Cate Dunlap - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Analyzing The Abilities of Characters From The Boys Pt. X

Analyzing The Abilities Of Characters From The Boys Pt. X

💎Cate Dunlap💎

Cate’s one of my favorite onscreen villains, seeing as how she takes the whole Queen of Mean trope and gives an audience something to worry about.

Cate’s ability is a tactile form of mind control, along with a seemingly unstable form of telepathy. While she can read minds, she seems to have difficulty fully controlling the individual thoughts she wants to pay attention to. I’m assuming this is from her relying on power suppressants which made her rusty at mind reading, especially since she seems to be off the pills and completely fine now.

I would imagine that at the point of the V in her system giving her this ability, she would have just been coming into her own as a woman in a world that tells young girls to hyper-obsess about their social impact on the world around them. Imagine if you shot a young Regina George up with Compound V. Wouldn’t having the ability to read the minds of her teenage subjects and force them to think, believe, and do whatever she wants by placing a guiding hand on their shoulder be a perfect mutation for her body to produce?

Having the ability to command people to do her dirty work based solely on touch, Cate relies on the fact that her beauty and unassuming nature would allow her to get close enough to touch any potential opponent. This way of thinking reminds me of Glimmer from “The Hunger Games”, seeing as how in the books, she attempted to sneak in a diamond ring that, upon unscrewing the jewel, revealed a poisoned spike. A weapon like that wielded in a battle royale style death match is unimaginably arrogant and short sighted. While it may seem cunning, her entire battle strategy hinged on her beauty and ability to draw close enough to another tribute while their guard was down to prick them with a mini spike. Cate, regardless of her own agency in the matter, shares a similar viewpoint. It wasn’t until Marie blew up her arm that she was forced to confront the fact that, when her reach is snubbed by a legitimately strong influence, she’s ultimately powerless.

The ultimate tragedy of her character is a lack of true intimacy. After she unwittingly compelled her little brother to disappear in a forest and “get lost”, to which his body was never found, her parents were horrified to do so much as touch their own daughter. When she was with Luke she repeatedly mind controlled him, and she ended up doing the same to Andre. Anyone and everyone she gets close to will inevitably fear that the ungloved intimacy they share with her is inauthentic, which creates a cruel cycle of her feeling the need to compel the people around her to forget all of the horrible things she’s done.

This is the exact play that Dean Shetty makes on her. Understanding and even aiding to curate Cate fears of her powers and whether the only reason people would ever love her is because she’s making them do so, Shetty is one of the few characters to consistently touch Cate. This shifts the dynamic between the two of them, and while it initially seemed to be done out of kindness, you very quickly understand that Shetty’s touch was equally manipulative as Cate’s.

Cate’s seemingly a pathological liar and manipulator, appearing unable to discern her own lies from Vought’s narrative. She’s both a pawn and a player, but I believe this next season will prove her to come out as a hero and unlikely ally to Marie and the true Guardians of Godolkin.

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1 year ago

The first Cate x reader fanfic I'm seeing in here and I need MORE. Like Jordan's my love and life, Marie is the person who completes our triangle of lovers, but Cate is such a Pookie bear too !

Forgotten Snows

pairing: cate dunlap x fem! reader

tw: mentions of andre, running away, swearing, kissing... that's literally it probably wow

description: cate decides to run away from her supe life, only to find a welcoming new home and maybe something more?

a/n: this low-key feels very rom-com-like lol. also sry for not getting to requests, this idea got stuck in my head and would not leaveee so i obv had to write it. hope you enjoy and lmk ur thoughts <3 ALSO WE NEED MORE CATE FICS PLS

Forgotten Snows

Cate quickly readjusted her gloves and blew a few strands of blonde hair out of her face. The strong ocean wind beat relentlessly against her exposed cheeks and she cuddled closer into her thick white knit sweater. The cold of the metal railing bit into her arms, making Cate smile. She actually did it. She finally left.

After exposing The Woods and God U for what it was, Cate had made the executive decision to run away. She had caused so much hurt even when all she ever wanted to do was help people. The only person she told was Jordan. Her best friend who had clearly understood what she needed to do. Cate didn’t even tell Andre, fearing that he would somehow convince her to stay.

She didn’t know if she even loved him all that much anymore. Sure, she will always hold him dear to her heart but after everything… So she had scrounged up all the money she had been saving up, somehow coming up with a substantial amount to allow her to buy a little house in a remote island of Canada. It was located near the waterfront (only a 20 minute walk!) and overall the population of the island was about 200 people. Perfect.

Cate had even managed to find a job. Granted it didn’t pay as much as she would have been paid if she became a career supe but it would let her live comfortably for as long as she wanted. The job consisted of being a book editor for a random little online publishing house, which meant she could work remotely and totally online.

The remainder of her money was spent purchasing charter plane and ship tickets as well as a new, much warmer, wardrobe. She was basically moving into the Arctic Circle, which meant that her usual cardigans and shirts weren’t going to cut it.

Forgotten Snows

Snow crunched under her sturdy boots as Cate hauled up her heavy suitcase along the gravel paths. A few hours ago she had finally arrived in the port of the island that she would now call home. Somehow she had been able to catch a car that was making its way in the general direction of her new house. Unfortunately for her, that same car dropped her off quite a few kilometers from her destination, but she couldn’t blame the elderly couple who looked like they were eager to finally get home.

Her supe stamina was the only thing that seemed to sustain her as she traveled the paths, constantly looking down at the map she had downloaded into her photos. Cate knew that her Google Maps probably would not work at all until she got closer to her new house. She didn’t expect there to be any signal on this island, except near specific houses or the three tiny towns. 

The sun was starting to set by the time she had arrived at the path leading directly to her door. The lights inside the house were off but the porch light was on and smoke was coming out from the chimney. Furrowing her eyebrows, Cate turned to look at the house that sat a few paces away from her own and was surprised to see that a woman, about her age, was shoveling snow.

The woman had her headphones in but the gentle hum of her voice echoed through the expanse. She must be her new neighbor. 

Cate smiled slightly before starting up her trek again. Finally seeing her destination had given the tired blonde a boost of energy. The clear path leading to her porch allowed Cate to pull her suitcase up more easily and after depositing it next to the door, she turned to look at the woman. Gravel poked into the soles of her boots as Cate made her way to her. Picking up a gloved hand she lightly tapped the woman’s right shoulder.

Forgotten Snows

Soft folk music echoed through your old headphones. Shoveling snow was monotonous but necessary work. Especially with the newest addition to the island coming today. Cate Dunlap. Unfortunately estate agents weren’t really a thing on an island that sat in the midst of the Arctic Circle. So you had been the one to list everything online and figure a way to sift through all possible applications, which ended up being pretty scarce. 

The second home, which your parents used to use as a guest house/office, had been listed for almost a year now. The only three applications you had gotten were from people who either seemed like escaped convicts or generally creepy men. Something that would not do if you were going to be living a few seconds away from them. But then a month ago a saving grace of an application arrived in your email.

Cate Dunlap, 21, single and was willing to move in as soon as possible. The letter that was attached as well as the recommendation made the decision for you. So here you were, after prepping everything inside the house - making sure it was warm enough and stocked up for the week, waiting for Cate to arrive.

What you didn’t seem to realize was that your old headphones were still pretty soundproof. The feeling of a hand against your thick work coat made a loud shriek come out of your mouth before you swiveled around, clutching your chest with one hand and pulling your headphones down with the other.

“Oh shit! I’m so sorry. I thought you-” Oh my God. Cate Dunlap was stunning. Her blonde hair was tucked under a black beanie and a white fisherman’s sweater peaked out from under her thick sage green coat.

“No, no I should be the one apologizing. I was literally expecting you, we just don’t get a bunch of people around here like… ever.”

“You were the one who did all this?” Cate asked as she gestured towards the house.

“Yup, I also stocked up food for like the next week or so.” Her mouth dropped in an incredulous expression.

“You really did not have to do that.”

“Of course I did! I sold you the house plus you deserve a warm-ish welcome to our wonderful little island.” You both let out a small chuckle and Cate continues to brilliantly smile at you.

“Wait, you were the seller? I didn’t realize that you would-”

“Also be living here? Yeah. Your new house was actually part of my family’s property since we built these two places. I’m just living here alone now, and I really don’t need all that space. So…”

“Woah, that’s so cool. It’s nice to actually have a local to help though, I haven’t lived in a place like this well ever.”

“I’ll be here if you ever need anything, and by anything I mean anything. Here, why don’t we get your stuff inside and I can get some tea ready?” You asked as you started to put your shovel away.

“Oh God yes, that sounds incredible right now.”

You pulled out a series of keys from your jacket pocket and swiftly got Cate’s house key out from the bunch. After giving the door a few firm pushes it flew open and the warm air started whooshing out.

“Here quickly, we don’t want the house to get cold.” You both laughed and Cate pushed her suitcase through the threshold. You pushed the door closed behind her and turned towards the blonde who was spinning around and marvelling at the surroundings.

Forgotten Snows

Cate was completely taken aback by the house, she didn’t expect it to be so home-like already. Movie posters lined the entry of the house, stuff she had actually watched. The floor was hard-wood, which looked insanely expensive. Pulling her suitcase behind her, Cate took peeks at the different rooms that filled the house. 

There was a living room which was covered in books, a desk and had stunning paintings covering the remaining walls, this was also where the fireplace was set. A bathroom with a full bath and shower, completely covered in what looked like hand painted tiles. The kitchen was similarly decorated but this time with bright blue tiles and had full appliances plus a huge pantry. Finally there was a bedroom at the end of the house, it was simple and much less decorated but looked cosy. The bed was covered in a variety of furs and there was an antique closet and vanity set. A space heater was also placed on one side of the room.

“So what do you think?” Came a questioning call from the threshold of the bedroom, spinning around she was met with the slightly nervous expression of her neighbor, even if her eyes shined with kindness.

“Oh my God it’s fucking incredible. Did you decorate it all by yourself? I didn’t even realize- wait, I’m so sorry. This was so rude of me but I never asked your name.”

“I’m Y/N L/N, at your service.” Y/N said as she gave Cate a mock bow, making both of them laugh. “And yup I had some extra time after my parents died and well renovating was a great distraction.” You added in a slightly more somber tone, with a wistful look in your eyes.

“Oh shit, I’m so sorry.” Cate started to say as a sad look appeared in her eyes.

“No, don't be sorry. I- they both had cancer, which fucking sucks but I continue to do their work. I miss them you know? They didn’t deserve to leave the world so soon.”

“My parents are both absolute assholes but I understand where you’re coming from. My uh boyfriend… also died, he killed himself”

“Shit, that fucking sucks. I’m so sorry. Ok well let’s get some joy back in here. This is turning into a deeply angsty moment when we should be celebrating you coming here… so why don’t go unpack and I’ll get some tea on.”

“You really don’t have to do that.”

“I want to. Now shoo before I make you.” Cate shuddered slightly in pleasure as Y/N turned around and made her way to the kitchen. God, she thought you were absolutely drop dead gorgeous. How the hell was she going to be able to function with you looking like that?

Forgotten Snows

The next few weeks were spent in pure bliss for you and Cate. You spent nights at each other’s houses, binging movies on respective laptops or just curling up on the couch reading books. Life had slowed down a bit more for you than Cate job-wise because summer season was coming to an end. That meant shorter days, less tourists and much colder nights.

“So you never actually told me what you do?” Cate had asked one night as you were tucked under the array of furs on your bed as wind and snow howled outside the window.

“Oh I’m a conservationist mostly but I also work at the National Park, giving tours and making sure the habitats of the animals are undisturbed. Other than that I also write a bit.”

“Ooo what do you write, I could get you a deal with my company.” Cate said as she twirled around in the bed to look at you as you threw your head back and a ringing laugh filled the room.

“I don’t think so. My stuff is absolute shit. It’s mostly short stories.”

“Oh come on, it’s not.” Cate said as she softly smacked your shoulder. “And you have to show me one of your short stories sometime.”

“No way.”

“Yes way.”

“No way.” That little playful argument was concluded when Cate pounced on you and started tickling you.

Forgotten Snows

The first time that your relationship was tested (and very much strengthened) was on a random Tuesday. You had somehow managed to rope Cate into helping you with fixing up your little snowmobile. You sighed loudly and threw down the tools before moving your oil covered hands to smooth over your face, which was definitely a mistake. Now instead of just being frustrated you were also covered in engine oil.

“Shit, that looks…” You sent Cate a glare which had her raising her arms in defeat but still letting a small snicker out of her mouth. “Sorry! What exactly do you need help with?”

“There’s a damn bolt I can’t reach, I swear I need to get some kind of stand for this thing-” You cut yourself off as you watched Cate easily pick up the vehicle and turn to look at you. That was when she realized what she had just done.

“Okay, okay, so before you freak out-”

“How the fuck did you do that? Wait, are you one of those superheroes?” You asked quickly, it felt like the words were just flying right out of your mouth.

“I- uh fuck, yeah I am. Look, if you want to stop being my friend I’m totally fine with that. I’ll even move out-” Cate started to stutter out, panic encased her features making your face soften.

“Woah, woah, woah. Catey I think you’re fucking great. Who cares if you have a little extra something that most normal people don’t. Actually I think it’s pretty fucking cool okay? Don’t you dare leave.” You exclaimed with a passionate tone in your voice as you stepped closer and closer to Cate. You grabbed her hands and looked deeply into her eyes.

“I- I don’t want to leave either.”

“You bet your ass you don’t.” Cate let out a snort and smiled brightly at you. There was something in her eyes that made you take the next move. A move that you had been wanting to make ever since you first saw her.

Carefully moving your face towards hers, you watched to see if Cate was going to pull away, but she didn’t. No, instead she surged forward and grabbed your face with her soft gloves, kissing the very soul out of you.

It didn’t feel exactly like fireworks, it was so much better. It felt almost like experiencing the Northern Lights. An array of beautiful colors and sensations flew behind your closed eyes. It also felt like all your nights cuddled up in bed, sharing a hot chocolate that would sear your tongues with each sip. Cate felt like home.

Forgotten Snows

whooo that was fun to write. i love her sm - anyways hope you all enjoyed it !!! if there are any inaccuracies, i literally tried to do a bunch of random research but i probably missed some stuff sry so just lmk.

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1 year ago

This is Jordan, Andre, Luke and Cate coded... Sorry not sorry. They had some sort of freaky shit going on as a group with some dumb but cute freshman, I just know it.

getting tipsy with your four male friends has you complaining about how stressed you are and that leads to them saying how they “just wanna make you feel good” and then one thing leads to another and now one of them is kissing you, two of them are sucking and pinching your nipples and the fourth one has his lips wrapped around your clit, sucking on it like he’s trying to suck out all your stress.

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I hate a character with unwavering morals and the constant desire to do the right thing 24/7. Like, you don’t wanna go apeshit just once? Just lose it a little bit?

I’m saying this after watching Gen V and realizing I would’ve cracked that bloody eyed one armed b**** the second I realized she was messing with my mind for whatever reasons. No talking. No hearing her out. No conversation whatsoever. She would’ve KNEW she’d been in a fight cause I would have floored her.

But that’s just how I AM..

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1 year ago
If I Had A Nickel For Every Time One Of The Teenage Bounty Hunters Twins Was In A Humans Vs Superpowered

if I had a nickel for every time one of the teenage bounty hunters twins was in a humans vs superpowered people themed show where they were in a superpowered team vs superpowered team fight on the side that is against regular humans, ended up starting a murder spree only to have to be stopped (and subsequently physically hurt) by one of the few people they care about:

i would have 2 nickels

If I Had A Nickel For Every Time One Of The Teenage Bounty Hunters Twins Was In A Humans Vs Superpowered
If I Had A Nickel For Every Time One Of The Teenage Bounty Hunters Twins Was In A Humans Vs Superpowered
If I Had A Nickel For Every Time One Of The Teenage Bounty Hunters Twins Was In A Humans Vs Superpowered

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1 year ago
I Would Forgive Her And Even Say Sorry First

i would forgive her and even say sorry first ☝️😔

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7 months ago

an edit for a friend on tiktok @rnvlxy #catedunlap

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1 year ago

More sceneified The Boys character because I'm Puturpuru, and u can do whatever the fuck I want

More Sceneified The Boys Character Because I'm Puturpuru, And U Can Do Whatever The Fuck I Want
More Sceneified The Boys Character Because I'm Puturpuru, And U Can Do Whatever The Fuck I Want
More Sceneified The Boys Character Because I'm Puturpuru, And U Can Do Whatever The Fuck I Want

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1 year ago
YES!! I Shouted, Standing From My Chair Immediately. I Got Accepted Into Godolkin University. Its Been

“YES!!” I shouted, standing from my chair immediately. I got accepted into Godolkin University. It’s been a dream of mine for a while now

“What?” My older sister came rushing in. I smiled wide at her while she looked confused

“I GOT ACCEPTED!!” She started smiling and hugged me

“I’m so proud of you!” We both celebrated together for a while

Soon it came the day for me to pack the last of my things. I was excited, nervous, maybe even a little seldom for leaving home but it was finally time. I said my goodbyes to my sister and started my way to Godolkin university

I got into the school for my teleportation powers, a video went viral a few days ago of me stopping a robber while at the bank. I try to stay off social media but I still know about things that are trending

I stepped out of my cab and was standing in front of my dream school. I couldn’t help but smile and looked at my map. I hate maps of schools though, they don’t really help me

Suddenly someone bumped into me and I dropped the map

“Oh I’m so sorry” I apologized quickly. I looked up at the person and it was polarity’s son

“I think I’m the one that’s supposed to be apologizing” he had a small smile and I chuckled

“Yeah I guess so. Hey do you happen to know where the dorms are? I’m a little lost” he bends down to pick up my map and hand it to me

“Yeah I can show you” he out stretches his hand to me

“I’m Andre” I accept the handshake with a smile

“I’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you” on the way to the dorms he asks me questions about myself and I return the favor

“So you have any siblings?” He asks another question but I don’t mind

“Yes, I have an older sister. She was honestly my rock throughout everything. She was so happy when I told her I got into this school” Andre nodded listening to me instead of dozing off during my little rambles

“That’s nice, kind of makes me wish I had a sibling” I laughed and he looked at me quizzically

“Trust me it has its ups and downs. We fought a lot as little kids, she would pull my hair and I would teleport her to the zoo” he laughed a little surprised

“You could teleport? And you took her to the zoo?” He questioned in a little disbelief. I laughed at the memory

“It was the only thing I could think of, she hated the lizards!” We laughed even harder and I couldn’t help but think of how much I’m going to miss her

“But no matter how hard we fought she would always be there for me” I smiled warmly. We talk a little more and we finally show up at the dorms

“Thank you for helping me find the dorms and for some nice conversation. I hope I get to see you around” I smile at him. He seems like a nice person, very open to new people

“Well me and a few friends are going out tonight, wanna come with?” I thought about it for a second. He is my first friend here but I’ll need more than one friend at a university this big. I made a decision

“Sure” he tells me when and where to meet them and I go to find my room number. Number 403 popped up soon enough and I walk in to see my dorm with one bed. I looked at it confused and worried that there might have been a mix up

I set my things down and look around. There’s nothing that suspects another person has been in here, just one bed and empty shelves. I leave my things in a corner of the room and go to find an office but before I do, I bump into a girl in the hallway

She has short blonde hair and bright brown almost hazel eyes

“Oh I’m so sorry” I apologized immediately. What is it with the me and bumping into people lately. She smiles at me

“No, no it’s totally ok. Hey you’re the girl moving into room 403 right?” Her voice is sweet and excited. I nodded

“My name is y/n, hey do you know why I only have one bed?” She looked confused as well and walked to my doorway to see

“Maybe they just didn’t have a roommate for you, happens sometimes because ya know it’s a famous school and all that” and shrugged her shoulders, “maybe you should go down to the office to see” I nodded

“Can you uh do me a favor and point me in the direction of the office please? I’m not good with maps” she smiled and laughed a little

“Yeah of course” she gave me directions that I followed to a T and suddenly I’m in front of a large building. I walk down a large hallway and look at everything I’m passing by and I can’t help but be amazed at everything I’m seeing

I finally see someone and walk up to them a little nervously. They have headphones in at the moment but once I walk up to them they take the headphones out

“Hi uhm is this where I talk to someone about my dorm because I only have one bed and I don’t know if it’s because I don’t have a roommate or-“ I was cut off from my rambling

“This is professor brinks office for criminology, not a place for you to ask about your dorm room” they blatantly spoke. I felt so embarrassed and my face started to turn a little pink

“Oh I’m so sorry, I’m new here and got the wrong directions and I’m sorry again. I hope you have a good day” I was about to walk away when h to eh shouted a name

“Jordan, my name is Jordan” I turned back and gave a small smile

“My name is y/n, I would say it’s nice to meet you but I’m just embarrassed right now” they smiled and I couldn’t help but think their smile is beautiful

“Don’t be, it happens a lot of the time with freshman” they continue, “and I wouldn’t worry about the dorm situation, they sometimes give people their own room. Cherish it you might get a roommate next year” I laugh a little

“Thank you and again, I’m sorry for wasting your time” they just smile and I turn to walk back to my dorm

any feedback would be good, this is just a snippet of the story so far

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1 year ago

now one of my new favorites


Jordan Li x F!Reader

In this chapter: a smidge of getting to know each other, then smut. that's it.

Warning: we meet the ex. smut with both fem and masc Jordan. bruising. (let me know what i missed)

word count: 2.8k

Part 1


A few days pass when you and Jordan finally go over the case together, laying out the suspects that were presented. Jordan sets up their computer so you can watch the interrogation videos. Jordan thought it'd be better to watch the tapes before requesting a face-to-face with the suspects yourselves.

After about 2 different suspects' videos, you tap out. "I need a break" You stand to stretch. Today you're dressed in sweats and T-shirt. You couldn't sleep the night before so you skipped your morning classes and chose something comfortable to meet Jordan in.

"Wanna get something to eat?" Jordan asks, presenting male today.

You nod and you both head to the vought-a-burger on campus. You and Jordan sit across from each other as you wait for your meals.

A small smile forms on your face at a poster on the wall of Homelander with the Seven Tower burger. "You know one of my very first memories of Vought a burger was sharing a seven tower burger with my dad" Jordan meets your eyes when you look to speak with him "That thing was so big but my dad had made a bet with my mom that he and I could finish it. He ended up walking home with like half the thing in a to-go box" you laugh, Jordan chuckles softly.

"Did you have to walk home too? Seeing how you also lost the bet?" Your eyes flicker over their dimpled cheek. You shake your head still smiling "My mom wanted him to walk home in silence, part of his punishment."

you and Jordan giggle again "What about you? Any Vought a Burger memories?" You ask trying to keep a conversation going.

Jordan looks to their arms that are crossed on the table. "My parents used to bring me like once a month, only if I was doing well in school." Their eyes meet yours again.

"Well I'm assuming you did well, seeing as now you're number 2" you tease.

Jordan smiles "What about you, number 6" They bring up your raking.

"6 is not 2” you smile “But I've done well in school. I had to, there was no other option but GodU" you say. "My parents didn't have money like that so I had to rely on a scholarship, it was the only way I'd get into my dream school"

"Godolkin was your dream school?"

You nod "A school for supes? It's all I ever wanted"

"Your parents must be proud" Jordan sounds sincere.

"They are" you nod "I was their only supe kid, even if i never join the seven I'll be set for life when I graduate"

"How many siblings do you have?" Jordan questions.

"Two sisters" you respond thinking of your older and younger sisters. "They're 27 and 16" Then you ask "What about you? Any siblings."

Jordan shakes their head "Only child" They look away from your eyes “I wish I had siblings, maybe then all their attention wouldn't be on me”

You purse your lips, sending them a closed-mouth smile. “That’s not my experience”

Just then your food is brought out on a tray, Jordan grabs your food for you first before grabbing their own. When you both settle into a comfortable silence while eating your food your attention is called to your phone which rings with an e-mail notification.

Your results from the clinic are in, along with your prescription for birth control. You're clean, which is a relief but then you remember the person across from you is the reason you need birth control (at least for now).

"Everything okay?" Jordan asks, eyebrows furrowed.

"Uh-" you debate on telling them the results. "Yeah." You put your phone down. "So how did you become Brink's TA?"


A few days later

You meet your cousins, Jenni and her older brother Mau at Jitter Bean in the morning before crime fighting.

"I can't believe you're convincing her to do this" Mau scolds his younger sister.

"She likes them!" Jenni defends.

"Honestly it didn't take much convincing" you say with a shrug making Jenni laugh.

Mau shakes his head, taking a sip of his black iced coffee "It's good, she's putting herself out there again, especially after your asshole friend broke her heart"

"First of all, we were all friends with him, and second, I haven't spoken to him in months" Mau says.

"Oh, what an ally" Jenni says sarcastically.

Just then the coffee shop entrance makes a whooshing sound as it's swung open. Naturally, you look up to see who it is, Jordan enters with Luke aka Golden Boy beside them. They talk animatedly, big smiles, hands flaring. Jordan doesn't see you. They're female presenting, they close looking slightly baggy on their smaller form.

Jenni the ever nosy person she is, follows your gaze. When she turns back to you there's a knowing smirk on her face.

"What?" You tilt your head.

"Nothing" she says but the smirk remains. Mau turns to the boys before rolling his eyes.

"You guys are little school girls"

Jenni glares at her brother "Oh shut up, you'll never know what it's like to be a girl with a crush"

"How different could it be from a boy with a crush?" He squints.

"I don't have a crush on them" you chime in, Mau and Jenni share a look, and before you can defend yourself your name is called behind them. Jordan walks over, catching the table's attention.

"Jordan" you smile. Jordan is smiling at you and it's only when Luke walks up behind them that they turn with an "Oh, Luke this is y/n, my partner for Brink's"

Luke flashes the brightest smile you've ever seen, that really is golden boy. "Yeah, number 6 right"

"Yeah, number 1" you greet him.

"These are my cousins, Jenni and Mau" you introduce them. Jordan and Luke smile and nod their heads politely.

"We're gonna walk to Brink's if you wanna join" Jordan offers. You look down at your watch to see it's 10 minutes till class.

"Shit, I didn't see the time. Yeah." you stand up grabbing your jacket and bag.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow?" You ask your cousins who nod.

"You guys go ahead, I'm gonna get something for Cate" Luke tells you both.

You and Jordan fall into step with each other as you walk to the lamplighter building. The ground is wet from light rain that's been happening randomly throughout the week.

"So" you stick your hand into your sweater pockets. "I got my test results back."

Jordan nods "I did too, I didn't know how to bring it up but I'm all clean."

You nod now "Me too"

"So do we-" You're cut off when someone bumps into your shoulder so roughly you stumble forward, you feel hands grab your waist before you hit the ground.

You grab their wrist as they steady you and look over your shoulder to find Jordan, mouth agape in concern.

"The fuck, dude?" Jordan turns their head to say. You follow their gaze to see Hasan. "Shit my bad-" he pauses "Heat?" he uses the nickname he gave you as a kid making you cringe.

"Hasan" you respond already looking away to straighten out your clothes.

"It's been so long." He's smiling and you want to punch him in the face but you're not surprised, Hasan is an asshole at heart. He knows talking to you is the last thing you'd want him to be doing, which is the only reason he continues. "It's my dad's birthday this weekend, I take it you'll be joining your parents?"

You don't respond because you didn't know, and the feeling of dread sneaks up in your chest. Your mom will make you go.

Hasan's parents are your parents’ best friends, they've known them since you were 4, and they're practically family. You can already hear your mom guilt-tripping you into going.

Hasan smiles, a knowing smile and you clench your jaw. "I'll see you Saturday" he winks before walking past you.

"Asshole" you mutter but Hasan has super hearing, so you know he heard.

"Who the fuck was that guy?" Jordan asks following Hasan with their eyes.

"My ex" you spit.


Friday night you've already started making the PowerPoint for Brink’s project, just a layout and the introduction of the Daisy Montes. Jordan (fem presenting) makes calls to witnesses to set up times to meet and discuss.

It's around 8 when you check the time and decide to call it a night. "We'll meet with Daisy's neighbor tomorrow" Jordan reminds you. You nod and stand to stretch, "are we gonna meet there?"

"I can drive us," they say and you respond with an "alright"

There's a beat of silence as you stand in front of Jordan who sits on the couch, Jordan's eyes fall to your exposed legs in your jean skirt. They don't even attempt to hide as their eyes slowly lift up your body to your face.

"Do you think we could-" Jordan starts but you cut them off with a hum and a nod. Jordan stands and you have to look down an inch as they step closer to you.

Their brown eyes look up at you and you can hear your heartbeat in your ears, a little voice in your head wonders if they can hear the wild bird in your chest.

"Just relax" Jordan mutters, eyes looking at your lips, you exhale before slipping a hand over their jaw, pulling them into a kiss. It's soft and light, testing the waters.

Their hands find your waist, deepening the kiss. Your hands travel to the nape of their neck opening your mouth. Soon it's all tongue and teeth, like you both have been starved, which you have but what is their excuse?

Soon they're leading you to their bed, where you're laid on your back. Jordan pulls away to take off their jacket, leaving on a white tank top before capturing your lips again. Their hair tickles your cheek but you pay it no mind. Your hands slip around their neck again. They trail kisses along your jaw and you gasp when their soft lips travel to your neck. "How are you feeling?” Jordan's voice is low, their breath against your neck.

You gently push Jordan away, and you both sit up. They look concerned but when you go to pull off your sweater you notice the way their mouth gapes, watching every move. When the sweater is gone and you're left in your bra you also notice the way their eyes darken, taking you in.

Then they're kissing you, laying you back again. This time when they trail kisses they don't stop at your neck, traveling to your tits, placing kisses over every exposed part.

When they look back at you, you can tell it's to check on you which warms your inside. “I’m good” you reassure them softly, when they find no hesitation in your expression they smile up at you from below your tits.


Then you're flipping them over so you're above them. You feel crazy like an animal let out of a cage, you wanna do so much that you don't even know where to start. So you settle for kissing them, loving the feel of their lips against yours.

Your hand travels over their stomach till you find the waistband of their pants. Jordan helps you pull them down till their left in boxer briefs, you pause to look up at them. "I know this is my first time in a while but you can stop me at any time, okay?" You remind them.

Jordan's mouth opens but they don't say anything for a couple of seconds before they say "Are you fucking kidding? I've been waiting so long for this" You can't help the giggle that escapes your lips.

You slip your fingers into the waistband of their underwear pulling them down to reveal their cunt. You feel nervous now, it's been years since the last time you ate someone out, you were a teenager, and even then you didn't really know what you were doing.

You slid your fingers between their folds and gasp at the warm arousal that coats your fingers "You're so wet" You sound amazed, it's almost comedic.

You teasingly rub their clit with feather-like touches, you look up at Jordan who watches with small whines leaving their mouth "Please" they whisper.

You obey, spreading their lips and licking a stripe from their entrance to clit, you lap at it a few times, slow and precise before carefully sliding a finger into their entrance, Jordan groans at the intrusion.

You test a few pumps before adding a second finger. You look for a rhythm that has Jordan’s features scrunching. "Oh," Jordan throws their head against the pillow.

You let yourself lose control then spitting, licking, and sucking at Jordan's cunt. You twist your fingers in hopes of going deeper. Jordan's hand grips the sheet beside their hips making you smirk.

"Faster" Jordan breathes out. "I'm so close" They look down at you now and you meet their gaze as you speed up your thrust, you suck their clit into your mouth.

You both hold eye contact as Jordan nears an end. They nod as you feel their walls tighten around your fingers till they're gushing. You both moan.

Jordan's head drops against the pillow again. You pull away from their cunt and clean up your fingers. "I haven't done that in a very long time" you say.

Jordan looks down at you as you sit up fingers in your mouth. Their eyes are still dark with lust. "well fuck" they breathe making you smile, and their eyes close with a groan before they sit up.

"Come here." They're leaning against the headboard and you crawl over to straddle their waist, you share a kiss and when you pull away you watch them shift to their masculine form.

Their hands grip your hips, and you both meet in a kiss again. You grind against their already half-hard cock, you're skirt has bunched at your waist so the only barrier in the way is your thin underwear.

You feel Jordan's calloused fingers sink into your skin. You pull away from their mouth, resting your forehead against theirs, their other hand finding your clothed cunt.

"You soaked through your underwear" Jordan groans, and your ears burn.

They pull your panties to the side so they can slip their fingers past your folds. "Holy shit" they curse. You feel your cunt flex around nothing.

Pulling away from them you lift off their lap to pull your underwear and skirt off. Then you straddle them once again.

"Can I-" you grab their cock.

"Wait- I need to get a condom" They start to push you away but you shake your head. "I'm on the pill, we're both clean. let just-" You rub their cock along your slit spreading your arousal.

Jordan watches you with an expression you've never seen on them before "Who am I to stop you" and with that you sink onto their cock. You both groan.

"Oh god, it feels so full" You don't even know that you're speaking out loud.

Both Jordan's hands land on your hips but they don't force you to move, they allow you to adjust to the almost unfamiliar sensation.

Your eyes are closed as you start slowly lifting and falling back onto their cock. "Look at me" Jordan groans "I wanna see your eyes"

Your mouth opens along with your eyes, Jordan's pained expression is the only thing in your field of vision.

It makes you want to go crazy but before you can speed up you're being flipped, Jordan above you, chain dangling between you two.

Their thrusts speed up just a bit faster than you had been previously.

"You-" they cut themselves off, never finishing their sentence when you reach under you and unclip your bra. "Fuck" they breathe leaning down to capture a nipple in your mouth.

"Yes" you gasp, arching your back into their mouth.

They pull away and adjust themself before they grab your waist and start fucking you faster. You groan looking around for something to hold to before settling for their sheets.

They toy with your clit, making your eyes roll back. "Yes" you breathe "I'm close"

Their grip tightens almost painfully but you can’t focus on that at the moment "Look at me" their voice sound strained, your half-lidded eyes find theirs and they're practically begging "cum, you cum first"

You do. The desperation in their voice sends you over the edge. Jordan follows suit, filling you. Their forehead to your cheek.

"Fuck" they groan.

You both wince when Jordan pulls out from you. They stand but you hardly register where they went before they were back, helping wipe you clean.

"Thank you for re-popping my cherry." You say after a moment of catching your breath, sitting up.

Jordan chuckles "Thank you for the opportunity" You smile at that. You look around for your clothes.

"Where's my shirt?" You question. You slip on your underwear, Jordan picks up your shirt from the floor and you stand to put it on but Jordan stops you, fingers running over your waist "I bruised you" you frown walking over to the full-length mirror by their closet.

You turn and on either side of your waist are 5 little bruises. You slip on your shirt, "they'll heal" you say nonchalantly. Then you walk over to the couch to look for your phone, you find it lying over project papers you unlock it to see it's 10 pm.

And that you have a missed call from your mom.



thank you for reading :)))))

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1 year ago

guyssss can someone request a small fic from either scream, the hunger games, the maze runner, shameless, jjk, outer banks, gen v, supernatural, or you. I’m still writing the Jordan li fic but it’s really long and I don’t have enough time to finish it anytime soon so far

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1 year ago

Hii:) can i request Jordan Li x Marie Moreau x fem!reader confessing their feelings after they wake up in the same bed in ep5

ofc!! it’s gonna be changed a bit

TW: swearing, sexual assault, fluff

I awoke with sunlight shining down on me. I groaned and moved onto my side when suddenly my eyes opened wide in shock. Two arms were wrapped around me, one from Jordan Li and the other from Marie Moreau. I covered my mouth in shock, i have two of the hottest people in bed with me which by the way… whose bed is this?

I look around and I don’t recognize a single thing. I look down at the two confused. I mean I’ve always had a thing for the both of them but how did this happen? I didn’t think they even liked me at all, maybe they still don’t. Suddenly the door opens and it’s Andre and Cate. They stutter over their words in disbelief and hurried out waking the other two

‘Oh shit’

“Uh hey” Jordan spoke first awkwardly

“Hey..” Marie follows. I awkwardly look to both of them making very awkward eye contact. They quickly turn on each side of the bed and hurry to put their clothes on, can’t say I blame them. I laid there with a sheet covering myself and awkwardly avoided looking at the two of them as they got dressed

“Uhm here, I think these are yours” Marie hands me a skirt and a cropped long sleeved black shirt, she also handed me my underwear and bra. I gave a sheepish smile

“Thanks” and took them. I started changing into my clothes on the bed in a hurry so they wouldn’t be done before me. A long beat of silence deafens the room until Marie turns around

“Look this is going to sound super fucked up and weird but I don’t remember what happened last night” Marie says awkwardly avoiding eye contact. Jordan breathes a breath of relief

“Oh my god, neither do I” they both turn to me and I just shake my head as to say ‘me neither’

“Oh… where the fuck are we?” Marie looks around

“I’ve been trying to figure that out” I speak up finally. Marie turns awkwardly to look over at me and Jordan

“Did we..?” She looked to Jordan and me. Jordan looked to me and started to smile at me and Marie. Jordan’s smile was contagious as both me and Marie started smiling

We finally got fully dressed and while me and Jordan went to find cate and Andre, Marie went alone to find Emma. We found Cate and Andre already smoking, they looked so relaxed but I couldn’t feel more of the opposite

As they talked I zoned out until I decided to go out for some fresh air. I got up to leave

“Where are you going?” Jordan asked, a tiny bit of sadness in his tone

“Just going for a walk, get some fresh air. I’ll be back” with that I left and walked somewhat through the woods. What I didn’t know is Andre teased Jordan about being ‘clingy’

I’ve liked Jordan since I started at GodU freshman year. They were a sophomore and sure they were deemed as ‘cold’ but every interaction I’ve had with them has been very nice and sweet. I started to like Marie since I saw her in the dorms of our first day. I was walking to professor Brinks office as another professors TA when I saw Jordan talking with Marie, at first I was jealous but then I saw her and how brave she was for talking to Brink the way she did

I didn’t know what to say to the two but I guess the words will come at the right moment. I walk back to the house to see them all standing outside

“Oh hey Emma” I smile at the girl, Marie looked confused and looked between us

“You two know each other?” She asks. I smile and chuckle

“We bumped into each other on the first day and got to know each other. It’s very good to see you again” I turn towards the girl again. She smiles and while she may look a little disheveled, she still looks beautiful

“Hey y/n, it’s great to see you too” I could feel someone looking at me, more like two people looking. I look up to see Jordan, male presenting and Marie both looking at me with.. jealousy? nope, no way. I’m being delusional

After some conversation of basically all of us saying we don’t remember anything that happened last night..or for the past couple of days, I pull my phone out to see multiple notifications. I look on TikTok and there are multiple videos of a party where we’re all tagged. I sat on a couch next to Jordan and across from us sat Cate and Andre

Suddenly this girl pans the screen over to Marie and Jordan kissing, I look at it confused on where I come in. Suddenly Jordan breaks away from Marie and pulls me into a kiss touching wherever they could. Marie came from behind and started leaving kisses on my jaw down to my neck

Pink spread all across my cheeks as I locked my phone again. I look up to Jordan to see they’re already looking at me, I look away quickly as my face turns to a deeper red. Andre and Cate stare at the interaction almost laughing. I sighed as I brought my feet up close

“ guys don’t remember either?” I looked up to the two. Cate shakes her head

“Nope” Andre sounds, popping the ‘P’

A kid in a robe holding a blinder walks out. Jordan grabbed him by the arm tightly

“Fuck you do to us dusty?!” The drink in the blender spills a bit. I hold my hand out in reaction

“Hey Jordan! He’s just a kid” I try to reason. Andre speaks up

“Dusty’s like 28” he says it like it’s the most casual thing which at this point, is. He says something pervertedly stupid then Cate speaks up

“I think I know who did this” she looks up quickly then down at her phone again. She turns her phone as we all gather around

“Rufus was here last night” was all she had to say to send me into a spiral

“Fuck” was all I could say. Jordan turns to me confused

“Shit, of course it’s him” Marie spoke, I turned to her quizzically

“Why?” Andre questioned. Marie swallowed thickly

“I sort of..blew his dick off” I take a look of surprise on my face and turn to her. She looked to me nervously

“Well damn, wish I could’ve done it. Well done Marie!” I laugh towards the end and she gave a nervous chuckle. Andre was full on laughing with me and we got sent into a spiral. After a few seconds we calm down

“So what you’re saying is that Rufus has to piss sitting down forever. Did you do it on purpose?” It took everything in me not to laugh but as Andre spoke, his voice trembles from holding in his laughs

“No, it was an accident. I’m not even sure how I did it” she looked between all of us, Jordan spoke after

“He fucking deserved it” I turn around and take a breath blocking everything else out. After everything that he had done I hoped a bus would’ve at least hit him by now, might have to do it myself

After we all sat down Cate revealed what that fucker did to her and I’ve never been more angry in my life, well actually yeah I have. After we decided to go after Simon we split into two groups. It was me, Jordan, and Marie while Andre was already gone. Cate had went to find Andre

While we were on the lookout for Simon, Jordan was the first to bring up the elephant in the room

“So about last night-“ I cut them off

“Look I’m going to say something and I need you two to listen and answer me when I’m done” I spoke quickly. They both looked a little surprised at my burst of confidence. I took a deep breath before speaking again

“I like you- both of you. I know we don’t remember what happened last night or, I guess the past couple of days but anyways. I’ve had a crush on you,” I looked to Jordan while they listened intently, “since I started here and you,” it was Marie’s turn now, “since I saw you talking to Jordan and brink” I took another deep breath. It felt amazing to get it off my chest

“Did you guys feel anything?” I looked up nervously, all my confidence depleted. They both smiled, Jordan’s smile, a half smirk almost made me melt on the spot

“Well I mean I wasn’t gonna say anything but… yeah” Marie smiled, her cheeks flushing a bit pink. She turned to Jordan, her interest peaked at their reaction. After they saw we were both looking to them, they put on that confident facade we all know

“Pfft, maybe” they puffed air out and looked away with a smile, I could see their cheeks were tinted a deep red. I smiled and chuckled

“Ok well,” I walked to Jordan, grabbed their cheeks, and kissed them with all the passion I could after holding in my feelings for so long, “did that help decide anything?” They cleared their throat after standing up straight

“Yes” they smiled brightly

sorry that took so long guys, lmk if there’s anything you see that I can improve on or yk let me know if you liked it. thank you babes

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1 year ago


We the gen v fandom don't give this men enough credit . He went looking for answers when no else did ; he was literally behind the discovery of finding out what the woods were and find sam. And had to discover his whole friend group had been lying and knew the shit was happening.



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