Carolina - Tumblr Posts

North Carolina Barbeque

North Carolina Barbeque

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9 months ago

I mean yeah they're badass and well written and overall super cool I guess but I can't imagine them super pathetic like a wet cat so no,, they aren't my favorite :/

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1 year ago
Doing The Hard Job Only I Can Do (make Red Vs Blue Furry Fanart) Ive Been Doodling These For The Last
Doing The Hard Job Only I Can Do (make Red Vs Blue Furry Fanart) Ive Been Doodling These For The Last
Doing The Hard Job Only I Can Do (make Red Vs Blue Furry Fanart) Ive Been Doodling These For The Last
Doing The Hard Job Only I Can Do (make Red Vs Blue Furry Fanart) Ive Been Doodling These For The Last
Doing The Hard Job Only I Can Do (make Red Vs Blue Furry Fanart) Ive Been Doodling These For The Last

doing the hard job only i can do (make red vs blue furry fanart) ive been doodling these for the last several days but im NOT done because i ran out of ideas of what i could possibly do with the other characters. so feel free to give your thoughts 👍👍👍

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4 years ago

You can really tell how much Carolina cared about her team in the beginning. Season 10 when Wash is getting chased by the car and she’s like “oh no you don’t” and I’m like :tears: cause she cared she really did.

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1 year ago
Cupcake Delivery In Charleson, South Carolina

Cupcake delivery in Charleson, South Carolina

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1 year ago
Cupcake Delivery In Charleson, South Carolina

Cupcake delivery in Charleson, South Carolina

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10 months ago
Goodbye, Red Vs. Blue

goodbye, red vs. blue â€ïžđŸ’™

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5 years ago

I made a new friend today because of Red vs Blue!

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1 year ago
Ive Been Lucky Enough In My Life To See And Explore Areas That Are Not Easily Accessible To The Public
Ive Been Lucky Enough In My Life To See And Explore Areas That Are Not Easily Accessible To The Public
Ive Been Lucky Enough In My Life To See And Explore Areas That Are Not Easily Accessible To The Public

I’ve been lucky enough in my life to see and explore areas that are not easily accessible to the public along the SC Coast. Especially along the upper Lowcountry in Georgetown, along the Winyah Bay and North Inlet. I’ve explored the Carolina Bay areas in upper Charleston County and so on.

As a kid, I often accessed the islands on my dad’s old little john boat. Nothing special - just a lot of knowledge passed down on how to get “there”. I grew up visiting places that felt truly still wild. Such a large portion of the SC coast is hidden and inaccessible by a car. Or
 like today, accessible by car and a long walk, but the road there is kept behind a gate.

Like I said, I find myself becoming luckier and I gain access to more keys to unlock this beautiful coast I love. Then I get to share it here, with you.

THIS South Carolina is something special. If you’ve ever been lucky enough to see it, it stays with you, and at least for me, I can never get enough.

Ive Been Lucky Enough In My Life To See And Explore Areas That Are Not Easily Accessible To The Public

The stories of how I get these keys are a whole other thing itself, you’d have to ask to hear those stories. Today, I walked along the beach that stretches along the North Inlet. You can view a stretch of it from an immaculate house at the end of the gated and closed off community. An uninterrupted view of nature as far as the eye can see.

I wouldn’t mind doing the dishes with this view -

Ive Been Lucky Enough In My Life To See And Explore Areas That Are Not Easily Accessible To The Public

Today, I parked under this house (with permission) and started walking. You can tell this place rarely has visitors. Huge shells line the shore. The sand only moves by the wind, and my footsteps were the only ones I could see. The only evidence of visitors are the conch shells that hang on the drift wood.

Ive Been Lucky Enough In My Life To See And Explore Areas That Are Not Easily Accessible To The Public
Ive Been Lucky Enough In My Life To See And Explore Areas That Are Not Easily Accessible To The Public

I only explored about 3/4 of a mile of this stretch today, but I plan on taking a lot more time one weekend. It’s no wonder why I’m so connected to this place. It’s no wonder why I couldn’t stay far away.

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4 years ago

YES!! I think "stunt song" is more like, "hey, you have to write a song that makes people think you like women" and not "you have to go out of your way to make an inauthentic song and lie about your life experiences" if that makes sense. 

Like I don't think Harry was told he absolutely had to write a song about a specific person, but I think while writing the album he had to keep in mind that he's not allowed to reveal that he's married to a man so he writes himself some songs that are fun or express something different but just vaguely sound heterosexual enough that they negate the gayer-sounding ones on the album. 

I love the idea that Cherry is about Camille and her boyfriend. Or maybe it's not! Maybe he was inspired by a movie he watched! Or a book that he read! Maybe he heard a story about his sister's best friend's boyfriend and was inspired by that! Who knows, and it doesn't really matter either way!

But to assume that there are only two options for his music, either a) a perfectly complete and 100% genuine authentic expression of the purest parts of his soul, b) a completely fake manufactured lie, or c) a about something we have no reason to believe he has experience with (carolina=cocaine??) is silly, in my opinion. Songwriting is so much more complex and nuanced than that. 

Just a thought

In regards to H’s and L’s song lyrics. Any interpretation of what and to whom they are singing about is valid. Most of the time I interpret that they are singing about their love and relationship. But I think it is also good to remember that maybe they’re just writing a song from another person’s perspective, or a made-up perspective (like Niall did when he wrote Heartbreak Weather, and like other musicians have done, Taylor Swift, the Beatles, etc.)

I think it’s important to understand that H and L don’t and won’t always write about their love for one another, and that they do create songs about other topics and in different ways. They’re talented creators who aren’t tied to one topic.

I’m writing this mostly to remind myself, but if anyone, who gets worried about their sad songs sounding like break-up songs, comes across this, then hopefully this can calm you and you can find a different interpretation for those sad songs. Because at the end of the day Larry is real and still going strong as proven through their songs and actions.

Love y’all x

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3 years ago
Ingles:I Had This Drawing Of My OC For A Long Time That I Wanted To Publish Here To Have A More Representative

Ingles:I had this drawing of my OC for a long time that I wanted to publish here to have a more representative image, her name is Carolina, her age varies from the relationships she has with certain series such as BNHA and others, but always around 17 to 21 or 22 years old, she is a very affectionate plump girl who usually hides her curves since she does not like to be the center of attention for those things, she likes affection and is always giving affection and pampering to those around her as well as she adores receiving them, also becomes very patient, but if you get her exhausted and angry, friend, save yourself who can, because behind all that softness, tenderness and warm family love, there is a fierce warrior capable of everything. That is for now, and also to start a more active season in my account and blog of BNHA stories, now that I left school I have a little more time and little by little I am recovering inspiration, I hope you like it and I am attentive to the comments, have a nice day đŸ„°

Español: hace tiempo que tenia este dibujo de mi OC que querĂ­a publicar aquĂ­ para tener una imagen mas representativa, se llama Carolina, su edad varia de las relaciones que tenga con ciertas series como BNHA y otros, pero siempre ronda de los 17 a los 21 o 22 años, es una chica regordeta muy cariñosa y que por lo general oculta sus curvas ya que no le gusta ser el centro de atenciĂłn por esas cosas, le gusta el afecto y siempre anda dĂĄndole cariño y mimos a los que le rodea asĂ­ como adora recibirlos, tambiĂ©n llega a ser muy paciente, pero si se agota y se enfada, amigo, sĂĄlvese quien pueda, pues detrĂĄs de toda esa suavidad, ternura y amor cĂĄlido de familia, hay una fiera guerrera capaz de todo. Eso por ahora, y tambiĂ©n para dar inicio a una temporada mas activa en mi cuenta y blog de historias de BNHA, ahora que salĂ­ del colegio tengo un poco mas de tiempo y poco a poco voy recuperando la inspiraciĂłn, espero les guste y estoy atenta a los comentarios, tengan lindo dĂ­a đŸ„°

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1 year ago

Carolina Style Burgers

Carolina Style Burgers

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