Canon Is Dead To Me - Tumblr Posts
Me shipping spideydevil be like.

This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!!! I'm not crying you are! I wanna draw all this omg!
Sesshomaru & Kagura Parenting Headcanons
Because canon is what you make it, babey. And I’m taking Setsuna and Towa and Moroha and running.
Sesshomaru isn’t the most outwardly affectionate person, but he takes to being a father with a natural ease. He and newborn Towa have a particular bond from the very beginning. Her firecracker attitude is clear from minute one, and Sesshomaru is intrigued by it to no end. While Setsuna tends to sleep easy, Towa is a night owl, and she only tends to settle down when she’s on her papa’s chest, gumming away at one of his fingers or some of his hair. Since Sesshomaru really is only ever in bed to be next to Kagura and not because he needs sleep, he tends to spend most nights lost in watching Towa go through her motions.
Towa and Setsuna are a classic blend of their parents. Towa has Sesshomaru’s hair with Kagura’s eyes and personality. Setsuna is quiet and calculating like her father, with her mother’s darker hair and affinity for the wind.
Kagura loves listening to the twins’ heartbeats. She’s obsessed with them. Sometimes she can’t get to sleep until she’s assured herself that they’re both alright. Sesshomaru isn’t surprised. She often fell asleep listening to his before the twins were born, and she continues to after. He likes listening to hers, too. Kagura was incredibly jealous of Sesshomaru while she was still pregnant, though, because he could use his stupid dog hearing to listen to their kids before she could.
Sesshomaru tends to linger closer to Kagura while she’s pregnant. He knows she’s capable of protecting herself even as a human, but he can’t stand the idea of letting something happen that he could have prevented all for the sake of her pride. They eventually come to some sort of compromise that way Kagura doesn’t feel smothered, but his gaze is still keen and his ears affixed for any signs of trouble.
Dumb dog demon man would listen to his kids’ heartbeats and somehow didn’t realize they were having more than one. Kagura was at least a little suspicious because Kaede had mentioned she was carrying similarly to Sango when she was pregnant with the girls. Towa is born and then Setsuna and the second he sees the two bundles against Kagura’s chest, Sesshomaru instantly realizes he’s never felt dumber.
Setsuna’s name was Sesshomaru’s idea. The fact that it was also the name of the man who beat his father is purely coincidence, he swears.
Towa’s name was a team effort. Kagura wanted their names to compliment one another.
As the heir to the Lord of the West mantle, Sesshomaru has been raised from birth to keep his composure, and his naturally reserved nature made that an easy feat to tackle. The most unsettled anyone has ever seen him is while Kagura was in labor. He was pacing like a caged animal the whole time. He would wince when his hearing caught the sounds Kagura made while she was laboring. Inuyasha didn’t even make fun of him. It was that bad. Miroku still tried to crack jokes, mostly because he had been through it already.
Rin is the ultimate big sister. She helps Kaede and Sango with the delivery, and it was love at first sight. It’s rare for her to go more than a few weeks at a time between seeing them. The older she gets, the more time she spends traveling, and the more she has autonomy over when she visits them. Kagura and Sesshomaru make sure Rin always knows their travel plans that way she can join them at her leisure.
The twins both adore Rin. Strangers scarcely believe it when Rin explains that they’re not actually sisters.
Kagura always wanted a family, but never thought she would ever be able to have one. Her husband and daughters are all of her dreams encapsulated. They’re so much more than she ever could have asked for.
Sesshomaru never wanted a family. He considered love a weakness. Rin was the first one to change his heart. Without her, he isn’t sure he ever would have been ready to be Towa and Setsuna’s father. Rin assures him he was always capable, he just had to see himself do it, and she’s incredibly proud that she was his first daughter.
I just love how I'm like fuck canon and i die a slow death with the characters. with the possibility of maybe just maybe-