Tw Queerphobia - Tumblr Posts
Gaynst (Gay Angst): Why does it hurt so good?
"Gaynst" is a term derived from TV Tropes referring to the misery and struggle faced by queer characters because of their gender and/or orientation, often reflecting similar struggles faced by queer people in reality.
Because of this historical stigma, queer individuals are more susceptible to mental health issues, harm (at the hands of others or themselves) and unhealthy coping mechanisms (e.g. alcoholism).
As many people do, fictional media can be utilised as an outlet and healthy method of coping with queerphobia in everyday life.
These can be seen in same-sex ships (whether canon or fan-made) often expressing loss (of other queer loved ones), the desire to conform and the misery of conforming to a cisgender heterosexual society and/or unrequited love ("the one who got away").
Not only do creators of these works find comfort and outlets in these activities, but other queer people as well.
Queer individuals often have to bottle up and repress these complicated feelings an situations, so when it is presented in media it can feel more intense than if it was covering the feelings of heterosexual characters.
More often than not, queer people find similarities to these situations and feelings, and find comfort in the solidarity, therefore feeling less isolated. This may explain why queer stories can often have great struggles and tragedies.
A popular example would be in regards to the relationship between Akemi Homura and Madoka Kaname from the anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica. (Spoilers for the whole show incoming, under the cut).
Homura Akemi is shown to love Madoka Kaname so much that she confines herself to time-looping the same month for an equivalent of 27 years in an attempt to save her. With every time loop she learns more and more about Madoka and grows even fonder of her, but Madoka gets more distant due to being outside of these loops (and not retaining the knowledge and growth of their relationships like Homura). These feelings are implied to be requited, as it eventually leads to Madoka sacrificing her existence to prevent the despair from taking over all magical girls (with only Homura remembering her after the universe is rewritten), and that's not even mentioning the sequel movie, Rebellion.
Such determination and tenderness can be reflected in our reality, beyond the words "I love you". There are more ways to express love through and beyond our imaginations, and media focusing on queer characters often reveals that and inspires the audience.
The Life of an Ackerman: Chapter 1
Jean Kristen X FTM!reader
3k words
My longest chapter so far ( I think)
Trigger warning: Transphobia( No slurs or deadnaming, just ignoring new name) mentions torture and death ( no death or torture but the words are used)
Let me know if I missed a trigger or if you spot any spelling mistakes.
Feedback is encouraged!!
I haven't said happy pride month so happy pride month and I thought it was fitting to say here because this is both gay and trans.
Click here if you want to see more of my work and follow me for more!
Being born an Ackerman wasn’t easy, especially when your father was Kenny the ripper. Your father never had much restraint, for booze or women, when the two mixed Kenny had no problem, most of the time the booze amplified his pleaser. It was no different the night you were conceived, Kenny had his booze and women who worked at the bar. They didn’t love each other, they might not even like each other. You could describe their relationship as a drunk flirt and a waitress who was tired of it, and knowing the best way to get rid of the man was to do what he wanted. She was partially right, because, after one night together, Kenny left her alone, and which was exactly what she wanted. Then three months later she discovered she was pregnant, and Kenny was nowhere to be found. While she was pregnant she investigated Kenny and where he could have gone, and by the time you were born your mother knew where Kenny lived and she had no problem doing the same thing Kenny did to her, she disappeared.
Kenny wasn’t thrilled to find a baby at his door, with a note claiming it was his own. Though he wasn’t the best person, he wasn’t going to leave his own infant, so he raised you, more like trained you. You learned how to protect yourself and others, how to hurt and kill people at the age of 10, you never killed, you just knew how. You missed the innocence of only knowing how to kill because you couldn’t go about life as Kenny the Ripper’s child without killing someone.
At twelve you started to change, you had discovered why you felt so disconnected from your body. You slowly began to change your appearance to be more like the boy you were, even if your body was a constant reminder that you weren’t. You told your father about these feelings when he questioned the change in your appearance. You know he would catch your lies if you tried, so you told him the truth. Telling him that you wanted to go by Y/n instead of the name your mother gave you, you wanted to be called he/him like the rest of the men instead of she/her that you’d been for the past twelve years. He never called you by your old name again, but he also never called you y/n, he called you a nickname which is how he addresses most people. To him, you were now ‘kick’ short for sidekick cause that’s all you were to him.
Being his son and being trained since you were a child, you became a member of the Anti-personnel control squad. Even though you didn’t agree with his stance, you were still forced to work for him. He had told you almost everything about Reiss family and the Ackerman family, and what he hadn’t told you, drunk Kenny told you. So you knew more than most and you formed your own opinion. All for nothing though because you were still forced to work for him and against the scouts. Though being his son and learning the skills of Kenny the Ripper, and being forced to work with him, brought you to working with the scouts, so how angry can you be.
After Kenny died, you grieved and then healed rather quickly, it was important to be able to get over people, you learned that from your dad. After healing you came up with a plan, you hunted down Levi Ackerman, a man that your dad had mentioned more than once. He was an Ackerman along with the captain of the survey corps, you need to meet him. There was a lot your late father had taught you, like manipulation, or blackmail, and because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut you had enough information on Levi to do what you were taught. Though your plan underestimated Levi and fell to pieces when the man caught you.
You were sneaking around the survey corps base, when you felt someone pull you back along with the feeling of a knife against your neck, you knew it was him when he spoke.
“You have three seconds. Who are you and why are you here?”
“ I’m y/n Ackerman”
He pressed the blade further into your neck, it reminded you of your father’s signature move.
“It’s not. I’m the son of Kenny Ackerman, your uncle. Making me your cousin.”
Even with the information which should be shocking to him, I can’t feel any changes in his heartbeat or the pressure his knife has on my throat.
“What proof do you have?”
“I know you are from the underground. I know your mother’s name, Kuchel. I know about your mother’s job.”
You could have continued but Levi didn’t seem to like what you already said and stopped you.
“How do you know that information?”
It was a stupid question, you expected a smarter man. But it must run in the family cause calling him stupid out loud is just as dumb as his question.
“That’s a stupid question, Kenny Ackerman, my dad told me.”
You now felt a change in pressure of the knife on your neck, shockingly it didn’t press deeper but released just a little.
“Did you just call me stupid?”
It was a rhetorical question, and the tone sent chills down your spine. If he hadn’t moved the knife away you would except he was going to murder you. After seconds of torturous silence and stillness, Levi fully removes the knife from your neck. You weren’t free though, he still had the knife ready, now aimed at your back instead of your neck. You weren’t so stupid to try and move, you would be dead in a second if you did such a thing.
“Smart cookie arent you.”
He was testing you, he wanted you to move so that he could strike. But since you didn’t he had no reason to believe you would later.
“Move forward, and don’t make any movement that I don’t instruct you to.”
You start to move down the corridor, trying to determine the right speed knowing that if you move too fast or too slow you’ll be in trouble.
“You are going to turn and enter the next door on your left. Then you’ll turn right and wait by the door.”
His voice was more demanding than before. You spotted the door he talked about, and when you reached it you turned left then right, stopped, and waited at the door as instructed. Levi was right behind you as you entered the room, but he now stood to your left, right in front of the doorway.
You were afraid to make too much movement cause his eyes and kife were still trained on you. Without moving anything but your eye you survived the room, noticing that multiple scouts were cleaning the room.
“Connie and Jean come here.”
Levi yelled into the room, two men approached him. The short one with almost no hair, stood in front of Levi ready for instructions. Then the taller one with brown hair and a long flattish face, stood slouched as if his sergeant wasn’t in front of him. The shorter one hit the taller one, who then straighten his posture. It was funny in an attractive way. Levi turned to the short one and began to give him instruction.
“Connie, go inform Hange that we have an intruder in custody who may be lying about their identity, they’ll know what to do.”
Connie left as soon as Levi was done talking and had now turned to the taller one, and by process of elimination you figured out that he was Jean.
“Jean I need you to find something to confined this intruder with, rope would probably work best.”
Jean moved to a cabinet right next to you and pulled at some rope.
“Good thing we just organized sir or else it would have taken me ages to find this.”
It wasn’t a super finny joke but it was funnier than what you had heard in the past month, and a laugh passed right through you. The was quick shuffling and you realized everyone’s eyes were on you. They all know how strict Levi was and that you laughing wasn’t something Levi instructed. When they realized Levi wasn’t going to do anything they got back to work.
“Jean tie this man’s arms behind his back.”
You had never been called a man and once again your emotions slipped through and a smile reached your lips.
Jean approached you and put his hand on your shoulder, turning your body so you were facing the cabinet the rope came from. He began to tie your arms, tight enough to restrict your movement but not the blood flow. While he works he talks, whispering so only you hear.
“Thanks for laughing at my joke, no one does, it also takes balls to laugh at one of my jokes when your under Levi’s knife.”
Ironic. His hands finish tying yours and he guided you back to Levi.
“Sir I’ve tied the intruder, where should I take him.”
“That won’t be necessary, I got him for now. Everyone finishes cleaning this room, it better be spotless when I return from the torture chamber.”
He takes me from Jean and pushes me out of the room, and toward what I can only assume will be my death or wish for death.
“See you soon, or maybe not.”
Jean calls out from behind followed by others yelling at him for the insensitive joke. I smile even if it is a joke at my possible death.
You know sat on the floor of what you assume is a torture chamber, it’s dirty, which isn’t a shock. Suddenly the door opens and Levi walks in and behind him comes a taller person with glasses and a determined face. They seemed to be at the end of a conversation.
“Oh another Ackerman, exiting!”
The taller one practically jumps closer to you.
“We don’t know if it’s true. That what you are here for.”
Levi closed the door behind the two of them still trying to take away your last name.
“Oh come on, what would a poor thing like this lie. Especially lie about being related to you.”
The person stood over you, staring at you intensely, but they talked as if you weren’t there.
“I don’t know, but I do know that Kenny isn’t the father type.”
“I can’t argue with that. I never claimed he was the father type.”
You laughed at the idea of your father acting like a father to you.
“Pipe down brat. Only talk when we ask you a question.”
Levi silenced you.
“Wow, no kick to the stomach. Have you gotten soft?
The person mocked Levi, they also started to investigate you, but never touched you.
That’s all Levi said in defense of the person’s accusations of his emotional strength. You found it Ackerman-like, Ackermans don’t need to defend them selfs over stupid accusations.
“You’re pretty good at spotting lies. So I want you to tell me when the little twerp lies.”
“So no torture, why bring him here then? I think I was right, you’ve gone soft. But no complaints here.”
The person finally addresses you.
“Hello I’m Hange, and it might be your lucky day, As long as you don’t lie, we won’t touch or harm you.”
You weren’t sure if you were allowed to nod so you stay still, Hange continued.
“So you claim that your and Ackerman, to be specific y/n Ackerman. Are you sticking by your original statement?”
You were tired of the constant questioning of your true identity.
“Yes, I am y/n Ackerman!”
You snapped a little.
“Feisty, that’s the Ackerman attitude!”
They turn back to Levi.
“I don’t think they’re lying but I’ll continue.”
They turn back to me.
“Is your father Kenny the Ripper, also known a Kenny Ackerman?”
It was only the second question but you were already sick of the interrogation.
Hange turned back and walked to Levi.
“Still no lie detected, I don’t have any more questions, because you won’t tell me the rest of the story.”
They nudged Levi with their whole body.
“So you believe he’s an Ackerman. Their little proof of what he says”
When Levi finished, Hange added to what he was saying.
“And less against it.”
They sounded smug.
The two of them left, you were left in the gross dark room. You were also left dark in the sense that you had no clue what they were discussing you knew that what they decide will be your future.
Eventually, the door opened and Hange came in, more excited than they should be.
“A new friend!”
They grabbed you and lifted you onto your feet and began pulling you out of the room.
“Oh sorry, I was supposed to ask before touching you.”
Even though they sounded sincere, they continued to pull you around.
“The cadets and others always tell me that I should respect others space”
They continue to pull you until you arrived at a room, they opened the door and pulled you in, then sat you on the bed.
“Welcome to your new room, it took some convincing but we agreed that at the very least we should keep you in our sight. So your kind of trapped here now, but I promise it won’t feel that way!”
They left and closed the door, but before you could relax they rushed back in.
“Whoops, guess I should undo those restraints.”
You had forgotten about the restraints, they had been on practically all day. You stood up from the bed and turned around so that Hange could undo the rope. You thought back to the person who did the restraints, you thought about his face and his hands and his voice, his laugh that was caused by his own joke. You tried to remember his name, it rhymed with bean, and started with J.
When you remembered his name, it slipped out, not quietly.
“Yeah, that’s what I said,”
Luckily for you, Hange was talking about the very person you were thinking about. Either way, you became embarrassed. Soon enough Hange left, and you were alone with your thoughts.
You stayed cooped up in the room you were given. There was one door, zero windows, one bed one dresser, and a mirror. There wasn’t much for you to do, the only clothes you had were what you were wearing. You had no reason to leave, no birds to watch and you didn’t even consider looking in the mirror. The boredom had finally reached you, and you couldn’t think of a way to cure it. Luckily for you, someone came to the rescue.
The door open and as it opened Jean came into sight. He had a towel slung across his shoulder and a bucket in hand. He scanned the room and upon seeing you he froze, then coughed a little, while a blush crept up his cheeks.
“Sorry, I thought this room was empty.”
He didn’t make any movement to leave or enter, he stood there staring at you.
“Well, now you know. So are you going to leave or come in, or have you become a statute?”
He started to move inside your room, you had expected him to leave. He must have noticed the confused look on your face, deciding to explain himself.
“Levi’s strict about the cleanliness, so either you clean this room or let me.”
He has a stupid smile on his face as he offers the bucket and pulls the rag off his shoulder, also offering it to you.
“I’m not cleaning, so have fun.”
“That’s what I expected.”
He started to clean the room, but he eventually became tired of the awkwardness of being watched in silence.
“So you have no worries that I’ll snoop on you or steal from you?”
You changed your position on your bed, now sitting legs crossed.
“Yeah cause the man who makes terrible jokes is going to steal something from me. No, I just don’t have anything for you to steal or snoop.”
You responded sarcastically but also felt there was no reason to hide the truth so you told him, in the end, to clear up any confusion.
“Oh so you think that I wouldn’t be able to steal from you, you must be confident. You are you that you are so confident.”
He was joking with you, your glad a strict scout wasn’t the one who was cleaning your room.
“Someone who you restrained less than five hours ago.”
You thought it was weird that he was acting so normal around someone that was labeled as an intruder.
“You’re clearly not much of a threat if they let you in such a nice room.”
You laughed at his detective skills.
“Real though who are you, intruder.”
Without knowing your name, he only knew you as the intruder and decided to use it as a nickname.
“I’m y/n!”
He waited for you to continue but you never did. You didn’t think Levi would want you exposing yourself as an Ackerman.
“No last name?”
He questioned, but you’ve been here before and always answer with something that shuts most people down.
“Lots of people don’t.”
He took your answer, as most people did.
“Yeah, I guess you right.”
The room went quiet again as he continues to clean. Every once and a while one of you would strike up a conversation. You need to stretch your legs, got up, and walked to the door and back, which earned you an earful from Jean about making the floor dirty when he just cleaned it.
Eventually, he was done and had to leave. He opened the door about to leave but stopped when he heard your voice.
“Before you go, can I have my sock back?”
He turned around with a slight shock on his face.
“I guess you have a right to be confident. And you really did have nothing else for me to steal.”
He dropped the sock next to your shoes. He grabbed the door handle and began to close it while saying goodbye.
“See you around, Intruder.”
You assumed that this was going to be a countenance thing, and you don’t mind.
I can't tell you the amount of times we've interacted with christians who do those exact things- and more. Our experiences with that religion has traumatized us enough that the very way our system formed was affected- some of our headmates are demons for hell's sake, because we find that we are seen as closer to them than we will ever be to heaven's idea of "good." Because the idea of being a demon and a sinner is more appealing to us than the idea of being one of them.
They say "Jesus loves you, though" like that's somehow some new and incredible thing that none of those "bad" christians ever believed or said. Like those people didn't say that in the same breath that they condemn and control us. Like they don't control and condemn us because they so strongly believe that Jesus loves us.
To them, love and control are one and the same. To love someone, you must force them to worship you and follow you unquestioningly. Of course they have told us Jesus loves us. That's the problem.
They always say that he loves us to shame us. To try and guilt trip us into coming back. It's insidious. My mother handed me this letter meant to be "from god" to me about how much he loves us because she knows we've left the religion. This kind of manipulation tactic is so commonly used that this letter has an entire website devoted to it, which is where she got it from.
Shame is a core part of the religion. The religion teaches you to wallow in shame, that you are a horrible and sinful being that can only be saved if you grovel and follow this god. The way god expects his followers to act is textbook abusive behavior. And this is told to kids- kids are told to be ashamed of themselves from a young age. This religion is set up to allow control and abuse of the people under you by wittling their self worth down so that they only worth they recieve is through superiors such as god or the pastors of the church. Why do you think the abuse of children in the church has become a stereotype? Because this religion is designed to victimize, shame, and silence. If you try to think for yourself, stand up for yourself, or be proud of yourself in any way that doesn't link back to the cult? You're worshipping yourself, that's Satan telling you these things, that's bad and you're a sinner.
They say that the other christians "aren't following the bible" or "aren't real christians" all the time, when in reality the cruelest ones I've seen are the truest ones. The bible encourages war, conquest, murder, enslavement, rape, and bigotry. It encourages men to control their families rather than treat their wives and children as equals. It is a book of control and cruelty, and anyone who strays from that is much closer to a "fake christian" than the ones they claim are fake.
It is not a religion of love. If someone wants a religion of love and acceptance, this is not the right one. This is a religion of control and power. That's why it's one of the most influential and popular ones today, because its followers killed everyone who didn't convert.
They make the excuse that the old testament "doesn't count" anymore because of Jesus- if that were so, then why is the old testament still taught like it's meant to be followed, rather than displaying it as something outdated to learn from rather than emulate? Why do pastors still cherry pick from it to support their hateful ideologies? Why is their god still the head of the religion and not seen as an antagonistic figure who oversaw so many atrocities if you're "not supposed" to act that way anymore?
I used to hestitantly accept christians because some of them insist that those other ones are "fake" and god would "want us" to accept people regardless of identity. But they always have some nasty beliefs hidden under a veneer of love and holiness. Conscious or subconscious biases baked into the very nature of the religion. They always side with others of their religion over the people that the religion hurts, even when those people are the "bad ones," the ones actively trying to exterminate people from me for being "sinful" or "a groomer."
They claim to support us on the surface with weak and meaningless displays, but their votes and donations speak far louder than they do. They never listen to us when we tell them that the people in their own group hate and want to harm us, because they don't believe us over their holy men and pastors. After all, the messengers of god can do no harm, right? They would never lie, would they?
If they really cared about supporting people like us, they wouldn't associate with the group that wants us dead. The idea of being associated with that group and what they stand for should disgust them. They wouldn't follow the bible because it endorses horrible things that go against the idea of a religion of love. For all intents and purposes, they would not be christian.
If someone tells me they're a christian, I immediately distrust them. This is not an unfair judgement to make. This is not prejudice. Being christian is a choice. Reading that book of hate and deciding, "Yeah, I like this! I'm going to devote my life to it and support it" was a choice. Looking at the atrocities that christians have committed throughout history against minority groups and nonbelievers, a war which they continue to fight today, and deciding that you're okay with supporting that was a choice. Watching christians in the US and other contries actively strip away human rights and supporting them via joining their groups, voting for them, etc., is a choice.
And in distrusting and not wanting to interact with them, I'm just holding them responsible for their decisions. Same as I would hold someone responsible for joining a hate group. Even if that person has not personally expressed hatred of the people those groups target, I'm going to assume that they probably do, because why else would they join it?
Of course there were those who were raised christian and never really had a choice due to childhood indoctrination, like myself, but for my own safety I have no choice but to avoid and distrust those people as long as they actively practice and believe the religion. It's their responsibility to question and evaluate the beliefs they parrot, not my responsibility to put up with their hatred against my right to exist.
-Emyr (he/it)
To whomever needs to hear it: If someone tells you that they have religious trauma from Christianity, saying something to the effect of "Jesus loves you, though" is the exact opposite of helpful. It doesn't matter how kind or supportive you're trying to be, pushing Christianity or Jesus onto people who were hurt in a Christian context will most likely just make them feel unsafe around you, and might even retraumatize them.
Also, don't tell them that the people who hurt them just weren't following the Bible, because the odds are very good that they actually were following the Bible to the best of their comprehension. The New Testament alone contains numerous opinions and perspectives, some of which are quite harsh. Your interpretation might be kinder, but that doesn't mean it's more "Biblical."
I still can’t believe that one of the main arguments against the LGBTQA+ community is, “What will the children think?” or “How will I explain this to my kids?” Like???? Seriously???? Kids are open minded. You know what’s really hard?
Try telling a little girl who grew up with two dads that, “Actually, some people think your parents are evil and are going to hell.”
Try telling a little boy with an older sister who is trans that, “Some of us believe that you have to stick with the gender you were born with.”
Try telling a child who has crushes on both boys and girls that, “No, you have to pick one. Society says you can’t like them both.”
Try telling a kid who doesn’t want to get married that, “No. You have to. That’s just the way things work.”
Honestly, try telling any kid that they have to compromise or change who they are because some people in society are close-minded and ignorant.
It isn’t the children who won’t understand. It’s the adults. It’s always been the adults.
justice 4 widow
i made a post earlier but tumblr fucked up the tags so i hav 2 put it all in txt :/
the post was
"not everything has 2 b an opportunity 4 u 2 try 2 prove u r a good ally sharon"
and i was gonna keep it at that and then leave the specifics of what i was talking abt in the tags but tumblr is a hellsite so i can't, i posted and immediately all the tags were out of order and made no fucking sense so im gonna just put the whole thing in txt here ig
this is abt me mainly thinking abt the ppl who hijack social movements 2 try 2 prove "what a good person they r" or act like we hav 2 make everything abt them like "the a stands 4 ally" mfs, the ppl who act like we in the minority hav 2 tone down what we're saying 4 them bc they would rather b comfy than acknowledge that ppl in their group r still hurting us
like the teachers and therapists who hijack every time a disabled/nd/mentally ill person talks abt their experiences 2 say "well im not like that" or worse the teachers and therapists who tell us 2 stop talking abt our experiences bc "we're making ppl afraid 2 go 2 school/therapy" and then they lie and say that "our experiences don't happen that often" like yes they do mf it's not my fault my reality makes u uncomfortable
this is also abt the mfs who act like im "racist" 4 saying that im mixed british and african when i say that bc i am, but some white ppl will say that calling myself that makes me racist bc "it's an insult 2 ppl actually from africa",,, like mf my grandmother was from africa and my mother was raised there, ur not as good an ally as u think u r
this is also abt the ppl who act like hating on mogai makes them a good queer ally, no it doesn't, also can't help but notice the stuff in mogai that i c getting the most hate is the labels that r there 4 nd/mentally ill ppl, hate 2 break it 2 u but ableism doesn't make u a good queer ally
also side note some of u just c a label and assume u know what it means, like u c the word "cloudgender" and assume it means some1 identifies as a cloud when that's not what that means, it's a label 4 some1 who the specifics of their gender r hard 2 pinpoint bc of dpdr [depersonalisation and/or derealisation] which is a very real thing 4 a lot of ppl, if ur such a "good ally" y don't u do the bare minimum research b4 u decide u know what something means
also while ur at it stop acting like every character in a queer relationship who's nd or mentally ill is child coded, like u guys will b like "[lists a literal common symptom of being nd/mentally ill] this makes them child coded" like mf no it doesn't hell some of u will point 2 a character being aro or ace or both and use that as evidence 4 them being "child coded" and u only seem 2 do this w/ queer ships [canon or otherwise] and i hav 2 wonder how many of u r doing that bc u c ace ppl, aro ppl, nd ppl, mentally ill ppl the same as children and how many of u r doing that bc u want any excuse 2 call a queer ship p*do bait neither of those makes u a good ally 2 queer ppl
i'm nd, im mentally ill, im aroace and im not a child, ppl like me r allowed 2 exist and hav relationships and yes that includes relationships that r obviously and unashamedly queer, sry not sry if that makes u uncomfortable and b4 u say "well it's not abt ppl like u" yes it is, im literally nd and mentally ill in the way that ppl use 2 say a character is child coded, im autistic and i hav dpdr as a result of cptsd so i hav moments where i just hav no idea what's going on, if i was a fictional character i would hav ppl on the internet saying that im "child coded" and that ppl can't like me and my partner being 2gether and that it's "bad queer rep" also even if it wasn't abt me that's not the point, the point is adults r allowed 2 b adults and being disabled shouldn't change that
i feel like a lot of activism is hurt by "allies" that just hijack our movements 2 try 2 prove "what good allies" or "what good ppl" they r and then they focus the movement around them and their ego and what they will and won't accept instead of our activism being allowed 2 b centred around us, the oppression we face and our goals 2 work 2wards our own liberation, the ways in which a lot of these "allies" try 2 prove that they r good allies is in ways that hurts the community they r saying they r helping or in a way that hurts another community that wouldn't hav been caught in the crossfire otherwise
[not saying all allies r like this but u do get way 2 many like this and it pisses me off]
so yeh, not everything has 2 b an opportunity 4 u 2 try 2 prove ur a good ally sharon
please help me qwp

Y'know I get this vague feeling that this person really really really hates gay people

OCtober 2024 got me thinkin' about one of my first and subsequently fav character designs. So day 1's prompt of fav OC is down.