve been in this business far longer than you have sweetheart” Of course, you realized, Jungkook knew Yoongi would do anything for you. You were bait. You thought you were using him, but he was using you the whole time.
Yoongi growled lowly. “What do you want?”
“Transfer all your assets to me. I want everything. All the money, contacts, everything. Give me Death Valley”
Yoongi glanced back at you, perched on the bed still, hands gripping at the silk sheets in fear.
“No way” Your heart dropped. It was Jimin. He placed the barrel of his revolver against Jungkook’s skull “Move and I’ll kill you before you can even think”
Your heart was pounding as you analyzed the scene in front of you. Yoongi’s gun shifted to Jimin.
“Oh perfect. I’ve been meaning to get my hands on you brat” Yoongi hissed. Jimin gave Yoongi a dirty look.
“Shut up Yoongi. I know the truth. I know who you are. You lied to me my whole life, the fuck did I ever do to you huh? You slept with my girlfriend”
Your eyes flew shut as you heard bullets ring. “Y/n run” You heard Jimin shout “Run. Just go” You ducked, rolling off the bed as you watched the three men shoot at one another. Jimin grabbed your hand, “Go. Get out of here”
“Oh no you don’t” Jungkook hissed. You slipped into the hallway. You had no idea where you were, it seemed like a hotel. Your eyes scanned around until you found the stairs, pushing the door and quickly speeding your way down the steps.
You could hear the echoes of Jungkook following you. You glanced up, giving Jungkook an opportunity to shoot at you. His bullets ricochetted off of the railing as you slid down to the next story, pushing the doors open until you found yourself in another hallway. You ran towards a supply closet, slipping inside as you pulled out Hobi’s phone with trembling hands.
“Namjoon.” You whispered into the phone as you heard more bullets, planting your hand over your mouth to muffle your frightened whimpers “Namjoon help”
“Where are you?” His tone was serious “I brought the car like you said in your text, find the closest window and tell me which way you’re facing, then I’ll come and you jump okay? I’ll catch you.”
“Okay” Your breath was shaky. You carefully cracked open the closet door, checking both sides before you rushed to the closest window. You looked around, eyeing a vase which you grabbed, banging it into the window and watching as the glass shattered into a million pieces. “I’m facing west.”
“Got it” You looked down. You were only roughly two stories up, but it still looked frightening. You saw Namjoon pull up beneath you. He climbed out of the car. “Jump. You’ll be fine I promise”
You gulped, not the biggest fan of heights of any kind. Your hand trembled, bleeding now as you grabbed onto the shattered windowsill.
“Y/n wait!” You glanced back to see Jimin running towards you. You clenched your eyes shut, a tear falling from the corner of your eye before you opened your eyes and jumped.
You landed on your hands and knees, the impact sending a searing pain through your limbs as Namjoon helped pull you down from the car, shooting up at where Jimin was now looking down in horror. “Come on”
You hopped into the car with him. He quickly pressed on the gas, and the car roared before accelerating off. Your hand was gripping onto Namjoon’s bicep for dear life as you tried to rationalize the past few minutes.
You heard more gunshots, looking in the rearview to see Jungkook, shooting from the drivers window of his own car.
“Faster Namjoon, fuck, give me your gun” You snapped. He handed you the device, and you lowered the window, aiming at the tires of his car as you shot a few times. The recoil of the gun surprised you, but one of the bullets managed to slightly pierce through Jungkook’s front tire. You watched as his car skidded to a stop, sighing in relief.
Namjoon watched the scene unfold from his rearview mirror, biting his lip as you rolled the window back up, slamming yourself against the backrest, sighing deeply.
After what seemed like an hour of hurried driving, Namjoon found a motel for the two of you to spend the night and gather your thoughts. You told him what happened, not sparing a single detail. You had no idea where Yoongi was, if he was alive, if Jimin was alive, if Jungkook was still chasing you, everything was up in the air.
The two of you lay silently on the bed. You wanted to cry but you couldn’t even bring yourself too. Your heart felt cold—dead.
“Y/n, let’s just run away” Namjoon was startled by his own voice, a prominent whisper laced with hope, “Leave all of this behind” His, eyes softened as he looked down on your face. “We could start over. Be normal people, live normal lives. Change our names, our look, get a house”
“Can you even imagine doing that?” You slid your hand to nudge his pinkies intertwining. “Seems like a fantasy”
Silence waved over the both of you, only the pounding of your own hearts filling the space with it’s quick rhythm. Namjoon could feel it all the way down to his fingertips, as they brushed against yours, terribly slowly.
“For what it’s worth, we’d make some real cute kids” You added with a chuckle.
His heart stopped. A suffocating sensation seemed to grab at his throat, choking the very life out him.
“I can’t do this” His voice broke. “I can’t” He got up with a rush, slamming the bathroom door behind him before sliding down, face buried in his palms. He couldn’t touch you. He couldn’t even think about it. It was wrong. You loved Yoongi, and he was happy for you. Even if he felt like Yoongi was dangerous, if anyone could handle the gangster it was you.
It wasn’t your fault. He knew you, but that was just it. You made his heart flutter with every little action. Your sharp tongue had his weak in the knees, your attitude. He wanted you to tie him up, choke him down, suffocate him with your cunt.
Calm down. Namjoon began to think about less pleasurable things, but his mind was latched onto you, recalling that night where you had taken such good care of him before your fight. A simple favor, no conversations, no complications.
He wanted to do the same to you. Oh God he just wanted to lay a finger on you.
“Namjoon?” There was something in your voice that had his body heating up everywhere. A plea, a desperation. You knocked at the door.
“I’m o..okay” He whimpered, tilting his head back in frustration. He didn’t know it, but you too had slid down, back against the door. “I’m sorry”
You clicked your tongue, “You have nothing to be sorry for.” You paused momentarily, “Tell me what you need”
Namjoon’s cock twitched, imagination going into a frenzy before he realized your words might be innocent.
“Nothing” He squeaked, “I’m okay”
“Joonie” His eyes fluttered shut as your soothing voice called out to him “Namjoon don’t lie to me just tell me what you need”
“I want you” His hands flew over his mouth the second he said it. He could hear you giggle.
“Is that right baby?” The tease in your voice had his face reddening. He slid his hand under his shorts, lightly palming his cock. “You wanna taste my juicy little cunt is that it?”
“Stop” He choked, palm rubbing faster.
“Tell me then,” Your voice was venom “Tell me what you want”
“I want to eat you out” Namjoon gasped loudly, “A..and. I want to see your’re so...pretty...and” He gulped “Wanna make you feel good.” He fumbled around with his pants, yanking them down along with his boxers so he could properly stroke his eager dick.
“And” He could hear you panting, which almost turned him on more. Were you touching yourself? To him? The thought had him tugging at his cock so hard he winced in pain.
“Wanna fuck you” He confessed, biting his lip at the memory, “So fucking bad Y/n...I..” He groaned.
“How would you fuck me hm?”
He growled, imagining you, naked, climbing over him like the sexy vixen you were. You would pump his cock, spit on him, take such good care of him. “Ohhh my godddd” He could hear the pre-cum lathering over his cock, beating himself roughly “Want you to ride my cock. Tie me up, spit on me, choke me, spank me, anything you want Y/n but I just need you to touch me”
Words tumbled out of his drooling lips without a second thought “Your pussy is so...warm and...felt so good. So wet just...and...your tits bouncing up and down....your n..nails...scratching at me...your pretty eyes...”
“Keep going baby, you’re doing so good” You cooed at him.
“Fuck please say that again” His hips bucked up into his palm, yearning for your praise. “Tell me I’m good...I wanna be good...wanna make you feel good”
“You’re so good baby. My baby...making me feel so good”
“Yeah!” He shouted, “Yeah...wanna be so good for you. Oh god Y/n...I feel so good right now I” His breath hitched, “I want your mouth” He screamed, “Want you to suck my cock so baddd”
He could hear something, it sounded wet, sloshing around lightly. His eyes shot open. He clumsily scramled to stand, swinging the door open. At his feet you sat, four fingers deep in your cunt, eyes blinking up at him innocently.
“Oh. My. God” Namjoon hissed as he came, his seed falling down onto your face as he held himself up in the doorway. He milked himself out fully, more and more cum spilling as you stuck your tongue out, grinning wide as you caught some of it on your tongue.
He finished, panting as he towered over you. “Let me help you” He offered. You shook your head.
You winked at him, licking your lips before tugging your tank top down so you could fondle your own breast. Namjoon’s eyes were glued to you, as your pussy convulsed onto your fingers, dripping out slightly.
You moaned, pulling your fingers out as your body writhed beneath him. You held your fingers up, prompting Namjoon to have a taste. He bent down slightly, tongue reaching before you quickly removed your hand and licked your fingers off, one by one, yourself. Namjoon scowled.
“Tease” He mumbled. You simply laughed, playfully spanking his bare thigh as he stepped over you, returning to the bed.
You woke up to the sound of giggles. Your eyes flashed open, instinctively reaching for the gun and aiming at the source of the unfamiliar sound. Namjoon was still asleep.
The blood drained from your face as your eyes landed on a figure, hiding in the shadows of the motel room, legs propped onto the table, leaning back. You couldn’t see his face but his shadow felt familiar to you.
“That’s really not necessary Y/n” The giggles continued, fading into a heavy sigh, “You already know I won’t hurt you”
You lowered your weapon, fingers trembling. No fucking way. The man stood up, allowing the morning sun to shine onto his glowing face. He smirked.
“Miss me?”
there are two paths you can take after part 10. finale (light version) is a more agreeable ending that allows the reader freedom more creative freedom in how the story ends. finale (dark version) is my original ending (4 parts) which includes reader ultimately ending up with one of the members
ᐊ——[ previous ] series navi | masterlist | [ finale: light version ] | [ finale: dark version ]
taglist: @imluckybitches @gee-nee @missseoulite @hcneybees @kooookie @queenmasterxx @crustycaitlin @virgo-and-libra @un2-verse @winter-melontea @equivocacies @infernal-alpaca @shrimpmsg @meowmeowyoongles @rjsmochii @liltangerined @littlrmills14blog @issysor @arandomblackgirl @adoringinsanity @giadalin @jeontier @kaithezaftig @jinssexytoe @nonnis97@minyoongiboongi @happygirl62304 @just-me-and-myselfs @purplepebbles @channiespup @lilacdreams-00 @kianam @thmrdrs @kpoppin-mel @namjooningelsewhere @lolzerss @planetsope @ohmykim @xyahrinx @bangtan-army @you-are-my-wind