Queue Of Something - Tumblr Posts

Peni parker redesign because I've missed drawing robots
Gave her a mullet because it's what her father Gerard way would have wanted

In Toro’s defense Bucky dragged him into it
Art by Marvelite

might as well dumps them here too. a bunch of old wip/scrapped work/doodles of the fishman (and some torches too) ranging from 2017-2020
what is your favorite relationship involving Launchpad?
With his dear husband: Drake Mallard, in special the 1991 version!

It was amazing to see them fighting crime together AND being wholesome. Not to mention the whole parenting and how they do look after one another. They're partners in every way and I just find that so beautiful
They're just too good.

“The best thing for autism representation is to have multiple autistic characters so there’s a display of autism as a spectrum affecting people differently” “we need better autism representation” “I wish there were more characters that are audhd” my brother in christ, the teenage mutant ninja turtles are RIGHT THERE
Spider-Man adaptations: How do we streamline this continously ongoing decades old comic franchise into a cohesive story 🤔 We need some kind of actual narrative throughline
Coffee Bean Gang Saga illustrating the formation of the friend group, the devastating murder of Gwen and the emotional fallout of the tragedy resulting in amazing development for the characters involved and their relationships with each other, coming full circle with Harry's Green Goblin arc and eventual heartbreaking death: Hey-
Spider-Man adaptations: shut the fuck up I need to focus on turning Peter's supporting cast into completely different people

Mary Jane Watson deserves a sainthood

I redrew this redrawing. Yes.

old one/original official art

Ageswap Serizawa reposting bcuz I luv him

10 spidey engineers vs one (1) bug, who wins?

words by @chloerozo
They could’ve done so much more with Flash ghost. FLASH GHOST! Bangs my hands on this table until I DIE
edit: now with bonus epilogue doodle
┏┓ ┃┃╱╲ In this ┃╱╱╲╲ house ╱╱╭╮╲╲ we love ▔▏┗┛▕▔ & support ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ Flash Thompson ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲ ▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔

Flash Thompson is Gay: A Comprehensive Visual Essay

TRIGGER WARNINGS: alcoholism, abuse, homophobia, brief reference to The Child Within, which contains pedophilia
Over the last year and half or so, I have read a number of Spider-Man comics and have reached many conclusions about them, but my utmost conclusion is that Flash Thompson is a gay man. It is very difficult for me to label male characters as gay, since we’ve all seen the way fandom can completely brush off women in favor of imagined gay men, but once this idea took hold, it stuck. I do not see Flash as truly having been intended to be gay since his conception, or even highly coded that way like Kitty Pryde or Johnny Storm. But along the lines of Bobby Drake, I just feel that it would be the final puzzle piece that would make his 50+ years of character development make sense.
This is not intended as propaganda or a way of seeing representation where it doesn’t exist, but a simple compilation of evidence.
We begin in high school.
Keep reading

coach still doesn’t REALLY understand tiktok though
One thing that I feel most Spider-Man fans/writers get wrong about Peter Parker is that he’s… kind of an ass? Thinking specifically along the lines of baby Peter in high school, Lee/Ditko Peter? Baby Peter was not an innocent little angel child. He was an arrogant little smartass who has this air about him like he is going to open his mouth and say something extremely condescending, even from the standpoint of the reader. He’s rude. I want to smack him a little. There’s very much something there that gives the impression that he’s uptight and thinks he’s better than you.
And he never really does anything to disprove that idea, either, to his high school classmates- and in college at first. Harry, Gwen, and Flash being the little mean girl trio that follow Peter around campus and insult him is something so personal to me. But he’s so aggressive, both in that he picks fights and in the way he talks to his peers, in a way that I rarely see in adaptations. His responses to Flash’s taunts are often genuinely hurtful and aimed at his insecurities, whereas the Puny Parker stuff is annoying but Peter is always internally laughing “if only he knew…” about it and shaking it off. Flash in the early comics reads as comic relief to me. He’s more of a rival, not a bully? There’s a difference: “Peter was bullied in school” and “Flash didn’t bully Peter” are two statements that are far from mutually exclusive. Obviously this is kind of void now given how their high school days are portrayed in modern times, but still.
Yes he always talks about wanting friends, and yet nothing about Ditko Peter screams friendliness or “please come talk to me” lmao. The only member of the gang he actually got off on the right foot with is MJ, and she’s introduced in a specifically romantic context. Flash and Peter have known each other forever, and Gwen and Harry both meet Flash first and are introduced to Peter through him insulting their new friend. Which is not the best first impression. Gwen and Harry hate him for a while and it’s wonderful. Flash and Peter are both stupid kids Filled With Rage but part of what I love about the coffee bean gang era is that both of them had growing up to do and their mutual realization that they had seen each other in a bad light when they were in high school. It’s about how BOTH of them subvert their stereotypes, not how they play into them.
The Coffee Bean Gang boys represent three ends of the transmasc fashion spectrum. Dapper clown (Harry), whore (Flash) and grandpa (Peter)

I’m posting this at 1 AM (source)

this is nonsensical but simple.