Carmen Cs - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

UndercoverOperative!Player AU but every time him and Carmen interact she has to try her hardest not to blow his cover by laughing because it’s like watching a puppy try to be intimidating.

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4 years ago

Alternate Universe where Team Red [ minus Player and Shadowsan] are captured by VILE in TSONTS but it's actually just a way for me to get quotes from Dark Matter into CS

TW: Fear, implied violence and threats of violence, betrayal, begging, and brainwashing

Player, frantically: This is what I'm trying to tell you! You aren't cruel, savage people who'd sell a child to VILE just because they're 'inconvient'!

Carmen: Oh, it's not just because your 'inconvient'

Carmen, smirking: It's also for the money


Player: I'm tired of being the scared little boy!

Player @ Carmen: It's *your* turn.

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4 years ago

CS but it's that one episode of Dark Matter

TW's for panic, fear, brainwashing, and implied violence

Player: I'm stuck on a ship with three complete strangers


Chief: I... have insufficient data to present a reasonable response...


Chief: You said one of the others was a doctor, could they help?

Player: What if they did this!?

Chief: Why would they do that?

Player: I-I don't know! To capture Carmen? It happened before, with the- the brainwashing and- Chief: How would they get the supplies? 

Player: I don't-

Chief: Why would they spare you?

Player: I DON'T KNOW! I have no idea what I'm supposed to do, or who I'm supposed to trust!

Chief: ... Then you're in a very difficult situation.

Player, sighing: Yeah, that much I figured out already...


(Even though I've already said the next two)

Player: This is exactly what I've been saying! Your not cruel, vicious people who'd sell somebody into slavery just because they're an inconvenience

Carmen: Oh, it's not just because your an inconvenience

Carmen, smirking: It's also for the money


Player: Something.. bad happened to you here...

Player, smirking: Didn't it, Blacksheep?


Player: I'm tired of being the scared little boy!

Player: It's your turn.

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4 years ago

I’m ranting to Toothy about this and have mentioned it before but:

AU where Player is either a villain or pretending to be one and Carmen has to act terrified but it... it doesn’t work, at all.

Player: *Insert evil villain monologue*

Carmen: *Snickers*

Player: Okay, you know what? What is it?! 

Carmen: Sorry it's just- oh my god your so small... are you sure that cape is even your size? 


Evil!Player, leaning against Carmen: Y'know, little red, this is really all your fau- 

Carmen: *moves away*

Player: *Falls to the ground*

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4 years ago

Carmen Sandiego Crack AU based on the events of S4 (spoilers, obv)

TW for kidnapping, brainwashing, and implied drugging

The faculty erased/rewrote a lot of Carmen's memories, but they had no reason to touch the early memories of her and Player. Since they met just before she went and joined the academy for the first time, but the faculty didnt know that, they have no reason to erase that far back.

My point is: Carmen remembers the early memories of her and Player.

She remembers him as a hacker and her best friend. So, now that she's faculty, why not bring him into the fold?

Of course... she doesnt really give him a choice. She nabs him with the cleaners in the middle of the night, then proudly shows him around his 'new home' when the sedatives wear off, happily proclaiming that he's now a VILE operative and she gave him a special fast-track to it.

(She doesn't really get the fact that maybe Player didnt appreciate being kidnapped from his home and basically forced to become a VILE operative)

The other faculty members are confused. Bellum guesses that maybe Carmen met Player after she left the island and he just slipped through the cracks. They want to bring him in (and maybe use the Truth Extracter on him) to question him and/or comb through Carmen's memories again, but are kept from doing so for several reasons:

A) Carmen would become suspicious if he suddenly disappeared or said something bad about them to her.

B) They cant bring Carmen in, because trying to fix this supposed error could destroy their carefully crafted web of lies.

C) Player is still shaken up from his... unorthodox recruitment, any further aggressive actions could make him attempt to escape from VILE entirely. (Which leads back to point A)

D) Despite everything, Player is, undeniably, a good hacker and an asset to VILE.

Player, meanwhile, sees this as an opportunity to get his best friend back, even if it means bring surrounded by VILE operatives for who knows how long.

The rest of TR is panicking, though. They've lost two of their strongest members and best friends. (Player does find a way to tell them he's okay, but it takes awhile)

(Credit to the people on CS 2.0 for letting me bounce this off then)

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4 years ago

AU where everything’s the same but Chase gets introduced to Player and it goes like:

Chase: LE FEMME ROUGE! What are you doing near this school!? Are you trying to rob it of-

Player: *Runs out of the school and jumps into Carmen’s arms*

Chase: ...

Carmen, holding Player: He needed a ride home!

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4 years ago

All of my AUs where Player is a villain are very dramatic, up until I remember how tall he is compared to literally everyone else.

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3 years ago

Player almost dies/has a fakeout death except it's:

Player: Carmen, you can let go of me, I'm okay!

Carmen, hugging him tighter: YOU ALMOST DIED

She finally lets go of him, only for him to get immediately snatched up by Ivy and Z

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3 years ago

Prime!Carmen, slamming her hands on the table: DONT YOU DARE DISRESPECT ME, LITTLE MAN!

Player, who is, in fact, a lil man: *nervous sweating*

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3 years ago

Carmen, arriving at McDonalds: alright! What do you want, Player?

Player: ah... it's okay, I didnt bring any money-

Carmen: did I ask you if you brought money?

Player: n-no?

Carmen: Exactly. Now, what do you want?

Player, in tears (/pos): chimken nuggets...

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3 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works


(check the tags for content warnings)


"If you leave for-" He pauses, Carmen can hear the young hacker suck in a breath as he readjusts himself. His voice comes out strained,” Let's say five- no, ten minutes? I'll be gone, all of your things will be fine. I won’t touch any of your data, you have my word.”

“And I’m supposed to trust the word of a trained…” hacker,” Thief?”

There’s a beat, Carmen wonders how quickly she can pick the doorknob's lock but finding a pin in time would be more difficult… “I keep my word,” Player snaps, but truthfully, Carmen can read Player like a book, can hear just how much his voice really trembles,” Unlike you, traitor.”

- -

Or, alternatively;

A small, injured VILE operative turns up in Team Red's headquarters; their own best friend, Player.

And they have to find a way to bring him home, permanently.

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