Called Out - Tumblr Posts
which fanfic writer problem are you?
fic hopper: working on a wip and don’t know where to go next? easy, just work on a different wip, then if that one doesn’t work out, open a different one, it’s foolproof!
all my tropes are dead: there are only so many ways you can describe a kiss, and you’ve written so many between this pairing that you’re running out of ways, don’t talk to me about the words ‘chaste’ and ‘soft’ ever again
unsung hero: im writing a fic under a certain set of tags or concepts to get more hits but the real story is about __ extremely specific thing that only i and two of my closest friends care about
rarepair hell: self-explanatory
wlw rarepair hell: like rarepair hell but one level worse
my last braincell: you’re a perfectionist so you’ll either post this chapter when it’s perfect or not at all
wandering eye: a side element or original character you introduced in your story is now near and dear to your heart but no one else will care about it
im well educated and will kick your ass: you’ve done so much research for this but can’t seem to write the damn thing
all talk and no action: you were going good until you got to this necessary climactic action scene and now it’ll have to wait for three months
when u typo a tilde at the end of the sentence instead of an exclamation point and accidentally come off as a whore
blood and guts enjoyers when their beloved characters are in pain: woagh….. is this gay sex

well thanks tumblr. sexuality crisis over, i guess?
*in a Situation* okay which blorbo can I use to get through this
You create from discontent. Most of your life has been spent being uncomfortable in your own skin. This body is just another house that's never felt like home. You don't know how to be at ease in this world or this life. Art is a way of running away, of forgetting yourself and escaping to a more comfortable place. To cope with an inhospitable reality, you create more welcoming worlds to consume your work and your waking hours. But the foundation of your art has always been your discontent with the real world and your life within it. Lurking behind the inviting scenery you dream of is the desperate desire to be anywhere but here. It is a world constructed as a respite from this one. Such vivid fantasies are the dream of one who considers reality a prison.
hey everyone 👋 take my uquiz i finished and then forgot about for months. it's 28 questions with 15 results and there's no lyrics or pop culture references so it should be friendly to non-americans and people like me who are just out of touch
You create from discontent. Most of your life has been spent being uncomfortable in your own skin. This body is just another house that's never felt like home. You don't know how to be at ease in this world or this life. Art is a way of running away, of forgetting yourself and escaping to a more comfortable place. To cope with an inhospitable reality, you create more welcoming worlds to consume your work and your waking hours. But the foundation of your art has always been your discontent with the real world and your life within it. Lurking behind the inviting scenery you dream of is the desperate desire to be anywhere but here. It is a world constructed as a respite from this one. Such vivid fantasies are the dream of one who considers reality a prison.
hey everyone 👋 take my uquiz i finished and then forgot about for months. it's 28 questions with 15 results and there's no lyrics or pop culture references so it should be friendly to non-americans and people like me who are just out of touch
You create from discontent. Most of your life has been spent being uncomfortable in your own skin. This body is just another house that's never felt like home. You don't know how to be at ease in this world or this life. Art is a way of running away, of forgetting yourself and escaping to a more comfortable place. To cope with an inhospitable reality, you create more welcoming worlds to consume your work and your waking hours. But the foundation of your art has always been your discontent with the real world and your life within it. Lurking behind the inviting scenery you dream of is the desperate desire to be anywhere but here. It is a world constructed as a respite from this one. Such vivid fantasies are the dream of one who considers reality a prison.
hey everyone 👋 take my uquiz i finished and then forgot about for months. it's 28 questions with 15 results and there's no lyrics or pop culture references so it should be friendly to non-americans and people like me who are just out of touch
authors give villains black hair and captivating eyes and expect me not to fall in love with them. that’s clownery luv

it’s either that or nothing

Me, when I'm busy and have to do something I don't like: Godamnit, I could have been writing.
Me, when I actually have the free time to write: Yeah, now is the time to everything but that.

i cant talk rn i’m doing hot girl shit
reads fanfiction
sleeps for 12 hours
addicted to saying "ill definitely check that out" about things that i will definitely forget to check out
in my own house! @secret-engima @north-peach @wolfsrainrules @sanjuno

Hm. Your interpretation of this character displeases me. Guards! Take them away! Make them read the source material once more, and if that fails, the stocks.