The Boys Season 4 - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Analyzing The Abilities of Characters From The Boys Pt. XVI

Analyzing The Abilities Of Characters From The Boys Pt. XVI


Alex/Supersonic was a painfully irrelevant character who was introduced and briefly killed off all in S3. While his time on the show was short, his had his license to drive his way into all of our hearts…

Alex’s abilities are actually never shown in the show whatsoever. It is mentioned that he has the ability to generate a sonic boom by clapping his hands, but we unfortunately never get to see this before his life is cut short by Homelander.

I find Alex’s role significant, not because of his weird faux love triangle with Annie, but because of the nature of “sound” throughout the series. Alex proves himself to be an ally, and to align himself with Annie on her journey to take down Vought. He gives us valuable insight into how not every supe is brainwashed and radicalized, and yet, we watch as his advocacy goes unnoticed and still punished.

He was a child star, a musician, and a true hero, but his power wasn’t in the limelight like Annie’s. Despite the obvious fame he had, he was supposed to be an encouraging voice in Annie’s head telling her that she’s not alone, and he served that purpose exactly.

Like literally every character we see get killed in this show, I just pretend they’re not actually dead and we’re going to get a Dawn of The Seven style “Avengers Assemble” moment for the finale, but yeah no, this flop’s dead.

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6 months ago

Analyzing The Abilities of Characters From The Boys Pt. XVII

Analyzing The Abilities Of Characters From The Boys Pt. XVII

💣Soldier Boy💣

Acting as a parody of Captain America, Soldier Boy exists as a manifestation of everything America needed post-WWII. Strong, durable, and dutiful, he maintained the persona of the perfect little soldier boy, who could endure both enemy fire and the passage of time without flinching or aging respectively.

However, in true The Boys fashion, he’s a charlatan. While he did serve in WWII, Stan Edgar even claiming he “killed Germans by the dozen”, the majority of his all American backstory detailing him as a war hero, barring in mind his pompous, macho persona, sounds too good to be entirely true.

While this post isn’t supposed to debate his true involvement in WWII, I find his unique reaction to V resulting in immortality to be a cruel twist of karmic irony. He appears to have little value for human life, being quick to resort to murder to settle scores with his old teammates. He’s so ruthless that when Black Noir, a seemingly apathetic and unfeeling indestructible superhuman, gets word that Soldier Boy’s been released from Russian confinement, he practically pleads for Homelander to give him a swift death so as not to die in tortured agony by Soldier Boy’s sadistic hand.

In total, I find it ironic that the soldier forced to kill and slaughter into oblivion with nothing but his PTSD and flashbacks as a testament to his body count, is condemned to an endless immortality. You almost want to mourn the man he could have been had he never been shot up with experimental V. He was a victim of verbal abuse from his father, feeling pressured into potentially dying in WWII just to prove something to him in hopes of finally making him proud. However, he did screw a nazi for years, so, meh.

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6 months ago

Analyzing The Abilities of Characters From The Boys Pt. XVIII

Analyzing The Abilities Of Characters From The Boys Pt. XVIII

🧨 Ryan Butcher🧨

An under-analyzed character from The Boys cast, Ryan is the son of The Homelander. Being the first official natural-born superhuman, I find it curious that Ryan was never injected with compound V. Even though none of the babies could have consented to being shot up with a potentially lethal drug, Ryan having a genomic affinity for world shattering power forms the basis of any Evil Superman story you can think of.

Ryan being the first, and really the only one of his kind, creates this distance between him and the other Supes. None of them chose this life, but Ryan was raised with powers he never got to explore nor understand, while he was sequestered away under the protection of Becca. Homelander’s reaction to this lack of self realization is heartbreaking to me, specifically because, unlike Homelander, Ryan was raised a human instead of an experiment. I find it almost insulting that Vought essentially propped Ryan up to have the exact backstory they fabricated for “John”: a quiet life in a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, à la Clark Kent’s origin story.

Ryan being this cookie cutter doppelgänger of his father creates this dynamic of showing the audience the hero Homelander could have been had he been raised by people instead of maniacal scientists in a lab. Additionally, it provides a bitter form of clarity on the nature of corruption. Given the circumstances that John went through, wouldn’t any and every baby grow up to be exactly like him? You can try to explain that you’re special or you’re different, but without any form of support system or human socialization, and between being baked alive and probed beginning at infancy, I doubt most people would be capable of maintaining their humanity.

I pray that Ryan is able to truly internalize that the deaths of Becca, the stunt actor, and even Grace weren’t truly his fault. I mean, if someone gave you superhuman strength as a preteen wouldn’t you have an alarmingly high body count by now? If you ask me, the kid’s doing good, all things considered…

I think the most valuable lesson you should take away from his character is the concept of chance. Anyone, given the circumstance, could have been either John or Ryan. Ryan has the *chance* his father didn’t to be a real hero, but whether he chooses power or mercy, is entirely up to chance.

*Butcher’s influence on Ryan is fascinating to me because, he’s a horrible role model. Butcher has just as horrible tendencies and selfish whims as Homelander, and yet, in Ryan’s eyes, is the more humane of the two purely because he’s just some guy. Now that Butcher can rival the strength of Homelander, and Ryan knows everything his father’s done, only time will tell how Ryan will begin to unpack his new perspective on Billy.*

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5 months ago

Analyzing The Abilities of Characters From The Boys

-Le Finale-

Analyzing The Abilities Of Characters From The Boys


Thank you to everyone who sat by and waited for this grand finale, it truly means a lot to me! You’re the heroes, truly! I added Superman by Ivory Layne because I associate it with America’s #1 Supe, plus I wanted to plug one of my all time favorite 2010s throwbacks.

I think Homelander’s “Evil Superman” pitch is definitely the main draw of the franchise, but I wish he wasn’t always shackled to that identity. He acts as an introspective analysis of the true evil of corruption on a radical/political level. I mean, the man was birthed in a lab and raised on straight looping American nationalist propaganda. He was essentially being hypnotized by Vought to be an All-American boy, and yet he turned out exactly like America itself; overpowered, inescapable, and caked in far too much makeup.

Homelander/John’s wide range of abilities stems directly from the versatile torture methods Vought used on him in infancy in order to rig the results of the V and produce the most amount of abilities. For example, my assumption is they would drop him, along with other flying Supes, from high places, and if they managed to float for survival they would grow up to be able to fly at dazzling speeds. This is based on the number of trials he endured, such as the oven he would be placed in for hours on end. He’s now invulnerable, but he had to quite literally be forged through flame to be so.

In addition to his range of abilities, the episode of Diabolical that depicts Black Noir feeding him his lesson on optics makes his inability to swiftly dispose of those who show no fear all the more reasonable. When he’s viewed as the monster he’s always been seen as (the whole “you ripped out of your mother and beamed through the bodies of the doctors in the room while flying like a scene from the exorcist” thing) he’s incentivized to be what they expect of him, almost like how he was taught to be what the masses wanted from him. The careful crafting and hardwiring of a monster stays, even though he’s subverting Vought’s benevolent persona.

When a character shows indifference or truly just a lack of terror, he spares them, deeply yearning for genuine human connection with an individual who doesn’t recoil from his advance. Whether it was Madeline, Stormfront, or Maeve, they all proved themselves to be fierce women who he had difficulty letting go of. Madeline in particular managed to survive up until the exact moment she admitted her fear of him, to which he incinerated through her skull with his laser vision.

Even when analyzing how he spares Hughie, Butcher, Annie, or the rest of The Boys, Homelander has ample opportunities to fly over and murder them all. He could kill them all in broad daylight and get away with it, but whether he’s consciously aware of it or not, he fully needs humans on this planet who know the truth about him and refuse to be afraid. The alternative would be too boring, and as I could imagine, horrifying. He doesn’t want to be a king, we see into his psyche too frequently to know he hates himself. He truly hates what he sees in the mirror, and masks it with a veneer of egotism until he eventually breaks down again. He wants people unafraid to challenge him, otherwise he would have used one of his several powers to slaughter The Boys ages ago. You may call it plot armor, but I think John needs someone to go blow for blow with. Butcherlander

John never had the chance to be human. He was directed how to be a god, and given the power to match. While every part of me sees him as the monster he is, rape and murder included, I almost feel like killing him wouldn’t be the karmic serve fans think it would be. I agree with the sentiment that he should be stripped of his power and condemned to live an average human life without access to Compound V (I like to imagine they’ll just blow up Vought tower in the finale, but we’ll see). His scenes with Ryan almost make me believe that he wants to be human, but he can never do that as the supervillain he is today. Maybe if he could try out being a human, he wouldn’t have to try and escape his humanity.

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9 months ago
Its Fucking Diabolical.

It’s fucking diabolical.

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9 months ago

im ngl joe kessler pissed me off fuck that man

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8 months ago

what should’ve happened in s7

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9 months ago
I Just Love This Karaoke Of Theirs In Episode 4

I just love this karaoke of theirs in episode 4

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9 months ago

🕳️TekNation wake up 🕳️

TekNation Wake Up
TekNation Wake Up
TekNation Wake Up
TekNation Wake Up

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8 months ago
I Almost Forgot To Post This

I almost forgot to post this

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7 months ago

Who is that man in your pfp

don't play w me right neow

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Is Anyone Else Excited For The Boys To Come Out On June 13? No? Just Me?

Is anyone else excited for the boys to come out on June 13? No? Just me?


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8 months ago
deviantlace - title

This scene is more funnier when you remember he became a writer before getting added back

you can see the pain in his eyes lmao

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8 months ago
deviantlace - title


Honestly, if they don’t have a scene together I’m not watch s5

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