Bummer - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Frick I had a drawing of Zane I did at school but I left it in my binder and I don't have school for 4 days😭 (but 4 day weekend am I right!?!?!?🥳🥳)

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10 months ago

It’s a mega bummer for being funny online when your humor is 50% sarcastically bouncing off ppl irl, and 50% flapping ur hands and making silly voices.

How am I meant to be internet famous if I can’t waggle my lil crab claws around???? HOW WILL YOU GET MY JOKE IF YOU DONT SEE ME CROUCHING AS I MAKE IT???? 🦀

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2 years ago
Joel Sternfeld, McLean, Virginia, 1978

Joel Sternfeld, McLean, Virginia, 1978

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6 years ago

So today I made cookies

And I brought them to my class (because I don't have a life and want people to like me) and my crush keeps telling me she loves me (cuz I brought her food duh) and I'm blushing like hell and feel all warm and happy but also low key dying inside because I don't think she would say that if she was gay so... There's that...

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2 years ago

Girlies! Remember on feb 1st a green comet will be passing by earth's orbit!!!!!!! Make sure u take a sneak peek at her bc she only comes around every 50000 yrs!!!!!!!!!!!! ☄️

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