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Witchy Weekly Challenge 7: Self love and healing:
As promised loves, your resident duck has returned with week 7 of the weekly challenge series! This week is all about self love and healing! I hope you're enjoying the weekly challenges so far! Do feel free to drop a comment or a private message if you have any ideas for future challenge themes! I love to hear new ideas :)
The challenge is:
Journalling time! What is it you want to achieve/see in yourself/change? What is holding you back?
Practice setting yourself a few goals to achieve those plans. Start small and work up! Perhaps you can set your specific intention for the following year?
Set aside some time to focus on yourself. Maybe relax in a nice bath using your favourite oils or salts. No distractions, just be.
Choose an affirmation for the day and recite it either out loud or in your head as you are getting ready for the day.
Spend some time looking at yourself in the mirror. Thank each individual part of your body for what it does for you.
Spend today treating your body like your closest friend. Mindfully nourish your body with good food, do some exercise if you can, try to get at least 8 hours of sleep.
Go on a date with yourself. Treat yourself by doing something you love, having your favourite food and maybe buying something for yourself, if you're able to. Be kind to yourself.
As always beautiful people, you are welcome to share what you do to complete the challenges. But it's not expected. I hope you enjoy this week and please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas for the challenges!