Cat Rescue - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
Hi Everyone!
Hi Everyone!
Hi Everyone!
Hi Everyone!
Hi Everyone!
Hi Everyone!
Hi Everyone!
Hi Everyone!
Hi Everyone!
Hi Everyone!

Hi everyone!

I post later than my abitual time cause, how you can see today was an great day! Or i could say, yesterday was a great day .

In more specif way yesterday and today were two streesfull great day, everything started when I was with my bestie at a city festival, S. Giovanni, an tipical summer festivity that for my city, Cesena, in very important: S. Giovanni is our patronal's city; i was calm until my father called me, he said that Veronica, Virginia and Vivien were escaped and go in our neighboorud garden. Now, it would be nothing if that garden wasn't dangerous so, he said that my monther and the volunteer took Vincent and they put him in my bathroom and later they took the rest of the kittens, and they didn't took only Cherry .

So I came home thanks the mother of my bestie, and i talked with the volunteer: they took Cherry and put her in bathroom with her kittens. Obviously i was happy, and tomorrow Cherry will be sterilized, her kittens probably go in the refugees with her, but now i'm not sure.

The kittens are super cute but the girls are very diffident and rebellious, they don't trust me, and they're a little bit meanie, and cause a lot of problems. For exemples: Virginia enter in the wc, at the behind part, and it took me one hour to recuper her.

Veronica especialy is the leader and she's very protective with her sisters, she's a brave little lady and a capable warrior.

Vivien trust me a little too much, and she is very close to Vincent, he was very hsppy to stay in my bathroom, and play a lot, until he fall a sleep on my legs.

Cherry was calm, but my cats disturbed her, so sometimes she was irritable, and she discovery my mirror, and spent one hour look her reflection.

Now they're sleep, and i hope they're calms.

I'm very tired, later i will give some news .

Goodnight everyone!


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